Thursday, November 5, 2009
Bozell Announces 'Dewey Defeats Truman Awards' for 'Incompetent Political Reporting'
Subject: txt 1st msm =
WaPo's Marcus: 'Ignore the Hype,' Virginia Landslide Means Nothing
NBC's David Gregory Downplays GOP Wins on Today
ABC’s Stephanopoulos Spins NY 23 as a ‘Big Loss’ for Sarah Palin, Hits GOP ‘Civil War’
NYT: GOP Is Ripping Itself Apart & Off-Year Elections Don't Matter (Unless Dems Win)
"Last night was a triumph for the conservative movement and repudiation to those who said Republicans had to move away from the conservative ideology to achieve victory,"
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell declared today.
"I hereby grant the Dewey Defeats Truman Awards for the most incompetent political reporting of the year to the following journalists for their impeccably inept coverage"
Bozell noted in a press release earlier today before listing Politico's Mike Allen, CBS's Katie Couric, National Journal's Ron Brownstein, and the entire New York Times editorial board as the recipients of the (dis)honor.
"Congratulations for embarrassing yourselves, your news organizations and the industry for a backfire that only President Truman himself could truly appreciate"
For the full press release, including the quotes that were the catalysts for the Deweys, click here.
WaPo Warns GOP's 'Ideological Fissures Loom,' Sees No Similar Trouble For Dems
Subject: txt 2010 msm -
[Must not exist then.]
A divided party: Progressives threaten Democratic lawmakers
Today, MoveOn reports that it has received $2 million in pledges in less than 24 hours. "It's a clear sign of how angry progressives would be at any Democrat who helps filibuster reform," MoveOn executive director Justin Ruben writes in the new email...
Media Meme on NY-23 Dead Wrong, and the NY Times Proves It
Subject: txt 2010 msm -
If you've heard it once, you've heard it 1,000 times: the New York 23rd Congressional District (NY-23) has had a Republican incumbent since the 1870s. It's a helpful talking point for mainstream media types bent on portraying the Hoffman loss in the district last night as evidence of how the Republican mainstream has moved away from conservatism.
The only trouble with the talking point is it is patently false and the New York Times [yes, that NYT] proves it. (h/t's Stephen Gutowski)
[I.e, 17 Republican representatives since the civil war, most recently 1992 - but that didn't stop Pelosi from repeating the canard verbatim on TV).]
White House enemy Fox News pulls huge election day ratings
Subject: txt fnn msm 2010 -
If you followed the suspense of Tuesday's elections, odds are you landed on Fox News.
Fox News Channel absolutely crushed the other networks in prime-time election coverage ratings.
Between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. (8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern time), Fox News grabbed 4.04 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.
The other stations weren't even close.
MSNBC had 974,000 viewers. The CNN-owned HLN (previously CNN2 or CNN Headline News) had 842,000, and CNN trailed with 826,000.
Even with the CNN networks' combined 1.67 million viewers, it was still way behind Fox News in viewership.
Fox News even dominated in the younger 25-54 age demographic with 1.13 million. The three other networks combined don't even touch that number.
image toon - 2010 = Conservatism rises from grave
Somebody Slap Me
Subject: txt 1st fnn mny othr hstry -
Tell me if I have seen this before: Swine flu, Russian subs off the American coast, indecision toward Afghanistan, hot summers followed by cold winters. And then there is high unemployment and soon-to-be high inflation. Am I imagining things or is this a return to the 1970's?
Today, we have a president given to us by the Democratic Party, just like Jimmy Carter in the 1970's. Both followed increasingly unpopular wars, at least to the media. Both seemed to be novices, which the media deemed virtuous. Both have proven woefully inept at handling the demands of the office, but the media conveniently glosses over this fault.
Popular during the Carter years was a "survivalist" publication called Ruff Times. The end was near to the American way of life, according to Howard Ruff. It was time to head for the hills.
The only person who could put a stop to the bumbling incompetency of Jimmy Carter's presidency was Ronald Reagan...
[Then let's hope history does repeat itself {albeit likely with a skirt}.]
Obama Will Not Travel to Germany for 20th Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall
Subject: txt intl - twofer re

Behind Obama's Berlin Wall Snub
In his first year in office, Barack Obama has visited more foreign countries than any other president. He's touched ground in 16 countries, easily outpacing Bill Clinton (three) and George W. Bush (eleven). It's an itinerary befitting a "citizen of the world."

On the 20th anniversary of the last century's most stirring triumph of freedom, Obama is telling them,
"Ich bin beschäftigt"
- i.e., I'm busy.
Fall Of The Wall? U.S. Sends Regrets
Subject: txt intl -
Cold War: The White House has announced our absence at ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Meanwhile, Russia has been practicing a nuclear invasion of an abandoned Poland.
We need to press the reset button again, back to the days when American presidents stood in Berlin and echoed the cry of Scottish patriot William Wallace: "Freedom!"
Re-imposing totalitarian information control in Russia
The internet, Russia's last source of information free of state control is now under threat. Seizing control of internet freedom could be the next step in the re-imposition of totalitarianism in Russia.
Over the past decade, while proud KGB spy Vladimir Putin has held power, there have been two alarming trends.
First, the Russian government has taken control of all the traditional mass media organs. The Russian counterparts to ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The LA Times and The Washington Post are all directly owned and operated by the Russian government.
Second, one after another -- starting with legislator Galina Starovoitova and continuing to most recently include human rights activist Natalia Estemirova -- the Russian government's critics have been murdered. Needless to say, these killings have not been reported on the traditional mass media, much less has any complicity by the Kremlin been alleged.
The Kremlin's response to Western criticism of this neo-Soviet media crackdown has been singular: "Don't worry," we're told, because "the Russian Internet remains free and vibrant" and it picks up any slack left by the traditional media. Most recently, Russian "president" Dmitri Medvedev repeated this claim while being interviewed by CNN's milquetoast-in-chief, Fareed Zakaria, who let it pass without a word.
To put it bluntly, that claim is a shameless lie...
Putin tells Russian filmmakers to conquer foreign market
Subject: txt intl russia lbrty -'Prime Minister' Vladimir Putin Tuesday told Russia's top directors that Russian movies were not attracting big enough foreign audiences and the domestic film industry had to raise its game. Proving himself capable of talking tough on culture as well as politics, Putin said that despite state support Russian movies were not sufficiently popular abroad and therefore did not promote the country.
[No dictator here.]
Iran Raises Uranium Output as Photos Show Need for Wider Checks
Subject: txt gwot nsec israel -Satellite photos indicate that Iran has increased production at a uranium mine, underscoring the need for wider UN inspections to determine whether the country is trying to build a nuclear weapon. Evidence of stepped-up activity at the Gchine mine, near the Persian Gulf coast city of Bandar Abbas, is seen in pictures obtained by Bloomberg News and the Washington-based New America Foundation,
Al-Qaeda's Chicago Terror Plot
Subject: txt gwot -
Humour will be the legal defense in the future trial for a Chicago man arrested last week on suspicion of planning terrorist attacks in Denmark and India. The lawyer for Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, a Canadian national originally from Pakistan, claims his client thought the terrorist plot was all just a lark and that he was fooled by his friend and co-accused David Coleman Headley.
In a recent interview from a hideout in Waziristan, Kashmiri indicated this may be al Qaeda’s strategy. In response to a question whether there would be more Mumbai-like terrorist attacks against India, Kashmiri told a journalist:
“That was nothing compared to what has already been planned for the future.”
READ MORE Communism, Today Radical Islam
Subject: txt islm -As we mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the emphasis should not be on speeches and ceremonies but rather on the lessons of the fall of communism for the war on terror. Although they seem different — one claims to be religious whereas the other was, supposedly, a perfect science — communism and political Islam are essentially the same. Both are radical ideologies that divide the world into the elect.
Replacing Black Power With Militant Islam
Subject: txt islm -
Even with the age of Obama dawning, for too many black Americans life is still fraught with the same old “us against them” sort of thinking. Where once militant blacks paraded in pseudo military garb claiming the mantle of “black power” and patterning themselves as “panthers” thrusting an angry fist into the air, now they cling to the separatist ideals of militant Islam...
Climate change belief given same legal status as religion
Subject: txt grn bdd - bbro -An executive has won the right to sue his employer on the basis that he was unfairly dismissed for his green views after a judge ruled that environmentalism had the same weight in law as religious and philosophical beliefs. In a landmark ruling, Mr Justice Michael Burton said that "a belief in man-made climate change ... is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief...
In a landmark ruling, Mr Justice Michael Burton said that "a belief in man-made climate change ... is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief for the purpose of the 2003 Religion and Belief Regulations".
The ruling could open the door for employees to sue their companies for failing to account for their green lifestyles, such as providing recycling facilities or offering low-carbon travel...
Historical Perspective re: Sea Level
Subject: txt grn -
"Greenland and West Antarctica are such massive amounts of ice each one of would lead to a six to seven metre increase in sea level if it were to melt... Each one metre of sea level rise is associated with 100 million climate refugees in the world."
Source: Global Warming Art, prepared by Robert A. Rohde from published data. Similar graphs appear in NASA and Canadian government sources.
Approximate sea level rise since the last ice age (20,000 years): 400 feet (120 meters). (See above chart.)
Estimated sea level rise from 1880 to 2000 (120 years): less than 8 inches (0.2 meters).
Predicted sea level rise from 1990 to 2090 (100 years): 7 inches (0.18 meters).
[I.e., same as it ever was.]
Source: The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007, Table SPM.1.
Boxer Breaks Climate Bill Committee Rules Two Days Running
Subject: txt grn crpt reps libs cali -Apparently, rules don’t apply to zealots-with-gavels convinced they were put on this planet to secure its salvation. Lacking a single occupied Republican seat in the room, Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee chair Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has nonetheless moved markup of the climate bill she cosponsors ahead for a second straight day. And in doing so, the ever-arrogant eco-crusader appears to be walking a thin green legal line.
So here we are at the second day of Kerry-Boxer markup and the second day Boxer chose to proceed without GOP representation, despite committee rules requiring two members of the minority be present in order to provide a quorum for a markup.
From a layman’s reading, one would surmise that although the bill can be reported out of committee with even less than a majority, at least 2 Republicans need be present to consider any amendments. In which case, Boxer’s decision to continue markup sessions without minority representation would be as illegal as it is unprecedented.
Gore's Profits Of Doom
Subject: txt grn -Junk Science: The oracle of climate disaster has a new book out on global warming that should be on the fiction list. He asks us to commit economic suicide while he rakes in millions from his green investments.
'Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis," Al Gore's sequel to his 2006 tome "An Inconvenient Truth," came out Tuesday. Printed on recycled paper using low-VOC (volatile organic compound) ink, it will undoubtedly be a best seller to his acolytes.
What Americans need to realize is that he is advocating policies based on junk science that, while he enriches himself, will devastate the American economy, causing huge losses in jobs, economic growth and GDP... [snip]
The American consumer and taxpayer are on the wrong end of his green Ponzi scheme. Somewhere, Bernie Madoff is smiling...
[Despite the hundreds of trillions we're speaking of, the monetary costs pales in comparison to what such a state-run religion will do to our individual liberties, as we hand government the means to control all activity as it sees fit...]
Health Care Bill Regulate Snack Machines at Cost of $56 Million First Year
Subject: txt 1st hcare lbrty sclm bbro bdd -
The House health-care reform plan unveiled last week by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would do more than regulate insurance companies [SURPRISE] – it would even regulate vending machines.The bill, which is posted online, would require that vending machine operators either create new machines that allow the customer to view nutrition facts or post nutritional information for each product near ''each article of food or the selection button.''
[Are we really foolish enough to let these folks 'manage' our health care?]
AARP To EndorseHouse Health Bill
Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt bdd - Report:[Despite overwhelming senior opposition to it.
It's not about health care, it's about bilking the American people of their money and their liberties]
House Conservatives Break With GOP Leaders in Fight Against ObamaCare
Subject: txt 1st hcare 2010 -
Republican leadership, at all levels, should have learned a quick lesson about the mood of America’s conservatives from the Dede Scozzafava debacle in upper New York state.
Unfortunately, the GOP House Leadership [seems to get its 'news' from TV, and so] might need some remedial instruction.And a group of conservative Republican lawmakers met Tuesday to draft that lesson plan.
Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been one of the more vocal opponents of ObamaCare...
[But they will not be able to stop this juggernaut alone....]