Re: Sunday's Unsolicited Opinion
Very surprised at the amount of feedback to yesterday's 'special' sending given how many of you receive your Briefs at work. Also gratified by its mostly (nobody bats 1000) appreciative tenor - thank you all.
Re: reposting it again today so 'everyone' gets it; unnecessary: yesterday's sending was to the full distribution. However it can be found HERE, and forwarded by cut-&-pasting or as always by sending a link-back with the little white envelope at the lower-left of the piece.
Thanks again
Monday, October 27, 2008
Meet the people who are going to put Obama in office
This is really incredible. It stunned Ben Smith over at Politico where I got these quotes. It floored a GOP consultant who conducted the focus group where the people were quoted.
And it is perhaps the single most depressing thing I've read this entire campaign season:
The GOP consultant emailed Smith about a focus group he just finished conducting. Evidently, he showed a hard hitting ad on Ayers to the group and this was the email he sent:
Reagan Dems and Independents. Call them blue-collar plus. Slightly more Target than Walmart.For the first time, I really feel scared about the future. These people are like the Germans in the election of 1933. They know what's coming but they don't care. Back then, all they cared about was that Hitler was going to give them a job and keep their lunch pails full. And stick it to the Jews. And restore Germany's "rightful place" in the world. They knew full well that Hitler would destroy the independent unions, crack down on dissent, and turn Germany from a very free country into a fascist dictatorship.
Yes, the spot worked. Yes, they believed the charges against Obama. Yes, they actually think he's too liberal, consorts with bad people and WON'T BE A GOOD PRESIDENT...but they STILL don't give a f***. They said right out, "He won't do anything better than McCain" but they're STILL voting for Obama.
The two most unreal moments of my professional life of watching focus groups:
54 year-old white male, voted Kerry '04, Bush '00, Dole '96, hunter, NASCAR fan...hard for Obama said: "I'm gonna hate him the minute I vote for him. He's gonna be a bad president. But I won't ever vote for another god-damn Republican. I want the government to take over all of Wall Street and bankers and the car companies and Wal-Mart run this county like we used to when Reagan was President."
The next was a woman, late 50s, Democrat but strongly pro-life. Loved B. and H. Clinton, loved Bush in 2000. "Well, I don't know much about this terrorist group Barack used to be in with that Weather guy but I'm sick of paying for health insurance at work and that's why I'm supporting Barack."
I felt like I was taking crazy pills. I sat on the other side of the glass and realized...this really is the Apocalypse. The Seventh Seal is broken and its time for eight years of pure, delicious crazy....
Part of this is McCain's fault. He bought into that populist crap about greedy Wall Street. Well, so as ye sow, so shall ye reap. And we're about to reap the whirlwind.
In this kind of atmosphere any kind of a government is possible. And I don't know if Obama can resist the kind of raw power these nincompoops are willing to give him. Who could?
You need a license to own a dog but any fool can vote.
Another Communist in Obama’s Orb
Meet Michael Klonsky, Obama's "social justice" education expert
With what little media oxygen there has been sucked out by the largely uninformative discussion of Ayers (and his wife and Weather Underground ally, Bernadine Dohrn) — in which the mantra “unrepentant terrorist” has been a pale substitute for the critical matter of the Ayers’s ideology that Obama plainly shares — much has been missed. Significantly, that includes another key Obama contact, Mike Klonsky.
Here’s what you need to know. Klonsky is an unabashed communist whose current mission is to spread Marxist ideology in the American classroom. Obama funded him to the tune of nearly $2 million. Obama, moreover, gave Klonsky a broad platform to broadcast his ideas: a “social justice” blog on the official Obama campaign website.
To be clear, as it seems always necessary to repeat when Obamaniacs, in their best Saul Alinsky tradition, shout down the opposition: This is not about guilt by association. The issue is not that Obama knows Klonsky … or Ayers … or Dohrn … or Wright … or Rashid Khalidi …
The issue is that Obama promoted and collaborated with these anti-American radicals. The issue is that he shared their ideology...
Chgo Sun-Times: McCain 'Treats His Rival Like a Field N-----'
The Chicago Sun-Times treats us to Andrew Greeley's thoughtful analysis, "Palin, McCain stir up storm of ugly racism." Greeley begins:
"South Pacific" is a morality play for our time. Sarah Palin is the Ensign Nellie Forbush -- an All-American girl as racist, this time a racist with her eye on the White House. She can stir up crowds to shout "Kill him!" at the mention of the presidential candidate of the other party a couple of weeks before the national election.And later:
Playing the race card explicitly merely guarantees what I have thought from the beginning -- racism in this country precludes the possibility of a sepia-colored man becoming president. However, the last-ditch attack on him guarantees that McCain and Palin will be blamed as the candidates who were content to hear crowds calling for the death of Obama.Then Greeley completes his trip around the bend:
McCain increasingly acts like an angry, befuddled cancer survivor and treats his rival like a field n----- who is just barely human.Greeley writes a column of commentary. He's entitled to his own opinion - as twisted as it may be - but he's not entitled to his own facts.
Greeley contends the GOP is "playing the race card explicitly." But when did either McCain or Palin introduce race into the campaign? Liberals hate to acknowledge it, but Obama is the only candidate brining the subject up.
It was Obama who said: “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?'"
It was Obama who said: "So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they’re going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he’s not patriotic enough. He’s got a funny name. You know, he doesn’t look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills, you know."
In attacking McCain and Palin for alleged racism, Greeley himself employs the most hurtful term in the racist lexicon, the n-word.
It's becoming more apparent as Election Day draws closer, that for Obamatons any iota of opposition to The One can only be explained by virulent racism. The derangement syndrome rages on.
The Real Threat of Censorship
Since losing power in 1994, the Left has been making ugly noises about what would happen when it regained power. The “fairness doctrine” has been bandied about, but that is not what should alarm us most. The rise of this Frankenstein is specifically directed at conservative talk radio. In other words, the Left does not believe or does not care about the Leftist unfairness of every other medium in our nation: NPR, PBS, television news, television entertainment, public schools, academia, and library systems.
How, in the world, can any honest and moral person think that rampant bias for the Left is fine not only in public radio but also in public television, but think that private radio is a threat to democracy? How can any honest and moral person think that bias for the Left in the news reporting and, more critically, in the entertainment within a highly subliminal and ubiquitous medium like television is fine, but think talk radio, which deals in the spoken word and not images, is more of a threat to democracy when it has an opinion expressed?
Serious advocates of government mandated fairness – a horrible idea, but horrible ideas can still have serious advocates – should make their case by first exploring and condemning all bias in all sources of information and opinion that rely upon direct or indirect government support. These advocates should condemn the thought control efforts on most college campuses, the ideological bigotry in taxpayer funded television and radio, and the fact that not only do nearly all television networks have the safe Leftist bias, but they deny the corporate wrongdoing of their nominal corporate rivals (if CNN and MSNBC are truly rivals, then why has CNN not savaged MSNBC for its blatant bias?)
The Left does not seriously advocate government mandated fairness. In fact, the Left strongly supports unfairness in every source of information and opinion we receive. It pushes journalism schools to turn out “advocates” instead of reporters; it applauds the most absurd and scurrilous films as “cutting edge;” it gives prizes and awards to the least open minded people.
Now, the Obama campaign has taken the next logical step. Obama troops openly seek to censor campaign ads critical of Obama by threatening private lawsuits and, much more dangerously, punitive actions by public prosecutors against anyone who, in their partisan opinion, does not tell the truth about Obama. The Left now seeks openly to shut up not only those voices who operate on the public airways, like talk radio, but it seeks to shut up any voices who challenge their positions.
It is impossible to overstate the danger of this sort of militancy. Even the pretense of freedom has been shoved aside. The notion of open discussion is in the garbage can. Only one opinion counts, and that is the opinion of the Leader – Barack Obama. We witnessed a bit of this within the Democrat Party earlier: When Republicans crossed over to vote for Obama, Democrats openly menaced this free exercise of a constitutional prerogative of expression. Opposing Obama has, almost, become a crime to some Leftists.
The Left has ended a long journey. When the radical Left consisted largely of Communist Party members, opinion and speech were utterly regulated. The Party Line not only governed what people actually wrote and said, but it was intended to also govern how party members thought. As an example, when Stalin and Hitler became allies in August 1939, the Far Left’s opposition to National Socialism vanished. Those who supported Churchill and Britain against Hitler became “warmongers” and efforts to support the military in America were opposed (the first Leftist opposition to ROTC on campuses was during this period, when training military officers at universities meant building up American military power to oppose Nazi Germany.) Only a few Communists resigned from the Party; most stayed and followed orders. Censorship was the modus operandi of the Far Left, and it seemed normal to Party members.
Academia has long been filled with very real censorship. Scientists who challenge the intellectual viability of evolution by natural selection are denied tenure, fired, or otherwise harassed. Pity the professor who questions the dogma of global warming. The ideologically scripted history of the Cold War is immune to the Venona decryptions, the revelations from Kremlin archives, or even confessions of Soviet spies decades after their crimes.
More frighteningly, speech codes and the very term “politically incorrect” have been formally adopted by college administrations as the proper way to speak, to write, and to think. Coercion, not persuasion, has become the preferred means of advancing Leftism. Why then should we be so surprised that partisans in political campaigns now find the Left menacing them for politically incorrect versions of truth?
What will prevent the Left from enforcing censorship on America? Scruples? The Left already lies without remorse. Justice? The Duke Lacrosse Team and Scooter Libby can tell you how little justice means to the Left when politics is at issue. Freedom? The ugly reality is that the Left does not believe in any kind of freedom - the socialism of Leftism always presupposed that economic “security” trumped economic freedom, but Leftism cannot and does not try to limit its hatred of freedom to only one sphere of life. All the Left does, really, is punish those who challenge it.
Now that Leftist lust for control, that will to enslave, that intention to crush any rival to Leftist power is dangerously brazen and critically close to becoming real. If that happens, if an Obama Administration led by a lockstep Leftist Congress could wield federal power to genuinely stifle the voice of oppression. An assumption that people who have shown no restraint at all in their pursuit of power would not take the last, bitter, necessary step toward the sort of control which the Left once exercised is an error.
Perhaps, for us, it may be the most tragic error in the history of our republic.
indoctrinate U on TV

The Documentary Channel will be showing "Indoctrinate U"
as part of its "Controversy in America" series.
Airtimes are:
Monday, October 27th : 09:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Tuesday, October 28th: Midnight - 01:30 AM
(Starts after midnight Monday)
Saturday, November 1st: 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Sunday, November 2nd: 02:00 AM - 03:30 AM
Tuesday, November 4th: 03:00 AM - 04:30 AM
(All times Eastern U.S.)
The Documentary Channel is available on satellite and many cable
systems nationwide. Check your provider for channel information.
The schedule is subject to change. For the most up-to-date list of
airtimes, visit:
To find out more about "Indoctrinate U," go to:
Liberal Activist on California Prop 8: If Only Lots of Old Voters Died Before Election
If only elderly voters in California would die off in large enough numbers before November 4, then the final nail could be hammered in the coffin of California Proposition 8, a ballot initiative that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. That according to liberal activist Kristina Wilfore, the executive director of the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, "an advocacy organization that specializes in using ballot initiatives to further liberal causes." Her comments were buried deep inside Michael Lindenberger's October 21 item at
Wilfore says she's prepared to take the long view in California
"I am not going to be discouraged if we lose," she says. Victory will come over time in the courts, as demographics works its influence on the nation's voting patterns, she says, noting that young people support gay marriage far more than their parents and grandparents do. "A lot of people are going to have to die" before Election Day is an easy day for gay marriage, she says.
["victory will come over time in the courts" - here's the legitimate crisis we need rectify]
S&P slashes New York Times rating to junk
Standard & Poor's on Thursday slashed its ratings on the New York Times Co (NYT.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) into junk territory and cited concerns about the newspaper publisher's revenue outlook, after it posted a third-quarter loss. Moody's Investors Service also said it may follow the move, adding the publisher faces risks in refinancing its debt.
Online Divorcee Jailed After Killing Virtual Hubby
TOKYO (AP) -- A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday. (Snip) The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.