Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Utah eminent domain law more than a 'Message Bill'
Subject: txt lbrty gdd bbro sclm 1st -
A bill signed last week by Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) authorizing the state to take federal land by eminent domain could induce other Western states to try to reclaim their own national monuments and landmarks, eventually opening them for energy production and other development.
Utah lawmakers say they have contacted representatives in Arizona, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming about adopting similar legislation in their states, with the goal of taking the issue to the Supreme Court...
Media Myth Debunked: More People Agree With Tea Party's Views Than Obama's
Subject: txt 1st 2010 - msm -As media members work overtime to convince the public that Tea Partiers are racist, homophobic, right-wing extremists, a new poll finds that more people agree with the views of the growing movement than President Obama's?
Will so-called journalists, if they even pay attention to this revelation, just conclude that such folks are also racists?
Ponder as you review the summary of a just-released Rasmussen poll:
Easter, MSNBC-Style: Crucifix Juxtaposed With Man Hooded in White
Subject: txt 1st msm - bdd vals libs - What Bias? Re:
Of all the images to accompany its Facebook feature on "Easter observances and celebrations from around the world," MSNBC chose the one displayed here. As it turns out, the man hooded in white is a participant in a traditional Easter procession in northern Spain. But how many readers will click through all the images to discover that? How many more will assume, as did I until informed otherwise, that it was a Klansman?
Panel: Justice stonewalling on Panthers
Subject: txt crpt libs bbro -President Obama or Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should declare publicly whether executive privilege has been invoked in the Justice Department's refusal to release documents showing why voter-intimidation charges against the New Black Panther Party were dismissed, says the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Internet taxation is on the way
Subject: txt lbrty mny sclm bbro -
The Obama Era has become a protracted, nightmarish Whack-A-Mole game of tax increases and bureaucratic self-enlargement. In sector after sector of American life, another scheme to expand government and wrench more earnings from Americans' pockets pops up. Its next targeted sector? The Internet. Take a look at the following introduction of a nationwide tax upon Internet goods and services, inserted within page 58 of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) National Broadband Plan...
Obama will now have his private army
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro -
Of course, SEC. 430, Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps. lists in detail the commissioned Regular Corps and Ready Reserve Corps that will be trained up, fired up, lined up and controlled by Obama himself. Naturally the purpose for this army is to stand by in case they are needed at short notice for a national health emergency or emergency response missions. The health bill talks specifically about their routine training and appointment by the President...
The president’s habit of telling untruths
Subject: txt 2010 libs bdd othr -Here’s how predictable the president’s slippery relationship with the truth has become: Hours before the State of the Union address, Washington Examiner reporter Timothy P. Carney posted a “pre-emptive fact check” that, among other things, prebutted any presidential claim to have “stopped the revolving door between government and corporate lobbying.”
As it happened, that night Barack Obama made an even bolder (read: less truthful) claim: that “we’ve excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs.” In fact, more than 40 former lobbyists work in the administration...
Obama's Russian Disaster
Subject: txt intl nsec russia -The point of President Barack Obama's much-ballyhooed "reset" of relations with Vladimir Putin's Russia was simple: Get Russia to stop supporting American enemies and use its influence to reduce the threat of nuclear terror being rained down on the West by the world's rogue regimes.
Obama was ready, willing, and able to betray Russian human rights activists by selling American values down the river in order do get this deal done, and he promptly gave them the cold shoulder. He was even willing to totally ignore Russia's horrific problem of race murder and its invasion of tiny Georgia for imperial conquest.
Last week, Obama learned the wisdom of Ronald Reagan's famous advice on Russia: "Trust, but verify."Despite Obama's gifts, including a unilateral withdrawal of the Bush anti-ballistic missile plan for Eastern Europe, Putin traveled to Venezuela, shook hands with a beaming Hugo Chávez, and announced (video here) that Russia would provide Chávez with both a nuclear energy capacity and a rocket program, the same as it has done for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran.
Ukraine scraps NATO accession plans
Subject: txt nsec intl owg russia -The Ukrainian president has dissolved the commission which was to work towards NATO membership. It's the latest move to abandon the pro-western stance of the 'Orange Revolution' and re-establish ties with Russia. Since the election of Viktor Yanukovych in February, Ukraine has made no secret of its intention to abandon its goal of joining NATO.
[Power vacuums are always filled.]
U.S. allies find Obama a frosty friend
Subject: txt gwot iran nsec -Hillary Clinton, America's secretary of state, was in Canada the other day. She criticized Ottawa for not inviting Aboriginal groups to a meeting on the Arctic, and for not including the facilitation of abortion in the Canadian government's "maternal health" initiative to developing countries.
These might seem curious priorities for the global superpower at a time of war, but, with such a full plate over at the State Department, it's no wonder that peripheral matters like Iranian nuclear deadlines seem to fall by the wayside...
Stoned in Iran, Snubbed in Hollywood: How PC Buried 'Soraya M.'
Subject: txt gwot islm - msm bdd vals libs -
"The Stoning of Soraya M." is set in an Iranian village in 1986. The woman is the victim of Sharia law. It addresses misogyny, injustice, human rights abuses and narrow religiosity. It is anti-violence and deeply pro-life, in the broadest sense of the term. In short, as The Weekly Standards Stephen F. Hayes wrote, "it is an important film," and it should have received attention from the people who like to think of films as important. But the people who control Hollywood's most prestigious awards ignored it...
Connect the Dots on CAIR’s Foreign Funding and Lobbying at CAIRObservatory.org
Subject: txt islm -
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), claims to be “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group.” But that’s a myth. As we reported here on BigGovernment.com last fall, only 1% of CAIR’s latest reported revenues actually came from Muslim American members.
Meanwhile foreign donors have given CAIR over $6,000,000 million in cash and loans, and over $50,000,000 in pledges. That’s 1% from American members; tens of millions from Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.
Shouldn’t there be a law to let the American public know the truth about CAIR and their foreign donors?
Canada Defunds a Terror- Supporting U.N. “Agency”
Subject: txt israel owg -Frontpge Interview’s guest today is Asaf Romirowsky, a Senior Fellow at the Endowment for Middle East Truth and an associate fellow at the Middle East Forum.
To an outsider, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) seems to be a UN humanitarian group aiding Palestinian refugees. In reality however, it helps destroy the chances of Arab-Israeli peace, promotes terrorism, and holds back Palestinian society from ever achieving statehood...
White House Denies Charges of Caving to China on Currency
Subject: txt intl china trade -A prominent Democratic senator on Sunday suggested that the Obama administration was letting China slide on possible currency manipulation in exchange for help on Iran sanctions -- something the White House flatly denied. Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter, reacting to news that the White House was delaying its report to Congress on whether China is manipulating its currency, told "Fox News Sunday" he's concerned the administration could be missing a chance to help U.S. workers get on a level playing field...
Glimmer of Hope: CNN Suggests Democratic Economic Policy Could Create 'Jobless Welfare State'
Subject: txt mny -
Democratic congressional efforts to steer the economy not working as advertised. The $787-billion stimulus passed back in early 2009 failed to curb unemployment as promised, and there are other risks of putting a blind trust in government to solve the nation's economic woes.
And to give credit where credit is due, CNN's Christine Romans is pointing these risks out. On the April 5 broadcast of "CNN Newsroom" hosted by Ali Velshi, Romans was asked about the politics of extending unemployment benefits, which were held up through the Easter recess by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. According to Romans, there is a tug-of-war going on in the Senate.
"The Senate Democrats say they are going to plug ahead and plow forward," Romans said. "The issue here is the same issue as last month basically. You have some Republicans - one in particular, Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma - saying, ‘Look, we've got to be able to pay for this. Let's pay for it. Let's do it. It's the right thing to do to help people. Let's find a way to pay for it.' And you have Democrats who are saying, ‘No, this is emergency spending. This is an emergency. The jobless situation is an emergency. Let's just do it right now quickly without finding another way to pay for it.'
The New Health Care Bill is a Jobs Killer
Subject: txt hcare -President Obama touted the health care bill as a jobs creator and a vehicle for economic growth. Yet not even a week passed before U.S. businesses started warning about the new law's costs. Don’t expect business to boom as a result of this new healthcare reform legislation. Many companies will need to spend their money, not on job creation, but on new federal taxes...
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama!
Subject: txt hcare msm -Not since Clark Kent changed in a phone booth has there been an instant image makeover to match Barack Obama’s in the aftermath of his health care victory. “He went from Jimmy Carter to F.D.R. in just a fortnight,” said one of the “Game Change” authors, Mark Halperin, on MSNBC. “Look at the steam in the man’s stride!” exclaimed Chris Matthews. “Is it just me, or does Barack Obama seem different since health care passed?” wrote Peter Beinart in The Daily Beast, which, like The Financial Times, ran an illustration portraying the gangly president as a newly bulked-up Superman.
[HT:LDot: "Any thinking, informed individual should be aware of what Frank Rich actually writes. We're sorry. Hold nose. Read fast."]
Pay Attention Parents: It's Almost Earth Day!
Subject: txt grn edu msm -Few adults may know it, but kids across the country are about to celebrate a holiday: Earth Day, which is April 22. Schools will take a break from normal instruction to discuss the importance of preserving the environment.
That may sound like a harmless activity, but too often Earth Day becomes a platform for pushing an ideological brand of environmentalism.
Parents need to pay attention and ask their children's teachers what's their plans are for Earth Day. Unlike most holidays, Earth Day expressly focuses on youth...
Classroom Gore: Global Warming Goes to School
Subject: txt grn edu -
A national campaign was launched today to get public schools that have shown Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to give equal time to the opposing view of global warming.
A judge in England ruled in 2007 than "An Inconvenient Truth" had nine significant errors in it and was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change...
"I don't think political propaganda belongs in schools, especially the younger grades," Katz said. "Unfortunately, so much of what passes for environmental education has very little to do about facts about the environment and has to do with the government control of our property and every other aspect of our lives. ... I don't think any of that stuff should be school material. No matter what side the filmmakers are coming from, I don't think any of that stuff belongs in the classroom."
Katz criticized school systems that have shown the Gore film.
"It says that whatever curriculum oversight there is, it is pretty poor," Katz said. "Obviously, it is predisposed to this green dogma."
Obama Spares Us From Energy Independence; Ignorant MSM Cheers
Subject: txt engry msm -President Obama this week announced that his administration would ease-up on the long moratorium on offshore drilling for oil and natural gas. Congress may not have made up its collective mind on the issue but some in the American media have made their positions clear. Observe if you will this headline from the April 1 edition of the Miami Herald:
Here’s a parallel line from a story on the website of KEYT-TV in Santa Barbara, California:
Rather than news coverage heralding how one area or another will be “spared “ from offshore drilling, I’d rather see coverage on how offshore drilling can spare us all from the problems caused by surrendering American energy independence...
POLL: 72% Support Offshore Drilling
Subject: txt engry -Voters support offshore oil drilling more than ever, and most don’t agree with President Obama’s decision to limit where that drilling can be done.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of U.S. voters believe offshore oil drilling should be allowed. Just 12% disagree and oppose such drilling, with another 16% who aren’t sure. This is the highest level of support for drilling found in nearly three years of surveying.
The Greatest Crime
Subject: txt immig - Obama’sPresident Barack Obama’s greatest crime against our flag and the republic for which it stands isn’t his administration’s health-care theft bill. That’s mere shoplifting compared to what’s coming next.
Obama and the leftwing of the Democratic Party intend to turn ten to eleven million illegal immigrants into voters as expeditiously as possible, giving them a permanent national electoral majority based upon a beholden Lumpenproletariat.
If they succeed, our country will face mob rule...
White House Won't Rule Out That Obama Will Sign Other Bills--Such As Immigration Reform--That Are Not Put to Yea-or-Nay Votes in Both Houses
Subject: txt immig hcare crpt -
The White House declined on Thursday to rule out that President Barack Obama might sign future legislation, such as an immigration reform measure, that has not been put to a recorded yea-or-nay vote in both houses of Congress. CNSNews.com asked White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs about the possibility of the president doing so because of a prospective lawsuit that Landmark Legal Foundation President Mark Levin has prepared to file against the president if he signs a health care bill that has not been passed by a direct recorded yea-or-nay vote in the House of Representatives.
DANA PERINO: Where's the Outrage Over What Just Happened to Student Loans?
Subject: txt edu -So, here we are -- with a majority of Americans feeling distinctly un-American as a partisan takeover of health care was engineered last weekend. But do Americans realize that Congress just took over student loans as well? Unlikely.
Now, not only will government increasingly be making decisions about individuals' health care, but students will also have to deal exclusively with the government...
CNN Recites Party-Line of the Fed's Student-Loan Takeover, Neglects Consequences
Subject: txt msm bias edu lbrty -
Overshadowed in the ObamaCare shenanigans the past few weeks are provisions weaved into the Democratic health bill that would require all federal student loans to originate with the government - the largest overhaul in decades. On the morning after the House passed the legislation, CNN Newsroom's Kyra Phillips did dedicate just thirty-four seconds to the government take-over of the student loan program. "The measure also reaches beyond health care to education. Another one of President Obama's top priorities - it will offer new help to needy college students," Phillips stated.
CNN's report cited a study saying the move would "help" students and save taxpayers' costs. But, according to ASLP's website, although the cost of all entitlement spending increased by 52 percent from 1991-2003, the cost of the private sector program declined by 100 percent.
"If the federal government is given responsibility for making and administering all loans, there the quality of service in loan administration could be poor, presenting challenges for borrowers and colleges,"
The Heritage Foundation's Dan Lipps wrote in 2009.
And just as all government projections should be taken with a grain-of-salt (if that), the White House estimate cited by Phillips does little to arouse much confidence. Since 2001, the FFELP actually returned more than $12 billion to the Treasury (due to faulty government estimates), and in every year since 1997 the Government Accountability Office found that the Direct Loan program spent more than it collected in fees and interest.
More than 500 schools have left the Direct Loan program to return to private sector programs.
Junk food 'as addictive as heroin and smoking'
Subject: txt bbro lbrty - bdd vals -American researchers found burgers, chips and sausages programmed a human brain into craving even more sugar, salt and fat laden food. Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida found laboratory rats became addicted on a bad diet just like people who became dependent on cocaine and heroin. While the findings cannot be directly transferred to human obesity, it found that overconsumption of high-calorie food triggered addiction-like responses in the brain...
[And now that our health is everyone's business...]
CBS Touts Soda Tax As 'Good for Waistline and Bottom Line'
Subject: txt vals lbrty msm bbro - What Bias? Re:
Concluding a report on proposed soda taxes across the country on Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller gleefully proclaimed how such a tax would help fight obesity and fill local government coffers:
"New York's mayor estimates a tax would raise a billion dollars, suggesting what's good for the waistline could be good for the bottom line."
Name That Party: In Birmingham, Ala. Democratic Mayor's Sentencing for 60 Felonies
Subject: txt which party msm bias fnn -Former Birmingham, Alabama mayor Larry Langford (pictured at right in AP photo), who is a Democrat, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Friday for bribery.
As has sadly come to be expected, the same cannot be said for the Associated Press. Though it eventually got around to identifying two associates of Langford as "former Democratic Party" officials, it avoided tagging Langford.
In the process, the wire service may have set a "Name That Party" record for most felony convictions (60) handed to a politician whose party affiliation was never identified...
Caution! Scantily-clad hazard ahead: Italian prostitutes get own road sign to warn motorists
Some might say that the image of a well-endowed woman in mini-skirt and high heels is, in itself, a hazard.
Giovanni Azzolini, mayor of Mogliano in the Italian province of Treviso, however is determined to use every means to fight the growing number of prostitutes – often transsexuals – who line the streets at night.
‘I will not leave any citizen alone to combat this phenomenon, which has by now surpassed any level of tolerability,’
he said.
He added that some motorists were having accidents after being distracted by scantily-dressed hookers.