Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance
Subject: txt 1st hcare bbro sclm lbrty -
During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Jake Tapper today, President Obama said that penalties are appropriate for people who try to “free ride” the health care system:
“What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don't, you're subject to some penalty.."
Dems Rejected 11 Amendments Requiring Congress to Enroll in Gov’t-Run Health Plan
Subject: txt 1st hcare reps libs -
Congressional critics of the health care bill said they offered the 11 amendments – including some that would require the president, vice president, and Supreme Court justices to give up their Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) to enroll in the ‘public option’ or Medicaid – to showcase the problems with the massive legislation.
“If Congress forces our constituents into a public option plan over time, then members of Congress should be expected to do the same,”
Rep. Howard McKeon (R-Calif.) told
U.S. swine flu response dismal at best
Subject: txt 1st hcare -Few seem to want to say so, but this nation has mounted a dismal response to the swine flu epidemic. By dismal I mean this: There’s not nearly enough swine vaccine to go around, there are conflicted messages about when the doses and antiviral supplies will arrive and half of all Americans are reporting they are too afraid to get the vaccine even if they are able to find it.
[Another single-program {like cash-for-clunkers} the government proves inept at managing. Health care anyone?]
Confessions of an ObamaCare Backer
Subject: txt 1st hcare -The typical argument for ObamaCare is that it will offer better medical care for everyone and cost less to do it, but occasionally a supporter lets the mask slip and reveals the real political motivation. So let's give credit to John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker, who wrote last week on its Web site that "it's important to be clear about what the reform amounts to."
Mr. Cassidy is more honest than the politicians whose dishonesty he supports. "The U.S. government is making a costly and open-ended commitment," he writes. "Let's not pretend that it isn't a big deal, or that it will be self-financing, or that it will work out as being portrayed. It won't. What is really unfolding, I suspect, is the scenario that many conservatives feared. The Obama Administration . . . is creating a new entitlement program, which, once established, will be virtually impossible to rescind."
Why are they doing it? Because, according to Mr. Cassidy, ObamaCare serves the real goal of furthering the Democrats' "political calculus." In other words, the purpose is to further redistribute income by putting health care further under government control, and in the process making the middle class more dependent on government. As the party of government, Democrats will benefit over the long run.
This explains why Nancy Pelosi is willing to risk the seats of so many Blue Dog Democrats by forcing such an unpopular bill through Congress on a narrow, partisan vote: You have to break a few eggs to make a permanent welfare state. As Mr. Cassidy concludes, "Putting on my amateur historian's cap, I might even claim that some subterfuge is historically necessary to get great reforms enacted."
No wonder many Americans are upset. They know they are being lied to about ObamaCare, and they know they are going to be stuck with the bill.
We demand all the facts
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm -The first thing a journalist — I mean a real journalist — would do is tell you what actually happened. Like this: an American officer shot dead 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas on Friday. Then the second thing a journalist — a real one — would do is to try to explain why.
You know, to help you make sense of this, and to help stop such a terrible thing from happening again.
This information was kept from the public for fear, I assume, that you might get the "wrong" idea - just as SBS after the September 11 attacks destroyed tape it had of the then mufti of Australia praising suicide bombers in his mosque, telling me it feared you might reach an "unfair" conclusion about this hate-preaching jihadist.
And the "wrong" idea you might have got from Friday's slaughter was this: here was yet another American Muslim on a jihad against his own country...
Sacrificing Americans
Subject: txt gwot islm libs bdd -
Many in the media are arguing there is nothing more to the Major Hasan mass murder than derangement and the various personal "issues" that "set him off."
Bottom line: The society at large, driven by the sermonizing of its elites, has come to an unstated conclusion that, unfortunately, a few Americans will have to be sacrificed from time to time, for the larger goal of establishing the fact that Americans in no way think Muslims are any more likely than any others to commit either random or premeditated terrorist violence.
[If only we could discover a common thread between these people...
10 Percent of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad, FBI Estimates
Subject: txt gwot islm -In the wake of the brutal mass murders by a Muslim U.S. Army officer at Fort Hood, the FBI is taking a fresh look at a frightening estimate: 10 percent of the 2,000 mosques in the United States have spiritual leaders who preach jihad, or holy war.
Even more frightening: some 25 percent [1 in 4] of American Muslims ages 18-29 believe that suicide bombings can be justified...
Mosque Leaders Part of Fort Hood 'Healing Process' at Memorial Service
Subject: txt gwot islm msm -Leaders from the mosque where alleged shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped are on their way today to Fort Hood to attend the memorial service in a move some hope will help ease suspicion and anger between Muslims and the military base, still reeling from last week's tragedy. '
'We are partners in the healing process,''
Maj. John Zavage, an Arabic-speaking specialist in Middle Eastern affairs who came to transport four members of the mosque...
Reframing the Ft. Hood massacre
Expect to see the following words and concepts to be emphasized by the lapdog media commentators:.
Face the future
Jihadists In Military Playing U.S. for Suckers
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
How much longer will we tolerate fighting this war as if it were a minor crime wave?
If you were an enemy of America, not only would you fight overseas and develop nuclear weapons (Iran), you would also engage in an even more effective strategy by striking at America's underbelly. This is our most vulnerable region because we now tolerate virtually everything, indulge in political correctness and subscribe to a bogus belief that if radical Islamists can see we mean them no harm, they will mean us no harm.
By now, the script should be disturbingly familiar. Whether in the Middle East, or increasingly in America, a fanatical Muslim blows up or goes on a shooting spree, killing many. This is quickly followed by "condemnations" from "Muslim civil rights groups," like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). We are then warned by the president and some newspaper editorials not to jump to conclusions, or to stereotype. Yasser Arafat wrote this script, which he used with great success throughout his bloody career as a terrorist.
Our enemies are fighting to win and they are fighting everywhere, including within our borders.
Suddenly, the issue of gays in the military doesn't seem as important as jihadists in the military.
Europe's Wall Of Ingratitude
Subject: txt intl sclm -
Liberation: "Gorby! Gorby!" was Berliners' curious chant as the head of the defunct Soviet Union took part in the 20th anniversary of the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. Liberated Europe has walled itself off from reality.
'You made this possible," gushed East German-born Chancellor Angela Merkel to ex-Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev on Monday, as the two shared an umbrella in the drizzle where the wall separating East and West Berlin
Eurocentric Europeans have built a mental wall that blinds them from seeing who they should thank for their high-priced freedom.
The Russians were not and are still not their friends.
As Charles Krauthammer put it in his Wriston Lecture to the Manhattan Institute last month,
"Europe can eat, drink, and be merry for America protects her."
Think of it as a new wall — a wall of ingratitude.
The chants at the Berlin Wall on Monday should have been, "America! America!" in thanks to the U.S. taxpayer, who for so long has footed the bill for Europe's defense against Russia...
Chavez Prepares for War on Colombia
Subject: txt intl trade - sclm -He's going through the motions at least. It's doubtful that Chavez initiates a conflict with his better-armed neighbor while he's still waiting for those big Russian arms shipments. Chalk this up next to the dictator's long list of prior attention whoring: hosting of Russian supersonic bombers, his announced uranium sharing plan with Iran, and his long history of blustery rhetoric against America's closest South American ally.
Computers, Records Seized at ACORN Offices in La.
Subject: txt crpt libs bdd -
State investigators raided ACORN offices on Friday, taking away computer hard drives and documents as part of a probe into alleged embezzlement and tax fraud when the organization's national headquarters was based in New Orleans.
"This is an investigation of everything — ACORN, the national organization, the local organization and all of its affiliated entities, specifically as it relates to any potential violations of Louisiana law,"

Citigroup Executive Pulls Out of Sham ACORN Panel Under Pressure
Subject: txt crpt bdd -Citigroup executive Eric Eve has resigned from ACORN's phony, allegedly independent advisory panel, a move that removes one of the few people on the panel who could even remotely claim to actually be independent.
If you read between the lines, it also seems to mean Citigroup agrees the panel is a sham. According to ACORN, the advisory council was established in early 2009 "to help facilitate a transition to a new management team 'under the leadership'...
ACORN embezzlement 5 Times Worse Than Thought
Subject: txt crpt - fnn -
An internal review by the board of directors of the community organization ACORN determined that the amount allegedly embezzled from the community organization was $5 million, well more than the previously reported amount of nearly $1 million, according to a new subpoena in an investigation by Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell.
Doctor's note required to read this column
Subject: txt mny msm -
Were you shocked that the nation's unemployment rate in October jumped to 10.2 percent, the first time it has been in double digits since 1982? Did the fact that another 190,000 jobs disappeared from the US economy last month cause you to lose sleep?
U-6 was 17.5 percent in October, a big jump from 17 percent in September and a major leap from the 10.6 percent in September 2008...
Central study claims not all Himalayan glaciers are receding
Subject: txt grn -New Delhi: The fear that Himalayan glaciers might disappear in the next couple of decades might not be true. A first-of-its-kind study conducted by GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora (Uttarakhand), for the ministry of environment suggests that the average annual retreat of some glaciers under observation -- five metres till the late 1950s -- slowed down with the advent of 1990.
In fact, glaciers such as Siachen, Machoi, Drung Drung, Gangotri, Satopanth, Bhagirath Kharak and Zemu did not retreat during 2007-2009.
The scientists found no evidence to suggest that the prior retreat was because of climate change.
Senior environment ministry officials said all glaciers under observation received less snowfall during 1970-1990, resulting in a negative snow mass balance that resulted in their retreat and not abnormal melting...
Energy to spare
Subject: txt engry -
Will technology solve our energy problems? This seemingly fatuous question is actually stupider than first appears. For we already have the technology to power anything within reason, with minimal if any environmental fallout.
Yet under the inspiration of the Green Zeitgeist, I cannot go into a magazine shop without finding some science-lite cover story on new prospects for harnessing solar, thermal, wind, tidal, or whatever "renewable" forces. There is an immense credulous audience out there, willing to be entertained by such nonsense.
No one with a grasp of high school physics should take any of these schemes seriously. In each case, we are looking at a crank idea from the hippie era, which has not since been significantly improved, because it can't be...
Treaty from climate conference could alter operation of Constitution
Subject: txt bbro legal lbrty intl bdd grn owg -
In December, there will be a 12-day Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark. "Climate change," of course, means "global warming." It seems that the outcome of the conference has been predetermined since there is a treaty, which has already been written, to be signed at the end of the conference... [snip]
These issues were reignited following World War II and our admission into the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations. Sen. John W. Bricker of Ohio, like Lodge before him, feared the possibility of de facto amendment of the Constitution by a treaty. His attempt failed, by one vote, in 1954.
However, in 1957, in Reid v. Covert, the Supreme Court held that a treaty cannot take precedence over the Constitution. That is, as constitutional law stands now, even if we were to ratify the Copenhagen treaty, it could not operate to surrender our sovereignty to the U.N. as a one-world government...
[Now imagine a re-vote with the crew we've in congress now...]
MSNBC's 'Countdown' Goes Drag to Rip Sarah Palin
Subject: txt palin 2010 msm bias bdd -
On the day after the Republican Party showed gains in a few statewide elections and with key health care and cap-and-trade legislation pending, MSNBC went back to the well to do what it does best - attack the character of one of the network's favorite targets, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
Stay classy, MSNBC.
Palin remains a GOP player
She was a high-voltage candidate, lighting a fire in the grass roots of Republican-land -- fresh, folksy and fierce.
She famously belittled her party's presidential opponent, Barack Obama, at her coming-out party at the 2008 Republican National Convention:
"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities."
Sarah Palin remains a force -- the most recognizable name in the Republican Party, a headline magnet...
Lefties complain that conservatives sell too many books
According to The Huffington Post, Michelle Malkin, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other right-of-center stars that regularly dominate the New York Times Hardcover Non-Fiction Bestsellers List are - or should be - in a league of their own.
No, that isn't Arianna Huffington's blog heaping praise on conservative authors. It's a literal suggestion.
With right-leaning books and authors holding so many spots on the list, and more to come - it's being suggested that they be given their own section so as not to diminish 'main stream' {liberal} publications with their dominance...