Thursday, February 4, 2010
The White House's Illegal Piggy Bank
Subject: txt mny bbro legal - crpt libs - bdd -TARP: The OMB director is grilled over the misuse of bank bailout funds for purposes other than intended by Congress.
This taxpayer money wasn't intended to be the administration's perpetual slush fund.
Might as well pull the TARP over us. The Constitution, democracy and freedom are dead...
U.S. official's remark fans flames in Toyota crisis
Subject: txt crpt bbro sclm lbrty mny -
The top U.S. transportation official on Wednesday warned Toyota owners caught up in its recall to stop driving their cars... [snip]
Although Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood later called his remark an obvious misstatement, it drove Toyota shares down by as much as 8 percent... [snip]
LaHood also said he would take the unusual step of calling Toyota President Akio Toyoda to emphasize how seriously the Obama administration is taking investigations into reports of uncontrolled acceleration in Toyota vehicles.
"Our ... people will hold Toyota's feet to the fire to make sure they are going to do everything they said they were going to do to make the vehicles safe,"
The developments underscored the increasingly political overtones to all aspects of the automotive sector now that the government is part owner of GM and Chrysler...
[Never forget that the government 'pressuring' Toyota is now a business competitor to it...]
Shariah Finance, Criminal Wrongdoing in the AIG Takeover: Will the Special Inspector General for the TARP Funds Investigate the Illegal Trust?
Subject: txt mny crpt gwot islm nsec libs -
Yesterday we broke the story of possible criminal wrongdoing in regards to the bailout of AIG by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, then Director of the New York Federal Reserve, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
It appears that, through it’s 77.9% control of AIG’s equity and voting rights, the NYFed “sought to accomplish an illegal financial transaction through false means” by creating an “independent” trust that was in fact not independent...
First, the Shariah authorities themselves tell us that Shariah is a holistic and indivisible whole and that you cannot carve out “business law Shariah” from any other of its constituent parts, like the law of jihad. And, you can see this in that part of Shariah called civil law or fiqh al-muamalat. According to Shariah, AIG cannot invest its takaful funds in a business that might rent space to a church, because that would violate the principle of not supporting any religion other than Allah’s...Most problematic, is Shariah’s call for the murder of apostates and global jihad against the very infidels in the West buying these Shariah products. Among some financial institutions’ ‘Shariah advisors’ is Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi (who moonlights as spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood). He famously promoted Shariah-compliant finance as “jihad with money.”
In short, Shariah 'investments' uses legal fictions to pursue a Jihadist agenda, and this guiding force—Shariah—is not disclosed to the investing public...
[Out tax dollars at 'work'...]
Let's All Join the War on Terror
[Repost from 100122:]
Like many Americans, I have invested in mutual funds for my retirement. Currently, there are hundreds of companies traded on American stock exchanges that do business with the four state sponsors of terror: Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria.Through their mutual fund investments, the American people may have unknowingly invested billions of dollars in companies that help develop the economies of state sponsors of terror. While hundreds of thousands of young Americans are risking their lives fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, we, the American people, must make sure that our investments do not inadvertently support the wrong side in the war on terror. We must demand that Wall Street provide us with the opportunity to invest in terror-free mutual funds.
So here is the challenge to Wall Street: It's time to join the war on terror.
My investment choices do have consequences. I do not want my money helping Iran to pay for the roadside bombs that kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, nor for the rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah. Nor do I want my money helping the government of Sudan while it continues to commit genocide in Darfur.
Now is the time for each of us to take action.
We can call the customer service representatives of our own mutual funds and ask that a simple question be passed on to the fund managers: "Why isn't my mutual fund terror-free?"
In addition, we can educate ourselves about the companies that do business with Iran by using the Iranian Business Registry on the website of United Against a Nuclear Iran (

It is time for all of us to do our part in the war on terror.
[Recommended > ]
Militants pledge to float more bombs toward Israel
Subject: txt israel - Jerusalem - Palestinian militants said Tuesday they had launched a large number of floating explosives into the Mediterranean Sea a day after two bomb-laden barrels washed up on Israel's coastline.
Israeli authorities launched an intensive search for new bombs, closing miles of beaches, deploying robotic bomb squads and ordering surfers out of the wintry waters...
Eyeless in Gaza
[HT:AJ]Subject: txt israel - msm -
The past year brought a fresh wave of anti-Israel rhetoric and accusations, most of which cited Israel’s “siege” of Gaza during last winter’s Operation Cast Lead as evidence of Israel’s injustice toward the Palestinians. The international press frequently echoed calls by human rights groups and activists to “end Israel’s illegal blockade” and “liberate Gaza.”
Such messages have been conceived to undermine Israel and present a very misleading picture of the actual Gaza conflict...
NYT: Finding something bad to say about Israel's dramatic humanitarian efforts in Haiti
Subject: txt israel msm bias -
Since Israel responded quickly to the Haiti earthquake with a major relief effort, including a field hospital that trumps all other medical services in the devastated country, it has received widespread, unalloyed recognition and praise from mainstream media in the U.S. and abroad. ABC News, NBC news, CNN, Fox News, just to mention a few, along with many foreign media, have given extensive, favorable coverage to the life-saving efforts of Israeli doctors and nurses operating with cutting-edge skills and resources.
But NOT in the New York Times.The Times carries an article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner that manages to rain on Israel's parade of rare media salutes for its display of genuine humanitarian caring half way around the world ("For Israelis, Mixed Feelings on Aid Effort -- Questions arise about image and the national character").
As far as Bronner is concerned, Israel's life-saving marvels in Haiti are just a mixed bag -- with at least as many minuses as pluses...
This week’s sign of the non-apocalypse (Vol. 1, No. 2)
Subject: txt intl grn -
The Climategate saga continues to unfold. The latest chapter involves the apparent cover-up by Phil Jones of the beleaguered Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University and a Chinese-American colleague, Wei-Chyung Wang, about the significant movement of weather stations in China. These are weather stations whose records are a crucial piece of the data demonstrating rapidly rising temperatures — and their movement, perhaps from rural areas to urban centers, could in part undermine the conventional wisdom about why the Earth warmed in the late 20th century.
Ronald Bailey at Reason Magazine has one of the best summaries of this particular episode — which, like much of the Climategate story, has depended on yeoman’s work by British journalists while most of their American colleagues pooh-pooh it. (Example: Search for “Wei-Chyung Wang” on Google News and you get 55 results and just under 300 articles, or than less10 percent of the hits generated for “Punxsutawney Phil.”)
The Chinese 'get it' on climate change
They believe the IPCC has "overstated" the link between CO2 and global warming
Mr. Li recounts his attendance at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. He writes of attending a panel featuring various skeptics concerning work done by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He came away particularly impressed by a talk given by Dr Fred Singer, atmospheric physicist and founding director of the US Weather Satellite Service, who, as Li reports, "challenged the IPCC findings with his research data."
Li also tells how Singer's data concurs with that of Chinese researchers;
Several Chinese scientists who have gone over the IPCC report believe that the IPCC may have overstated the link between global temperature and CO2 in the atmosphere.
In a paper published in the December issue of the Chinese language Earth Science magazine, Ding Zhongli, an established environmental scientist, stated that the current temperatures on earth look normal if global climate changes over the past 10,000 years are considered.
Li tells of meeting with IPCC chairman Dr Rajendra Pachauri and others about skeptic views and seeing those views brushed aside without serious appraisal...
I am particularly troubled by the fact that top IPCC officials do not seem to take these revelations seriously. Interviewed by the BBC, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, vice-chairman of the IPCC, dismissed the matter as a "human mistake".
Ancient Chinese considered three a breaking point. They could forgive two errors, but not a third. Now that the IPCC has admitted three "human" errors, isn't it time scientists gave its work a serious review?
It is amazing that Chinese media examine what has recently come out revealing IPCC "mistakes" and conclude more serious examination of its work is in order.

image toon - grn 1st fnn = The history of settled science
Walesa's Warning
Subject: txt sclm owg - lbrty - Leaders: The champion of Polish freedom tells America it's no longer that shining city on a hill.
As it slouches toward socialism, he warns, those yearning to breathe free in the world can no longer look to the U.S. for help.
In Walesa's view, something needs to be done to restore America's strength and leadership. America, in his view, is too big to fail...
Why You Should Know About Craig Becker (and Why You Need to Be Worried)
Subject: txt crpt libs bdd lbrty bbro sclm -
Craig Becker is President Obama’s nominee to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).As the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Associate General Counsel, Becker has regularly advocated for inappropriate use of the NLRB’s power. In an instant of uncensored honesty, Mr. Becker wrote that employers should be barred from NLRB proceedings:
“On these latter issues employers should have no right to be heard in either a representation case or an unfair labor practice case, even though Board rulings might indirectly affect their duty to bargain.”
In Becker’s opinion, business owners, many of whom are small business owners that collectively employee 50 million Americans, have “no legally cognizable interest” in one of the most significant decisions impacting the potential future success of their company. But Becker takes his views one step further and would even deny employers the ability to alert authorities to illegal union activity during an election campaign saying:
“Similarly, employers should have no right to raise questions concerning voter eligibility or campaign conduct. Because employers have no right to vote, they cast no ballots the significance of which can be diluted by the inclusion of ineligible employees. … Because employers lack the formal status either of candidates vying to represent employees or voters, they should not be entitled to charge that unions disobeyed the rules governing voter eligibility or campaign conduct. On the questions of unit determination, voter eligibility, and campaign conduct, only the employee constituency and their potential union representatives should be heard.”
To suggest that employers should have no role in the unionization process, as Mr. Becker does, is a point of view that is outside of the mainstream and one that puts him at odds with the current practices of the NLRB...
[I.e., yet another extremely inappropriate appointment. Appointments are policy. ]
SEIU behind anti-tea party website
The union helped fund a front group that sponsors the website
We received numerous complaints yesterday from AT readers who were concerned about a Google Ad that bashed the tea party movement. It turns out, that the website the ad was linked to was created with funds contributed at least partly by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
But the question of who sponsored it in the first place wasn't answered until Lee Doren did a little digging:
I just came across a new website titled:
It is paid for by the American Public Policy Committee. Well, according to, the two donors for American Public Policy Committee this year are Patriot Majority and Patriot Majority West.
However, according to, the 2nd largest contributor in 2008 to Patriot Majority was SEIU and other top Unions around America. I imagine the diversion of Union money gets much deeper than this. Please spread the word before they start getting their message out now.
Good to know where the enemies of democracy are coming from.
Former union organizer pleads guilty in labor racketeering case
Subject: txt crpt -
A former organizer for Operating Engineers Local 17 today became the first person pleading guilty in connection with a labor racketeering case filed against construction union leaders almost two years ago. James L. Minter III admitted that he engaged in a decade-long conspiracy, using threats, harassment and extortion against non-union construction workers and companies throughout Western New York...
Inmate released early is arrested in rape attempt
CALIFORNIAOne of the inmates the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department released early as part of an effort to reduce the state's prison population was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of attempted rape, less than 24 hours after getting out of jail... [snip]
Kevin Mickelson, president of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff's Association, said the episode calls into question the notion that violent prisoners won't be getting out early,
"The state Legislature has duped the citizens of California into believing they've released only nonviolent offenders back into the communities," ..."That is simply not true."
Dem. senators spent weekend with lobbyists
Subject: txt crpt libs 2010 -
Twelve Democratic Senators spent last weekend in Miami Beach raising money from top lobbyists for oil, drug, and other corporate interests that they often decry, according to a guest list for the event obtained by Politico. The guest list for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's ''winter retreat'' at the Ritz Carlton South Beach Resort doesn't include the price tag for attendance, but the maximum contribution to the committee, typical for such events, is $30,000...
[The more things 'change'...]
Obama's Ideology Problem
Subject: txt libs vals fnn othr -
"I am not an ideologue,"
President Obama insisted at his truly refreshing confab with the Republican caucus in Baltimore last Friday.
When he heard some incredulous murmurs and chuckles from the audience in response to the idea that the most sincerely ideological president in a generation is no ideologue, he added a somewhat plaintive, "I'm not."
The president's defensiveness isn't surprising. He holds his self-definition as a pragmatist dear, and not just because it polls well.
Of course Obama is an ideologue. The important question is whether he is sufficiently self-aware to recognize the truth...
image toon - mny sclm bbro lbrty - Oby's not an ideologue
Michael Moore To Receive Taxpayer Subsidy He Criticized In 2008Michael Moore's schlockumentary "Capitalism: A Love Story" has been approved for a taxpayer-funded subsidy he once criticized.
According to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a nonpartisan Michigan-based think tank, Moore's 2009 film is set to receive an undisclosed amount of money from the Michigan Film Office.
Yet Moore, who ironically advises the state-run Office, told a forum in July 2008 that he was opposed to such subsidies (video of MCPP's findings on this matter embedded below the fold along with highlights from its January 28 press release):