Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Massachusetts has estimated 116K dead voters on its rolls
Subject: txt 1st 2010 crpt libs reps bdd -
A new study of the nation's voter registration records finds 3.3 million dead voters are still on the rolls - including an estimated 116,483 in Massachusetts - while another 12.9 million who are ineligible also remain.
The study was done by Aristotle International Inc., a Washington, D.C. technology company that specializes in election-related programming and database services for public officials and agencies.
Not only does this raise concerns about potential voter fraud, but from the interest of campaign consultants, ineligible or expired voters could lead to a waste of resources, John Aristotle Phillips, CEO of Aristotle, told CNS News.
Americans split on Obama's first year, poll finds
Subject: txt 1st 2010 othr -
Washington (CNN) -- Americans are giving Barack Obama a split decision on his first year in office, according to a national poll released Tuesday.Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey said Obama's presidency has been a failure so far, while 47 percent of respondents said the year has been a success.
[And roughly half the country still gets its 'news' from TV. Coincidence? You decide.]
When Bush Plummets in Polls, It's News--Obama, Not So Much
Subject: txt msm bias 2010 -
It is a strange paradigm among much of the mainstream media that plummeting poll numbers are of far greater import for Republicans than they are for Democrats. That, at least, is the logical conclusion of the relative silence of major media outlets on the steep decline in President Obama's poll numbers compared with the decline in President Bush's.According to an Allstate/National Journal poll released Wednesday, 50 percent of Americans would vote against President Obama if the presidential elections were held today. Only 39 percent say they would vote to re-elect the president.
But so far, this stunning development--given the President's sky-high approval ratings upon entering office--has gone seemingly unnoticed by the major television networks and most prominent print publications.
Aside from some prominent blogs (whose coverage is by no means substandard), the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the Washington Examiner are so far the only major outlets to report on the poll, according to a google news search (as of 2:00 PM).
What Bias? Re: What Washington Post Story Did Not Say about Its Own Poll: Most Americans Say They Want a Smaller Government
Subject: txt msm bias 2010 -
A large majority of Americans say they want a smaller government that provides them with fewer services, according to a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News.
But the Washington Post story about the poll makes no mention of this fact.
The poll asked: “Generally speaking, would you say you favor smaller government with fewer services, or larger government with more services?”
Fifty-eight percent said they favor a smaller government with fewer services, and only 38 percent said they favor a larger government with more services.
The Post did not mention the results from this poll question in its news story about the poll.
The poll surveyed a random sample of 1,083 American adults from Jan. 12-15, 2010.
image toon 1st fnn crpt libs 2010 - Oby
The New Contract
Subject: NPAC Action - txt 2010 lbrty -
I ran for Congress because I want to help change the way we do business in Washington, D.C. Throughout my first year in office, I have stood up for principles that will guide our country back toward the path of freedom and prosperity. I truly believe the biggest issues facing our country right now are the lack of fiscal discipline and the exponential expansion of government. The American people deserve a blueprint for policymaking that is built upon the Constitution of the United States...
For this reason, I am introducing the Contract for the American Dream. It is a congressional action plan for the 112th Congress. We encourage lawmakers and those seeking office to sign the pledge, and join the cause.
Connecting the terror dots
Subject: txt gwot islm -
As detailed by Dave Macy and published on Canada Free Press Friday, police in Houston responding to a domestic disturbance found something they did not expect: an AT-4 shoulder-mounted rocket launcher that can shoot a missile nearly 1,000 feet through buildings and tanks.
Police found Islamic terrorist literature at the same location.
Al Qaeda Threatens New Strikes
Subject: txt gwot -
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula issued fresh threats Monday against the U.S. and its Mideast allies, promising to retaliate against a surge of strikes launched in the past month against its leaders and safe havens in Yemen.
Obama can't say who we're at war with
Subject: txt islm - gwot -
Not long after the Ayatollah Khomeini announced his fatwa against Salman Rushdie, the British novelist suddenly turned up on a Muslim radio station in West London late one night and told his interviewer he'd converted to Islam.
Marvelous religion, couldn't be happier, Allahu Akbar and all that. And the Ayatollah said hey, that's terrific news, glad to hear it.
But we're still gonna kill you.... [snip]
If you can't even address what you're up against with any honesty, you can't blame the other side for drawing entirely reasonable conclusions about your faintheartedness in taking them on.
After that cringe-making radio interview, Salman Rushdie subsequently told The Times of London that trying to appease his would-be killers and calling for his own book to be withdrawn was the biggest mistake of his life.If only the president of the United States was such a quick study.
Just Ignore Our War and It Might Go Away
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm bias fnn - What's Our Sputnik?
"Dick Cheney says President Obama is 'trying to pretend that we are not at war' with terrorists.
There is only one thing I have to say about that: I sure hope so."
[And they're loosing readership - go figure.]
image toon - gwot nsec owg = Peace Accomplished per Nobel Nitwits
Honour killing': father beat daughter in face with club
Subject: txt islm - 'A 50-year-old Turkish man was jailed for life in Germany on Tuesday over the brutal "honour killing" of his 20-year-old daughter, a murder carried out together with the victim's twin brother. Gulsum Semin's brother was sentenced to nine-and-a-half years behind bars, while a 32-year-old Russian accomplice was given seven-and-a-half years by the court in Kleve, western Germany, a spokeswoman said.
British woman arrested in Dubai after reporting rape
Subject: txt islm -
A British woman arrested in Dubai after reporting a rape to police has been told that she must marry her fiancé and drop the allegation if she wants to return home. The 23-year-old holidaymaker said she was attacked by a waiter working at her hotel. But when she reported the attack to police she was arrested for drinking in an unlicensed premises and for having sex outside marriage with her 44-year-old British boyfriend.
What Bias? Re: Danes Study Immigrants After Cartoonist Attack
[Yet in our own professional news orgs...]COPENHAGEN — As part of the prolonged national headache caused by a Danish newspaper’s decision [???] to publish 12 caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005, last weekend’s attack on one of the cartoonists responsible had a certain awful inevitability about it. Once again, the motivation was fury, still fresh after all this time, over the dissemination of the cartoons.
Marine Corps official: Avatar ‘sophomoric’
Subject: txt gwot nsec fnn -Despite commercial success, Avatar has been the target of anger and backlash from some who see it as an affront to the Marine Corps and a negative allegory for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Chief among critics of the movie is the Marine Corps’ own director of public affairs, Col. Bryan Salas. In a recent letter to the Marine Corps Times (see below) he said the film, “takes sophomoric shots at our military culture.”
Lost amid the staggering commercial success of “Avatar” and obscured by the punditry of the left and right as they debate James Cameron’s social and historical commentary are the real warriors whose heroism, valor and selfless service has allowed the U.S. to leave a war in Iraq that many in 2006 thought was unwinnable and indeed salvage success from the jaws of calamity.
“Avatar” takes sophomoric shots at our military culture and uses the lore of the Marine Corps and over-the-top stereotyping of Marine warriors to set the context for the screenplay. This does a disservice to our Corps of Marines and the publics’ understanding of their Corps.
The Marine Corps embraces a warrior-scholar mentality and prides itself on understanding host country narratives and sensitivities in complex climes and places. Gen. James Mattis, whose catch-phrase is “no better friend, no worse enemy,” better captures the essence of Marines who helped usher in the Sunni Awakening in Anbar province than the cinemagraphically convenient colonel-turned-mercenary antagonist in “Avatar.”
Let’s view “Avatar” for what it is, a leap in the wizardry of cinema, a digital fantasy and a vehicle for a film-maker to make a statement, but not emblematic of the Marines who honorably fight and fall to win our nation’s real battles today.
Col. Bryan Salas director of public affairs
Headquarters Marine Corps
The left embraces 'Avatar'
Subject: txt bdd vals othr libs -
Anyone who thinks I may have overstated the left-wing message in the movie "Avatar," which grossed another $75 million over the Christmas weekend, should read the column by David Swanson posted at the "progressive" website OpEdNews.com .
Among other things, he writes,
The Na'vi people of "Avatar" are very explicitly Iraqis facing "shock and awe," as well as Native Americans with bows and arrows on horseback. The "bad guys" in the battle scenes are U.S. mercenaries, essentially the U.S. military, and the movie allows us to see them, very much as they are right now in 177 real nations around the world, through the eyes of their victims.
Imagine if a tenth of the people who now sympathize with these bony blue beings were to take three hours to read a book or watch a movie about the people of Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan or Yemen or Iran. Our real planet would then be a different world.
When I saw "Avatar" in a packed 3-D theater in Virginia, and the crowd cheered the closing shot, I shouted: "And get out of Iraq too!" No one cheered for that. But no one called me a traitor either.
But will anyone in that crowd lift a finger to pressure their representatives in Congress to stop funding the evil they'd just seen [?] sanitized, animated, relocated, and ever so slightly disguised?

He apparently favors the funding of wars conducted by terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen, not to mention Iranian military programs, all aimed at creating a very different and savage world.
[I.e., another 'harmless' movie. Our children, if not closely supervised, are growing up on a constant diet of such radical liberalism - the more covert, the more insidious.]
James Cameron: ‘I Believe In Eco-Terrorism’
Subject: txt grn bdd vals libs - lbrty -And no, that’s not taken out of context.
Entertainment Weekly asked Cameron to respond to some of the criticisms aimed at him regarding ''Avatar.'' Check out how he responded to this one:
EW: ''’Avatar’ is the perfect eco-terrorism recruiting tool.''
JC: ''Good, good. I like that one. I consider that a positive review. I believe in eco-terrorism.''
What if someone dies during an ecoterrorist attack? Or if people lose their jobs because of it?
Has success turned Cameron’s mind to mush?
[More likely his 'environment': Hollywood.]
Weather Channel Founder's 'Global Warming - The Other Side' Airs In San Diego
Subject: txt grn gdd -
A rather remarkable thing happened Thursday: a documentary highly skeptical of man's role in global warming was aired on broadcast television.
The program, "Global Warming - The Other Side," was created and hosted by John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, and debuted on San Diego's independent television station KUSI.
Readers should be familiar with Coleman as the man who not only called global warming "the greatest scam in history," but also advocated suing Nobel Laureate Al Gore to expose the fraud.
Breaking with American media's tradition of almost exclusively broadcasting programs supporting Gore's view of climate change, "The Other Side" remarkably devoted an entire hour to fully explaining what the global warming-obsessed press dishonestly hide from the public (videos in four parts embedded below the fold, h/t Climate Depot):
Truly inspiring: The music prodigy who won't let ANYTHING get in the way of his dream
Nicholas McCarthy has grown accustomed to confounding sceptics. When he expressed a wish to become a concert pianist, there were experts who told him it was a preposterous ambition and advised him to abandon it.
After all, they reasoned, few young musicians, however talented, make the grade when they have two hands. And Nicholas was born with only one...