Seven years after the United States and Israel withdrew in protest from a United Nations racism gathering, the drafters of the primary document for a follow-up conference next spring have included sentiments that prompted the earlier walkout.
Most glaringly, the draft text declares that Israeli policies and practices in territories claimed by the Palestinians constitute
“a new kind of apartheid, a crime against humanity [and] a form of genocide."
The 2009 conference aims to review the progress made since the U.N. World Conference on Racism (WCAR) in Durban, South Africa in 2001, which critics said was so focused on Israel that other issues of serious racial discrimination around the globe were all but ignored.
Despite the controversy that dogged that event, the Israeli-Palestinian issue is once again looming, while another topic promising to make waves at the event is “defamation” of religion – primarily Islam.
Both are being promoted by the
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the bloc of Islamic states that accounts for one-third of the members of the U.N.’s Human Rights Council, the body overseeing preparations for the racism conference.
The Bush administration has sat out of the Human Rights Council since its establishment in 2006, accusing it of disproportionately targeting Israel and of protecting rights-violating regimes. But a senior State Department official told lawmakers early this year
it would be the next administration’s decision - and Obama is expected to seek membership next May... [snip]Anne Bayefsky of Eye on the U.N., a project of the Hudson Institute, believes the next administration probably will also decide to attend the racism conference.
“President-elect Obama has a grossly naive attitude towards the U.N. and its ability to foster American interests, he is therefore likely to run for election on the morally bankrupt U.N. Human Rights Council, as a means of pandering for votes for the Council election which will take place shortly thereafter.”
Bayefsky highlighted four main areas of concern in the latest version of a draft “outcome document,” being prepared for the conference next spring. She identified them as “the demonization of Israel,
” attacks on freedom of expression, attempts to thwart counterterrorism measures, and “alleged discrimination against Muslims."
The organization’s executive director, Hillel Neuer, said the dominant theme of the draft outcome document

“is that the United States, Western Europe, Israel and the other liberal democracies – their principles, institutions, policies, respective histories and national identities – are singularly racist and discriminatory against Islam".
[all points elaborated on in full - Highly Recommended > this is the 'world government' in action]READ MORE[FLASHBACK NNBriefs:
The Pathology of Durban II
Time for U.S. to reject U.N.'s anti-democratic conference
Canada expected to back out of UN racism conference"because countries that are classified as less than democratic hold a majority in the general assembly" - where they exercise what they don't grant others, to our perpetual detriment. The organization has morphed into a gaming mechanism for despots - which we finance - it needs go (or we from it)"
see all three here.
Finally: I know you're all sick of this topic given the pervasive 24/7 coverage by the MSM, but let's play it safe by assuring our new President-Elect is aware of our sentiments before he acts on the matter:
'Boycott Durban 2!'
and please, pass this on {white envelope below left} to friends and family - thank you.]