Monday, November 9, 2009
The left and terror
The left and terror
The Jihadis will return. We know this, in the same way that we know about death and taxes. Thanks in large part to the weakening of our defensive efforts under the new administration, there will be further attacks against this country's population, perhaps even worse than those of 9/11. (This week's attack by Nidal Malik Hasan serves to underline the threat.) [snip]
Not a single aspect of the U.S. policy was left unaffected. The foreign wiretapping program ("listening in on U.S. citizens"), the bank surveillance effort, the terrorist rendition program, and of course Gitmo, all received the Abu Ghraib treatment. Those images of tormented Iraqi prisoners had a deep and extended impact: if Abu Ghraib could happen, why couldn't all the rest happen too? That quivering sense of doubt was all the left needed to put themselves back in the sedition business big time. [snip]
This is a historically unique situation, a product of the modern temperament. Never before would effective treason by a large minority have been tolerated, particularly involving such crucial sectors as media, academia, and education. This is not a stable condition, and it cannot be maintained for long. There is no reason why it should be. [snip]
When this attack occurs, we will see an end to all the nonsense. Our present drift regarding terror policy is occurring only because Americans have been encouraged to put unpleasant realities at a distance, to live in a dream world where all the bad stuff happens to other people. 9/11 has ceased to signify. The Left has moved terrorism toward a matter of bad manners. As my grandfather might have put it, this country is in for a rude awakening.
The terror conflict is a two-front war. It always has been, as reluctant as we have been to admit it. The time to open the second front is coming.
to wit...
CBS & NBC Fail to ID Hasan as Muslim
“everything about his background is rock solid, and nothing extraordinary stands out about his background.”
LAT Jumps on PC Bandwagon, Ignores Islamic Beliefs of Ft. Hood Shooter
The Los Angeles Times left key facts out of its report, ... among these was that shooter had previously expressed on an Internet forum affinity for suicide bombers.
Newsweek Claims Fort Hood Shooter Exposed Overstretched 'Military on the Brink'
[Are] the shootings the Pentagon's fault? Will they inspire more shootings to come? The U.S. military could well be reaching a breaking point as the president decides to send more troops into Afghanistan
MSNBC: ‘Who Cares’ What the Religion of the Muslim Shooter Is?
"... you're clearly dealing with an American soldier, born in America, who enlisted again right out of high school ... who cares what his religion was?"
NBC 'Analyst' Unsure Ft. Hood Shooting Was Terrorism
“We’ve heard some family references that he was being criticized for his Muslim faith, that’s all we know right now....It’s still premature to draw the terrorism conclusion.”
ABC Frets: Plight of Muslim Soldiers Tough
World News Friday night painted Muslim soldiers as victims of intolerance, highlighting the experience of one Muslim soldier who “began his overseas deployment on 9/11...
ABC Wishes Muslim Shooter’s ‘Name was Smith’
Good Morning America’s Diane Sawyer repeated a concern from Thursday’s World News: "... ‘I wish his name had been Smith,’ so no one would have a reflexive question about [a religious motive]."
[and of course...]
MSNBC: LACK OF HEALTH CARE Funding Motivated Fort Hood Killer
"I think it could be a combination of both. I certainly have met mental health care providers in the military who, in addition to feeling overwhelmed, overworked, [that they] don't have the resources to do their jobs, become extremely stressed and frazzled. And there's no reason to not think that this could, this could ultimately lead to that kind of a conclusion."
[But that FOX, it's 'not a real news' organization. Right.]
Maybe if we apologized with greater deference
Subject: txt gwot islm bdd vals -Tom Maguire notes the President's preposterous statement about the shooting at Ft Hood to the effect that there should be no backlash against Moslems - -a common refrain among the left at each of these outrages and one without any factual basis for such concern.
And then he brings his sights to focus on the New York Times:
Mr. Obama has made it a goal of his presidency to repair relations with Muslims around the world; in a major speech in Cairo this year, he called for a "new beginning" with the Muslim world. The shootings at Fort Hood, however, pose a different problem for the president, by shining a spotlight on the tensions Muslims feel inside the United States.
Pardon me? This incident spotlighted the tensions felt by Muslims in the US? Please - if investigators had discovered that Hasan had recorded a Glenn Beck segment on his TiVo the Times would be fretting about a rising tide of right wing extremism.
Some dots just can't be connected...
The Hole at the Heart of Our Strategy
We’re scrupulously non-judgmental about the ideology that drives terrorism.
Thirteen dead and 31 wounded would be a bad day for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, and a great victory for the Taliban. When it happens in Texas, in the heart of the biggest military base in the nation, at a processing center for soldiers either returning from or deploying to combat overseas, it is not merely a “tragedy” (as too many people called it) but a glimpse of a potentially fatal flaw at the heart of what we have called, since 9/11, the “War on Terror.” Brave soldiers trained to hunt down and kill America’s enemy abroad were killed in the safety and security of home by, in essence, the same enemy — a man who believes in and supports everything the enemy does.
And he’s a U.S. Army major.And his superior officers and other authorities knew about his beliefs but seemed to think it was just a bit of harmless multicultural diversity — as if believing that “the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor” (i.e., his fellow American soldiers) and writing Internet paeans to the “noble” “heroism” of suicide bombers and, indeed, objectively supporting the other side in an active war is to be regarded as just some kind of alternative lifestyle that adds to the general vibrancy of the base... [snip]
What happened to those men and women at Fort Hood had a horrible symbolism: Members of the best trained, best equipped fighting force on the planet gunned down by a guy who said a few goofy things no one took seriously. And that’s the problem: America has the best troops and fiercest firepower, but no strategy for throttling the ideology that drives the enemy — in Afghanistan or in Texas...
[FLASHBACK > Rumsfeld was right:
MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2008
The War of Ideas Should Be Engaged
"Private media does not get up in the morning and say what can we do to promote the values and ideas that the free Western nations believe in. ... It doesn't mean we have to infringe on the role of the free press, they can go do what they do, and that's fine," ... "Well, it's not fine, but it's what it is, let's put it that way. ... We need to engage and not simply be passive and allow that battle of competition of ideas.".
Do not deny what happened at Fort Hood
Subject: txt islm - msm -For a person with old-fashioned values, and an old-fashioned sense of English word meanings, the reports of the Fort Hood massacre were almost as provoking as what happened there.
What happened at Fort Hood was no kind of "tragedy." It was a criminal act, of the terrorist sort, performed by a man acting upon known Islamist motives.
To present the perpetrator himself as a kind of "victim" isn't just embarrassing, it's dangerous to the rest of us...
Fort Hood shooting: an attack by the enemy within
Subject: TXT islm -
The murderous killing spree carried by Maj Nidal Malik Hasan will be seen by many Americans as a terrorist attack from an enemy within rather than the act of a lone madman. It will take weeks to assess all the reasons Hasan acted. But the evidence of his devout Muslim faith, antipathy towards women, arguments in favour of suicide bombing and opposition to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars point to a religious and political motivation.
The United States has grown sadly used to mass shootings. This case, however, is shockingly aberrational.The fact that it was unarmed soldiers cut down on an Army base in Texas makes it an attack on the nation rather than on a group of random victims...
Resolving the Cognitive Dissonance of Islam
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm -
The negative spiritual and intellectual consequence of believing two mutually exclusive concepts is "cognitive dissonance." Our interaction as a society with Islam is a direct cause of cognitive dissonance, for us as individuals and as a culture.
Islam is much more than a religion; it is a complete civilization that includes politics (caliphate), jurisprudence (Sharia law), war (jihad), and a deliberately misleading "religion of peace." The doctrine of Islam is found in three books: Koran (the literal word of Allah as "revealed" to Mohammed), Sira (Mohammad's biography), and Hadith (stories about and sayings of Mohammed as reported by contemporaries).

Our cognitive dissonance will be resolved only with honesty and knowledge. Islam is not a "religion of peace." If we are unsuccessful in resolving the cognitive dissonance which results from our confused view of Islam, we will lose our civilization...
The Islamic connection
Subject: txt islm - msm - libs bdd vals -Barely 24 hours after the massacre at the Fort Hood Army Base, the lines were drawn: On one side are those who believe the shooting was the act of a madman and that emphasizing his Muslim identity is irresponsible. On the other side are those who recognize this was yet another act of terrorism and that the suspect's religious affiliation is central to the story.
This is familiar ground...
Daughter hit with car driven by father for being 'too Westernised' dies
Subject: txt islm -
A 20-year-old woman from Iraq whose father hit her with his car because she had become too Westernised has died from her injuries, authorities said. Noor Faleh Almaleki had been in a local hospital since Oct. 20, when police say her father ran down her and her boyfriend's mother with his Jeep. He had faced charges of aggravated assault but Peoria police spokesman Mike Tellef said the charges will be upgraded in light of her death...
There Is No Honor; There's Only Killing
Subject: txt islm -
The Council on American-Islamic Relations sent out its usual roundup Tuesday of news stories alleging the mistreatment of Muslims in America.
In short, CAIR will make a stink when threatening imams are not allowed to board a Minneapolis plane, but don't expect the organization to make an issue of honor killings.
[Just like NOW - the National Organization for Women - heard their 24/7 campaign against this oppression? Of course not, such focus might lend credence to the idea we've any problem with our Muslim brothers, who the U.S. is unjustly at war with.
Photos: just google "honor killing" - thousands.]
Muslim Major Worked to Assist Obama’s Transition Team Through University Project
Subject: txt islm libs edu -In 2008 The George Washington University Homeland Security Institute (HSPI) initiated a transition task force to help craft homeland security policies during Obama’s transition period. In May of 2009 HSPI finished its report titled, “Thinking Anew-Security Priorities for the Next Administration.” One of the members of this Obama transition project was none other than the Muslim murderer Nidal Hassan...
[How many dots must be amassed before we admit what's being drawn by them?
The liberal-left is enabling our enemies.]
Our Brain Dead Country
Subject: txt islm libs -
The Ft. Hood killings are the chickens of the Left coming home to roost.