Pasteesh (left overs)...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Gasoline price spike has only just begun
Gasoline has hit record levels - and experts say it will likely continue to soar in tandem with the skyrocketing price of crude. The national average retail price for gas has risen about 30 cents in the past month to $3.279 a gallon (Snip) And experts say motorists should prepare to pay nearly $4 a gallon - and in some places even more than that - before the price of gas finally comes down in the late spring as high prices crimp demand.
[are we ready to demand drilling yet?]
Pizza parlors struggle with soaring cost of wheat flour
The thick and thin crust creations at Ciro's Pizza Café wouldn't measure up without good flour and cheese, so Rob Marvin grits his teeth and pays the record prices being charged for them.
He spends $469 a week on flour alone, up from $156 six months ago. Next month, he predicts the tab will grow to $625 a week ... supplies are down. U.S. farmers have been growing less wheat, opting to plant corn and reap government incentives meant to ramp up the nation's ethanol supply...
[and of course everything he uses gets to him on a truck. I.e., this is how insane energy policy manifests into recession - if not depression. But as long as it's in time for the presidential election, mission accomplished: party before country.]
Ruling: English-only sign at cheesesteak shop not discriminatory
A Philadelphia agency has ruled that English-only signs at a famous cheesesteak shop are not discriminatory. The Commission on Human Relations ruled Wednesday that the sign at Geno's Steaks does not violate the city's Fair Practices Ordinance.Joe Vento posted the signs at his shop in October 2005. They read "This is AMERICA: WHEN ORDERING 'PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH.'" Critics alleged that the policy discourages customers of certain backgrounds from eating there.
Divinity school at TCU still plans to honor Obama pastor
Controversy surrounding the longtime minister of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is not deterring a Texas divinity school from honoring the Rev. Jeremiah Wright at a ceremony later this month. But Texas Christian University, the campus where Brite Divinity School is located, issued a statement Monday opposing that decision in light of video that shows Wright delivering racially tinged sermons and him railing against the United States. Wright is to be honored March 29 at the Black Church Summit and Awards Banquet...
Palm Beach County Schools and the ACLU
The Sun-Sentinel reports that the Palm Beach County School Board is being sued by the ACLU (on behalf of parents and students, of course) for "failing to provide students with a high-quality education guaranteed under the state constitution". The ACLU cites low graduation rates as the major cause of the lawsuit.
There are, of course, calls for folks to do something. Predictably, money is in the equation. The Palm Beach County superintendant wants the ACLU to concentrate "on bringing more resources to public education." By resources, he probably means money. But a little research (schoolmatters.com) shows that the district spent $10,529 per student in 2005. One has to wonder if more money is really needed...
[just read the the ACLU is pulling the same extortion/stunt in Palm Springs FL]
The response to the CDC’s report last week that 25% of teen girls carry a sexually transmitted infection suggests that this comes as a shock to many, including some in our sex education industry...
With that message coming from professionals, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that 34% of girls are sexually active by fifteen. That figure goes up to nearly 80% five years later, with over a fifth of all fifteen to nineteen year olds reporting two or more partners in the past year. Hey, they are exploring their sexuality; it’s only “natural"...
The pandemic of STIs in this country is a logical consequence of the way we educate kids about sexuality. Until an “extreme makeover” of our methods takes place, young people – especially girls – will continue to pay an awful price.
The Darker the Berry, the Sweeter the Juice: Black Racism, Part I
Accusations of white racism are rampant, with the topic of race turning immediately to the alleged hate deep in the heart of every white person. In fact, any "dialogue" on race is nothing more than a vicious black attack on whites who cannot defend themselves and usually respond with a payment to black organizations and neighborhoods from the government and corporations. But what about black racism? Is it even possible? If so, does it exist? And if it exists, is it more or less virulent than white racism?
George Soros and the Alchemy of 'Regime Change'
What does an aged multi-billionaire do after he spends $25 million dollars to force a presidential election his way, and still falls flat on his face? Well, of course, he tries and tries again.
When George Soros failed to obtain the election of his candidate, John Kerry, in 2004, he brooded for a while, even said he might get out of politics altogether, but he just couldn't stop himself. He has stated publicly that he wishes to burst the "bubble of American supremacy," because he says our preeminence in the world is a detriment to global "equilibrium." So far, he has failed, but he keeps on trying...
[this isn't scare mongering - read it yourself and decide if Gyorgy Schwatz (born name) has both the intention and means to do this country great harm >
Nets Turn on McCain: Just 30% Positive; Obama: 67% Good Press
Citing the numbers from the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA), Hume reported how “McCain's media fortunes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse since early January,” plummeting from “97 percent positive...before the New Hampshire primary” to “just 30 percent positive since.”
Meanwhile, Barack Obama enjoys overwhelmingly positive coverage of 84 percent positive coverage. Hillary Clinton got 53 percent positive. (Factoring in neutral coverage, Clinton earned more good than bad press.)
[I.e., help McCain to become the Republican nominee, once done, back to supporting the Democrats (just like the NYT, which endorsed him prior, than ran a fabricated hit piece after. Are we really not supposed to notice this? {rhetorical}]
AP Math: 0.2% Rise is Small, 0.4% Rise is Modest, 0.6% Decline is Plunge
NewsBusters readers are well aware of our contention that the press have adopted the 1992 strategy of making every economic report look like the world is coming to an end - and no finer example is available than Thursday's Associated Press article concerning February's very disappointing retail sales report.
To be sure, store traffic was much worse than expected last month, and we are not trying to paint a rosy picture. However, there are two truly disturbing elements in Martin Crutsinger's piece entitled "Retail Sales Plunge by 0.6 Percent"...
1. A 0.2 percent rise was depicted as "small," a 0.4 percent rise was "modest," but a 0.6 percent decline was a "plunge"
2. In February, January's rise in retail sales was "surprisingly strong." Now, that same rise was depicted as "modest."
There's more of course...
Four Times More Journalists Identify as Liberal Than Conservative
A survey conducted late last year and released Monday, by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, confirmed the obvious -- that compared to the views of the public, conservatives are under-represented in national journalism while liberals are over-represented. Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times discovered the nugget buried deep in the annual “State of the Media” report from Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism.
A History Lesson in 'Name That Party'
ABC's "Political Sex Scandals Redux" popup slideshow <http://a.abcnews.com/Politics/Blotter/popup?id=2841254> has a series of 13 slides relating to current and past politicians.
If Republicans are or were involved, the network, with one rare and minor exception, consistently applies the "R" label almost immediately. With Democrats, with one very old exception, the party label isn't there. Here are the specifics... [follow link - snip]
This is all in our minds, huh, MSM? It's all accidental, right?
Then why does it keep happening, and why do you stubbornly refuse to make a simple style guide change -- requiring the party ID of any and all politicians caught in scandals upon first mention, in the first paragraph?
Grand Gestures, Hot Air and Cold Water
Who says that the issue of global warming is a matter of science, not faith? Just last week, Mayor Gavin Newsom proved belief trumps data. The Chronicle reported that a San Francisco Public Utilities Commission study found that the giant turbines he wanted to put underwater below the Golden Gate Bridge would cost way too much money to install and maintain. They would generate power at a cost of 80 cents to $1.40 per kilowatt hour -- as opposed to Pacific Gas and Electric's 12 cents per hour commercial rate. It seems the turbines would produce only one or two megawatts of power -- not the 38 megawatts Newsom envisioned.
Newsom was unfazed. "I don't care about the arguments against it. I care about the arguments for it," Newsom told Chronicle reporter Cecilia Vega...
“Punish Sacramento”
Governor Schwarzenegger kicked off his latest road show this morning in Fresno, talking budget reform and striking a curious balance between defending elected officials and criticizing them. Armed with his now infamous budget charts showing the imbalance between state expenditures and revenue, Schwarzenegger promised a new push this year for a constitutional amendment to change the budget system.
That proposal was hinted at in his State of the State speech two months ago but remains more concept than concrete. What we do know is that it would create a new rainy day fund by constraining spending in robust times and would give the governor the option of unilaterally cutting some state spending if the Legislature fails to do so as needed.
Party of the 'Little Guy' (and big donors)
The top 100 political donors of the 2008 election cycle are listed in OpenSecrets.org . First, note how few of these big donors lean Republican: only 12 of the top 100. And the higher up the list (the bigger the donor), the fewer lean Republican. In fact, none of the top 15 donors leans Republican. Only four of the top 50 do.
You might want to remember this the next time your Democratic friends tell you how Republicans are so influenced by "the rich", how the Republican Party is the party of Wall Street and the Democratic Party is the party of the little guy, or how the current financial crisis is due to Republican capitalists.
Sperm donor takes case to Supreme Court
Attorneys for a Topeka sperm donor have appealed his paternity case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case filed Monday seeks to overturn a ruling against Daryl Hendrix, the sperm donor, by the Kansas Supreme Court. The Kansas court ruled 4-2 last fall that a sperm donor who wants to have parental rights with any subsequent children must have a written agreement with the mother.
[and shouldn't women who intend to take a pregnancy to term be required to have a written agreement with the father accepting his parentship before he can be financially liable (for decades) for her decision?]
Concealed-carry course graduates are armed but not dangerous
The Great Oaks Police Academy Concealed Carry Course has a great deal. For $25, I can rent a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver and get 200 rounds - cheaper than cartridges alone. The course is excellent. We start by naming the parts of a cartridge, a revolver and a semi-automatic pistol, then move on to 25 true-false questions on dozens of topics. "Being armed is a tremendous responsibility," it says. True.
If every gun owner took a class like this, we'd all be safer. But meth-heads, crack junkies and street muggers don't take classes. They don't get permits or certificates like the one Lengle gave me Sunday. They just grab a "nine" and use it against defenseless victims.
Each month another concealed-carry class graduates from Scarlet Oaks. And the bad guys are a little less sure their next victim is defenseless.
[it's disappointing and distasteful to think our populace needs to be armed to counter the armed bad guys. it's delusional not to recognize that that's indeed the case.]

At just 2ft 9in, Indian muscleman Aditya 'Romeo' Dev is the world's smallest bodybuilder.
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