Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kossacks Hail KSM Civilian a Weapon Against 'BushCo'
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
Although many in the mainstream media write off the Democratic Underground as somewhat sanity challenged, they continue to praise the Daily Kos Kossacks as somehow being "reasonable progressives." The truth is that the Kossacks are every bit as loony as their DU cousins as you can see in this Daily Kos thread about what they hope will be the real outcome of the civilian trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The conviction or acquittal of KSM is pretty much beside the point for most of the Kossacks. Their real hope for this trial is that they can use it as a weapon against what they call "BushCo." which is also the desire of many others on the left along with their MSM allies.As you take the plunge into the depths of lunacy, keep in mind that many prominent people in both politics and the MSM continue to post at the Daily Kos. However, despite despite the clear Kossack derangement, we do need to thank them for being honest enough to post openly what many others are secretly thinking.
And now the Kossack KSM trial outcome fantasies begin:
Americans will be reminded again of what the Bush administration's reckless, immoral and counterproductive pro-torture policies have meant both for those we have detained and for our ability to prosecute them for their alleged crimes.
[I.e., the follow on attacks - plural - our enemies planned were thwarted and the homeland remained safe for the remainder of his term. Yeah, he need pay for that...]
image toon - 1st gwot nsec = Waterboarding = acquit 911 thugs
The deadliest virus: Political correctness
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec islm -
‘You see, Pinocchio,” said the Blue Fairy, “a lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.”
Far more dangerous than Maj. Nidal Hasan’s heinous act at Fort Hood is our collective refusal to see it for what it is: a terrorist act inspired by radical Islam.
Radical Islam is made more dangerous because political correctness has conditioned us not to identify it as the source of terrorism. ...
Barbecue The Taliban
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -It all boils down to this simple question: Do we want to win the war or not? Barry O, Sen. Kerry and others are frittering the days away while the man that knows -- General McChrystal -- has stated he needs 40,000 more troops to win the war in Afghanistan.
Not tie, contain or provide an 'exit ramp' - but WIN.
Only the Harvard educated could agonize for months on this without a decision, but I'll explain in terms even they can understand:
Reality Check...
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm hstry -
"An ongoing subtext in the war with Iraq is whether the situation will turn into ‘another Vietnam' for the United States -- that is, a war with high U.S. casualties and little obvious progress toward its stated goals. While it is too early to say whether Iraq will be similar to Vietnam in this regard, we can compare public opinion..."- Joseph Carroll, Gallup Poll Assistant Editor, in June 2004
- Total US Active Duty Military Deaths in 1980 (peacetime): 2,392.
- Total US Active Duty Military Deaths in 2005 (recent peak, including Iraq and Afghanistan operations): 1,941.
Source: Congressional Research Service, via Federation of American Scientists website.
As They Pound Palin with Polls, Where Are the Gallup and Network Polls About Fort Hood? Or the KSM Trial?
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec palin -As several networks run around with new ratify-our-liberal-bias polls insisting that Sarah Palin is completely unqualified to be president -- exquisitely timed to ruin her book tour and channel all their very obvious and partisan Palin-loathing -- where are the polls that are about 2009, as opposed to 2012?
A scan of and suggests that neither Gallup nor any of the networks are asking about the Fort Hood shooting -- either about whether it was terrorism or about whether it shakes people's confidence in the government's ability to protect American citizens from domestic terrorism attacks.
On the KSM trial decision, there is one poll by CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation, but there is no question about the judgment of President Obama or Attorney General Holder...
POLL: Most Oppose Decision To Try Terrorists in New York City
[I found one - must be luck I guess.]Fifty-one percent (51%) of U.S. voters oppose the Obama administration’s decision to try the confessed chief planner of the 9/11 attacks and other suspected terrorists in a civilian court in New York City.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 29% of voters favor the president’s decision not to try the suspects by military tribunal at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba where they are now imprisoned. Nineteen percent (19%) are not sure whether it was the right decision or not.
Only 30% of Americans said suspected terrorists should have access to U.S. courts, while 54% favored military tribunals in July 2008, as the first such tribunal got under way at Guantanamo.READ MORE
Obama’s Bow to “World Opinion”
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec - In the string of amazing decisions made during the first year of the Obama administration, nothing seems more like sheer insanity than the decision to try foreign terrorists, who have committed acts of war against the United States, in federal court, as if they were American citizens accused of crimes.
Terrorists are not even entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention, much less the Constitution of the United States... [snip]
In the wake of the obscenity of a trial of terrorists in federal court for an act of war— and the worldwide propaganda platform it will give them— it may seem to be a small thing that President Obama has been photographed yet again bowing deeply to a foreign ruler. But how large or small an act is depends on its actual consequences, not on whether the politically correct intelligentsia think it is no big deal.
But, as President of the United States, his actions not only denigrate a nation that other nations rely on for survival, but raise questions about how reliable our judgment and resolve are — which in turn raises questions about whether those nations will consider themselves better off to make the best deal they can with our enemies...
'We must brace for rocket onslaught'
Subject: txt israel - Israel must prepare itself for the fact that in a coming war, the IDF will not be able to block all incoming rockets from hitting civilian areas, despite the anticipated deployment of the Iron Dome system in 2010, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday morning.
Both Hizbullah and Hamas are among the beneficiaries of Iran's weapons trafficking and terror-training activities, said Ashkenazi...
Reality Check...
Subject: txt israel -
"... our fight with the Jews is very extensive and very grave, and it requires all the sincere efforts." Hamas charter, 1988.
"There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will wipe off this stigma [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world... As the imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, 2005.
"When someone says he wants to kill you, believe him." Attributed to a Holocaust survivor when asked what lesson he learned from it.
Rockets Fired Into Israel by Hamas and "other terrorist organizations"
Source: Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center.
- Area of Israel: 22,072 sq km.
- Population of Israel (% Muslim): 7,233,701 (16%).
- Area of the "Arab Peninsula" (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen): 3,100,903 sq km.
- Population of the "Arab Peninsula" (% Muslim): 64,978,220 (97-99%).
Source: CIA World Factbook.
Target: Tel Aviv
Subject: txt israel -
Regarding Hamas, Yadlin said the Gaza-based terror group now has a rocket with a 60-kilometer range that can reach Tel Aviv, and has already successfully test-fired it into the Mediterranean Sea. He said Hamas had also smuggled in Iranian-produced Fajr-style rockets, and overall has a better rocket capability than before the Gaza War last winter.
As for Yadlin’s words on Tehran, while well heard in Israel, one cannot be sanguine about the Obama administration’s ability to hear them over the noise of misguided diplomatic activity and its need to believe in “engagement” with implacable evil...
'Obama must choose - Israel or Iran'
Subject: txt israel - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the US to choose between Israel and Iran on Tuesday night, according to Iranian state media...
Rahm Emanuel: Dialogue is the only path to peace
Subject: txt gwot israel nsec -
U.S. President Barack Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, appeared at the Jewish Federation of North America's annual general assembly on Tuesday, taking the place of the president, following the latter's last-minute cancellation. '
'It is only through dialogue that we can achieve the lasting peace that Israel seeks,''
Emanuel told the crowd. (Snip) Obama's chief of staff was introduced to the predominantly Jewish audience as ''one of us'' and someone who cares very much...
[Evidently victory isn't even being considered as an option.]
image toon - gwot nsec intl owg = Iran needs about 10 more seconds
How the IAEA Encourages Proliferation
Subject: txt intl islm owg -
The International Atomic Energy Agency is, as Jonathan noted, deeply disturbed by its latest findings on Iran. It is also deeply disturbed by its latest findings on Syria, which it detailed in another report released this week. Syria’s explanation of the uranium traces found at a Damascus research reactor did not fit the facts, the report said, nor did these traces match Syria’s declared uranium inventory. Moreover, Syria is still refusing IAEA requests for both a return visit to Dair Alzour, the site Israel bombed in September 2007, and initial visits to three military sites whose appearance was altered after inspectors asked to see them.
“Essentially, no progress has been made since the last report to clarify any of the outstanding issues,”
the agency concluded.
The real mystery, however, is why the IAEA seems to find this behavior eternally surprising — because its own behavior positively demands such stonewalling...
[I.e., another worse-than-worthless UN organ - in charge of nuclear proliferation...]
image toon gwot nsec owg iran israel = El baradei watchdog = Israel the problem
Iran, Venezuela to deepen relations
Subject: txt intl nsec -
TEHRAN, -- Venezuelan Ambassador to Iran DavidN. Velasquez Caraballo said here Sunday that Iran and Venezuela are determined to broaden mutual and regional cooperation in the face of plots, the official IRNA news agency reported. As the two nations are the target of global hegemony, it requires both Iran and Venezuela to further deepen all-out relations and cooperation, Caraballo told IRNA...
War threat between Venezuela and Colombia increases
Subject: txt intl -Tensions between the countries reached a new high after the Colombian military arrested four Venezuelan soldiers, just days after Mr Chavez told his army to "prepare for war" with Colombia.
The Venezuelan ambassador to Bogota, Gustavo Marquez, said that the seriousness of the situation could not be understated and that "there is a pre-war situation in the entire region"...
Climate change scientist Ian Plimer argues CO2 is not causing global warming
Subject: txt grn -Professor Ian Plimer, a geologist from Adelaide University, argues that the mild rise in temperature around the world a decade ago was caused by solar cycles and other "extra terrestrial" forces. He said carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, widely blamed for global warming, is a natural phenomenon caused by volcanoes erupting.
"We cannot stop carbon emissions because most of them come from volcanoes," ... "It is a normal element cycled around in the earth and my science, which is looking back in time, is saying we have had a planet that has been a green, warm wet planet 80 per cent of the time.
"We have had huge climate change in the past and to think the very slight variations we measure today are the result of our life - we really have to put ice blocks in our drinks."

Subject: txt grn owg -
In a major blow to the campaign against the presumed threat of global warming, world leaders acknowledge that a legally binding global treaty won't be approved at next month's 192-nation climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Developed nations are reluctant to limit domestic greenhouse gas emissions for fear of harming their already slumping economies.
- They also resist subsidizing poorer nations' efforts.
- Meanwhile, developing nations, like China and India, refuse to adopt restrictions unless wealthier nations like the United States compen$ate them for the cost.
This could be a long-term standoff because there is an understandable worldwide reluctance to commit what increasingly looks like economic suicide.
- The proposed 20-percent greenhouse-gas reduction by 2020 would mean the United States returning to 1977 emission levels, radically changing both the U.S. economy and our personal lives.
- Car and truck miles traveled would have to be reduced by one-third, which would seriously reduce travel and transportation, and likely force changes in automobile design that consumers would not like.
- The amount of coal burned to create electricity would have to be cut in half without feasible alternatives to pick up the slack.
Such concerns so far block congressional efforts. Senators from industrial, carbon-emitting states are reluctant to impose regulations that will put their constituencies at an economic peril.
"If we passed a bill that the rest of the world didn't follow, then Uncle Sam could soon become Uncle Sucker and export all of our jobs to China."

If capitalism continues to spread for just 40 more years, poverty will have been essentially eradicated from the globe
When individuals work hard, or innovate, they receive outsized rewards. When others see those rewards, they are motivated to work hard and innovate. As the lottery-ticket market has demonstrated, the bigger the prize, the bigger the motivation.A landmark new study by economists Maxim Pinkovskiy and Xavier Sala-i-Martin set out to study changes in the world distribution of income by gathering data from many different countries. As a byproduct of their work, they are able to count the number of individuals who live on $1 per day or less, a key measure of poverty. According to their calculations:
- The number of people living in poverty so defined has plummeted, from 967,574,000 in 1970 to 350,436,000 in 2006, a decrease of a whopping 64 percent.
- The spread of capitalism to other countries has been followed by prosperity; the trend is even more impressive if one considers that the world population skyrocketed over that time, increasing by 3 billion.
If the trend continues for just 40 more years, poverty will have been essentially eradicated from the globe. And capitalism will have done it, says Hassett.
There are those who have argued that the current financial crisis has served as proof that capitalism is a failed ideology. The work of Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin suggests that there are about a billion people whose lives prove otherwise...
Subject: txt mny crpt -
Key House Dem Wants Answers on Errors
Errors in data tracking job creation under the stimulus are prompting bipartisan blowback on Capitol Hill.(Snip) House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., late Monday issued a blistering statement demanding an immediate fix to ''ludicrous mistakes'' on the Website. ''The inaccuracies on that have come to light are outrageous and the Administration owes itself, the Congress, and every American a commitment to work night and day to correct the ludicrous mistakes,'' Obey said.
Obama's recovery chief thinks is a 'great success,' says data errors aren't important
Edward DeSeve, the man running President Obama's economic recovery effort has a post up today on that deserves a place in the Out-of-Touch Government Officials Hall of Fame. DeSeve is Special Advisor to the President, Assistant to the Vice President and Special Advisor to the OMB Director for Implementation of the Recovery Act. (Snip) DeSeve also claims some of the mistakes are ''frustrating typos and coding errors''
Deficit Doves
Subject: txt mny crpt bdd vals msm -
Fiscal Policy: Suddenly, the White House announces it will focus with laserlike intensity on cutting the federal budget deficit in the coming year. And no, that's not the punch line to a very bad joke.It's hard to say which is worse: the most profligate administration in our nation's history proclaiming itself to be a born-again champion of deficit reduction, or the underlying assumption that Americans are a bunch of slack-jawed nitwits who are incapable of understanding what's happened... [snip]
Can we slash the runaway growth in government?
Sure, start by killing the economy-choking cap-and-trade and health care bills, each of which will cost more than $1 trillion over the next 10 years....
[Rule one in climbing out of a hole: stop digging.]
China questions costs of U.S. healthcare reform
Subject: txt intl 1st hcare mny -
Guess what? It turns out the Chinese are concerned about how President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform plans would impact America’s huge fiscal deficit. Government officials are using his Asian trip as an opportunity to ask the White House questions. Detailed questions. Boilerplate assurances that America won’t default on its debt or inflate the shortfall away are apparently not cutting it.
Nor should they...
[What does it say that our fiscal responsibility is being questioned by a communist country?]
Got Chocolate Milk? Not in Schools...
Subject: txt bbro lbrty edu othr bdd vals -
Chocolate milk has been a staple in school cafeterias for decades. But as schools nationwide look to make their menus 'healthier', a debate has emerged over whether the sweet drink should still be served in the cafeteria...
[The more government controls, the more PC will run amok.]
New York Newspaper Offices Raided in Corruption Probe
Subject: txt msm crpt -
NEW YORK — Investigators in New York City raided circulation offices at some of the nation's largest newspapers Tuesday as part of a union corruption probe, a law enforcement official said. Police officers working with the Manhattan district attorney's office searched circulation offices of The New York Times in Queens, the New York Post and the Daily News in Manhattan.The 1,600-member union wields considerable power over news companies that rely on their drivers to deliver hundreds of thousands of papers each day, and allegations of connections to organized crime are not new...
CBS Touts ANOTHER Exclusive Interview With Palin-Bashing Levi Johnston
Subject: txt msm bias bdd - On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez previewed an exclusive interview with Levi Johnston on the CBS entertainment show, The Insider:
“Levi Johnston says he is winning the war of words between Sarah Palin and him. We’ll hear from him.”... “Sarah Palin lashing out at Levi and now Levi fires back.”
Rodriguez has conducted three exclusive interviews with the estranged father of Palin’s grandson in the last six months, the latest on October 29. In The Insider interview, Johnston is given the opportunity to continue his vicious, personal, and unsubstantiated attacks against the former Alaska governor, claiming:
“I think she’s going out and talking and she’s just digging a bigger hole for herself....I just look at her in disgust. She’s lying and losing...”
[Stay classy CBS. The Left's fear of this woman is palpable - and for good reason, she's as close as the country has to another Reagan, which it's increasingly realizing it desperately needs...]