Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ObamaCare mandate and SCOTUS
Nearly everyone agrees that Judge Hudson's finding that the ObamaCare health insurance mandate is unconstitutional will be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Here's the kicker;
Justice Elena Kagan, having served in the Obama Justice Department, is surely to recuse herself. With the "liberals" one judge down, even a Kennedy vote to uphold the individual mandate would presumably result in a 4-4 tie. And guess what? If there is a tie, the lower ruling stands...
53% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law
.Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed national health care law. The latest weekly Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey on the subject finds that only 42% oppose repeal...
ABC Poll Finds Health Care Law Is Massively Unpopular, Network Offers Scant Coverage


Concern Over Stimulus II Grows
As recognition grows that the so-called tax bill has become Stimulus II, some of the bill's supporters are rethinking their earlier positions. Bill Clinton's usurping of the baffled Obama's role on point for the deal may have helped clarify the situation for many as 42 bluntly noted that Democrats have to support the Christmas Tree deal because they cannot possibly do as well in January...
‘All Hell is Breaking Loose’: $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill Nears 2,000 Pages
$575.13 million per page...
[No one learned anything from November, business as usual. Washington won't change until we change everyone we send there.]
ABC Misleads on Estate Tax Being 'Slashed'; It Will Actually Increase 35 Percent
.Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Thursday offered misleading, sloppy reporting on a congressional tax deal, bizarrely suggesting that the proposal "slashes" the estate tax. In a follow-up piece, news anchor Juju Chang asserted that many Democrats "are still opposed, especially to the estate tax cut."
In reality, the so-called death tax is currently at zero. Under the deal, it will increase to 35 percent. Karl mangled, "Even Democratic leaders are fuming, especially unhappy with the provision that slashes the tax on inheritances."
Great news: Chavez got 1,800 ant-aircraft missiles from Russia last year
Thanks, Vlad. Your gift will probably end up in the hands of Mexican drug gangs.,,
Deputy FM: Iran-Venezuela ties threaten U.S., entire world
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned Monday that
"Venezuela is Iran’s advance outpost on the Latin American continent. The two countries have joined together to create an axis of conventional and nuclear terror [that threatens] not only the Middle East, but also the continent of America, and the United States in particular,"Ayalon told a group of some two dozen journalists from Latin American countries...
Obama Ignores Missile Crisis
Going almost totally unnoticed by he MSM is the news that Iran intends to place "medium-range" missiles (read: they can reach the US) in Venezuela. You know, for an Iranian military base manned by Iranian soldiers, see?
It can't be a "missile crisis" if Obama and the 'press' couldn't care less, right?
Venezuela Has Acquired 1,800 Russian Missiles; AP, NYT Snooze
A useful guideline in evaluating the significance of a national security-related news story first revealed by someone in the establishment press is whether other media outlets pick it up. If they don't, it's probably significant.
Such is the case with the Washington Post's Saturday story about Venezuela acquiring 1,800 Russian antiaircraft missiles. That appears to be 1,700 more than originally thought.
The story has gone through two additional overnight news cycles. Yet it appears from relevant site searches that both the Associated Press (searches on Venezuela, Venezuela missiles [not in quotes], and missiles) and the New York Times (Venezuela, "Venezuela missiles," and missiles) have chosen to ignore the story...
Incoming Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wants to Isolate Enemies, Make U.N. Accountable
The incoming Republican chairwoman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday identified U.S. funding of the United Nations as a target. The comments are likely to send a chill through supporters of the Obama administration’s policy of deeper engagement with the U.N.
“I plan on using U.S. contributions to international organizations as leverage to press for real reform of those organizations, such as the United Nations,”Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said after GOP lawmakers confirmed she will chair the committee in the next Congress...
[What kind of radicalextrememenazism thinking is this?!?]
Flash Attack
[And in America...]
At noon on October 30, 2010, a devastating device ripped through a crowded Philadelphia department store. Hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers were suddenly exposed to an infectious agent delivered with explosive power. Those exposed are still dealing with the immediate effects. They could be faced with ongoing effects for the rest of their lives.
Similar attacks at malls and food courts have been reported and posted on YouTube.
Not surprisingly, the media have been silent...
The barbarians we need to fear aren't just bearded monsters from the Middle East. The biggest threat to our civilization comes from our own elite universities that once preserved and extended it. The insane siege engine they've built is a rickety contraption of lies, distortions, and manipulations that tirelessly assaults our foundations with myths and superstitions...
Islamophobia-obsessed Media Silent on Anti-Semitic 'Hate Crimes' at Indiana U
Most Americans are probably unaware that Jews were the victims of more than eight times as many anti-religion hate crimes last year as were Muslims. And the reason is simple: anti-Muslim crimes receive far more media attention.
Case in point: the media has been all but silent on a slew of anti-Semitic acts of vandalism at Indiana University, coinciding with the beginning of the celebration of Hanukkah...
For nearly 15 years, the Pulliam Hall clock tower on the campus of Southern Illinois University has played Christmas carols. But this year, after a few complaints, the bells have been silenced while the school tries to expand its melodic tradition to include a more 'diverse' selection of music.
“We took the music off the clock tower as a result of some complaints we received that religious music was offensive to non-Christians,” SIU Chancellor Rita Cheng told KFVS...
[Note how our otherwise activist academics never consider for a moment defending long established practices as being American societal traditions - those have no intrinsic value, you understand...]
The Assault on Christmas and Other American Norms
Over the last several decades, government's sanctioning of secular fundamentalism has emboldened its proponents, aiding a slow but sure erosion of our societal norms...
[And as our Founding Fathers explicitly warned us, a country without shared values cannot stand.]
Power Corrupts
The Obama administration's actions and policies epitomize the veracity of Lord Acton's famous proposition that "[p]ower tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
From the passage of ObamaCare to the offensive TSA screenings, this country's citizens have seen the Constitution trampled upon with little to no acknowledgment that such actions would have caused our forefathers to board a ship to a far-off land in search of liberty and freedom...
Silencing voices of Internet dissent
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) apparently is headed for a 3-2 party-line vote to regulate the Internet on Dec. 21, which Commissioner Robert M. McDowell (a stalwart free-market champion who opposes the regulations) points out is the darkest day of the year.
Regulating the Internet under the banner of so-called network neutrality has been a far-left cause celebre ever since it became clear that unregulated media gravitates toward the conservative majority of the nation...