Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Impersonating a Victim
This past March 29th, Professor Henry Louis Gates was being interviewed in front of a small group by Walter Isaacson on C-SPAN's Book TV. Thirty-three minutes into the discussion about his new book on Lincoln, Professor Gates began a detailed account of his own genealogy. He said that in doing so he had discovered he was about "50% white". He said that this was quote, "To my astonishment and horror...".
He continued by saying that he had subsequently sent his DNA off to be tested. This time, upon finding out he was "57% white", he said again, "to my horror .... I was becoming more white by the minute". To this Gates, Isaacson and everyone else there chuckled.
Something tells me that if Mr. Isaacson had said that he also had sent his DNA off and found that to his "astonishment and horror" he was 57% black, no one would chuckle, least of all the Professor of African American Studies at Harvard, Dr. Gates... [snip]
Gates must believe using such colloquialisms as "yo' mama" gives him some sort of black victimhood authenticity. What a fool. In reality, he is a member of the American aristocratic class. As a victim, he is an imposter.
MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...
If you have ever harbored doubt about why the Obama machine has been unable to provide incontrovertible proof of his U.S. citizenship, then you ... are ... a ... racist.
Sure, it sounds funny enough to be a Jeff Foxworthy punch line, but it was said in utter, condescending sincerity.
In what could be a new low in hypocrisy -- even for the home of Chris "I Felt a Thrill Going Up My Leg" Matthews and that former sportscaster in the evening -- the president of MSNBC, Phil Griffin, called anyone who has concerns about Barack Obama's citizenship, "racist."
Griffin's comments came after the national media finally paid a little attention -- albeit belatedly, and mostly mockingly -- last week to the ongoing controversy over Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. Once again, new media dragged the dinosaurs into a story they wouldn't otherwise have covered.
After a YouTube video of Delaware Congressman Mike Castle being heckled at a town hall about Obama's citizenship went viral, the AP reported that the question became one of the most popular topics at its Ask AP column.
Lou Dobbs, on both his radio show and on CNN, and MSNBC and its partner in slime, NBC, also spent time on the questions about Obama's citizenship status.
The tone of the two entities affiliated with GE -- which plans to make out like a robber baron from Obama's policies -- was predictable.
"It's racist. It's racist. Just call it for what it is."
But the response from NBC was far different when leftists leveled similar charges against John McCain during last year's campaign... [snip]
So, when the citizenship of a genuine American hero, who has been in the public eye for over three decades, is questioned by liberal bloggers, the Obamatons at NBC treat the matter seriously.
Whereas, when similar charges are raised against a relatively unknown product of Chicago's dirty political swamp, who has close ties to convicted felons, domestic terrorists, and an organization repeatedly accused of using taxpayer money to perpetrate widespread voter fraud, who is connected to shady land dealings, and whose long-time 'spiritual advisor' blames America for 9/11 and has called on God to "damn America", those who would even consider questions about the rather unsettled proof of Obama's citizenship are called racists.
Is there any way to doubt Barack Obama without being called a racist?
"The Place for Politics"? More like, The Place for Propaganda.
Gibbs: Nothing will satisfy the birthers
There's nothing the White House can say that will quell the questions about Obama's birth certificate, press secretary Robert Gibbs said today. "The God's honest truth is no," Gibbs said when asked if the White House would ever be able to satisfy the so-called birthers...
[Actually, I believe a birth certificate would do the trick. The real questions should be; why not supply it and put the whole topic to rest, especially as it's supposedly a constitutional requirement to hold the office?]
Nigeria 'unrest'
Maiduguri, Nigeria - Muslim rebels on Monday expanded their attack against Nigerian security forces to three northern states with at least 80 people dead in two days of clashes, security sources said.
Gun battles between police and members of a local Islamic group, which wants a wider adoption of Islamic law across Nigeria, were reported in Yobe, Kano and Borno states...
U.S. student gets tougher sentence for plot to kill Bush
An American Muslim student found guilty of belonging to al-Qaeda and plotting to kill former U.S. president George W. Bush has been sentenced to life imprisonment, a tougher penalty than what he received in 2006.
Ahmed Omar Abu Ali had been sentenced to 30 years in prison following his conviction, but the appeals court ruled that he should be sentenced again because the punishment was too lenient...
Anti-terror agents arrest 6 in North Carolina
A North Carolina man and six others have been charged with conspiring to support terrorism by training and traveling overseas to participate in "violent jihad."
Daniel Boyd and half-dozen of his alleged recruits in the Raleigh, N.C. area were charged with providing material support to terrorism...
L.A.Times Still Calling it the ‘So-Called War on Terror’
.In the L.A. Times on July 22, writer Catherine Lyons again revealed a bit of her Bush Derangement Syndrome by calling the war on terror a “so-called war on terror.”
What is with these people that simply cannot accept terms of reality?
It’s like this every time they use the word terrorism, or “terrorism” as the Old Media so often terms it, and the war on terror. The Old Media simply refuses to understand that terrorism exists, that it is a problem, and that we are at war with terrorists.
Muslims welcome police scarf move
.Avon and Somerset Police is issuing head coverings to its female officers so they can [?] enter mosques. The force says the move will help its officers respect Muslim religious customs while carrying out their job.
The garments, designed to match the force's uniform, were designed in consultation with Muslim groups...
GOP rep criticizes UAW for refusing to testify at auto oversight hearing
The lone member of Congress on the panel chastised UAW chief Ron Gettelfinger for ignoring the panel's invitation to testify, saying they had no difficulty getting to Washington when they needed money.
"Now that it's time to account for the money, we don't see them,"
Hensarling expressed concern that the decision to put the interests of the union-run retiree health care trust funds ahead of those companies' secured lenders could have "chilling and far-reaching consequences" for commercial lending...
[Union before country.]
46% More Likely To Buy Ford ‘Cause It Didn’t Get A Bailout
Public opposition to the auto bailouts may translating into consumer buying decisions, with 46% of Americans now saying they are more likely to buy a car from Ford because it did not take government money to stay in business.
Most Americans (53%) continue to believe that it is at least somewhat likely that the government, now that it has substantial ownership stakes in GM and Chrysler, will pass laws and regulations giving those two automakers an unfair advantage over Ford. Thirty percent (30%) say it’s very likely.
Forty-one percent (41%) of Americans expect the quality of GM cars to get worse now that the federal government is the company’s majority owner. Just 19% believe the quality of GM cars will improve.
The Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank) is becoming less competent as the number of its functions increases, says Richard W. Rahn, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.
The Fed suffers from conflicting responsibilities both within the organization and with other government agencies and actions:
- It is charged with maintaining full employment, but the long-run level of employment depends far more on government fiscal policy (tax rates, government spending and regulatory burdens) than on monetary policy.
- During the great inflation of the late 1970s, the money supply as measured by M1 (currency and checking accounts) grew by almost a record 40 percent in four years, and yet in the past year alone M1, has grown by almost 20 percent.
Once excess inventories are worked off and global commodity prices begin to rise again, inflation fears will come back quickly and people will rush to get rid of their dollars by buying "stuff." Unless the Fed can quickly extinguish all of the new money it has created, inflation will come roaring back.
The Fed needs to be split up, the Fed's bank regulatory functions need to be put into a separate agency and the new central bank should not be required to buy government debt.
The smarter folks in Washington understand that the trillions of dollars of new spending will be "paid for" largely by the "inflation tax," which will fall hardest on those without assets -- i.e. the poor.
Politics of Climate Science: Selective Research, Ignored Facts
.Marston Bates said, Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. But what happens if a research alley is avoided or ignored? Often the answer is in what is ignored, not what is presented. It’s an unacceptable practice in science and only indicates the political nature of the climate change research and debate.
Why is the Most Important Greenhouse Gas Ignored?
We should change the name of the planet from Earth to Water. It covers much more of the surface than land and is unique from the other planets. All the emphasis is on temperature, but what happens to precipitation is far more important for plants and agriculture. Precipitation is mentioned in claims of increased droughts with global warming, but it’s a scare tactic and illogical. Warmer temperatures mean more moisture in the air with more precipitation potential, not less. The illogic eludes notice because of lack of understanding of the role of water in atmospheric processes
Generally the public is unaware water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse gases by volume and CO2 is less than 4%, yet water vapor is virtually ignored. [Ah, but that's because SUVs don't 'emit' water vapor - so it must be the CO2] Here is a web site devoted to greenhouse gases (GHG) but water vapor, by far the most abundant and important one is listed under “other.” [snip]
A Positive Feedback that is Actually Negative
There’s a problem even if you accept the assumption an increase in CO2 will cause a temperature increase. The atmosphere is almost saturated with respect to CO2’s capacity to delay heat escape. A good analogy is the objective of blocking light coming through a window. A single coat of paint will block almost all the light and is like the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Second and third coats block very little more light just as doubling or tripling CO2 will cause very little temperature increase.
“What we see, then, is that the very foundation of the issue of global warming is wrong.” ... “In a normal field, these results would pretty much wrap things up, but global warming/climate change has developed so much momentum that it has a life of its own – quite removed from science."
Now the world is in a blind alley with energy and economic policies based on predictions from climate models that omit major elements and use false assumptions...
The bill has been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and is pending action in the Senate.
The CBO findings support statements, by both critics and supporters of the bill, noting consumers will pay higher energy prices if carbon dioxide restrictions are imposed on the American public:
- Government likes cap-and-trade because it is a hidden, or indirect, tax for which industry, rather than Congress or the president, will get the blame when energy prices rise.
- The public gets smacked twice -- once by higher food and fuel prices and a second time by having to pay for those unemployed by the bill.
- In addition, the increased unemployment benefits will require cuts to other programs, higher taxes, or bigger deficits.
"Right now, many Americans are making the responsible decision to cut back on expenses and tighten their belts in order to weather these challenging economic times. Yet Democrats in Congress refuse to adopt that same type of fiscal restraint. Instead, they remain more steadfast than ever in their commitment to excessive spending habits -- habits bankrolled by the hardworking American taxpayer."
"Cap-and-trade captures the very essence of the Democrat tax-and-spend model that continues to wage war on the American pocketbook. This national energy tax will discourage job creation, drive up energy costs, derail energy independence, and diminish domestic supply.
And yet, there is no sound scientific evidence that proves these policies will bring about effective and measurable change other than job loss and increased costs."
Source: H. Sterling Burnett, "Waxman-Markey Bill Would Raise Electricity Prices $846 Billion," Heartland Institute, August 2009.
image toon - grn engry = C&T already worknig - it's cold

Senate-Reid: http://reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
YOUR Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
POLL: Most Arizona Voters Put Immigration Over Health Care as More Important Reform Goal
Fifty-one percent (51%) of Arizona voters say it is more important for Congress to pass immigration reform than health care reform. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows that 45% hold the opposite view and think health care reform is more important.
By a 65% to 20% margin, Arizona voters believe enforcing the borders is more important than legalizing the status of those already living here. Half of the state’s voters (50%) think it is possible to put an end to illegal immigration, while 34% do not. [not if you don't try]
Voters in the Grand Canyon State highly regard Maricopa Country Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, known for his tough immigration enforcement. Fifty-seven percent (57%) say the sheriff’s policies have helped the state’s image, showing little change from May. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say the sheriff’s policies hurt the state’s image. [?]
Monday, May 18, 2009
Al Sharpton vs. Sheriff Joe: The Hypocrite vs. The Patriot
"Arpaio needs to be confronted, he needs to be removed. ... We also need to suspend the law that he is using. We must stand with our brown brothers and sisters," Sharpton said.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Harassing A Lawman
... the Justice Department notified Joe Arpaio, the top lawman in Maricopa County, Ariz., including Phoenix, that his department is under investigation for "patterns of discriminatory" police practices...
The letter offered zero specifics.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hispanic Leaders Fear Patrols Will Spark Violence
By whom?
California threatened with loss of funds if it doesn't use test scores in evaluating teachers
California could lose out on millions of federal education dollars unless legislators change a law that prevents it from using student test scores to measure teachers' performance, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is expected to announce in a speech today.
California has among the worst records of any state in collecting and using data to evaluate teachers and schools...
Nebraskans assert state sovereignty
Butt out of state business. Next year they will see if a majority of their colleagues agrees. The senators are working on resolutions asserting Nebraska's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.
Nebraska wouldn't try to secede from the union under their proposals but would go on record objecting to federal laws that they say go beyond constitutional authority...
Eleven States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Action
[you're probably tired of the 24/7 TV coverage of this, but just in case you missed it...]
Montana Fires a Warning Shot over States' Rights
Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill
During his speech at a National Press Club luncheon, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Democratic Congressman John Conyers (D-Mich.), questioned the point of lawmakers reading the health care bill.
“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’”
“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days [why not?] and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
[Heard the audio to this on the radio, and he was literally mocking the suggestion that they read the bills they sign into law.
What will it take for Americans to fire these arrogant incompetents?]
'The Secret Life of an American Teenager:'
NBC’s “The Today Show” recommendation for family viewing is “The Secret Life of the American Teenager!”
During the July 23 “Today Talk” host Kathie Lee Gifford and guest host Steve Schirripa were discussing the ABC family show “The Secret Life of an American Teenager,” which Schirripa stars in.
Schirripa described the show as being,
“about a fifteen year old kid that gets pregnant and how it affects everyone’s life, and I mean everyone – everyone at school and the other kids and it really is a show that you could watch with your kids and learn something.”
Yep – learn about sex, promiscuity and contraceptives.
What a great show.
Palin in Farewell Speech Tells Press: 'In Honor of American Soldier, Quit Making Things Up'
"Some straight talk for some -- just some -- in the media, because another right protected for all of us is freedom of the press. And you have such important jobs, reporting facts, and informing the electorate, and exerting power to influence.
You represent what could and should be a respected honest profession, that could and should be a cornerstone of our democracy. Democracy depends on you. And that is why, that's why our troops are willing to die for you.
So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up."
So said Palin Sunday as she said goodbye to her supporters in Fairbanks Sunday...