Friday, November 20, 2009
Obama vows 9/11 fiend will get death - then backs off
Subject: txt gwot - WASHINGTON- For a moment, he became judge, jury and executioner. President Obama yesterday blurted out a predicted conviction and death sentence for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed -- then sheepishly qualified the prejudgment. In one of several TV interviews at the end of his Asia trip, Obama said those offended by the legal privileges offered to Mohammed in a civilian rather than military trial won't find it
"offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him."
And then he quickly backtracked, saying he didn't mean to suggest he was prejudging the self-confessed mass murderer.
[Again, no-win situation; either he's acquited due to lack of civil judicial process, or it's a sham show trial - for all the world to see and almost certainly exposing intelligence info. as well.
A terrible decision that only makes sense if your real goal is to re-try the war, Bush, and/or divert the nation's attention from your multiple social engineering bills being rammed through congress.]
Obama Said He’d Use Military Commissions to Try Terrorists ‘Who Violate the Laws of War’ and to Protect Intelligence Sources
Subject: txt gwot nsec - In a speech delivered six months before his administration decided to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a federal civilian court, President Barack Obama said he would use military commissions to try terrorists who “violate the laws of war” and to protect intelligence sources and methods as well as the safety of the people who would need to participate in such trials.
Would U.S. Need To Read Bin Laden His Miranda Rights?
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to give a federal court trial instead of a military commission hearing to five Guantanamo detainees the government has linked to the 9/11 attacks has led to criticism that the Obama Administration is transforming the war on terror from a military to law-enforcement affair. This has led some critics to wonder if captured terrorist suspects would have to be read their Miranda rights
Lieberman launches Fort Hood hearings without any government witnesses
Subject: txt reps gwot nsec msm - Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) held the first congressional hearing into the Fort Hood shootings with minimal cooperation from the Obama administration. No administration officials appeared despite requests by Lieberman.
The President's Timetable For Retreat
[HT:DG]Subject: txt gwot - Afghanistan: President Obama has made a ringing commitment to fight the Taliban with one foot out the door. Seven years tops, he says, and we're out of there.
If he's serious, we've already lost.
The president still seems to have trouble deciding what to do next in the country that he used to call the "central front" in the war on terror...
Leave It to the Generals
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
As the debate over whether to send more American troops to Afghanistan intensifies, our war efforts could be hindered by an unlikely source: the U.S. judicial branch.
Federal judges are considering whether foreign al-Qaeda and Taliban supporters captured by the U.S. military and held at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan can sue the U.S. government to be released from custody...
[Our entire justice system was designed to be 'fair' to its citizens, exactly the opposite of warfare where the goal is to win at all costs.
This liberal delusion that one can be mixed with the other is childish, and dangerous, naivety.]
A special form of disrespect
Subject: txt gwot intl -It says much about Britain’s rapidly disappearing ‘special relationship’ with America that when I happened to mention to some of our senior military officers that I was visiting Washington, they begged me to find out what the Obama administration was thinking about Afghanistan....
Israeli aircraft hit Gaza after rocket attacks
Subject: txt israel - Jerusalem - - Israeli aircraft struck a weapons-manufacturing facility and two smuggling tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip on Thursday, in response to recent rocket attacks on Israel, the military said. Palestinian security officials reported no injuries.
But Israel says weapons and weapons-making components still reach militants through tunnels under Gaza's border with Egypt. And sporadic fire continues, including a rocket attack Wednesday...
Nasrallah slams Obama, warns Israel
Subject: txt gwot israel islm -Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday accused President Barack Obama of absolute bias in favor of Israel and disregard for the dignity of Arabs and Muslims. Nasrallah said Obama had gone even farther in his military support for Israel than his predecessor, George W. Bush - who was reviled in much of the Arab world for his support of Israel and war on Iraq...
[I'm shocked, shocked I say, that they could still feel that way with Obama in the White House.]
Fomenting Anti-Semitism in Europe
Once again, it is becoming dangerous to be a Jew in Europe
Relations between Muslim and Jewish communities are overwhelmed by the extension of the Middle East conflict to European shores. The hatreds, jealousies, and historic disputes are now playing out in new lands. The conclusions of the European Monitoring Center's "Summary overview of the situation in the European Union 2001-2005" only reinforce this conclusion.
There has been some evidence to support the view that there is some link between the number of reported anti-Semitic incidents and the political situation in the Middle East. ... Moreover, some of the data indicate that there have been changes in the profile of the perpetrators. It is no longer the extreme right which is seen as solely responsible for hostility towards Jewish individuals or property. ... Instead, victims identified 'young Muslims,' 'people of North African origin,' or 'immigrants' as perpetrators.
The study concluded that in Europe, "Anti-Semitic activity after 2000 is increasingly attributed to a 'new anti-Semitism,' characterized primarily by the vilification of Israel as the 'Jewish collective' and perpetrated primarily by members of Europe's Muslim population."
History as well as common decency dictates that European authorities as well as individual Europeans have a distinct responsibility to stop this evil before it again overwhelms the Jewish people...and worse, spreads to other lands...
Obama Bows, but the World Refuses to Bow Back
Subject: txt othr 2010 hstry trade nsec intl -Obama has often said that all the world's nations have shared interests, and during his campaign he made clear his willingness to meet with leaders of enemy countries in order to reach agreements. His idea seemed to be that his own eloquence and his own example would make the scales fall from their eyes and enable them to see that it was in their interest to do what he would like.
So far, not so good. The mullahs of Iran have consented to something in the nature of negotiations, but their agreement in principle to allow the enrichment of nuclear fuel in France has, like many agreements in principle, turned out to be no agreement. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mullahs have proved no more moveable by Obama's emollient and respectful tones than by George W. Bush's Texas twang.
Nor have we made any discernible progress on settling issues between Israel and the Palestinians, the first priority of Obama's national security adviser. Obama's insistence on a stop to natural growth of Israeli settlements -- no new spare rooms for grandma or the new baby -- seems now to have been abandoned. Israelis are distrustful of the U.S., and the West Bank Palestinian leader is threatening to quit.
Obama's unilateral concession to the Russians -- abandonment of missile defense plans in Poland and the Czech Republic -- has evoked statements from Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that sanctions against Iran may someday be necessary. But it's beginning to look like Medvedev is Lucy, sanctions are the football and Obama is Charlie Brown.The leaders of China, despite Obama's refusal to meet the Dalai Lama, are sticking to their peg to the dollar and, like the leaders of India, have shown zero willingness to damage their growing economy by raising energy prices to avert the global warming that will supposedly bring catastrophe 50 years from now. So Obama at the APEC summit was forced to concede that there will be no agreement on a global climate treaty next month in Copenhagen.
Obama's election was indeed a major event, as the election of every American president is, and the election of our first African-American president was a landmark in our history, as John McCain noted on election night. But it didn't change the world.
All nations may have the same interests in some platonic sense. But all nations' leaders don't. George W. Bush didn't cause all our foreign policy problems, and Obama's ascension and appeasement don't seem to be solving them.
In fact the bully boys of the world are finding that negotiating with Barack Obama is like taking candy from a baby...
Not a member, US envoy attends international court
Subject: txt owg libs reps bdd - The Hague, Netherlands - The American war crimes ambassador said Thursday the U.S. is committed to ending impunity for crimes against humanity, in a speech signaling a softening of hostility toward the International Criminal Court.
Stephen Rapp's brief remarks marked the first time a U.S. diplomat has addressed the 110-nation Assembly of State Parties, which oversees the court's work and budget. He also held a string of bilateral meetings and told delegates he was there
The world's first international war crimes tribunal began work in 2002. It is a court of last resort to prosecute people suspected of committing war crimes in its member states, if those countries cannot or will not conduct the trials themselves.
The U.N. Security Council also can ask the court to investigate a case.
The United States refused to ratify the court's founding treaty, the 1998 Rome Statute, because the court has become a forum for politically motivated prosecutions of troops in unpopular wars like Iraq...[I.e., another transfer of US sovereignty to a 'world government', predominantly populated by despots who's perennial enemy is America's power and example of democracy - hence perpetual target. I.e., right up this administrations ally, as this unprecedented contact signifies.
Even if restricted to four years, this man can, and seems intent to, do great harm to our nation - we need be vigilant and vocal...]
Dissent Is Criminal
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro bdd -
Bob Bauer, the husband of Anita “My Favorite Political Philosopher Is Mao” Dunn, has been appointed as the new White House counsel.
No one should forget that it was Bauer, as the general counsel for the Obama presidential campaign, who wrote a letter to the Justice Department on October 17, 2008, asking that a special prosecutor investigate Republicans like John McCain for talking publicly about voter fraud.
According to Bauer, such talk was not only evidence of a “partisan political agenda,” but supposedly intended to “suppress voting” by harassing voters and impeding “their exercise of their rights.”
The spurious claims made in the letter were pretty outrageous at the time, but what is even scarier is that we now have a White House counsel who has asserted that anyone who talks about voter fraud, including the type of massive voter-registration fraud committed by ACORN, should be investigated and prosecuted by the Justice Department for voter intimidation. Under normal circumstances, one could be pretty confident that the attorney general would dismiss such ridiculous claims. But given the serious concerns about the politicalization of the Justice Department under Eric Holder, perhaps we should all be worried that the prosecutorial power of the Justice Department will be used against members of the opposition political party on this issue.
Since I write about voter fraud fairly often, I guess I should be on the lookout for that grand-jury indictment or a call from the FBI...
National debt now $12 trillion. Who's counting?
[HT:MG]Subject: txt mny -
No sense of urgency to address the crisis either.
$4.8 trillion - Interest on U.S. debt
Subject: txt mny -
New York - Here's a new way to think about the U.S. government's epic borrowing: More than half of the $9 trillion in debt that Uncle Sam is expected to build up over the next decade will be interest.
More than half. In fact, $4.8 trillion. If that's hard to grasp, here's another way to look at why that's a problem...
Debt is Destroying the Dollar
Subject: txt mny - Washington - One of the many television commercials exhorting viewers to buy gold says solemnly that it is an asset whose value ''has never dropped to zero,'' a boast that surely sets a record for minimalism. [Snip]
America, says Lindsey, will not become Weimar Germany, where hyperinflation caused people to rush to stores with satchels of rapidly depreciating currency. But, he adds, no country has successfully behaved the way the United States is and avoided the consequences...
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
Subject: txt grn - Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents.
But the bottom line is that there just isn't any global warming happening, and there hasn't been for decade: The Earth's average temperatures have stopped climbing since the beginning of the millennium, and it even looks as though the planet may be beginning to cool...
$50,000 to clean up a 2 oz mercury spill
Subject: txt bbro sclm grn bdd - We're from the government and we're here to bleed you dry. More
George Orwell where are you? Here is the headline in my local newspaper today: "Mercury Removal from T.F. [Twin Falls, Idaho] Apartment complex results in $50,000 bill." That's right - fifty grand.
Two ounces of mercury were found in the road that leads into an apartment complex. It cost local, state, and the federal governments $50,000 to clean up the two ounce catastrophe. Read the EPA report here.
This is a picture of the clean up crew:
The use of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) will soon be mandatory in the United States. And CFLs contain what?
You can expect the cleanup crew in the picture to be coming to your house - to help you clean up a broken light bulb. Congratulations America. And welcome to George Orwell's worst nightmare.
Update: The EPA report states the amount of mercury was 2 teaspoons. An ounce is 6 teaspoons...
[And we've put them in charge, witness California yesterday where an unelected panel of 5 unanimously deciding to {effectively} ban plasma TVs in the state as energy hogs, continuing the inane mantra that energy is somehow finite and needs be conserved.
Reality: it's a manufactured commodity: MAKE MORE {meaning elect those who will}.]
.= grn engry = EN VIRO NUTS re Bush
Energy independence most important priority
Subject: txt engry -
Here’s an interesting (and very likely) prognostication: Some time in the very near future Iran will be in possession of a nuclear weapon and Israel’s hand will be forced. Strike preemptively or be struck. Either way, the result will be a conflagration in the Middle East that will stop access to oil not just from Iran, but also from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.The result will be a worldwide shortage of oil from which nations like Russia, Mexico and Venezuela will benefit, while the rest of the world finds itself in a catastrophic social and economic tailspin.
What is the Obama Administration doing to mitigate the effects of this eventuality?
Hmm, let’s see; they are attempting to pass cap and trade legislation, looking to spend trillions on the development of unconventional energy sources, while at the same time prohibiting exploration and drilling for new sources of oil within the United States.
There’s no debating that this is a very effective recipe for disaster and it begs the question that if the Obama Administration is so full of “experts” advising the President on world affairs, why is the White House so deaf and blind to this, perhaps America’s greatest Achilles heel?

Palin Derangement Syndrome Strikes Chicago TribuneToday on its Web site and in its printed version, the Chicago Tribune reported on the large crowds greeting former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on her book tour. More than a thousand enthusiastic admirers greeted her Wednesday in Grand Rapids. Another thousand were already in line at 7:00 a.m. today for a book signing scheduled for 6:00 p.m. in Noblesville, Indiana.
The vision of Sarah Palin being cheered by so many common people in such common towns as Grand Rapids and Ft. Wayne and in such common venues as a Meijer store must be just too much for the deep thinkers at the Chicago Tribune. Palin Derangement Syndrome kicked in. Bad. They had to provide their own version of what's happening:
"All this rightist hoopla is all so predictable," ... "Their congressional caucus, their blurting mouthpieces, their nattering nabobs of neocon nonsense, their Limbeckians (sounds like Jonathan Swift, doesn't it?) their addled and confused tea baggers, their Michelle Backmanians, they are all coming from the same place, a losers fantasyland where there is no reality other than what they think..."

Reality Check... Poll: Palin Going (Not So) RogueDespite being characterized by many as a divisive force in her party and the nation, former vice-presidential contender Sarah Palin gets a much higher positive rating than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi -- and most think Palin has been treated unfairly by the press.
As Sarah Palin blankets the media on a whirlwind book promotion tour, the former vice-presidential contender is clearly back on America's radar screen. Americans are much more likely to give Palin a positive rating (47 percent favorable) than another prominent female leader -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (28 percent favorable).
Moreover, about six in 10 Americans (61 percent) think Palin has been treated unfairly by the press, according to the latest Fox News poll.
Click here to see the poll.
Palin has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2012, along with a host of other Republicans. Among self-identified Republicans in the survey, Palin gets the highest favorable ratings (70 percent) amid a group of other possible contenders for the GOP nomination, including Mike Huckabee (63 percent), Mitt Romney (60 percent) and Newt Gingrich (58 percent). Palin's favorable score among all voters is 47 percent, up nine percentage points over last July's reading of 38 percent.
President Obama recently stated that he "probably won't" read Sarah Palin's new book. But his possible opponent in the 2012 elections now, although the survey's margin of error, leads him in overall popularity 47 to 46%...
Click here for the raw data.
The MSM Attack on Palin Fans...
Have a close look at the screencap. Notice what MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell is holding in her left hand? Those are notes, with factoids from the 2008 presidential campaign. She's reading from them to challenge a Sarah Palin supporter who was waiting in line at the book signing yesterday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We all remember how back during the '08 campaign, MSM reporters would challenge people attending Obama rallies with uncomfortable truths about their candidate, along the lines "would you still support him if you knew he had the most liberal voting record in the Senate?"
Or not. I certainly can't remember any MSMer confronting an Obama supporter in such a way.
But let people line up to express their admiration for Sarah Palin . . .