Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Public Increasingly Seeing Obama as Responsible for the Economy
In June 2009, 53 percent of Americans said that Obama's economic program had not impacted the economy or that it was too soon to tell. But in the new survey, that number is down to 38 percent.
At the same time, the percentage of those who say Obama's policies have made things worse climbed from 16 percent a year ago to 29 percent. Twenty-three percent said his policies had made things better compared to 26 percent last June.
Forty-eight percent believe the economy will take a long time to recover, 37 percent say it will recover soon and 13 percent say it is recovering now.
Where are the jobs?
.Who needs a debt commission when White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is on the case? He wants to allow federal agencies to redirect half of any 'unnecessary', money in their budgets to other initiatives and half to deficit reduction. Currently, agencies must return all money they don't spend, giving them an incentive to spend it all. Let's say Congress goes along: The move would 'affect' all of about $25 billion a year, according to The Wall Street Journal.
In May alone, the deficit was $142 billion.
Hispanic Caucus wants Napolitano to cut ties with Arizona police
Subject: txt 1st hots immig -
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) have called on the Department of Homeland Security to sever its ties with Arizona police in response to the state's new immigration enforcement law...
[So if these folks had their way, anyone disagreeing with their world view would be cut off from all federal interaction and assistance. Think about what these idiots are saying, and what it would mean to our union.]
Black lawmakers push to cut back new ethics office
Subject: txt crpt 2010 libs fnn -
Nearly half of the members of the all-Democratic Congressional Black Caucus want to scale back the aggressive ethics procedures that Democrats trumpeted after gaining control of Congress.
Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, and 19 fellow black lawmakers quietly introduced a resolution last week that would restrict the powers of the new independent Office of Congressional Ethics.
The office, formed by Congress in 2008, is run by a panel of private citizens. Since its inception, the office has investigated at least eight black caucus members, including veteran Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y...
[Yeah its got to go.]
MSNBC: Is Oil Spill 'Wasted Disaster' If Congress Doesn’t Introduce New Energy Legislation?
Subject: txt engry msm - hots -
Chuck Todd inquired if the BP oil spill, arguably the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history, be a “missed opportunity” for Congress to capitalize on “disaster” to enact energy legislation should it fail to do anything in its wake?
What Bias? Re: CBS's Schieffer: If Oil Leak Plugged, White House Job Scandals Will 'Go Away'
Subject: txt hots 2010 libs scndl - msm bias -
[Why? We're talking alleged felony conduct - of no interest to our self-proclaimed 'watch dogs'?]
Anti-Israel sharks sniff O's weakness
Subject: txt hots israel -
In the aftermath of the Gaza flotilla fiasco, the air is thick with nonsense. Chief among the instant myths is that Israel has created a dilemma for President Obama.
Actually, it's the other way around.
The president's appeasement policies helped to create the incident.
Weakness always begets aggression, and, like clockwork, Obama's repeated signals that he is weakening America's commitment to Israel are emboldening the Jewish state's enemies.
From Syria to Iran to Lebanon, from Hezbollah to Hamas and the PLO, the wolves smell blood and are trying to gauge whether they can get close enough for the kill...
[Recall the 70's under Carter; the bad actors came out of the woodwork around the globe when they sensed US weakness {and there is no alternate strength for freedom in the world}. Evidently every generation needs relearn lessons the hard way.
We should establish a profession that teaches our young folks history.]
WaPo Lets Anonymous Obama Officials Claim Obama's 'Much More' Aggressive on Terror Than Bush
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm -
The Washington Post played up Barack Obama’s war-on-terror credentials at the top of Friday’s front page. (Or to use Team Obama lingo, their war on "man-caused disasters.") The Post used to be upset by secret terror attacks, but now they like them, if they help Obama look strong to voters. "U.S. ‘secret war’ expands globally," boasted the Post headline, "Terror groups are targets."
News that doesn’t make Team Obama look good is harder to find. Take this Jeff Stein story from Wednesday, deep inside on A-13:
"The FBI appears to be ready for a chemical, biological or radiological terrorist attack, but the rest of the Justice Department is ‘not prepared,’ according to a blistering audit released Tuesday."
The Obama the Secret Warrior story by Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe is most biased in how it asserts from the first paragraph that Obama is "much more" aggressive than the national-security slacker named George W. Bush...
Bush: No regrets for waterboarding
Subject: txt gwot nsec gdd -
In some of his most candid comments since leaving the White House, former President George W. Bush said Wednesday he has no regrets about authorizing the controversial waterboarding technique to interrogate terrorist suspects and wouldn't hesitate to do so again. "Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed," the former president said during an appearance at the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, Michigan, according to the Grand Rapids Press. "I'd do it again to save lives," he added.
A Sneak Preview of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque
Subject: txt islm -
Yes, for those who followed the sordid saga of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, Ground Zero's promised Cordoba House is déjà vu all over again. On May 25, Lower Manhattan's Community Board 1 approved the Ground Zero mosque's construction by a vote of 29 to 1, with the warm blessings of Mayor Bloomberg and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, who rhapsodized about its potential for "multi-faith dialogue" and accused its opponents of "outright bigotry and hatred."
These politicians, intelligent and canny men, chose to ignore certain, shall we say, troublesome signs: the deliberately provocative opening date of September 11, 2011. The refusal of Shari El-Gamal, who paid $4.85 million in cash for the site, to disclose investors. The testimony of the 9/11 families that El-Gamal showed them architectural renderings of a fifteen-story building with a mosque on the top floor, providing worshipers with a commanding view of Ground Zero -- despite public assurances that he's building a thirteen-story community center, not a mosque. And most glaring of all, the two-faced, double-talking, shariah-lovin' characters at the front of the operation, Imam Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan.
Finally, Governor Patrick got down to the real business at hand: accepting money. A staffer of Attorney General Martha Coakley publicly accepted a $50,000 check from the Muslim American Society to train state law enforcement agencies in Muslim cultural sensitivities. Apparently, the coast is clear for Imam Farooq to instruct his followers to pick up their guns and police officers to put down theirs. What could go wrong?
Now this same brand of clueless politicians is kissy-facing the Ground Zero mosque gang and asking New Yorkers to love it. After his self-inflicted fiasco with the Kahlil Gibran International Academy, Mayor Bloomberg should know better. He promised New Yorkers the city's first Arabic-themed public school would bring a bonanza of multicultural harmony; instead, the whole thing instantly collapsed when the principal was caught praising intifada, was fired, sued to get her job back, and ignited a still-ongoing saga of legal skirmishes, aggrieved parents, secret curricula, and general chaos.But is anybody still surprised by the relentless folly of our betters? It seems no lessons are ever learned or conclusions ever reached by the professional multi-cultural crowd. They've got a utopia train to catch, and they're taking you with them, whether you like it or not. And never underestimate the rutting determination of a politician in hot pursuit of money and a voting bloc.
[Highly Recommended > ]
PBS Features Former Harvard President Arguing Govt. Should Engineer Happiness
Subject: txt sclm edu -
[Said with a straight face {and given air time on a government supported channel, natch}.]
Obama Judicial Nominee Says Sexual Sadists Deserve Lighter Sentences
Subject: txt lgl -
President Obama's nominee to the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Robert N. Chatigny, holds a disturbing fringe opinion that sexual sadism should be a legal mitigating factor. In fact, Chatigny put this belief in action while presiding over the case against the "Roadside Strangler" where he did everything in his power to keep serial rapist and killer Michael Ross from getting the death penalty. (WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT)
[Appointments are policy.]
America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control
Subject: txt sclm bbro mny econ -
This is not the culture war of the 1990s. It is not a fight over guns, gays or abortion. Those old battles have been eclipsed by a new struggle between two competing visions of the country's future.
In one, America will continue to be an exceptional nation organized around the principles of free enterprise -- limited government, a reliance on entrepreneurship and rewards determined by market forces.
In the other, America will move toward European-style statism grounded in expanding bureaucracies, a managed economy and large-scale income redistribution.
These visions are not reconcilable. We must choose...
Subject: txt econ sclm - bdd -Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of the year 2010...
Half a Dozen States Delay Tax Refunds
Subject: txt tax cali -
At least a half-dozen mismanaged states are now delaying their tax refund checks...
Subject: txt cali mny libs - fnn - bdd -
Is California the Venezuela of North America?...
Jail time for critter slayer
Subject: txt grn nanny lgl bdd - A Long Island World War II vet has been sentenced to 30 days for shooting a squirrel in his yard.
Win a soccer game by more than five points and you lose, Ottawa league says
Subject: txt bdd vals child -
In yet another nod to the protection of fledgling self-esteem, an Ottawa children’s soccer league has introduced a rule that says any team that wins a game by more than five points will lose by default.
The Gloucester Dragons Recreational Soccer league’s newly implemented edict is intended to dissuade a runaway game in favour of sportsmanship. The rule replaces its five-point mercy regulation, whereby any points scored beyond a five-point differential would not be registered...
[Good lesson for the tots; if you win, you - wait a minute - give me a minute to figure this out...]
Subject: txt immig -Most of the debate on illegal immigration involves wishful thinking. The reality is that only four policies can significantly reduce illegal immigration, says Jeffrey Miron, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute.
Allow more legal immigration:
- The United States has an illegal immigration problem because it restricts legal immigration.
- Large wage differences between the United States and other countries, especially in Latin America, will always encourage migration.
- Restrictions on immigration are also costly, since they create black markets, generate violence and spawn corruption.
Expand free trade:
- If goods can move freely across countries, the demand for low skill labor will shift from the United States to poorer countries, raising wages there relative to here and reducing the incentive to immigrate.
- The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the United States-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), while steps in the right direction, still contain substantial impediments to trade between the United States, Mexico and Central America.
De-escalate the war on drugs:
- Violence generated by the war on drugs forces residents of mostly Latin America countries to cross the U.S. border in part to escape that violence.
- Full legalization would be the most effective response, but even a major reduction in enforcement would shrink the violence significantly.
Scale back the U.S. welfare state:
- Despite common perceptions, immigrants do not make especially high use of the social safety net or migrate mainly to collect these benefits; most come to the United States seeking work.
- If immigration were substantially more open, large-scale migration in response to generous benefits would plausibly increase.
- Therefore, it makes sense to either reduce that generosity or condition benefits on legal residence for a significant number of years.
Source: Jeffrey A. Miron, "The realities behind the immigration debate," Cato Institute, May 18, 2010.
Radical Islamic Terrorists and America's Immigration Crisis
Subject: txt immig gwot islm -Radical Islamic Terrorists and America’s Immigration Crisisby Marinka Peschmann At a press conference last Wednesday with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, President Barack Obama said his administration was taking a “very close look” at Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigration law, “for any implications, especially for civil rights.”
So while the Obama Administration looks at civil rights implications, the big question to ask is will they also 'look' at the implications of the radical Islamic terrorists in America—including those who have taken advantage of the broken U.S. immigration system?
What? Radical Islamic terrorists are in America?
NASA accused of 'Climategate' stalling
Subject: txt grn -The man battling NASA for access to potential ''Climategate'' e-mails says the agency is still withholding documents and that NASA may be trying to stall long enough to avoid hurting an upcoming Senate debate on global warming. Nearly three years after his first Freedom of Information Act request, Christopher C. Horner, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said he will file a lawsuit Thursday to force NASA to turn over documents ...
Cap and Flee: California refutes its own 'green jobs' policy
Subject: txt cali grn - engry -
READ MORE"California, that former land of opportunity, was one of the first states to pass its own version of "cap and trade" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2007 when Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the law, called AB-32, he said it would propel California into an economy-expanding, green job future.
"Well, a new study by the state's own auditing agency—its version of the Congressional Budget Office—has burst that green bubble.”
AB32 driving higher energy costs
Cal Watchdog
“May 3 saw 807,946 signatures submitted to the California Secretary of State to qualify for the November ballot the California Jobs Initiative. If approved by voters, it would suspend AB32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, until unemployment in California dropped from its current high level, 12.6 percent in March, to 5.5 percent or lower for four consecutive quarters. ”
Closing the Curtains on the Soviet Past
HistoryA year ago, as you say, on May 19, 2009, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev created the Commission to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia’s Interests. This Commission puzzled many historians. Was it an offensive against freedom of thought and speech? Did it open a door for possible repression of historians who would “undermine” the national image of Russia by bringing up unpleasant things about Russia’s national identity and the cruel truth about the Soviet past?
Without a doubt, we see a Stalinist-like intervention of the state occurring right before our eyes. It is an intervention into the historical profession and an imposition of boundaries on historical study...
[Every day we've new evidence that the Bear is back - are we factoring its aggressive designs into our foreign policy positioning? {rhetorical}]
NYT's Timothy Egan to 'Grumpy...Cranky...Bitter' Tea Party Movement: Just Die Already
Subject: txt hots 2010 msm -
We've been led to believe that the grumpy, the cranky and the bitter will drive the midterm elections in the fall. You would never know, with nightly images of jowly Tea Partiers and their inchoate discontents, that people ages 18 to 29 years old made up a larger percentage of the 2008 electorate than those over 65.
[True. Also true {but amazingly not mentioned}: the young-voter increase of roughly 8% in '08 was exactly mirrored by a ~8% decrease in voter turn out of senior registered Republicans who stay home in disgust, having no one to vote for {i.e., the election of '08 was handed any Democrat candidate when the media and Republican rhinos succeeded in making McCain the Republican candidate.}]
[The real message:
Quinn Abolishes Wasteful Office of Education
Well, finally our Illinois governor did something I agree with. Pat Quinn abolished a state funded office. If only this wasn’t the first and likely the last time he’ll do such a thing. On Sunday, Quinn signed an order to abolish the state office of education, a complete waste of money, an office from which former Superintendent Charles Flowers embezzled over $400,00 to fill his pockets...
Woman to sue phone company after husband discovered affair through billA Canadian woman is suing a mobile phone company after her husband discovered she was having an affair through her itemized phone bill and left her. Ms Nagy claimed she had asked the phone company to send her bill in her name to her home, but it was instead bundled with the couple's television, Internet and home phone bill in her husband's name...