Monday, March 29, 2010
Leftist Totalitarians Stage False Flag EventsTo Provoke Violence
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm -
And so it begins… The left is staging false events meant to engender violence. See the following non-event:
Watch the video closely. Though there may have been spittle flying because of yelling, there is no way to actively spit on someone through cupped hands. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is going away. I think the left will milk it for all it is worth and use it as a weapon against the Tea Party activists and the American people in general.
Cleaver walked through a crowd of tens of thousands who were against this bill and with the majority of Democrats, defied millions of Americans who want it thrown out thus stomping on the will of the people. And he takes offense at ‘Kill the Bill?’ Pansy-ass wimp… Far, far worse was done to President Bush, to Rush Limbaugh, to Glenn Beck, to Ann Coulter and the list goes on and on.
Mark my words, leftist totalitarians will stage false flag events to provoke violence and precipitate an emergency that will hand all control of America over to this administration, thereby doing away with the Constitution, our rights and freedoms, elections and the rule of law. One way or another, I fear the Progressives will have their way.
[I'd like to consider very unlikely - but with a duplicitous MSM that we've witnessed can sell America on anything... and its full-court press aiding such fabrications....
2010: A Race Odyssey — Again
As I have said over and over and over, the left has one trick that it will use again and again when its back is in the corner: shout ‘racist’ in a crowded country.
On Saturday, during the peaceful and patriotic tea party protest at the Capitol, the Democrats staged a series of symbolic acts meant to manipulate the media to do its bidding. The Congressional Black Caucus pulled the Selma card and chose to walk through the crowd in the hopes of creating a YouTube incident. This is what it looked like:
If we let them get away with Saturday’s stunt — using the imagery of the Civil Rights era and hurtful lies to cast aspersions upon the tea party whole — then they really will have won the day.
It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up.
Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.
And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now.
Rep. Lewis, if you can’t do that, I’ll give him a backup plan: a lie detector test. If you provide verifiable video evidence showing that a single racist epithet was hurled as you walked among the tea partiers, or you pass a simple lie detector test, I will provide a $10K check to the United Negro College Fund.
Tea Partiers Are Descendants of George Wallace and David Duke
... the Washington Post’s Colby King charged in his weekly Saturday column, maintaining
was the beginning of his column, “In the faces of Tea Party shouters, images of hate and history,”"The angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They resemble faces of protesters lining the street at the University of Alabama in 1956..."
CNN Convicts Palin and Tea Partiers of ‘Inciting Violence’ and Stoking Racism
Subject: txt msm bias bdd vals 1st 0 -
... titled “DANGEROUS RHETORIC: When heated words incite threats & violence,” CNN’s panel agreed Obama’s political opponents are inciting violence and are motivated by racism --
You Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Conservatives
Subject: txt 1st msm bias -
"... conservative opposition to Obamacare is fueled not so much by the substance of PBO's plans as it is by the racism, homophobia and sexism of people who can't bear to witness America's changing demographics..."
[Make no mistake, the media meme from now until November will be the demonization of all resistance to Obama's agendas by portraying opposition as racists and violent extremists.
If not vociferously rejected at every instance, it stands a very real chance of succeeding by bending the portion of the mushy middle that still get their news primarily from TV away from the constitutional arguments due to a fabricated association between liberty promoters and racists.
Americans need counter every accusation of racism with the calm rejection of it as racist itself; to inject race into a debate on what this country is to be going forward that has noting to do with race until the Left injects it.
It's already being used as a funding tool by the White House itself...]
Obama Using Death Threats To Democrats As Fundraiser
Subject: txt hcare 2010 libs bdd vals sclm bbro -
President Obama's campaign group Organizing for America is using alleged death threats against Democrats in Congress to raise money for its efforts to get the public to support the unpopular healthcare reform bill signed into law this week.
As Obama-lovers in the media hyperventilate over every incident they believe confirms their most derogatory view of Tea Party members and anyone voicing opposition to what's happening in the United States, will they give attention to the fact that the White House is using the publicity as a fundraising vehicle?
Consider that question as you read the following posting by OFA Director Mitch Stewart...
Media Only Like Protests If They Agree With Protesters
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm bias -
"Red Eye" host Greg Gutfeld on Saturday said the media's response to the nation's anger over healthcare reform was totally predictable.
"I've been down this road so many times I could navigate it blindfolded and covered in peanut butter," Gutfeld marvelously wrote at his blog.
"It goes like this: for the media, anger is only okay if its targets meet their stereotypical, romanticized criteria. Meaning: the corporation, the conservative, the daddy who never loved them."
Conversely, Gutfeld then offered "a list of people doing angry things the media is okay with"...
What Bias? Re: Media 'Forget' Leftwing Violence at 2008 GOP Convention
Subject: txt 1st msm bias 2010 -
As so-called journalists across the fruited plain hyperventilate about alleged death threats and future acts of violence they claim are being stoked by "hate speech" from the Right, they are conveniently ignoring how the Left behaved in this country when George W. Bush was in the White House.
Case in point: the violent protests that occurred at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul.John Hinderaker's good piece on this subject published at Power Line Saturday should be must-reading for conveniently amnesiac media members who suddenly think civil disobedience is racist..
CNN Lowballs Nevada Tea Party Event: 'Hundreds of People, at Least Dozens of People'; Politico Reports 20,000
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm bias -
"Hundreds of people, at least dozens of people - we haven't gotten a count of how many people turned out there..."
Politico's Kenneth Vogel had a little higher number, saying "an estimated 20,000 tea partiers gathered for a rally in a windswept desert lot," in his March 27 report on the event...
POLL: Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress
Subject: txt 1st hcare - 2010 lbrty -
In official Washington, some consider the Tea Party movement a fringe element in society, but voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation.
When it comes to those issues, 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress, vs only 26% feeling closer to Congress.
Finally, 46% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is more ethical than the average member of Congress. [no news there] Twenty-seven percent (27%) say that the average member of Congress is more ethical. [no sense there]READ MORE
It's Democrats' deafness that reaps hate mail
Subject: txt 1st 2010 hcar lbrty -
People get loud and angry when they feel as if they're being ignored. *
Democrats stubbornly refused to listen to the tremendous public outcry against their health care package. They attempted to minimize the protests and marginalize the protesters. But now that they've shoved the bill down America's throat, they're feigning shock -- and even fear -- at the vehemence of the backlash.
They say they're being 'terrorized' by potentially violent opponents of the health care bill, and produce stacks of letters, e-mails and phone messages they claim make them fearful of their lives.
But what is being passed off as menacing is nothing more than old-fashioned hate mail. Much of it is crude and offensive, a lot of it is inappropriate, but it doesn't rise to the level of a threat....
[*Does anyone else find it amazing how those on the Left forever insisting we must understand why Islamic terrorists 'feel' the way they do evidently feel no such curiosity toward what has provoked such strong emotions in the majority of their own countrymen?
Rhetorical: they're not remotely interested - their goal is to rely on their MSM allies to sufficiently demonize any & all descent so that it will become socially unpalatable by November...]
Liberal Delusion
Subject: txt 1st fnn 2010 libs -
"It is with great humility and with great pride that we tonight will make history for our country and progress for the American people. [Applause] Just think-we will be joining those who established Social Security [bankrupt], Medicare [bankrupt], and now tonight health care for all Americans. [Applause]... Americans will look back on this day as one which we honored the character of our country and honored our commitment to our nation's founders [spinning in their graves] for a commitment to ‘life, liberty [insulting], and the pursuit of happiness.'"Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, March 22, 2010.
Word Cloud derived from polled Americans on
Source: The Pew Research Center:
Size of word reflects number of times used to describe Congress, by 749 polled Americans:
Percentage of those polled who:
Believe Congress is doing a poor job: 64%
Believe Congress is doing a good or excellent job: 11%
Would vote to keep current legislators in office: 17%
Would like to throw out all congressmen and start over: 59%
Would vote for a generic Republican for Congress: 43%
Would vote for a generic Democrat for Congress: 35%
Source: Rasmussen.
Percentage who approve of the way Congress handled job,
in 2002: 84%
In 2008: 18%
Source: Gallup.
[Yup, those tea partiers - they're a problem...]