Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Reality of Obamacare
[HT:LDot; "$10 billion to pay for 16,500 IRS agents who will collect
and enforce mandatory 'premiums.'" Think about it.]
First: Congratulations to President Obama and the Democratic leadership.
You won dirty against bipartisan opposition from both Congress and the majority of Americans.
You've definitely polarized the country even more, and quite possibly bankrupted us too. But hey, you won.
Bubbly for everyone. Simply, you have nationalized healthcare by proxy. Insurance companies are now heavily regulated government contractors.
Way to get big business out of Washington...
IRS to hire thousands of armed tax agents to enforce health care laws
Subject: txt 1st hcare lbrty bbro -Top IRS officials have been working with Democrats on Capitol Hill to determine how the agency will enforce President Obama’s new health care law. Republican lawmakers estimate the legislation will require the hiring of many thousands of new (and armed) tax enforcement agents.
While it’s still not known exactly how many will be hired, here’s what’s clear: Under the new law, the IRS is required to fine taxpayers thousands of dollars if they do not purchase health insurance.
In order for the government to enforce compliance, tax authorities will need information, for the first time, about people’s health care...
20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms
Subject: txt hcare 1st lbrty bbro -... it is worthwhile to take a comprehensive look at the freedoms we will lose. Of course, the overhaul is supposed to provide us with security.
But it will result in skyrocketing insurance costs and physicians leaving the field in droves, making it harder to afford and find medical care. We may be about to live Benjamin Franklin’s adage,
“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”
Rush Was Right
[Credit where due.]
In hindsight Republicans will point the President Obama's Blair House health care meeting with Republicans as the event that enabled Democrats to get to a point where the Senate health care bill could pass.
During the event and immediately afterward, some Republicans were given credit for standing up to the President and attempting to get a leg up, but according to a Democrat leadership aide in the House, the event accomplished exactly what the Democrats and the White House wanted.
"It allowed the Democrats to create the impression that Republicans had had a hand. It allowed the President afterward to claim he had included Republican proposals in the bill, and gave him a clear path to moving the process along, where before he didn't,"
A White House aide, who was involved in planning the media sideshow at Blair said,
"If the Republicans had actually listened to Rush [Limbaugh] and [Mark] Levin and [Fred] Thompson and not attended, we couldn't have built any momentum...'
If You’re against Obamacare, You’re Probably a Racist
Subject: txt 1st hcare bdd vals -
Today, the New York Times features an article drawing a direct link between the Obamacare debate and the civil-rights struggle over 40 years ago. The title is “Past Strife and Jeers,” and here is the opening paragraph:
"WASHINGTON — Forty-five years ago, John Lewis began the third of what became society-shifting civil rights marches from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. On Sunday, the anniversary of that famous trek, he joined hands with fellow House Democrats and marched past jeering protesters into the Capitol to remake the nation’s health care system..."
We have no tolerance for intolerance and condemn anyone who would resort to racist name-calling. Shame on anyone who did.
But shame on the New York Times for comparing those who protested the Democrats’ health-care policy with the virulent southern racists who participated in violent and often deadly protests against civil-rights demonstrators.

The Left’s plan for November is to promote exactly this kind of thinking, shaming opponents into staying at home rather than going to the polls to vote the bums out, while fooling proponents that opposition is nothing more than the most atavistic form of prejudice.
With every poll showing that far more voters hate Obamacare than love it (with the balance made up of the lukewarm on both sides of the issue), this is the New York Times’s effort to help shift voter intensity — which spells turnout in November — in favor of Obamacare.
We suspect the electorate won’t prove so gullible. The Old Grey Lady is not as smart as she thinks she is, nor are Americans the ninnies she believes they are.
New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare
Subject: txt 1st hcare -...Just 39 percent of the poll’s 1,030 respondents said they favored the bill. These numbers shouldn’t come as a surprise — even to the White House. In fact, The Washington Post reported this morning that
“President Obama is set to begin an immediate public relations blitz reshaping the legislation’s image"
[So many racists.
Unfortunately, after the absurd success of '08, the Left is now convinced they (with the MSM as key component) can sell the American public on anything given time - and they've 7 months...]
America’s Day of Wreckoning — the Socialist Putsch Comes to Washington
The peaceful, patriotic millions who marched over the course of the year were virtually ignored by the media and certainly ignored by the President. Big media only deemed fit to cover the people’s revolution long enough to libel them and smear them with vulgarities (“tea baggers“). This campaign of destruction culminated Saturday in the specious charge that a protester shouted “ni**er” at the Congressional Black Caucus.
The only problem with all this was that the charges were false. Video evidence proved that no one shouted “ni**er” or “faggot.” Is it a coincidence that after a year of millions marching against this ugly leftist power grab, that on the day before the vote both racist and homophobic slurs were allegedly hurled?
The daily drumbeat of lies and smear is so relentless that it has lost its sting. It’s like water off a duck’s back. But for the first time, America is getting a taste of it. Ordinary Americans are being smeared and slandered. And the silver lining here is that the American people will never trust the Democrats or big media again...
Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected President Obama'
Al Sharpton:
Sharpton, the founder of the National Action Network and talk radio host told Fox News on March 21, during their special coverage of the House of Representatives' passage of health care reform legislation, this victory for President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would begin "transforming" the country.
"First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama," ... "Let's not act as though the president didn't tell the American people - he was overwhelmingly elected..."
[Tell: true, but the MSM hid it, Overwhelming: 7.1% {vs. Reagan's >18%}.
Still, past time the unvarnished truth slips out. NOW does America know what it's up against?]
It's a Civil War: What We Do Now
Subject: txt 1st 2010 hstry edu vals -
A terrible thing happened to America on Sunday, March 21, 2010. The country took its biggest step ever down a road diametrically opposed to its original intent of keeping the state small so that the individual can be free and great.
Therefore, in this unprecedented crisis of values, this is what needs to be done:
1. Know and teach America's core values. We got to this point solely because over the past few generations, Americans have forgotten the values that have made America distinctive and great... [snip]
2. Recognize that we are fighting the left, not liberals. Liberalism believed in American exceptionalism; the left not only does not believe in it, the left opposes it.,, [snip]
3. Democrats should be referred to as Social Democrats. This is not meant to be a slur, but there is no longer any difference between what is now known as the Democratic Party and the Social Democratic parties of Europe... [snip]
4. 6. Do not let other matters distract. Neither Republicans nor conservatives are united on every issue facing America. Immigration is one example. But we are united on the big government vs. free individual issue, which, more than anything else, has defined America. If we allow any other domestic issue to divide us, we will lose... [snip]
5. Our motto: "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen." It encapsulates this epic battle of American values versus leftist values.
6. Acknowledge that we are in a non-violent civil war. The fact is that the left and the rest of the country share almost no values. The American value system and the leftist value system are irreconcilable. If the left wins, America's values lose. If American values prevail, the left loses.
After Sunday's vote, for the first time in American history, one could no longer confidently believe that the American system will prevail.
And if we don't fight for it, we don't deserve it.
[The challenge:
Everyday Americans will need overcome their two greatest disadvantages is defending their values from the ceaseless onslaught of Progressivism:
1) The aversion of good people to imagine what bad people are capable of. and so slow recognition of evil being done {the enabler of tyrants throughout history}, and
2) The disinclination of conservatives toward 'activist' activities, as contrary to their self-reliant/libertarian/live-and-let-live values.
This combination of traits assures defeat over time, as it faces the opposite in liberal-progressivism:
> Belief in progressive values is self-evidence or superior intellect, and is accompanied with a moral obligation to direct the masses for their own good, and{exaggeration? the nationalization of college tuition loans in a 'health care' bill?}
> The altruism of this end justifies any-and-all means toward achieving - chief among them being stealth and deception, such as secured their virtually monopolies of key social institutions (academia, media, public employees).
The point:
Everyday busy/self reliant/minding-their-own-business Americans need wake up to the reality that progressive-liberals, by their nature, fervently believe that our business is their business to manage and consider no means toward doing so beyond bounds.
Eternal counter-activism [action] is required or the individual liberty this country was founded on will be consumed by the never ending assault of collectivism.
I.e., it's our turn.