Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Media Use Austin IRS Terror Attack to Slam Tea Party Movement
Subject: txt 1st lbrty 2010 msm -
Despite the fact that Stack's suicidal diatribe made no mention of the tea party, the Colorado Independent reported,
"There will be more attacks. Stack was not right or left. He may or may not have been a Tea Partier." ran a headline titled:
"The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The 'Tea Party.'"
Time magazine's web site, meanwhile, did not contain the words "tea party." Yet it carried a link in crimson letters halfway through its report titled:
"See the making of the tea party movement."
Washington Post editorial board writer Jonathan Capehart, who wrote:
"I am struck by how his alienation is similar to that we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement."
Like all such liberal hit pieces, [insert:
ABC: Joe Stack Hailed as Hero in American 'Patriot' Resurgence
WaPo: Austin Suicide Pilot's 'Alienation Similar To Extreme Elements of Tea Party Movement'
MSNBC: ' Southern Poverty Guest Ties Stack To 'Radical Right'
NY Mag Jumps on Liberal Bandwagon, Ties Joe Stack to Tea Parties
Newsweek Links Stack to ‘Right Wing Terror,’ Inexplicably Mentions Racism
CNN's Sanchez and Velshi Omit Stack's Communist Sympathies
Capehart did not provide any rationale for linking the wanton act to the conservative grass-roots movement sweeping the nation, which liberal commentators have ridiculed from the outset.
Rich Noyes, research director for the Media Research Center watchdog organization, characterized the mainstream media's inclination to link the attack to conservatives, without evidence to support it, as "obnoxious."
"I mean, this is what editors are for, to prevent this kind of impugning of a movement that represents millions of people with genuine grievances about the direction their government is taking, and some nut who is irritated with the IRS because he has to pay his taxes and doesn't think he should."
Asked his reaction to media reports linking the tea party movement to the tragedy, Holloway told Newsmax,
"I think it's just the whole notion of a few people in politics, and I'll include some of the media, that everything is about political process rather than about people. Here you've got a terrible tragedy involving so many people, and the first thought is: 'How do I use this to forward my own agenda and to try to attack someone else's?'
Newsweek's conspiracy 'debunking' targets the right
Subject: txt lbrty 2010 msm bias -
Newsweek recently issued a Liberal's "A Conspiracy Manifesto of the vast Rightwing Extremist's Conspiracy Theories" article... only instead of calling the piece a "manifesto" author David Graham called it "debunking fringe beliefs." Apparently manifesto was a little too communist sounding.
The elaborations on each debunking (in bold) as written in Newsweek won't be articulated below but parts of the "refutations" are (normal font). Here are the Flying Spaghetti Monsters that Mr. Graham battles and his coup de grâce, in part, to each.
The full article can be read here. [snip]
If I didn't know any better I'd swear that Newsweek had David Graham write this who had Obama write it who had Ayers write it who had Alinsky write it.
Now if I believed that - I'd be on the list. No thanks.
‘Iran, West situation deteriorating quickly’
Subject: txt gwot nsec -The situation between Iran and the West is increasingly deteriorating and the region as a whole is yet to face the full impact of the financial crises in 2010, says Claude Smadja, President of Smadja & Associates. “With regards to Iran, the Obama administration has tried a policy of extending a hand towards the country. Right now they have a feeling that their extended hand has been ignored by the region from what I’ve heard from friends in the US. The Iranian regime is continuing its policy of building weapons capabilities
'If Iran gets nukes, so will Turkey'
Subject: txt gwot iran nsec -
Following his meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and local Jewish community leaders on Monday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu went out to eat with his wife Sara at a Moscow restaurant and coincidentally ran into Greek Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs George Papandreou. (Snip) In an apparent to prod the Greeks toward action on the Iranian issue Netanyahu said that a nuclear would eventually lead to the Nuclearization of Turkey, Greece’s long-time nemesis...
N. Korea Vows to Bolster Nuclear Force as Deterrent
Subject: txt hstry nsec intl - iran -
North Korea vowed Friday to bolster its nuclear force unless the United States dropped its hostile policy and removed nuclear threats to the North, adding that its nuclear program could not be traded for economic aid.
[Again and again: In the absence of American leadership, despots will fill the void.]
Sanctions alone won't stop Iran's nuclear program
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Iran raised the extent of its defiance of the world when it began enriching uranium to a level approaching 20 percent. In the West, there is wide agreement that this step is bringing Iran closer to having a nuclear bomb. (Snip) The end of the year, the deadline that Obama set for evaluating diplomatic progress on Iran, also came and went. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that nothing has been accomplished, and it has been clear that the essential next step will involve imposing sanctions.
[But a regime change from within could.]
Russia: No talks of punitive measures against Iran
Subject: txt gwot intl nsec russia -
Amid Israel's earnest calls for fresh Iran sanctions, Russian foreign ministry said Friday that no talk was right now in progress for more punitive measures against Teheran.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said on Friday that the six major powers were not discussing any new sanctions against Iran at the moment.
"No work is in progress at the UN Security Council in New York today to prepare a possible sanctions-based resolution on Iran," Nesterenko said but didn't "fully rule out the possibility of starting this work."[snip]
The report, however, called on Tehran to further discuss and cooperate on the issue of the alleged studies...
Report: Hackers Attacked Google From China Schools
Subject: txt intl china -
The Internet attacks that may end up driving Google Inc. out of China originated from two prominent schools in the country, according to a story published late Thursday.
The New York Times reported security investigators have traced the hacking to computers at Shanghai Jiaotong University and Lanxiang Vocational School in China. The newspaper attributed the information to unnamed people involved in the investigation.
The National Security Agency and other specialists in digital forensics have been trying to identify the source of the attacks against Google and the other companies for weeks. The inquiry led to computers at the two schools, with some evidence suggesting the attacks may have started 10 months ago, the Times reported.
Google didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.
Reality Check Re: Public Pensions Timb Bomb
Subject: txt crpt sclm mny cali -
"Mr. Obama also recently pointed to his work on the Illinois pension issue as a model for what he would do as president..." The New York Times, 2007.
"Nineteen states were rated as meriting serious concerns. Illinois-the worst-performing state-was one of eight to earn zero points toward its pension grade... The state's pension plans are underfunded (at 54 percent), have high unfunded liabilities (340 percent of covered payroll) and have insufficient contributions (less than 60 percent of the actuarially required contribution was paid in 2008)." The Trillion Dollar Gap, a report by the Pew Center on the States on state pensions and retiree benefits.
[Lord: if California only 'needs improvement', what the hell can 'serious concerns' mean?]
Source: Pew Center on the States.
AP not slightly curious about Treasury's claim of 'outlays' REDUCTIONS despite spending increases?
Subject: txt mny msm -In his report ("Federal deficit at $430.69 billion through January") following yesterday's snow-delayed release of Uncle Sam's most recent Monthly Treasury Statement, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger informed readers that through the first four months of the fiscal year, "outlays total $1.12 trillion, down 3.9 percent from the spending through the same period in 2009."
So how did Uncle Sam manage to present a lower total of "outlays" compared to last year? Well, I can identify the line items, but won't pretend to understand what they are:
As the graphic above shows, when you subtract two vaguely labeled line items from total "outlays," the picture changes radically. What was a 4% drop dutifully reported by Crutsinger turns into an 11% increase.
The "other independent agencies" spending line item swung over $62 billion in fiscal 2010, from $24.6 billion the previous year to a negative $37.8 billion. This year's number seems to have gone the other way thanks largely but clearly not entirely to a negative $41.4 billion line item called "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation."
There is no detail in the report explaining either this year's $38.9 billion or last year's $135.9 billion obliquely described as "Dept. of the Treasury -- Other," let alone why this year's amount is a whopping $97 billion lower than last year.
As seen in the "Adjustments" line in the graphic, the two line items came in a combined $159 billion lower than last year.
So what are these things, and why have they swung so wildly? I don't know. It's supposed to be Martin Crutsinger's and the AP's job to find out and tell us. If any company CEO were to receive a similar report from his or her CFO with such large unexplained and fluctuating items, you can guarantee that the CFO would be called on the carpet to tell the boss what the heck they are and what has happened with them. The news-consuming public deserves the same answers.
It seems less than forthright to exclude the two items just noted from a press report supposedly meant, among other things, to describe to readers what's actually happening with federal spending.

As just shown, there basically isn't any in day-to-day operations.
What Americans Don't Understand about Obamacare
Subject: txt hcare -
In his State of the Union speech, President Obama tried to offer a mea culpa of sorts for the unraveling of his health care bill. Calling health care "a complex issue," the president said, "I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people."
Mr. President, you are correct. We Americans don't understand.
However, our lack of understanding is not because we're incapable of deciphering complex issues. Rather, we don't understand how Obamacare itself is supposed to make our health care system any better.
Here is a short list of what we specifically don't understand:
How will our health care system improve by giving a $300-million payoff to Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu in Louisiana in exchange for her vote?
What is positive about exempting Nebraska from having to pay future Medicare costs but making other states foot the bill?
Why are labor unions singled out from all other Americans and given an eight-year pass on paying taxes, while non-union workers have to pick up the tab?
Why should taxpayers be forced to pay for elective abortions?
How does putting the federal government between Americans and their doctors improve anyone's health?
How does a closed-door legislative process help us understand the complexities of Obamacare?

In short, Mr. President, why should we believe anything you tell us about health care anymore?
Maybe If the White House Just Repeats Its Health Care Reform Plan One More Time...
Subject: txt hcare -The White House has announced that it will publish a health care reform proposal in advance of the forthcoming bipartisan health care summit. Reports suggest that it will be a House/Senate compromise plan rather than a new White House proposal. The idea, as far as I can tell, is to give Democratic leadership in Congress a mild push to finalize a compromise (and, presumably, a passage strategy to go along with it) and to expose Republicans as having no ideas—or, even better, as standing for wildly unpopular ideas.
The War on Truth
Subject: txt grn crpt libs bdd -
The greatest danger to our wealth, our liberties, our values, and our safety today comes from the deconstruction of truth. We live in a world driven by information. Almost all real wealth today is based upon information and knowledge. Almost all real power today is based upon mass communication, education, and entertainment. Even military power relies upon data and intelligence, not brute force... [snip]
We have a president who is almost solely the creature of a partisan pseudo-science which views truth as an odd waste product. Has Obama ever seriously searched for truth? His lifelong chums are a gaggle of pseudo-thinkers and strong-arm operatives who float through college into jobs unconnected with honor. He reads us his soul off a teleprompter whose digitized letters conform to polling data.
The terrifying numbers which his surreal spending has created mean nothing to Obama. The threats to our nation are real to him only as it affects his polling numbers. His indifference to truth is the greatest danger he presents the world.
Truth is our highest virtue.
Too many millions of us simply do not believe that is true. As long as concern for honesty, dedication to what is real, and intellectual integrity flounder, all the tricks toys, and tickets of knowledge and technology will simply be little curses in our lives...
[Highly Recommended > ]
NYT Lauds Obama Lobbyist Regulations, Ignores Numerous Lobbyists in Top Admin Posts
For much of the liberal media, President Obama operates in a vacuum. In their minds, if he says he will do something, he will most likely do it, even if he has a blatant record of not following through on similar promises.
Take Obama's lobbyist rhetoric, for instance. When the President claimed the White House has "excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs" he was telling the truth, sort of. He did not mean, and his staff has confirmed this, that they've excluded all lobbyists from the process, as, you know, a reasonable person would gather. He just meant that some lobbyists that applied for jobs in his administration didn't get them.
As it turns out, there are over 40 former lobbyists working in the White House or some branch of the executive (see chart below the fold).The New York Times today ran a glowing story on President Obama's upcoming crackdown on lobbyists, never once mentioning his duplicitous statement during the State of the Union.
Breitbart to Media: The Gig Is Up -
Conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart called out the mainstream media Saturday saying, "The gig is up. We figured you out. You're not on our team. You're not on the American team."Speaking to a lively crowd at CPAC, Breitbart attacked the entire liberal establishment: "This multicultural crap that you instill in our kids the second they get into college, and you separate them and pit them against each other so that you can get votes every election cycle, that's ending right now."
He marvelously continued, "Your Alinsky tactics to try and destroy Hannah [Giles], James [O'Keefe], and me: Bring it on"
Michele Bachmann brings 'miss me yet' billboard to CPACGeorge W. Bush is back -- at CPAC, at least. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) got a big cheer Friday for putting up a picture of the former president with the caption "Miss me yet?" "I like it too," she proclaimed. The image first appeared mysteriously on a billboard in her state earlier this month. It turned out to be the work of a group of small business owners. Shirts bearing the Bush image are also selling well online, according to the New York Daily News.Conservatives at the annual event have been embracing the last administration in other ways.