Monday, April 26, 2010
Violent Pro Illegal Immgration Protest in Arizona
Subject: txt 1st msm immig -
Where is Bill Clinton?
This ain’t no Tea Party!Really, where is Bill Clinton? Wasn’t he lecturing us just a week ago that protests could lead to violence? Where are all the media talking heads who echoed Clinton’s absurd attempt to link the Tea Partiers to violence?
Yet, here’s a riot started by protesters against the new law in Arizona to toughen up enforcement on illegal immigration in Phoenix on April 23. Bottles were hurled at police and threats of violence that make even the rowdiest Tea Party look like a church picnic.
You’ll see the bottles thrown here, striking police officers who try to usher a lone anti-illegal immigration protester from the scene for his own safety:
[To the chants of clearly audible "get that white boy", and T-shirts demanding amnesty -- how much of either have you seen on TV newscasts {it's titled 'Uncensored' for a reason.]
The scene from overhead clearly shows a fusillade of bottles being thrown at the Police:
Once again, violent agitators of the left take to the streets breaking our laws and the silence from Democrats who condemn peaceful protests by Tea Partiers is stunning.
[And, sadly, predictable.]
[FLASHBACK 100423 >
A cruise missile in a shipping box on sale to rogue bidders
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl russia -
Defence experts are warning of a new danger of ballistic weapons proliferation after a Russian company started marketing a cruise missile that can be launched from a shipping container.
It is feared that the covert Club-K missile attack system could prove ''game-changing'' in fighting wars with small countries, which would gain a remote capacity to mount multiple missiles on boats, trucks or railways.
Iran and Venezuela have already shown an interest in the Club-K Container Missile System which could allow them to carry out pre-emptive strikes from behind an enemy's missile defenses...
Unserious About Iran
Subject: txt intl nsec iran owg russia china -
''Our aim is not incremental sanctions, but sanctions that will bite.''
Thus did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seek to reassure the crowd at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee two weeks ago about the Obama Administration's resolve on Iran.
Three days later, this newspaper reported on its front page that "the U.S. has backed away from pursuing a number of tough measures against Iran" in order to win Russian and Chinese support for one more U.N. sanctions resolution.
This fits the pattern we have seen across the 14 months of the Obama Presidency...
Navy pilot's last act: saving 3 crew mates
The E-2C Hawkeye, returning from a mission in Afghanistan, was a few miles out from the Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier. Zilberman, 31, was a veteran U.S. Navy pilot who had flown many times in the Middle East with the Hawkeye, a turbo-prop aircraft loaded with radar equipment.
The starboard propeller shut down, causing the plane to become unstable and plunge. Zilberman ordered his three crew mates, including the co-pilot, to bail. He manually held the plane as steady as possible so they could jump.
Zilberman went down with the aircraft on March 31.
"He held the plane level for them to do so, despite nearly uncontrollable forces. His three crewmen are alive today because of his actions,"
Navy Rear Adm. Philip S. Davidson wrote to Zilberman's parents.
Zilberman's last act earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross, one of the highest honors the U.S. Navy bestows, Rosi said.
The medal was presented to his wife, Katrina Zilberman, in Norfolk, where she lives with their children, Daniel, 4, and Sarah, 2. A copy of the medal also was given to his parents - Boris Zilberman and his wife, Anna Sokolov - who live in the Eastmoor area of Columbus.
Zilberman was born in Ukraine, and his flight nickname was "Abrek," the name of one of the first two monkeys that flew into outer space for the Soviet Union.
Making a better life for their son was a major reason his parents decided to emigrate from Kiev, Ukraine. They were fearful of living only 90 miles from the leaking nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, and that their son would one day be forced into military service. They joined a wave of Jewish emigrants from the Soviet Union who settled in Columbus in 1991.
Sokolov said she was initially shocked when her son told her he had joined the Navy.
"We were afraid of the military service because it was awful for Jewish people" in the Soviet Union, she said.
Rofsky said she went to the recruiter and tried to persuade him to have Zilberman change his mind. But Zilberman wanted to pay his own way to college and knew that the military would help him do that.
While in the Navy, Zilberman earned a bachelor's degree in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., in three years.
Chinese Naval Power Expands to Waters the U.S. Dominates
[HT:DG]Subject: txt nsec intl china -The Chinese military is seeking to project naval power well beyond the Chinese coast, from the oil ports of the Middle East to the shipping lanes of the Pacific, where the United States Navy has long reigned as the dominant force, military officials and analysts say. China calls the new strategy ''far sea defense,'' and the speed with which it is building long-range capabilities has surprised foreign military officials. [It always does.]
In late March, two Chinese warships docked in Abu Dhabi, the first time the modern Chinese Navy made a port visit in the Middle East.
In late March, Adm. Robert F. Willard, the leader of the United States Pacific Command, said in Congressional testimony that recent Chinese military developments were “pretty dramatic.” China has tested long-range ballistic missiles that could be used against aircraft carriers, he said. After years of denials, Chinese officials have confirmed that they intend to deploy an aircraft carrier group within a few years.
China is also developing a sophisticated submarine fleet that could try to prevent foreign naval vessels from entering its strategic waters if a conflict erupted in the region, said Admiral Willard and military analysts.
“Of particular concern is that elements of China’s military modernization appear designed to challenge our freedom of action in the region,”
Threats To South Park Force Increased Security At Comedy Central
Subject: txt islm msm -As a result of threats made to the creators of the hit cartoon series "South Park," the New York Police Department has beefed up security at Comedy Central's headquarters.
A radical Islamic group threatened the lives of Trey Parker and Matt Stone due to a two-part episode featuring Mohammed in a bear's costume.
Newsweek's Declassified blog reported Friday that the NYPD actually got advanced notice of the threat, and is acting accordingly...
[In America. Our perceived weakness invites it. ]
'South Park,' Muhammad, and Double Standards at the New York Times
Subject: txt islm msm -A recent episode of Comedy Central's animated comedy show "South Park" caused an Islamic group to send a death threat to show creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, accusing them of insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Comedy Central reacted by censoring a later episode that also had scenes involving the cartoon version of the Islamic prophet.
Two New York Times stories on this free speech issue by Arts reporter Dave Itzkoff were buried on the inside pages of the paper's Arts section, under whitewashed headlines alleging that the "South Park" creators were being "warned" by Muslims, not having their lives threatened... [snip]
In February 2006, after a Danish newspaper published cartoons mocking Muhammad, death threats were issued to the cartoonists and radical Muslims instigated rioting.
The Times not only failed to stick up for free speech by running the cartoons itself, it actually attacked news organizations that bravely did so, while pretending it was an issue of religious respect:
"That seems a reasonable choice for news organizations that usually refrain from gratuitous assaults on religious symbols, especially since the cartoons are so easy to describe in words."
But that excuse was revealed as bogus the very next day, when the paper ran a photo of painter Chris Ofili's controversial painting of a dung-clotted Virgin Mary...
[What double standard? Move along...]
Seattle cartoonist launches "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day"
Subject: txt islm gdd lbrty -
After Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a radical Muslim group, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris wanted to counter the fear. She has declared May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." Norris told KIRO Radio's Dave Ross that cartoonists are meant to challenge the lines of political correctness. "That's a cartoonist's job, to be non-PC."
[The obvious response - to all but the PCMSM. Their cowardice {if not ideological affinity} endangers us all by emboldening our enemies - on our soil .]
Pentagon Rescinds Franklin Graham’s Invitation, Al Sharpton is Welcome at White House
Subject: txt nsec bdd vals libs -
The Pentagon rescinded the invitation of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at its May 6 National Day of Prayer event because of complaints about his previous comments about Islam.The Military Religious Freedom Foundation expressed its concern over Graham's involvement with the event in an April 19 letter sent to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. MRFF's complaint about Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham, focused on remarks he made after 9/11 in which he called Islam "wicked" and "evil" and his lack of apology for those words.
Col. Tom Collins, an Army spokesman, told ABC News on April 22,
"This Army honors all faiths and tries to inculcate our soldiers and work force with an appreciation of all faiths and his past comments just were not appropriate for this venue."
[Marvelous: PCDOD.]
The Real Reason They Hate Us
[HT:JW]Subject: txt gwot islm - nsec -For the first time in its history, the United States is trying to wage and win a war without accurately identifying the enemy or its motivations for seeking to destroy us. That oversight defies both common sense and past military experience, and it disarms us in what may be the most decisive theater of this conflict: the battle of ideas.
Yet today, the civilian leaders of this country and their senior subordinates - responsible for the U.S. military, the intelligence community, homeland security and federal law enforcement - have systematically failed to fully realize that we once again face a totalitarian ideology bent on our destruction.
That failure is the more worrisome since the current ideological menace is arguably more dangerous than any we have faced in the past, for two reasons. First, its adherents believe their mission of global conquest is divinely inspired. Second, they are here in the United States in significant numbers, not just a threat elsewhere around the world... [snip]
The American people also need to become knowledgeable about the threat of Shariah and insist that action be taken at federal, state and local levels to keep our country Shariah-free. This toxic ideology, if left unchecked, can destroy the country and institutions that are, indeed, "the best yet devised by man to secure life, liberty, individual dignity and happiness."
This land is your land; this land is my land
Why do the feds spend so much to make our Western wilderness theirs?The federal government owns nearly 30 percent of all the land in the country. In the West, those numbers soar even higher. The federal government controls more than 84 percent of the land in Nevada, more than 50 percent of the land in Alaska, Utah, Oregon and Idaho, and more than 40 percent of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming.
It's safe to say that many of these states are getting tired of the feds. Utah recently passed a law authorizing it to seize federal land through eminent domain...
The New Fat Cats
Subject: txt sclm crpt edu - mny -John Edwards was right. There are two Americas, just not his two (the rich and powerful versus everyone else). The real divide today is, on one side, the 20 million people who work for state and local governments and the additional 3 million who’ve retired with fat pensions. On the other, the rest of us, roughly 280 million Americans. In short, there’s a gulf between the bureaucrats and the people.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, state and local government salaries are 34 percent higher than those for private sector jobs. Benefits, 70 percent higher for these workers, are the real rub. And benefits for government retirees are the most flagrant. They’ve become a national scandal, a fiscal nightmare for states, cities, and towns, and an example of unfairness of the sort liberals routinely complain about but are mostly silent about just now.
Let’s start with horror stories of pensions run amok. If these tales of wretched excess at the expense of taxpayers don’t infuriate you, you’re jaded from decades of overindulgence by governments large and small: [snip]
- In Contra Costa, California, the final salary of one fire chief, 51, was $221,000. He was given an annual, guaranteed pension of $284,000...
- In California, 9,111 retired government workers have pensions of more than $100,000. One retiree draws an annual pension of $509,664. Among retired teachers, 3,065 receive more than $100,000. One gets $285,460. Pensions for retired state workers and teachers will rise 2 percent this year, though Social Security recipients aren’t getting any cost-of-living increase. The hike in California isn’t tied to inflation...
- The city of Vallejo, California, declared bankruptcy in 2008, largely because the payroll for police, firefighters, and their pensions and overtime consumed three-fourths of the budget. City employees could retire at 55 with 81 percent of their last year’s salary guaranteed as pensions. In bankruptcy negotiations, however, Vallejo officials declined to reduce current pensions...
[And on and on - long list across the country. Our 'public servants' have made us their servants, and they're bankrupting us.]
[Highly Recommended > ]
Just who do they think they own?
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty bdd hstry -
the American people, who ostensibly still pride themselves on freedom have long since been co-opted as nothing more than a labor force by their masters in Washington. “We the people” have become “we the workers.”
This is a fact known to one and all, but for some reason, of late it has been treated like a crazy uncle — the less said about it the better. But that was not always true. President Reagan often warned against letting the government control too much of your life. In his farewell address to the nation in 1989, he said this:
“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”

It seems as though more and more we have to return to the words of the Founding Fathers if we hope to return to the nation they created. In one quote, Jefferson even anticipated the role of the government as a tyrannical landlord, and warned us against it:
“I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple. Were we directed from Washington when to sow, when to reap, we should soon want bread.”
Everyone knows this is true. It is just a matter of how hungry we are willing to become before we demand back our individuality...
Bay Area Dems request $2.3 BILLION in earmarks
Subject: txt cali crpt libs mny -Thirteen Bay Area members of Congress have requested $2.3 BILLION for projects in next year's federal budget, ranging from earthquake retrofits for the Golden Gate Bridge to a bike trail in Bodega Bay. The members' requests are among hundreds of such projects submitted for consideration by California members of Congress, and for the first time, House members are required to post their requests on the Appropriations Committee Web site...
Can you SEC it?
Subject: txt mny -
The most obvious ques tion to anyone reading the Securities and Exchange Commission complaint against Goldman Sachs is this: If the synthetic mortgage product dreamed up by Goldman with the alleged help of hedge-fund maestro John Paulson was "designed to fail," why did it get a triple-A rating from the two top ratings agencies -- Moody's and Standard and Poor's?
Inquiring minds have wanted to know the answer to that question -- and why the SEC hasn't gone after the agencies all week.
On Friday we got the rest of the story, and it's a whopper -- according to an e-mail released by the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, the guys analyzing all the toxic mortgage junk were victims of the Stockholm Syndrome!
In this case, S&P and Moody's ratings analysts were the hostages and Goldman Sachs and other firms were the kidnappers... [snip]
The ratings agencies were paid by Wall Street to put their "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" on all the junk. American taxpayers will pay the bill for years to come.
Wall Street wants unsuspecting Americans to believe that the story of the Great Recession is too complex to comprehend, let alone assign blame for, and the SEC suit against Goldman goes a long way toward muddying the waters.
The whole sorry saga is right there for the regulators to see, and the ratings agencies are right in the center of it. If only the SEC would take off its blinders. Is that too much to ask?
Capitalism vs. Capitalists
Subject: txt mny sclm - gdd -
Five years ago this week, my former boss William F. Buckley started a column thusly: ''Every ten years I quote the same adage from the late Austrian analyst Willi Schlamm, and I hope that ten years from now someone will remember to quote it in my memory. It goes,
‘The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.’''
Schlamm’s point is still relevant, even though the kind of socialism we’re dealing with is less doctrinaire. But it also distorts the issue somewhat. One might just as easily say that the problem with socialism is capitalists, too... [snip]
The problem with socialism is socialism, because it is a system based upon an assumption about human nature that simply isn’t true.
And it’s also why the problem with capitalism is capitalists. Some people will always abuse the system and take things too far. Some will do it out of the hubris of intellect. Some will do it out of the venality of greed.
I bring all of this up because many in Washington seem convinced that the solution to the problem with capitalists is always less capitalism.
We are fond of saying that the answer to free-speech problems is more free speech. But we seem incapable of grasping that the solution to capitalism’s problems is usually more fair capitalism....
Melting glaciers in Glacier Park: The view from 1963
Subject: txt grn - The recent news release concerning the melting glaciers in Glacier National Park is deceptive. I am a National Park Service retiree. I started my career in Glacier National Park in 1963 and attended my first park staff meeting in September of 1963.
At that meeting the United States Geological Survey staff presented the results of their annual glacier monitoring program and reported that the park glaciers were continuing to shrink.
They assured the park staff that the glaciers would eventually disappear, but would not make any time predictions.
It was understood and accepted by the National Park Service and the United States Geological Survey that the park glaciers were a remnant of the last ice age and would eventually melt.
It is disconcerting to hear government professionals now blame the ice melting on anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming...
Video: Dem Congressman: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’
Subject: txt grn nsec -
"Our intelligence analysts and our military folks tell us that environment factors, exactly -- environmental factors determine who we’re going to be fighting, where we’re going to fighting them, whether we’re going to be fighting them," "And so for me, for my colleagues, climate change is a national security issue."
said Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.).
[Half right but for all the wrong reasoning: The climate canard is a national security issue, but in its threat to our ability to defend ourselves.
The US is (and has been for decades) the sole remaining democracy maintaining a serious military {re: size; most of our allies service folk are as serious as ours - but consider: western Europe mortgaged its defense capability to pay for its social welfare programs secure in the knowledge that America remained as defender. Best (but not only) case? The British Royal Navy, reduced to a mere 80 ships total (roughly half actual fight vessels) compared with America's 500 - with already passed legislation to reduce yet further}.
Remove America's financial ability to maintain our military through the imposing of Trillions of dollars of economic retardation in the name of saving the planet, and who will counterbalance a resurgent soviet block and ascending China when America no longer can?
A: no one. And that's what makes this climate scam a real national security threat.]
Saudis Tighten China Energy Ties to Reduce U.S. Dependence
Subject: txt engry intl -
Riyadh - Li Wei, a Chinese diplomat in Riyadh, had only just seen off a Ministry of Commerce delegation to Saudi Arabia this month when he started preparing for another Chinese governmental visit in two weeks.
''Every month we have delegations coming to Saudi Arabia,''
said Li, who works in the Chinese Embassy’s commercial section in the Saudi capital. China, the world’s second-largest oil consumer, and Saudi Arabia, holder of about a fifth of global crude reserves, are forging ever closer ties...
[They're called 'dots' - have we anyone left in Washington trying to connect them? {It certainly doesn't appear that way base on its inaction}]
Our Country’s Battles
Subject: txt nsec hcare gdd othr 2010 -It is increasingly likely that the Republican party, in league with more conservative Democrats, will have a decisive say in Congress following November’s elections. The GOP could even be in the majority in the House. With this possibility in sight, the primary focus of conservatives has been the repeal of the recently enacted health care legislation. Given the magnitude of the bill and its impact on both health care and the economy, this is perfectly reasonable. But health care is not the only matter that should come under review if a new working majority of conservatives results from the upcoming elections. Equally important are the Obama administration’s plans for America’s military.
The president’s proposed budgets call for an ever-increasing piece of the federal pie to go to domestic programs and a decreasing amount to national defense. The Obama administration has already flattened out the defense budget this year, while domestic spending has exploded; in last year’s stimulus, virtually every federal program got significant additional money except defense.
We have today an aging and shrinking Air Force and Navy, an Army that is overstretched, reserve forces that are far too “active” in their rate of deployment, and too few dollars to rebuild and modernize. And if the Obama domestic agenda is implemented, discretionary funds available to fund those who “fight our country’s battles/ In the air, on land, and sea” will shrink to a level at which maintaining the dominant military we have become accustomed to since the end of the Cold War will almost certainly be a thing of the past.
Indeed, the Obama administration’s projected budgets have the defense burden shrinking to less than 3 percent of GDP in the decade ahead. A level not seen since before World War II...
[And it takes a decade to restart that which is stopped - read: Raptor.]
A weapon that can strike anywhere on Earth in 30 minutes
That’s the message from the Air Force after last week’s launch of its X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, which can stay on orbit up to 270 days. The Air Force won’t say what, exactly, the robotic space plane will be doing there, how long it will linger this time, or even how much it costs. But the military is already in the process of building a second aircraft, which will fly next year.
[Yeah real secret: it's on the cover of my Popular Mechanics this month.]
The most likely role for the X-37B is also the most obvious: as a replacement for the classified missions once performed by the NASA Space Shuttle, which is now slated for retirement. It’s sometimes forgotten that the Space Shuttle once also carried secret payloads into orbit. But by avoiding the need for astronauts, the Air Force is able to build a smaller spacecraft dedicated solely to military missions.
Pentagon officials, for their part, are determined just to avoid the weapons issue altogether, by calling it something else. “Truthfully, I don’t know how this could be called weaponization of space,” Payton, the Air Force official, said when asked about the issue, just prior to the launch of the X-37B. “It’s just an updated version of the Space Shuttle kind of activities in space.”
Bill Maher: Barack Obama Is A Moderate Republican By '70s Standards
[Er, no. Closer to the truth {by an order of magnitude} to say John F. Kennedy would be a moderate Republican by today's standards, and stand zero chance of winning a Democratic primary for anything anywhere.
Close Bill, real close.]