I can't tell.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Obama shuns U.S. outlets at news conference
Subject: txt immig 1st hots lbrty libs fnn -
President Barack Obama did not call on any U.S. news outlets at his Wednesday press conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, possibly to avoid any questions on Tuesday's primary elections.
In the White House Rose Garden, the president said he and Calderon had time to take one question from each side. Obama stunned White House reporters when, instead of calling on the Associated Press or one of the American television networks, he called on a reporter from Univision - who asked about the Arizona immigration law...
A Mosque at 9/11 ‘Ground Zero’?
Subject: txt 1st hots gwot islm -
Imagine the American response in 1950 if the Japanese government sought to erect a shrine to its World War II Emperor in Pearl Harbor, right next to the sunken wreckage of the USS Arizona.
Would “outrage” be strong enough to describe the response?
Now fast forward to 2010.
Less than nine years after the worst terrorist attack on American soil in our history, an imam who blames America for the 9/11 attack wants to construct a 13 story, $100 million dollar mosque and Islamic center 600 feet from “Ground Zero.”
And he wants to unveil it to the world on September 11, 2011 – the ten year anniversary of the greatest jihadist atrocity ever perpetrated against America on its own soil.
News and blog sites across the country are heating up over this. ACT! for America, the nation’s largest grassroots organization dedicated to combating radical Islam and global jihad, today launched a national petition opposing the mosque, which says in part:
We are opposed to the grotesque symbolism represented by the building of this mosque at “ground zero…” We are deeply disturbed by the insensitivity to the families of the victims of the 9/11 jihadist attack exhibited by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his supporters.
As a measure of the public’s outrage , over 5,000 people had signed the petition in the first three hours... [snip]
The Muslim world is all about symbolism. To the militant Islamist in Saudi Arabia, a mosque at ground zero would represent the ultimate in humiliation of the infidel.
To the families of the victims of 9/11, it is the ultimate slap in the face.
Scientist booted off oil panel over writing
Subject: txt hots grn engry bdd vals sclm bbro libs -The Energy Department removed a St. Louis scientist from a select group picked by the Obama administration to pursue a solution to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico because of writings on his website about homosexuality and race relations....
[I.e., he was denied access to what one presumes is a component of his livelihood {unless he's working for free} in a completely apolitical field due to past writings having nothing to do with his employment contract.
The message? Don't write things that don't align with your government's politically correct positions or you'll be punished.
Wake up America, we're witnessing the formation of tyrannical regime right before our eyes, step by step, in America.]
A Sliver of Sanity
Subject: txt hots - cali lgl grn -
It will go down as a landmark decision.
U.S. District Judge OIiver W. Wagner ruled this week that people have rights.That may sound a bit daffy but in the wacky world of California water politics people take second class citizen status behind fish and even vegetation. In a nutshell, Wagner ruled that federal water officials must consider humans along with fish when it comes to divvying up how California’s most precious resource – water – is discharged or moved through the Delta...
A Frightening Two Minutes
Oliver North Confirms Mullah Omar Capture
Subject: txt gwot heroes -

According to Colonel North, Omar was picked up in Karachi on March 27th by the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI)...
White House official calls terrorist group “a very interesting organization”
Subject: txt israel gwot -
The downward spiral toward coffee and pastries between the White House and one of the world’s bloodiest, most-notorious terrorist organizations continues. And based on a Tuesday report in Reuters, this spiral may be tightening into an irrecoverable flat spin. According to the report,
“The Obama administration is looking for ways to build up ‘moderate elements’ within the Lebanese Hizballah guerrilla movement and to diminish the influence of hard-liners, a top White House official said on Tuesday.”
The article goes on to say – and this is frankly hard to believe – that John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, told a Washington conference,
“Hizballah is a very interesting organization,”
and apparently defended his comment by “citing its evolution from ‘purely a terrorist organization’ to a militia to an organization that now has members within the parliament and the cabinet.”
[Properly referred to terrorist infiltrators.]
The Great Hezbollah Snipe Hunt
Subject: txt israel islm -John Brennan, deputy national security adviser for homeland security, has come up with a new way to waste the foreign-policy establishment’s time — locate the so-called “moderate elements” within Hezbollah and somehow 'promote' them.
There's a small problem with this plan.
There are no moderates within Hezbollah...
[Liberal delusion now infesting {or being forced upon} our security agencies. Marvelous.]
IDF preparing for mass evacuations in case of Hezbollah missile strike
Subject: txt israel -The Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command is putting together a plan for the mass evacuation of civilians in the event of missile and rocket attacks. Hezbollah's rockets can currently hit practically everywhere in the country. The plan will be studied as part of next week's nationwide Home Front Command exercise.
Defense officials are preparing for war scenarios including massive missile strikes on the home front...
[My, that must be 'interesting' to live with, day in, day out.]
Will START treaty weaken U.S missile defense? Sen. Kerry seems to hope so
Subject: txt intl nsec -
At today’s Senate Foreign Relations hearing on the START Treaty (a U.S.-Russia nuclear arms pact) that President Obama is seeking Congressional approval for, I asked Senator Kerry a simple question. Should it be the goal of the U.S. to have a missile defense system that renders nuclear threats by other nations useless, including Russia?
To my disappointment, but not surprisingly, Senator Kerry said no.
And with his response, Senator Kerry proved why Americans have a hard time fully trusting the left to put American interests first in foreign affairs...
Subject: image toon - nsec = New US BMD sys = 'brace yourselves'
Former FEC Commissioners: Free Speech Under Politically-motivated Assault by New Bill
Subject: txt lbrty bbro bdd -
Eight former Federal Elections Commissioners today blasted proponents of a Senate bill that would "blunt" the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision, which allowed unions and corporations to spend freely on political advertisements.Writing in the Wall Street Journal, the Commissioners called the bill "unnecessary, partially duplicative of existing law, and severely burdensome to the right to engage in political speech and advocacy." They also accused Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, and Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md. -- sponsors of the Senate and House legislation, respectively -- of "partisan motives" designed to satiate the Democratic Party's labor union backers.
While some prominent news organizations, including the Washington Post, have raised serious concerns about the legislation, other ostensibly (or at least presumably) pro-free speech news outlets are either silent or, in the case of the New York Times, simply parrot Democratic talking points and give critics of the bill a mention, though not a voice, and make sure to dub them "the business lobby."
Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously)
Subject: txt fnn libs lbrty sclm bbro -
Woody Allen has a strange take on the democracy that allowed him to become rich and famous.[snip]
"it would be good... if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly."
Of course, Allen has a famously strange relationship with reality...
Subject: txt lbrty tyr libs fnn - Woddy Allen = bananas
Reform Bill a ‘Takeover’ of the Banking Industry
Subject: txt sclm bbro libs mny -Senate Republican leaders on Tuesday unleashed a barrage of criticism at the far-reaching financial regulatory legislation being debated on the Senate floor, indicating that many of the party’s leaders were prepared to vote against the bill.
Republicans accused Senate Democrats and the Obama White House of orchestrating a “government takeover” of the financial industry and suggested that the bill would severely harm businesses on Main Street...
[I.e., it makes it harder for small community banks while largely exempting the mega-banks that contributed to the melt down based on their being too big to fail...]
No Plans Yet by Democrats To End Fannie, Freddie Bailouts
[Meanwhile, the number one {of many} cause of the financial crisis...
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) could not say what action Democrats are planning to end the federal bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or when his party planned to take action. Hoyer, speaking to reporters on Tuesday at his weekly press briefing, said only that the House Financial Services Committee was “looking at” what to do with the failed mortgage giants that played a central role in the 2008 economic crisis. “The committee is looking at that,” said Hoyer. “It is going to be considering it. I can't tell you when specifically..."
... goes untouched.]
Not just their Big Fat Greek Funeral
Subject: txt intl sclm econ -
From the Times of London: “The President of Greece warned last night that his country stood on the brink of the abyss after three people were killed when an anti-government mob set fire to the Athens bank where they worked.” Almost right.
They were not an “anti-government” mob, but a government mob, a mob comprised largely of civil servants.
That they are highly uncivil and disinclined to serve should come as no surprise: they’re paid more and they retire earlier, and that’s how they want to keep it...
Subject: txt mny econ -
The United States needs to take a range of steps to recapture fiscal flexibility and stabilize the ratio of our debt to the gross domestic product, says former U.S. comptroller general David M. Walker...
Subject: image toon = Greece Rorschach test re US soon
California's Toxicity Problem
"Texas is pro-business with reasonable regulations while California is anti-business with anti-business regulations."
"California is terrible. Even when we've paid their high taxes in full, they still treat every conversation as adversarial. It's the most difficult state in the nation. We have actually walked away from business rather than deal with the government in Sacramento."
"The leadership of California has done everything in its power to kill manufacturing jobs in this state. As I stated at our annual meeting, if we could grow our crops in Reno, we'd move our plants tomorrow."
CEOs interviewed by Chief Executive Magazine.
CEOs' Rankings of States for Business in 2010
Subject: image toon = cali = GreeCafornia california is greece
Eagle Scout's penalty stands
Subject: txt edu child sclm bbro crpt -
On Wednesday night, the Lansingburgh Central School District board of education rejected Whalen's appeal of the punishment and decided not to expunge the blemish on the record of the Eagle Scout suspended for having a pocketknife in his car while the vehicle was on the grounds of Lansingburgh High School.Whalen received a 20-day suspension in September after he turned over to school administrators a 1 1/2-inch knife that he kept in his glove box as part of a car survival kit.
Matthew Whalen's suspension will stand.
[We need universal-unencumbered school vouchers.]
Global Cooling Is Coming -- Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns
Subject: txt grn -The hottest new trend in climate change may be global cooling, some researchers say. Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, Dr. Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University and author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers, has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon...
POLL: Most Americans Still Want Offshore Oil Drilling
Subject: txt engryThe latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows 64% believe offshore oil drilling should be allowed, up from 58% earlier this month.
Twenty-one percent (21%) say offshore drilling should not be allowed, and another 15% are undecided.READ MORE
Subject: txt othr bdd fnn nanny -There is no increased risk for heart disease associated with eating red meat, say researchers...
[Evidently we needed a 'study'.]
‘Community Group’ to Fresno Radio Station: Dump Conservative Hosts
There's a new speech sheriff in the town of Fresno, California, and they want to silence conservative talk radio. And they'll say or do whatever it takes to get it done.
New "community group" Citizens for Civility & Accountability in Media (CCAM) is super-peeved at Fresno, California radio station KMJ ['Armstrong and Getty', for several of you.] for having the temerity to broadcast (on their two stations) conservative talk radio hosts to whom people want to listen.
Because, you see, it's "hate speech" - according to CCAM. And therefore, KMJ should "alter their programming" (read: change their content by silencing conservatives) "in order to curtail practices that we believe to be damaging to our social fabric and to civility in public discourse."It would seem the residents of Fresno do not believe that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others on KMJ are "damaging to our social fabric and to civility in public discourse." But that could not matter less to CCAM.
This local "community group" has organized a press conference for today at 11AM PT to publicly call on KMJ to dump these conservative hosts.
This is an anti-liberal - not an anti-incumbent - wave
Subject: txt 2010 - msm -
The lesson thus far in the 2010 midterms: If you've supported Barack Obama and the Democratic leadership in their quest to vastly expand the size of government, you're toast. Despite the White House spin, anti-incumbent is not the movement, anti-liberal is.
And though you've heard and read over and over that this election is about throwing all the bums out, that line is merely a carefully crafted talking point from a politico whose party is in peril, being pushed by a complacent and largely leftist media because it is also their agenda that's being rejected by the American people...
[That and
Subject: image toon - 2010 libs = Oby's coattails gone
POLL: 67% Say Mexico Does Not Want To Stop Illegal Immigration
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 13% of Adults think Mexico wants to stop illegal immigration.
Most Americans don’t believe Mexico wants to stop the illegal flow of its citizens into this country and think America’s southern neighbor should be asked to compensate U.S. taxpayers for costs incurred by illegal immigration.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Americans think Mexico should be made to compensate U.S. taxpayers to offset such costs. Twenty-four percent (24%) disagree and say Mexico should not be asked for compensation. Seventeen percent (17%) are not sure.
As the United States wrestles with a future of historic-level deficits, 67% of voters nationwide say illegal immigrants are a significant strain on the U.S. budget....
O.C. city says it won't be sanctuary for illegal immigrants
The Costa Mesa City Council approved a resolution declaring it would not be a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants -- despite complaints from some residents that the vote needlessly inflamed tensions. The resolution was proposed by Mayor Allan Mansoor, who had become an outspoken critic of illegal immigration.
The resolution declaring Costa Mesa a “Rule of Law City” follows an April news conference in which Mansoor called for stricter regulations to catch illegal immigrants living, working and driving in the city, and his promise to ask for the council’s support.
Obama doesn't take questions at Freedom of Press Act signing
[You can't make this stuff up.]