Friday, October 10, 2008
The NYT Whitewash of Obama and Ayers
Last weekend the NYT carried a report by Scott Shane which purports to demonstrate that contrary to the work of unnamed bloggers (ahem), the Ayers/Obama contact was minimal.
This front page account represents the Times' acknowledgement that there has been some significant story that they've been sitting on, but the report so completely fiddles with the truth that it would made a first rate case study in a class on propaganda.
Both Steve Diamond and Tom Maguire bloggers who've been studying the relationship of the Democrat's presidential nominee and the unrepentant domestic terrorists weigh in. [snip]
I cannot imagine another race in American history where the media has done so much to hide from the voters a critical and damaging piece of information about one of the candidates: His apparent 13 year association with a man who worked to bomb domestic targets and kill his fellow citizens.
Is Ayers really a "reformer" as the MSM paints him? (updated)
The New York Times whitewashed Bill Ayers as someone engaged in "school reform". Tom Brokaw referred to Ayers as an educational reformer on Meet the Press. How accurate is this moniker? Not very.
Scott Johnson of Powerline notices how absurd this characterization and draws upon the work of Sol Stern -- easily the most knowledgeable person about Bill Ayers:
Calling Bill Ayers a school reformer is a bit like calling Joseph Stalin an agricultural reformer.In fact, Ayers looks at schools as nurseries to create a new cadre of children filled with an ideology that is anti-free enterprise and anti-American. To this end he has long been engaged in efforts to change the curriculum of our graduate schools of education so as to train teachers to spread his message and ideology to young children.
For instance, at a November 2006 education forum in Caracas, Venezuela, with President Hugo Chávez at his side, Ayers proclaimed his support for "the profound educational reforms under way here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chávez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution. . . . I look forward to seeing how you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane."
Ayers concluded his speech by declaring that "Venezuela is poised to offer the world a new model of education-a humanizing and revolutionary model whose twin missions are enlightenment and liberation," and then, as in days of old, raised his fist and chanted: "Viva Presidente Chávez! Viva la Revolucion Bolivariana! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!"
Update from Thomas Lifson:
Investor's Business Daily makes the same points today in an excellent editorial, asking if Bill Ayers may be the next Secretary of Education.
FNC Features, Networks Ignore Ayers Victim
While the networks and much of the mainstream media channeled their outrage at Sarah Palin for daring to mention Barack Obama’s ties to terrorist Bill Ayers, the October 9 "Fox and Friends" featured a victim of Mr. Ayers, John Murtagh, whose home was bombed at the age of nine.
Murtagh explained that the Obama-Ayers relationship goes back to the 1980's, when they met at a law firm.
Further elaborating on the activities of a Weather Underground splinter group when Obama was attending college in New York City, Murtagh editorialized "for Barack Obama to attend Columbia shortly after these events, being in New York at that time and not know who the Weather Underground was, frankly, makes him the dumbest man that ever graduated from Columbia and Harvard Law School."
When Brian Kilmeade replied "we know he’s not," Murtagh agreed. The transcript follows.
ACORN vote fraud continues (updated)
ACORN, responsible for so much vote fraud in Wisconsin and elsewhere, violated Wisconsin law by employing felons for its voter registration drive. Milwaukee election officials approved this and were caught out at it. Greg Borowski of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports:
An official with the Republican National Committee said Thursday that [ACORN]a group involved with voter registration drives in Milwaukee is "engaged in systematic fraud and attempts to undermine our electoral system." (snip)My goodness the ACORN election fixers are busy--and to think how much federal funds they are getting for all their nefarious deeds! Bill Dolan of the Northwest Indiana Times reports:
"Fraudulent applications are the workings of ACORN groups operating from Milwaukee and Chicago who are getting out the vote for Obama."Lake County elections officials acknowledged they have found problems and had to reject a large portion of the 5,000 registration forms turned in recently by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, an activist group that conducted registration drives across the county this summer.
[one of the many organizations funded by Gyorgy Schwartz (aka: George Soros) and your tax dollars.]
Obama Hired ACORN For GOTV
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is the first national candidate ever to hire ACORN, a controversial non-profit accused of voter fraud across the country, for get out the vote activities.
Obama’s campaign paid $800,000 to a subsidiary of the liberally-leaning non-profit Association of Community Organizers for Reform called Citizens Services Incorporated campaign to increase voter turnout.
[800 large; not bad for a 'non-profit']
Let every vote count, is the Democratic Party's mantra these days. That slogan might better be: Let every vote count as often as we need to win.
Such, at any rate, are the tactics of ACORN, Barack Obama's favorite "community organizers," and its Project Vote - of which, the Democratic presidential candidate has boasted, "I started working as the director . . . here in Chicago."
ACORN has been implicated in voter-fraud schemes in 15 states - including Ohio, from where The Post's Jeane MacIntosh reports today that a Board of Elections investigation has unearthed evidence of widespread voter fraud.
Indiana: More Registered to Vote Than Eligible, Media Misses Story
If Barack Obama wins this election, there will be absolutely no doubt whatsoever that one of the things that will help push him over the top is massive Democrat vote fraud. It'll make the Democrats that stole the 1960 JFK/Nixon election for Kennedy look like pikers.
One example of this massive vote fraud is in the amazing fact that there are now more registered voters in Indianapolis than are actually eligible to vote. News at 11? How about no news at all.
One has to wonder why the media doesn't connect these dots? Yes it's all well and good that voters might be excited to participate in this historic election. But, not to notice these suspicious numbers of voters seems a bit out of character for a medium claiming to be a "news" source, doesn't it?
It’s time to shut down ACORN, work against voter fraud
So now we know what a “community organizer” is. ACORN is a left wing organization that Barack Obama used to work with. They pay people to solicit voter registrations and quotas must be met. This is a formula for fraud. The only thing that matters is how many registrations are submitted, not how authentic they are.
[Q: should people who have to be enticed or helped to register to vote be trusted with voting? Doesn't informing oneself take more energy and initiative than 'signing up' once? I.e., if they won't get themselves registered...]
NBC’s Brokaw Asks No Questions on Iraq, Immigration, Abortion or Same-Sex Marriage
Neither Tom Brokaw of NBC News, who moderated Tuesday night’s presidential debate, nor any of the “townhall” audience members Brokaw pre-selected to ask questions of the two presidential candidates asked a single question about immigration, abortion, same-sex marriage or the war in Iraq.
The pretext of the debate was that the questions would come from a “townhall” audience and from Americans all across the nation sending in questions via the Internet. All issues would be inbounds.
[and most important of all: judicial appointments - supreme nominations. I guess no one in a country of 300M thought to ask about any of these topics - and it's just a coincidence that they're all considered 'general election' (populace) weaknesses for Obama.]
Archives Prove Obama Was a New Party Member
Another piece in the puzzle of Barack Obama has been revealed, greatly strengthening the picture of a man groomed by an older generation of radical leftists for insertion into the American political process, trading on good looks, brains, educational pedigree, and the desire of the vast majority of the voting public to right the historical racial wrongs of the land.
Who is Barack Obama? Part II
Following the links on John Hinderaker's post on Obama's apparent affiliation with the Democratic Socialists of America/New Party leads you to DSA newsletters that make several references to Obama between 1995—2004.
The Sept.-Oct. 1995 newsletter notes that Barack Obama, chief of staff to state senator Alice Palmer (whom Obama succeeded), urged New Party members to participate in Obama's voter registration drive.
[it's just another association - nothing to see here - move along...]
Wikipedia 'New Party' Page Now Includes Barack Obama Name
I don't know how long Barack Obama's name will remain on the Wikipedia page for the New Party entry but it looks like it was added yesterday after a bit of struggle. By not so strange coincidence, your humble correspondent also provided evidence yesterday that Obama was a member of the socialist New Party.
First the description of the New Party in Wikipedia:
Will MSM Report on Louis Farrakhan Declaration of Obama as the Messiah?
Imagine the excitement of the mainstream media if they had discovered that some preacher up in Alaska had declared Sarah Palin to be like a deity? Well, the same basic thing happened when the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, declared Barack Obama to be a messiah as you can see in this video.
I believe this messianic pronouncement by Farrakhan was made last February but the video was uploaded to YouTube just yesterday. Better save this video before it gets scrubbed by the Thought Police. I don't know which is creepier, the pronouncement of Obama as messiah by Farrakhan or that strange cultish smile on his face.
Here is the transcript of Farrakhan's annunciation of the Messiah of the Chicago Machine:
74% of CEOs Believe Obama Would Be Disastrous for the Nation
With the nation in the middle of what is being regularly reported as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, a new poll found that 74 percent of America's top business leaders fear "an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country."
Don't be surprised if you didn't hear about this, for virtually no major mainstream press outlet felt it was important to share with the public.
Do you think the media would be so apathetic if this poll found an overwhelming majority of business leaders were scared about what a McCain presidency would do to the economy?
Despite the answer, our supposedly impartial press seem totally disinterested in Chief Executive magazine's just-released survey which found some CEOs worried that if implemented "[Obama's] programs would bankrupt the country within three years"
NYT Finds Smart Folks for Obama, Media-Heckling Racists for Palin
The smart folks soberly support Barack Obama, while the ridiculous-looking rednecks love Sarah Palin. That's the subtext of the New York Times coverage on Wednesday. Jennifer Steinhauer was watching the second presidential debate with Obama fans at a Mexican restaurant in Des Moines, "Where He First Got Going, Cheering Obama On." [snip]
In contrast, a Republican rally in Florida featuring Sarah Palin is painted in threatening terms by the Times. In her Wednesday story, "Palin Plays to Conservative Base in Florida Rallies," Julie Bosman seems perturbed at the sight of conservative Republicans in their natural element.
The Times' lead editorial Wednesday blamed Palin's "demagoguery" for inciting such "race-baiting," and claimed that "others shouted epithets at an African-American member of a TV crew" "Others" signifies more than the "one man" cited by Bosman the reporter.
Surely the editorial page isn't exaggerating for effect, is it? That would be bias...
MoveOn Grows Up
NEW YORK Five days after Sen. John McCain named Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, Quinn Latimer and co-worker Lyra Kilston sent an e-mail to 40 female friends and invited them to outline the reasons they were upset with his choice. It elicited such a huge response -- from friends of friends and utter strangers -- that they created a blog called Women Against Sarah Palin.
[that's growing up?]
'I Don't See The Other Ticket Being Asked to Be Truthful and Give Details'
Gov. Sarah Palin urged citizens (and by extension, the media) to demand answers from Barack Obama and Joe Biden about Bill Ayers, ACORN, and Obama's record of voting against protections for infants born alive after an unsuccessful abortion.
"I don't see the other ticket being asked to be truthful and give details," she said. She added that Obama's positions are "so far left," but they're being "packaged up to look pretty and mainstream, and they are not...Some in the mainstream media say we're taking off the gloves unfairly. No."Palin said Obama's abortion advocacy is "absolutely extreme," - she was stunned he would oppose protections for "a child born as a result of a botched abortion, for him or her to receive medical care." I wish had more time to explain Barack Obama's position on this."
[another topic ignored in the 2nd 'moderated' debate]
Is Palin cover a 'slap in the face'?
This week's Newsweek features an extreme close-up of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin -- a picture so detailed it shows every blemish and wrinkle and even a few wisps of facial hair.
The story behind the cover isn't very flattering either. The headline reads: "She's One of The Folks (And that's the problem)."
[A: (to headline): only if you expect professional photographers to know an unflattering shot when the see one.][as I've said: sophomoric]
Wire Service Pictures of Sarah Palin
[more professional photojournalism]
Is this an appropriate picture of Gov. Sarah Palin published by Reuters Wednesday?
Or how 'bout this one from the Associated Press also published Wednesday?
Or how 'bout this twofer from AP (could be Cindy McCain's legs in foreground)?Are these appropriate pictures from major wire services?
Would women's groups tolerate these kinds of pictures if this was a Democrat candidate?
Political Prisms - A Domestic Cold War
Let me put this as starkly as I can: What's going on today in our country isn't normal politics. In normal politics honorable people will disagree, sometimes fiercely, about how best to deal with the issues that confront us. What's going on today is a kind of domestic Cold War -- a seemingly endless standoff, with the occasional hard skirmish -- between those of us who see the US for what it really is, and those of us who are seeing the US through a prism.
This is why Americans who see our country and the world through a prism are impervious to facts. For example, if you say to one of these people:
"Whether or not you support the war in Iraq, it's obvious that the surge is working and that the Iraqi government is finally starting to get its act together.The prism-afflicted American will reply:
"The surge is a failure. We're less safe now than before Bush launched his war in Iraq. Bush lied about weapons-of-mass-destruction, and this war is about oil."
... So far, our response has been to focus on the issues while ignoring the Left's efforts to implant these political prisms. In effect, we've been playing defense. We go about our business, we contribute to the campaigns of those political candidates who seem to be competent and on our side, and when we do speak out on issues we base our arguments on history, logic, and on facts.
[But] we're losing. The momentum is on their side, not on ours, and the November elections won't change this no matter who wins. Regardless of who wins in November, the Left won't cease working to implant political prisms into the minds of Americans. And when they've succeeded in implanting these prisms into more than 50 percent of us -- and they're getting close -- our country's ability to cope realistically with the world will have ended. It's time to go from playing defense to playing offense. [snip]
Our first target is those among us in whom these prisms have already been implanted... [snip]
Our second target is those among us in whom these political prisms haven't yet been implanted. I'm talking about our kids...
[not crazy about 'offense' and 'target' analogies, but the piece is excellent at providing examples of the basic, gross, inequity of shaping public opinion between 'conservative' thought based on being left alone, and 'liberal' thought based on telling everyone how they should think. By their natures the latter has a huge advantage in influencing opinion because while the conservative ethos is near the 'to each their own' end of the scale, the liberal is the exact opposite: insisting on politically 'correct' thought is central to their values - hence their focus on creating (or subsuming) institutions toward that end (think media, academia, government agencies etc.). Long, but does a good job of explaining that not actively countering {i.e., speaking up} the vociferous-left yields the field to it - with potentially dire consequences. Highly Recommended > ]