Monday, December 14, 2009
Developing countries block UN climate talks
Subject: txt grn 1st owg - COPENHAGEN — U.N. climate talks have been thrown into disarray as developing countries blocked negotiations, demanding that rich countries raise their pledges for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Representatives from developing countries said they refused to participate in any working groups Monday at the 192-nation summit until the issue was resolved.
Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak
Subject: txt 1st grn = The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders intending to sign an agreement that sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.
The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries.
Violence breaks out at climate protests
Subject: txt 1st grn owg -
Some 300 youths shrouded in black have thrown bricks and smashed windows as at least 30,000 people demonstrated in central Copenhagen to turn up the heat on world leaders debating global warming.
The rioters, whose faces were also covered, went on the rampage in the heart of the city, prompting swift arrests as some 50 policemen in riot gear intervened...
[These would be the 'enlightened' folks.]
Watermelon Marxists
Subject: txt sclm grn bbro bdd hstry -
Global warming as a science is defunct. Evidence of scientific dishonesty abounds, and the recent e-mail revelations may be the nail in the coffin. When all is said and done, temperatures are falling.But as a tool for watermelon Marxists -- green on the outside and red on the inside -- climate change orthodoxy represents an opportunity to achieve age-old dreams of Communist wealth redistribution. Don't take my word for it. Listen to Cass Sunstein, Obama's new regulatory czar and perhaps the most powerful bureaucrat in America:
"It is even possible that desirable redistribution is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid."
He added:
"We agree that if the United States does spend a great deal on emissions reductions as part of an international agreement, and if the agreement does give particular help to disadvantaged people, considerations of distributive justice support its action, even if better redistributive mechanisms are imaginable."
Furthermore, Sunstein thinks that,

"If we care about social welfare, we should approve of a situation in which a wealthy nation is willing to engage in a degree of self-sacrifice when the world benefits more than that nation loses."
Sunstein is not alone...
Warmest ever, or getting cooler?
Subject: txt 1st grn owg -
You might hear climate change "deniers" saying recent temperatures show global cooling. But then you hear climate "deceivers" say the last 10 years were the warmest on record. Who's right?
They both are.
That is, IF you accept, say, the NASA/GISS Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change (land-ocean mix) as the "true" global temperature.But what you'll never hear in the MSM, is that the data NASA provides are not raw temperature readings or even simple averages of temperature readings. They are adjusted, quality-controlled, homogenized and fudge-factored in ways we don't know and they're not telling.
[why not? so much for 'peer review' - snip]
The chart below shows recent annual temperatures. The 2009 data point is biased on the high side, since it is the average through October only, thus missing November's and December's cooler readings. (The temperature is the "anomaly", or the difference from the 1951-80 average.)
But even taking NASA's adjusted and homogenized data {such as The 2009 data point is biased on the high side, since it is the average through October only, thus missing November's and December's cooler readings} at face value, then the prior 10 years ending in 2007 were the hottest on record - again, as 'factored' {read: fiddled with} by NASA.
But look at the graph. It looks like temperatures might have peaked recently, maybe in 2005. In fact, the linear regression trend line of these data points is down since 2002. (If 2009 is excluded, the trend line is down since 2001.) The globe has been getting cooler for the last 8 years.
Even using deceiver-generated 'data', it's the 'deniers' who are supported by it once again.

What climategate really tells us
Subject: txt 1st grn owg =
Al Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate deceivers are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make to deal with it.
The entire matter is settled science, don’t you know — nothing to see here, move along... [snip]
One of the several scandalous revelations of the Climategate e-mails is that this claim of consensus was and is a lie.
It turns out many of the deceivers in the CRU inner circle had doubts and disagreements about their own 'data', methodology and conclusions, and often bickered with one another about defects in their projections...
Vindicating climate change skeptics
[HT:SE]Subject: txt grn 1st owg -
Ever since the UN-based Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change adopted the view, following the 1992 Rio Summit -- also known as the Earth Summit -- that global warming is caused by the human activity of burning fossil fuel, scientists skeptical of this view have sought to caution governments and the public about the unsettled nature of the science of climate change.But the voices of skeptics went unheeded as the environmental or "green" agenda-driven science of the IPCC, backed by a host of governments and bought by the media, brought us the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and now the Copenhagen conference with a much more ambitious agenda as a follow-up to the Kyoto treaty.
The recent revelations -- now known as Climategate -- of how proponents of man-made global warming fudged and manipulated temperature data at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in the U.K. to back the IPCC claim confirms the skepticism of many scientists for more than a decade...
Democrats create health care horror
Subject: txt hcare -The Senate health reform debate is well under way. Democrats have promised that this bill and its companion measure in the House will accomplish three major things: Extend health coverage to the uninsured; provide those who already have insurance with better health care choice; and cut health costs.
In truth, both bills fail on all these counts...
From Awful to Worse
[HT:LDot: "It's hard to believe this is actually happening."]
Harry Reid's medical malpracticeThe Obama administration and congressional Democrats long ago gave up any pretense of working to rationally reform American health care. The exercise now underway in the Senate is a mad dash to get to 60 votes, and nothing more. That's why some Democratic senators who had no idea exactly what is in the "breakthrough deal" announced by majority leader Harry Reid last week immediately hailed it as a milestone. They're for anything that creates a sense of "momentum" and "inevitability."
But the substance does matter. If Congress passes something in the end, ordinary Americans know they will have to live with it. And from those voters' points of view the latest effort to strike a compromise among Senate Democrats would, based on press reports of what it involves, take the horrendous bill offered by Reid earlier this month and make it even worse.
It would spend hundreds of billions on a new entitlement even as our debt is mounting, inflict massive tax increases on a troubled economy, impose costly mandates on employers at a time of high unemployment, squeeze money out of Medicare without fixing the program, insert the government in countless new ways between doctors and patients, and cause millions of middle-class families to lose the employer-based insurance they have today and pay even higher premiums.
But in one crucial respect, the new proposal is far worse than the last one...
POLL: 41% Support Health Care Legislation, 53% Oppose
Subject: txt hcar -
Those figures include 22% who Strongly Favor the plan and 40% who are Strongly Opposed.
With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.
While advocates say the plan is needed to control the cost of health care, 56% of voters now say it will have the opposite impact and push prices even higher. Just 17% believe passage of the plan will lead to lower costs.
Fifty percent (50%) believe passage of the legislation will lead to a lower quality of care while just 18% believe the care will get better.
[Yet it will be passed anyway - because its not really about health care.]

Subject: txt 1st hcare action -
The Reid bill is really tottering now.
"If this thing falls apart, you can look back to today as the tipping point,"
says a Republican aide in the Senate, echoing what Lamar Alexander notes in the Costa post below. First, there was last night's CNN poll showing 61 percent opposition. Then, there was the devastating CMS report today.
"Nobody went to the floor that I could see to defend it on the Democratic side,"
says the aide. Even Bill Nelson says the Medicare buy-in is basically a "non-starter."
"You're starting to see other Democrats nibbling around the edges,"
the aide says. He predicts that if one Democrat comes out clearly against the Reid bill, others will follow, in a dynamic like the unexpectedly decisive defeat of the amnesty bill a few years ago.
Since the Senate debate began, the bill has only gotten more unpopular. It’s all still in flux obviously, but we just might be watching the bill fall apart before our eyes...
[We need push, now.]

YOUR Senator:
YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
Slandering the CIA
Subject: txt gwot nsec - Obama is "slandering" CIA
Liz Cheney, the daughter of the former vice president, said Sunday that President Barack Obama is “slandering” the CIA in speeches on foreign soil. Cheney, speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” gave a qualified endorsement of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech, but said there were segments with which she staunchly disagreed. “As we see this president repeatedly go onto foreign soil and accuse America of having tortured people,
“As we see this president repeatedly go onto foreign soil and accuse America of having tortured people [and] talk about Guantanamo Bay as an abandonment of our ideals, that part of the speech, to me, is really — is nothing short of shameful,”
“And it’s not just an attack on political opponents, it really is casting apersions and, I would say, slandering the men and women in the CIA who carried out key programs that kept us safe,”
NBC: 'It's About Time Somebody' Prosecuted Bush Officials for Torture
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm bbro bdd -
Playing out a liberal dream of vengeance, the season premiere of NBC's Law & Order delivered a plot in which the local Manhattan district attorney prosecuted a former Justice Department lawyer for “depraved indifference murder” based on the fact an Abu Ghraib prisoner died in the custody of soldiers who were following the lawyer's memo on the techniques which could be used on suspected terrorists.
An astonished “Executive Assistant DA Michael Cutter,” played by Linus Roache, asks:
“Jack, you want to prosecute a member of the Bush administration for assaulting suspected terrorists?” To which, a cocksure “McCoy” declares: “The word is torturing. And, yes, it's about time somebody did.”
Predictably, By the end of the episode, “McCoy” has added former Vice President Cheney and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his indictment.
[What politics in TV?]
Woman stabbed by Palestinian in W. Bank
Subject: txt israel -
A 22-year-old Israeli woman was in light-to-moderate condition after being wounded overnight Saturday when a Palestinian terrorist exited a taxi and stabbed her in the back at a bus stop at the Gush Etzion junction. (Snip) Security forces set up roadblocks and scoured the area for the perpetrator, who was seen fleeing the scene on foot.
Meanwhile, two Kassam rockets were fired at Israel by terrorists in Gaza...
Iran's Ahmadinejad promises Hamas continued support against Israel
Subject: txt israel iran - Tehran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday promised the Palestinian militant group Hamas continued support in their fight against Israel, state television reported. In a meeting with visiting Hamas politburo head Khaled Meshaal, Ahmadinejad said that Iran would constantly stand besides the Palestinian nation until what he called 'imminent collapse of the Zionist regime (Israel).'
Our New Ruling Elite - Civil Servants
Subject: txt sclm bbro libs crpt mny -
The number of federal workers earning six-figure salaries has exploded during the recession, according to a USA TODAY analysis of federal salary data.
Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession's first 18 months — and that's before overtime pay and bonuses are counted.
Federal workers are enjoying an extraordinary boom time — in pay and hiring — during a recession that has cost 7.3 million jobs in the private sector.
When the recession started, the Transportation Department had only one person earning a salary of $170,000 or more. Eighteen months later, 1,690 employees had salaries above $170,000...
The Big Labor Takeover of Big Government
Subject: txt crpt -
As we reported last week, 2009 will mark the first time ever in American history that the majority of union members work for federal, state, or local governments. The percentage shift has been staggering. In 1973 only 17.3% of union members worked for government. Today that number is 51.2%.
When unions depended on steel plants, coal mines, and automobile factories for their livelihood there was at least a chance that they would support some pro-growth public policies. But now that unions are dependent on the government, and not the private sector, for their membership dues pro-growth policies are not a priority at all. Hence the Big Labor/enviro alliance behind carbon cap and trade tax programs.
Worse, unions now have every incentive to grow government at the expense of taxpayers and private sector jobs. Manhattan Institute senior fellow Steven Malanga explains:
"In the private sector … employers who are too generous with pay and benefits will be punished. In the public sector, however, more union members means more voters. And more voters means more dollars for political campaigns to elect sympathetic politicians who will enact higher taxes to foot the bill for the upward arc of government spending on workers..."
Big Labor has already bankrupted our nation’s once great auto industry. But who will Big Labor turn to when Big Government has bankrupted us?
Big Labor and Big Government Are Officially the Same Thing
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro -
Who do the words “union members” bring to mind? United Auto Workers building cars in Detroit? Teamsters truckers hauling freight? Steel workers in Pennsylvania?
Not any more. Newly released numbers show that the actual face of today’s union movement is the teller at your local Department of Motorized Vehicles.
Preliminary estimates of union membership this year show that most union members now work for the government... [snip]
- In Oregon the labor movement is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund two ballot initiative campaigns to raise personal income and business taxes. The unions want tax hikes instead of cuts in the gold-plated medical benefits for state workers.
- In California the Service Employees International Union spent $1 million on a television ad campaign pressing for higher oil, gas, and liquor taxes instead of spending reductions.
- Washington State Democrats, however, have so far resisted the labor movement’s call for higher taxes. In response labor unions are threatening to fund primary campaigns against the Democrats who oppose the tax hikes.
This is not your father’s labor movement. Unions today want higher taxes and bigger government because they are the government.
Ban government employee unions
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro -
"Their pay is funded through your tax dollars," ... "For government employee union members to get more, your taxes need to go up. So that is what unions now lobby for."
And as with so much else in this country, Sherk cautions that what is happening on the West Coast is likely a portent of disturbing things to come for the rest of us... [snip]
These actions point to the hard reality that the interests of government employee unions are fundamentally opposed to the interests of taxpayers.
These diverging interests are perfectly illustrated at the federal level by the political endorsements of the American Federation of Government Employees, which actively backed Barack Obama. For his part, the president is now pushing federal spending to unprecedented heights while expanding the federal work force and working with Congress to raise taxes. Between elections, AFGE, along with other federal employee unions like the National Treasury Employees Union and the National Federation of Federal Employees, constantly lobby Congress against any proposal to rein in the spiraling compensation costs of the federal civil service.
Hard-pressed taxpayers shouldn't have to fight tax-happy congressmen and greedy government worker unions at the same time. Public service employees should be forced to bargain as 92.7 percent of the work force does...
[This situation is dire. Consider: once those receiving benefits from the government and those working for it - all dependent on it - exceed those paying for it, what chance any fiscal responsibility in a democracy?
A: None. We'll have a permanent majority simply taking by force all it wants until it destroys its host {as has been the case throughout socialistic history}.
We're on that brink now - and socialized medicine would easily result in a majority-dependent situation (patients and health-care system workers) - hence the Democrat push at all costs: because once enacted...]
And nowhere worse than California...
CA Governor:
Phone: 916-445-2841
CA State Legislature =
CA Senate Email list pg.
Karen Bass - Assy. Speaker (916) 319-2047
Barbara Boxer web mail
Dianne Feinstein webmail
Al Sharpton Blasts Tiger Woods for Lack of Mistress Diversity
The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses. Sharpton claims that the lack of African-American women among Woods’ harem will have a negative affect on the black community, specifically young black girls.
“Why is it that a man who calls himself black can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?” said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem. “What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over? Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?”
Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said that today’s black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.
Added Sharpton, “I’m not asking you to not cheat on your wives, I’m just asking you to give back to your own community.”