Thursday, July 1, 2010
NYT: Obama and Democrats Wasted Once In a Lifetime Opportunity
Subject: txt 2010 mny econ libs -
Add New York Times columnist Bob Herbert to the growing list of liberal media members realizing that Barack Obama's campaign slogan "Hope and Change" was nothing but a great sales pitch.
"Mr. Obama and the Democrats have wasted the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity handed to them in the 2008 election," wrote Herbert Tuesday.
"They did not focus on jobs, jobs, jobs as their primary mission."
No, they sure didn't. Instead, they worked on a stimulus package that has done nothing but add to the debt, a healthcare bill that WILL do nothing but add to the debt, and a cap and trade bill that if ever passed will cost jobs in virtually every industry.
As Herbert continued, he surprisingly noted how disappointed Americans are in the failure of this administration to do what the country needed most... [snip]
Conservatives across the fruited plain tried to convince folks before the wedding that they were being sold a magic elixir by an astonishingly unqualified person that had never created a job for another human being in his entire life and didn't have the slightest idea how.
But love is blind, so much so that Herbert and his ilk assisted this man in selling the dream to others.
Now that the fantasy has turned into a nightmare, we can only hope that folks like Herbert who are beginning to realize they were taken will be more concerned for their nation and their fellow citizens than the Party they support.
After all, the Democrats have controlled Congress for three and half years, and the White House for seventeen months. Is the country better off today than it was in January 2007? Or January 2009? Are we any closer to a path that leads us to both answers being "Yes?"
If not, and folks like Herbert are starting to realize it albeit kicking and screaming, then maybe they should consider a divorce...
[Fair points when looked at from a patriotic perspective, but not that of the modern day Democrat party. None of Obama's moves have had anything to do with their stated purpose, and their real goals have been consistently realized: the increased size of power of government, in every area he's touched...]
The 'Elusive' Truth About Kagan
Subject: txt hots lgl -
It's not cute when reporters play dumb. Last year, when Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, CBS anchor Katie Couric said labeling her “won't be easy.” CBS reporter Wyatt Andrews found “no clear ideology” in her public record. This week, the Washington Post embarrassed themselves with a front-page story claiming “Obama has not chosen outspoken liberals in either of his first two opportunities to influence the makeup of the court.”
That ridiculous sentence collides with a June 8 report by liberal Los Angeles Times legal reporter David Savage.
“The early returns are in, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor is proving herself to be a reliable liberal vote on the Supreme Court. Cases this year on campaign speech, religion, juvenile crime, federal power and Miranda warnings resulted in an ideological split among the justices, and on every occasion, Sotomayor joined the liberal bloc.”
[I.e., duped and/or betrayed by the Republicans again, who evidently feel a life-time-appointment was worth fighting to prevent.]
Will Kagan Do A Sotomayor?
Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor came off as a 2nd Amendment defender when she was being questioned during her confirmation hearings. She voted the other way when a gun rights case came to The Court.
Can we now trust Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan?
CNN and MSNBC Applaud Elena Kagan's Capitol Hill Comedy Hour
[Meanwhile in our professional media...]
Network Morning Shows Laud the Comedy of 'Lively,' SNL-worthy Kagan
All three morning shows on Wednesday made sure to tout the "lively" sense of humor of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, with Elizabeth Vargas hyperbolically asserting that Saturday Night Live couldn't "be as funny as Elena Kagan was!"
[Well, SNL-funny. By all means confirm her.]
[But if you find the media's conduct disconcerting, consider our governments...]
WH Takes Media Blackouts to New Level, Bars Reporter from Kagan Brother's High School Class
Subject: txt hots lgl lbrty msm -
The White House has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent the press corps from having meaningful access to Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Such measures are hardly unprecedented, though they stand in stark contrast to then-candidate Barack Obama's message of openness and press transparency.
But now the White House has outdone itself in media opacity.
According to watchdog group Judicial Watch, White Hosue Deputy Press Secretary Joshua Earnest intervened after hearing of Times reporter Sharon Otterman's intention to sit in on one class. "I'm definitely not comfortable with this at this point," Earnest told Kagan, according to documents it obtained from the school.
It apparently blocked a New York Times reporter from sitting in on Kagan's brother Irving's constitutional law class at Hunter College High School. Yes, that's right. The White House is now trying to determine who can or cannot sit in a school class for teenagers...
There is nothing more important to do today than inform your senators that you want Kagan's confirmation opposed.
If the feckless Republicans are to find the spine to seriously oppose this life time appointment, they need hear from you (and everyone you know).
The time is now, today.
Re-read the first story re: how 4 of our sitting supremes can't even recognize the clarity of the 2nd amendment and consider how vitally important proper supreme court appointments are, and then please, do your duty...
YOUR Senator:
Barbara Boxer web mail
Dianne Feinstein webmail
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...

AP: Supremes' Ruling 'Casts Doubt' on Chicago Handgun Ban
Subject: txt hots lbrty guns msm bias -
Lord have mercy, even when it hits him in the face, the Associated Press's Mark Sherman won't concede the obvious:
"Cast doubt"? Is that what court rulings do now?
Daley Vows New Gun Ordinances
Subject: txt lbrty hots sclm bdd guns -
As expected, Mayor Daley and Chicago's City Council are circling the wagons to defend against an unfavorable decision by the Supreme Court concerning the city's gun ban. Daley said the city would have in place a new ordinance aimed at making it difficult to purchase and own a gun in Chicago.
[Why?If drafted to apply only to those who can't own a gun legally, they already can't - legally.
If not restricted to such criminals, it will only apply to law abiding citizens, with no effect whatsoever on criminals.
[Historically accurate, then. Now it would be more accurate to call it sexist, as women benefit from gun ownership more than men do in violent situations.]
Ban on 'open carry' of guns passes Assembly
CALIFORNIAAssembly Democrats pushed through a fiercely-contested gun 'control' measure that would ban Californians from carrying unloaded weapons in public. The so-called “open carry” measure, which passed without a vote to spare, 41-25, now goes to the Senate where its fate is uncertain.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has yet to take a position...
[Now there's 'leadership'.]
Once Again, 'Many Peaceful' = 'Some Violent' When It Comes to Leftist Protesters in the NY Times
Subject: txt intl mny econ msm bias - owg -
Violent protesters set fire to police cars and shattered store-front windows at the Group of 20 economic summit in Toronto this weekend.How did the New York Times, so skittish about the hypothetical threat of non-existent Tea Party violence from the right, react to actual violence committed by political protesters by the left-wing and anarchist groups?
With more snort-worthy apologias for left-wing protesters being overwhelmingly "peaceful" in numerical terms...
ABC Warns G-20's Rejection of Obama-Spendanomics ‘Could Plunge World Into a Second Recession’
.Based on the view of a single economist, ABC portrayed the agreement by world powers, at the G-20 summit in Toronto, to pursue fiscal sanity over the accelerated government spending urged by President Barack Obama, as a threat the well-being of the American people.
“President Obama lost an argument today with other world leaders, and some economists say that could plunge the world into a second recession,”

ABC’s “some economists” turned out to be a single one, Professor Peter Morici of the University of Maryland, who ominously warned:
“It will be very difficult to recover from that. Then we start to get into depression-like conditions.”
[What does it say that we've an American president to the left of the heads of Europe's socialist countries?]
No One's Capital Is Safe in Obama's America
Subject: txt econ sclm mny intl russia -
Obama's poorly coded message to investors is to take your money out of America and keep it out. Whether through excessive taxation, suffocating over-regulation, or thuggish confiscation, the lesson to be drawn by anyone with excess capital is to look for friendlier places to put it to work...
... Russia's president spent several days in Silicon Valley recently looking for adventurous investors and came away with a $1B commitment from Cisco Systems. For Cisco, sitting on a cash hoard of $30B, the decision was probably not a very tortured one. And what a perfect opportunity for Cisco's CEO John Chambers to keep his cash as far from Obama's collection agencies as possible.
President Medvedev promises Cisco a capital gains tax rate of zero; President Obama promises to increase the capital gains rate from 15% to 20% in 2011.
While Russia is portraying itself as a stable bastion for capitalists, America is increasingly seen as the land that mauled Chrysler and GM bondholders. While erstwhile command economies are liberalizing, America under Obama is nationalizing.
The lesson is clear: Don't leave cash within the American financial system, earning minimal returns, with the fear that at any moment your assets can be confiscated or redistributed by a lawless and capricious federal government...
... In contrast to Jefferson's goal of preserving "a model of government, securing to man his rights and the fruits of his labor, by an organization constantly subject to his own will," our current administration is brutally determined to transform government into an organ that redistributes those fruits to its cronies.
The reaction of sane, rational Americans to these perverse incentives is not to create or hire or produce. Instead, existing businesses and potential founders of new ones are hunkering down, hoping to wake up from this national nightmare in 2010 and 2012 with some of their wealth still intact...
[And why there's now an estimated 1 TRILLION dollars of liquidity being sat on by businesses rather than investing it - another Obama 'historic' high not being reported by the MSM...]
[Highly Recommended > ]
Jim Cramer Admits the Obvious: Obama's Policies Not Working
Subject: txt mny econ msm -Barack Obama's policies supposedly intended to help hiring are "not working." On to talk about the Dow dropping on Tuesday, Cramer pointed out "there's too much fear" about what the Obama administration will do about taxes, which led to Today co-anchor Vieira to question "Do you believe the President's policies are creating the conditions necessary for businesses to hire?" To which Cramer bluntly stated "they're not working."
[Again, I say they are working - but as intended - not portrayed by the White House and promoted by the MSM: they've increased the breath and power of government at every turn, for every 'crisis', while simultaneously worsening the conditions they were purportedly to address and thereby increasing reliance on government assistance in the process.
Brilliant, really - in a contemptibly-criminal kind of way.
We're on the cusp of a tipping point where the beneficences of the socialist wealth redistribution scheme will outnumber those who finance it through confiscation of their profits. Once there, our self-governed {increasingly selfish} society could literally lose the ability to step back from its proven suicidal path.
Exhibit A...]