Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dictators, Democracies and WikiLeaks
Why are diplomatic cables secret at all?
It's a fair question to ask as we assess the WikiLeaks disclosures and the damage they may do. Overall, there are very few surprises in these cables. Anyone who regularly get their news from the new media should know that governments around the world consistently lie in public...
Leakers and Losers
The Wikileaks fiasco reveals many things about many people, and despite the mainstream media's attempt to equate it to a "diplomatic 9/11," much of it appears to be far less than that. At this point in time, is anyone really surprised that so many people in high places are as venal, self-interested, conniving and incompetent?
Hot mic picks up discussion on Senate floor: ‘It’s all rigged’
A hot mic left on during a Senate vote Tuesday morning on the Food Safety Act caught a Democratic senator complaining that the process of setting the agenda during the lame-duck session is “rigged.”
“It’s all rigged. The whole conversation is rigged,”said Colorado Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet. “The fact that we don’t get to a discussion before the break about what we’re going to do in the lame duck. It’s just rigged.” The remark was picked up live on C-SPAN 2...
Pence: Honesty Is Key
U.S. Rep. Mike Pence made it clear that the problems facing the country transcend government and business.
The nation cannot be restored with public policy alone, he said, adding that “public virtue” also will be necessary...“To renew American exceptionalism, we have to recognize one more thing, we have to recognize that our present crisis is not merely economic and political but moral in nature,”
"At the root of these recent times should be the realization that people in positions of authority from Washington to Wall Street have walked away from the timeless truths of honesty and integrity”
Baroness Ashton's new foreign ministry will finally turn America against the EU Brussels, the Europhiles believe that this will move the balance of power from the nation states to them. The European Parliament has passed a motion declaring that, in future, “Europe will be an important political force”. Even more absurdly, Elmar Brok, a German MEP, declared that: “It must be clear that this [Baroness Ashton] is the only one responsible for operational foreign policy.”
I can’t see that going down too well with William Hague – nor with the Americans.
Can you really image the White House wanting to ring Baroness Ashton, a former treasurer, to ask for help in a missile strike?
Bolton: Military strike only way to stop Iran nukes
“Both our friends and our adversaries alike have assessed this as a very weak administration, uncomfortable with asserting American interests or defending them, particularly through the use of force internationally. This assessment has led us to this point."
[Again and again, weakness encourages aggression.]
George Soros And Food Safety
Why would the Senate take up precious time in the lame duck session considering a food safety bill?
This power grab of the nation's food supply may end up benefiting a certain Hungarian billionaire.
Just as ObamaCare wasn't really about health care reform but about government power, S510 is not really about food safety but about government control of agriculture and the nation's food producers...
George Soros' New Plan for Globalism and Crony Capitalism
When George Soros invests $50 million to 'revolutionize' the way Americans think about a certain issue, it would normally be deemed newsworthy. Not so with the formation of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) - the MSM is dutifully keeping its public profile low.
Despite its name, its philosophy is nearly a century old.
The group blames the economic crisis on free market capitalism and promotes a return to the theories of John Maynard Keynes to “apply the same Keynesian courage and innovation” to ending the worldwide recession...
Hands Off Our Net
The Federal Communications Commission plans to impose "net neutrality" without any legislative or legal authority, in effect silencing a conduit for the truth that keeps us free.
The Internet is once again under attack, not from hackers intent on spilling secrets or causing mischief, but by an administration intent on controlling the free flow of information that it views as a threat to its expanding power.
Note the announcement's emphasis on "lawful Internet traffic" and a "level playing field."
This is government-speak for controlling what gets said and who gets to say it.
The Internet is already open to all, but in the marketplace of ideas, as in other areas of endeavor, some ideas win out over others. The FCC wants to decide what and whose ideas get heard...
Analysis: 90 private-sector workers support salary of just 1 state worker
It takes up to 90 private sector workers to support the salary of one state worker making the same amount of money, according to a new analysis. The nonpartisan state Office of Legislative Services, in response to a question posed by the Assembly Republican office, says it takes between 67.5 and 90 private-sector workers to support the salary of one state worker...
ABC Trumpets ‘Tax Us More’ Liberal Democratic Quartet
"In fact, many of the richest Americans like Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates and Ted Turner say that they should pay higher tax.”
'Patriotic Millionaires’ support raising taxes but won’t voluntarily pay more to the gov’t
.Three of the “Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength,” a group of 90 plus millionaires who signed a letter to President Obama asking him to allow the tax cuts on people with an income of $1 million or more each year to expire, say that despite their call to raise taxes, they will not pay the government more than they are required to, nor will they cut the government a personal check...
[Liberal 'philanthropy ': forcing others to act as you think they should.]
Study: lower carbon emissions linked to recession
Carbon dioxide dioxides, claimed to be the chief cause of global warming in political circles, decreased from 2008 to 2009, largely because of the global economic slowdown, says a study released Sunday.
"There is a close link between the world's gross domestic product and emissions of carbon dioxide,"says study lead author Pierre Friedlingstein of the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, according to a story in USA TODAY...
[Of course, energy use is activity - control it and you control all activity...]
The Climate Cash Cow
SCAMS: A high-ranking member of the U.N.'s Panel on Climate Change admits the group's primary goal is the redistribution of wealth and not environmental protection or saving the Earth.
It's also the motivating force behind what is left of the climate change movement after the devastating Climate-gate and IPCC scandals that saw the deliberate manipulation of scientific data to spur the world into taking draconian regulatory action.
Left for dead, global warm-mongers are busy planning their next move...
[As in another name change, this time to "Climate Disruption" - also know a weather. You think a hundred-Trillion dollars will be given up without a fight?]
At least eight deaths in snow and extreme cold across Europe
.Eight people have frozen to death in Poland since Monday, police in Warsaw said... The winter began with a vengeance this week in Europe, with sub- zero temperatures reported in most countries...
Some Water Sanity For Central California
.Law: A federal judge has struck a blow for California's water-deprived Central Valley, ruling that draconian federal water cutbacks violate human rights because — surprise! — people also belong in the ecosystem.
Next time a concept like, say "death panels" from the federal government seems far-fetched, consider the ordeal California's Central Valley has endured for the past two years.
Based on a prior judicial ruling, some of the most prized and productive agricultural land in the country was turned into a wasteland after its water was shut off....