Monday, July 12, 2010
How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination
Subject: txt 2010 crpt bdd vals -
Think those billy club armed New Black Panther thugs in Philadelphia were the first time Obama used Stalinist tactics to intimidate voters and disenfranchise the American people?
Think again.
In testimony this week before Congress, former Justice Department Official J. Christian Anderson revealed that not only were similar claims “pervasive”, but Obama activists committed the “same” crimes during the 2008 Democratic primary to help then Sen. Obama defeat Democratic heir apparent Hillary Clinton...
The black klan
Subject: txt hots 1st bdd vals doj - panthers -
J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney, is blowing his we-the-people whistle on DOJ after it dropped all charges against the members of the New Black Panther Klan who were blatantly and irrefutably guilty of voter intimidation in Philadelphia in 2008.
The egregious, craven tactics of the New Black Panther Party Klan were caught on video. One of the racist punks is carrying a pipe or stick of some type with the clear intent of intimidating voters attempting to enter the Philadelphia voting location.
Dumb power, baby...
Why isn't the media covering the paramilitary aspect of the Black Panther case?
Subject: txt 1st bdd vals msm -
Why, in all the media coverage of the Black Panther voting intimidation case, is no one, and I mean absolutely no one, addressing the paramilitary aspect of this issue, where jackbooted, thugs wearing leather jackets and badge-adorned, black berets, obviously intend to communicate through their uniform appearances a menacing solidarity of purpose?
Does not the wearing of those uniforms imply the ominous and looming presence of a more widespread and more frightening paramilitary organization to the voters of that precinct?
And why is no one even asking this question?
MSM Misses Rhode Island Parallel to Ariz. Immigration Law for Nearly Three Months
Subject: txt hots immig msm -
Preconceived notions are dangerous things in journalism. They cause one to assume facts that aren't in evidence, leading to false or incomplete results.
A classic example has played out in the nearly three months since Arizona passed its "1070 law." Among other things, it mandates that law enforcement officials verify citizenship status in situations involving police contact if they have a reasonable suspicion that someone is not in the country legally.
It seems that virtually everyone covering the story has been assuming that Arizona's law is the first of its kind. Well, maybe as a "law" it is. But in Rhode Island, of all places, Boston Globe reporter Maria Sacchetti finally noticed on July 6 (HT Hot Air) that police have been doing what Arizona will start doing on July 29 since 2008 as a result of a gubernatorial executive order:
R.I. troopers embrace firm immigration role
In contrast to Mass., they report all who are present illegally...
POLL: 56% Oppose Justice Department Challenge of Arizona Law; 61% Favor Similar Law In Their State
Subject: txt hots immig -Voters by a two-to-one margin oppose the U.S. Justice Department's decision to challenge the legality of Arizona's new immigration law in federal court. Sixty-one percent (61%), in fact, favor passage of a law like Arizona's in their own state, up six points from two months ago.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 28% of voters agree that the Justice Department should challenge the state law. Fifty-six percent (56%) disagree and another 16% are not sure.
America In Retreat
Subject: txt intl nsec owg -
It is well known that George W. Bush left office with low approval ratings and with sighs of relief from many foreign leaders. In contrast, Barack Obama rode a wave of popularity into the White House and the chancelleries of much of the world. But now, eighteen months into the Obama presidency, have Obama's self-consciously multilateralist policies engendered popularity abroad?
By and large, no. America's enemies gloat at their gains, but like America no more. America's friends languish in diffident anxiety, though they like America no less.
Put simply, Obama's policy pleases America's foes and unsettles America's friends...
US should better define, counter Islamic extremism
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm -
The Obama administration's recent move to drop references to Islamic radicalism is drawing fire in a new report warning the decision ignores the role religion can play in motivating terrorists.
Several prominent counterterror experts are challenging the administration's shift in its recently unveiled National Security Strategy, saying the terror threat should be defined in order to fight it.
The question of how to frame the conflict against al-Qaida and other terrorists poses a knotty problem. The U.S. is trying to mend fences with Muslim communities [?] while toughening its strikes against militant groups...
Farewell to Space
Subject: txt hstry bdd vals islm - nasa -Just when you thought Barack Obama's toadying to Islam could not get any worse, now comes this: The President directed the new administrator of NASA, retired Marine Major General Charles Bolden, as
"perhaps foremost, find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage more dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science...and math and engineering."
This comment came in an interview the NASA chief conducted with al-Jazeera while touring the Middle East to mark the first anniversary of Mr. Obama's much-ballyhooed Cairo paean to Muslims...
Islamic Law Comes to Dearborn
Subject: txt islm -
Is it illegal to preach Christianity to Muslims in America now?
Acts 17 Apologetics, a Christian evangelistic group, was banned from passing out fliers at this year’s Arab Festival in Dearborn, Mich., but they went to the festival anyway and ended up getting arrested.
On Saturday, I got this message from David Wood of Acts 17:
“Muslims threatened to kill Nabeel [Qureshi, an ex-Muslim and David’s colleague] and me if we showed up again at Arab Fest in Dearborn, so we went there yesterday. They didn’t kill us, but the police arrested us and hauled us to jail..."
Nor was what happened to David and Nabeel an isolated incident.
In June 2009, law enforcement again caved to the demands of Islamic supremacists in Dearborn, in breach of rights guaranteed in the Constitution. The Dearborn Police Department told the group Arabic Christian Perspective (ACP) that they could not hand out literature to Muslims at the Arab Festival on public sidewalks, but had to stay on a single corner and not mingle among the people at the festival.

For that, I am suing.
Muslims seem to be craving a civil war in the Detroit area. Where is the inter-faith dialogue, the building of bridges, the mutual respect, mutual understanding?
It only goes one way with Islam. These are fancy terms for surrender...
America's PIGS
Subject: txt sclm -
Europe is in turmoil because of the insolvency of the Southern European welfare state. The PIGS—Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, countries with relatively unproductive economies and relatively generous welfare states—are collapsing, and they are dragging the rest of Europe down with them.
But America has its own PIGS: states like California, Illinois, and New York that are on the leading edge of socialism in our own country, and which are also approaching insolvency and threatening to drag the rest of the nation's economy down with them.
Barack Obama's home state has already reached insolvency. The article below indicates that Illinois has run out of money and simply stopped paying some of its bills—and also that the state is politically paralyzed and unable to take any steps to solve the crisis, because no one in the political establishment is willing to cut government spending.
If the crisis in Southern Europe is a warning of where America is headed, the crisis of America's PIGS is a warning about how bad things already are.
"Illinois Stops Paying Its Bills, but Can't Stop Digging Hole,"
POLL: Most Americans Not Willing To Pay Higher Taxes For Public Employees, Entitlement Programs
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro tax -Most Americans would not pay higher taxes for specific public services in their states.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Adults shows that only 19% would be willing to pay higher taxes to avoid layoffs of state employees. Sixty-nine percent (69%) say they would not be willing to pay more in taxes for this reason...
MSNBC: America: Pay More Welfare Or Become 'Third-World Country'
[Meanwhile, in our unbiased major media...]
Ed's on a crusade to have unemployment insurance payments extended. Note: unemployment "insurance." So once payments are extended beyond what's provided for, it's no longer insurance: it's welfare.
But that didn't stop Schultz from suggesting that paying more welfare is all that stands between America becoming the next Zimbabwe . . .
Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report
Subject: txt owg grn-
A leading Dutch environmental agency, taking the blame for one of the glaring errors that undermined the credibility of a seminal U.N. report on climate change, said Monday it has discovered more mistakes and urged the panel to be more careful.
But the review by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency claimed that none of the errors changed the conclusions of the U.N. panel...
The Climategate Whitewash Continues
Subject: txt intl grn owg -Last November there was a world-wide outcry when a trove of emails were released suggesting some of the world's leading climate scientists engaged in professional misconduct, data manipulation and jiggering of both the scientific literature and climatic data to paint what scientist Keith Briffa called "a nice, tidy story" of climate history. The scandal became known as Climategate.
Now a supposedly 'independent' review of the evidence says, in effect, "nothing to see here."
Last week "The Independent Climate Change E-mails Review," commissioned and paid for by the University of East Anglia, exonerated... the University of East Anglia...
UN's IPCC Tells Scientists To 'Keep A Distance From The Media'
Subject: txt owg grn =The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change has instructed all 831 researchers contributing to the organization's next round of assessments to "keep a distance from the media."
Such was disseminated in a July 5 letter from IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri which has already garnered some criticism from folks on both sides of the anthropogenic global warming debate.
Even the New York Times' Andrew Revkin expressed disgust with this revelation Saturday:
Why Kagan Is Unqualified -- and Dangerous
Subject: txt lgl -
Despite being thoroughly unqualified to occupy the bench, Elena Kagan will most likely be confirmed to the Supreme Court. This is because most of our hundred senators are almost as unqualified to judge a judge as she is to be one.
What is the proper criterion to apply? Well, a simple analogy illustrates the point best. Let's say you needed to hire a football referee. If he said that he was a "pragmatic" referee, who viewed the rule book as "living" and thus would interpret the rules to suit the "times," would he be your man?
Mechanical Failure
Subject: txt econ tax -
The Democrats are pushing for yet another stimulus package to revive our moribund economy.
President Obama has urged deficit-wary moderates to get on board, calling the bill “essential” to addressing the ongoing economic “emergency.” A handful of senators stand in his way, unopposed to the spending in principle but unwilling to vote for another bill that adds to this year’s $1.3 trillion deficit.
If the Democrats prevail, it will be the third time that Congress has extended provisions of the 2009 stimulus bill since its passage in February of last year, all with nothing to show for it...
POLL: 50% Rate Obama’s Economic Performance As Poor
Subject: txt econ -
Obama administration officials continue to insist that the economy is showing signs of improvement, but most voters aren’t buying it.The Discover Consumer Spending Monitor shows that just 28% of Americans think the economy is getting better, while 48% say it’s getting worse. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of voters now view President Obama’s handling of the economy as poor.
This is the president’s highest negative rating in this area since he took office in January 2009...
Obama Ban Kneecaps Gulf Coast Economy
Subject: txt econ engry sclm libs bdd -
The crisis in the Gulf of Mexico intensified Friday as one of the largest drilling companies in the world announced movement of its deepwater drilling rig Ocean Endeavor from the Gulf of Mexico to Egypt.
“With new contracting severely restricted in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the uncertainties surrounding the offshore drilling moratorium, we are actively seeking international opportunities to keep our rigs fully employed,”
said Diamond Offshore President and CEO, Larry Dickerson.
“We greatly regret the loss of U.S. jobs that will result from this rig relocation.”
Republicans should embrace Paul Ryan's Road Map
Subject: txt hots 2010 gdd gcon econ -
For Republicans, the road map authored by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is the most important proposal in domestic policy since Ronald Reagan embraced supply-side economics in the 1980 presidential campaign. It's not only the freshest, boldest, and most comprehensive Republican thinking, it's also the most relevant...
Newsweek Promotes Parent-free Pill Access for Teens
Subject: txt bdd vals child msm -
Should it be easier for your teenage daughter to get birth control pills without your knowledge? One Newsweek contributor thinks so.
In a July 7 op-ed, Meredith Melnick praised the “movement” to make the Pill more accessible by making it available over the counter, in part because it would remove parents from the equation....
CARB moves to limit greenhouse gas from development, transportation
Subject: txt cali grn tax -
"The California Air Resources Board is taking the first steps to implement a new state law that will eventually require local governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by better coordinating land-use planning, development and transportation."
[Nothing will improve until we replace our so-called 'representatives' wholesale.]
Jerry Brown Employs 'Tea Bagger' Insult on MSNBC’s 'Hardball'
[And not with the likes of this guy {again}.]
If former California Gov. Jerry Brown, now once again a candidate for governor of California really wants to be sort of a unifier as he says, he might want to watch how he refers to some of his constituents.
On MSNBC's July 9 "Hardball," Brown was interviewed by host Chris Matthews and was asked how he could make all the unions in California work together in a political way...
Liberal Racism
The Berkeley/Oakland area was on high alert last week...but not because of a natural disaster, like an earthquake. A jury was deciding the fate of a white police officer charged with killing a black male at a BART station. People all around town began preparing for riots, certain that if the verdict was "not guilty," the streets would erupt with violence...
Sen. Hatch Calls for Repeal of Obamacare Mandates
“I’ve been working to dismantle Obamacare,” declared Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). “We have to fight this terrible law that’s a threat to liberty itself.” These comments came during a June 21st blogger conference call held by Sen. Hatch in which he sought to rally support for two bills aimed at representing “a strategic attack on the central tenants of Obamacare.” The American Liberty Restoration Act (S. 3502) would strike forthcoming individual mandates from the current law, while the American Job Protection Act (S.3501) would repeal what Hatch calls, a “job-killing employer mandate.”
WaPo Writer Attempts to Kickstart New 'Grassroots' Coffee Party Via Another Name
Yes, Ms Thompson writes yet another article about a "grassroots" liberal alternative to the Tea Party movement. If you have a feeling of "been there, done that," it is because Thompson's hype about the "One Nation" movement sounds almost identical to all the PR the mainstream media gave to the faded Coffee Party a few months ago. And the reason why Thompson dare not mention the Coffee Party is that it has devolved into a laughable parody of itself with aimless group therapy sessions dominated by founder Annabel Park as you can see in this video with a grand total of 915 YouTube views as of this writing.
Meanwhile stifle your yawns as Thompson plugs yet another supposedly grassroots organization while carefully avoiding mention of you-know-what: