[late, and didn't load up yesterday, so a 'pastiche' {left-overs} day...]
A sampling of news & views available from the New Media likely to be ignored by the Old.
Subject: txt bdd vals 2010 NPAC ---
John: I haven't gotten my letter from the Census Bureau yet asking me to make sure I fill out the questionnaire. But when I do fill it out, I'll use it to send a message.
Fully one-quarter of the space on this year's form is taken up with questions of race and ethnicity, which are clearly illegitimate and none of the government's business (despite the New York Times' assurances to the contrary on today's editorial page). So until we succeed in building the needed wall of separation between race and state, I have a proposal. Question 9 on the census form asks "What is Person 1's race?" (and so on, for other members of the household). My initial impulse was simply to misidentify my race so as to throw a monkey wrench into the statistics; I had fun doing this on the personal-information form my college required every semester, where I was a Puerto Rican Muslim one semester, and a Samoan Buddhist the next. But lying in this constitutionally mandated process is wrong. Really — don't do it.
Instead, we should answer Question 9 by checking the last option — "Some other race" — and writing in "American." It's a truthful answer but at the same time is a way for ordinary citizens to express their rejection of unconstitutional racial classification schemes. In fact, "American" was the plurality ancestry selection for respondents to the 2000 census in four states and several hundred counties.
So remember: Question 9 — "Some other race" — "American". Pass it on.
Subject: txt gwot islm nsec -
If Muslims Gay-Bash In San Francisco, Do They Make a Sound?
Subject: txt cali mny trade bdd -
Facing a $20 billion deficit, state legislators are moving forward with a plan to tax Californians' Internet purchases. State Chairman Peter Foy takes on this latest tax increase…
Subject: txt sclm bbro - Americans are feasting at Uncle Sam's table like never before; Feasting, with an insatiable appetite, on the ever-expanding entitlement and handout programs
Our long-term budget crisiscan be summarized in one word: entitlements. Without Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the budget would be roughly in balance over the coming decade..
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro cali mny -
Why would public pensions take such risk? They don't: their pensions are 100% guaranteed by taxpayers, so they're free to place long-odds bets secure in the knowledge they can't loose...
Subject: txt cali bbro grn -
... A taxpayer protest was held with speeches and demonstrations at the State Capitol on August 28, 2009, reinforced by the sound of a 220-truck convoy sponsored by the Cal Dump Truck Owners Association. The convoy circled the Capitol Building, and on cue, there was a one minute dump truck horn sounding. But the convoy and the Capitol steps rally on California agency overreach with speeches were not covered by the press...
Global warming challenge
"Finally, Vranich discussed AB 32, California's Global Warming and climate change legislation, and how costly green jobs may become for the state. Vranich shared with irony, how Apple Computer, E-Bay, Yahoo, Hewlett Packard and Intel all supported AB 32, but each of those companies is expanding in other states, and not in California."
ubject: txt immig -
Subject: txt edu -
... 27% say accuracy is paramount, while 55% disagree and believe most textbooks are more concerned about political correctness...
Subject: txt lbrty edu crpt -
... Obama has been pushing through a proposal that would eliminate the involvement of private companies in student lending, and instead have the government do all of the lending directly,,,
Subject: txt bdd vals crpt libs gdd othr hstry -
Nearly every article about race is a culprit. When reading the next article about racism or about this-or-that person who made a "racist" comment, consider the motive of the accuser.
Subject: txt gdd vals msm fnn -
One must at least credit NBC’s Chuck Todd with one virtue. He is utterly transparent. When real “journalist” Todd – Chief White House Correspondent for NBC News and the co-hose of The Daily Rundown — gave this impish put down of what he calls, “Drudge-Driven Journalism,” his resentment, fear and school-boy petulance could not have been clearer to any sentient observer.
Such a pity, really. A grown man reduced to whining in front of the White House makes his viewers so embarrassed for him that it’s painful to watch.