[Highly Recommended:]
Sowing ACORNs to reap the biggest oak tree there is...
"From tiny ACORNs mighty oaks do grow" is the old slogan, from which the revolutionary organization ACORN derives its name. Like so many little hints dropped by the Left, you get a very clear message if you just think about it from their neo-Marxist revolutionary point of view.
In the same way, the Sixties Weathermen Underground bombers got their name from a Bob Dylan line, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing." The bombs set in the Sixties by the Weatherman Underground were just a means to an end: Ayers and Dohrn wanted to become famous and earn their Leftist street cred. They didn't care if people died to make it happen. You gotta break some eggs to make that omelet... [snip]
After the Sixties the New Left "Marched Through the Institutions" -- a phrase derived from Mao Zedong, who may have killed some 40 million Chinese, but of course that is not relevant to Professor Ayers. The Boomer Left was wildly successful and conquered America and Europe from within. That is why our media, our culture, and our education system are what they are today. You can tell what a politician thinks today by his or her relationship to the Boomer Left. (Think Hillary versus Sarah.) [snip]
Obama's career path was constantly greased by Leftist zealots, well into Harvard Law and beyond. To get to Harvard he was backed by ranting black radical Don Warden, now known as Khaleed Al-Mansoor, a close advisor to both the Black Panthers and Saudi Prince Bin Talal... [snip]
This whole campaign is dominated by double messages: Obama pretends to be a traditional American politician, while dropping constant winks and nods to the radical Left, who are yucking it up in the background. The message? "I'm your guy. Let me lie to the sucker masses, and we'll clean them out after I get into the White House."
[this is the best piece I've seen yet at conveying the pattern of formative associations throughout his life I've been reading of piecemeal over much of the last two years. None of which, individually, mean much of anything. Their cumulative total, however, I do find disturbing - especially the recurring 'slips' and 'misunderstood' comments that I'm no longer certain were either. Long piece, but as I said the best single piece, with specificity, I've seen that address the lifelong makeup of this man we're considering making the world's most powerful - please read - Highly Recommended > ]