Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Gallup: Conservatives outnumber liberals 2-1
It's not surprising - we've been tracking this since Obama was elected. And here we are 10 months into the Age of Obama and all the talk about a "transformative" election where the country took a wild swing to the left last November has all but disappeared.
The election of Barack Obama was a political anomaly - a hiccup in an otherwise conservative body politic. The reasons are pretty obvious, beginning with a terrible GOP candidate who ran an abysmal campaign, coupled with the Republicans turning away from conservative principles while being corrupted by power in Washington.
Here are the raw numbers from Gallup going back to 1992:
Victory is inherent in those numbers...if:
1. If the Republican party returns to its conservative roots.
2. If the GOP can come up with a winning, positive agenda that will attract independents who are more responsive to that kind of message.
3. If Republicans can convince conservatives that they have mended their profligate spending ways and are now ready to make the hard choices on the budget to save us from bankruptcy.
Unfortunately, I see very little of this taking place at the national level. Obviously, reform will have to bubble up from the bottom.
Gallup: GOP would win the House of Representatives
Subject: txt 2010 -
Psst. Don't tell anybody, but Republicans would win control of Congress if the election were now, instead of next year.
It's sure to remain the biggest political secret not in the news.
Maybe, to get some coverage, the Republicans could claim to have hidden somebody in a weather balloon, or something.
The Dede Media
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias -
The New York Times editorial page is a perfect weather vane for the way the liberal media's hot air is blowing. In an October 26 editorial called "Torching the Big Tent," they lamented: "The feeble pulse of moderation in the Republican Party is in danger of flat-lining in the Nov. 3 Congressional election in upstate New York."The "moderate" the Times was backing for Congress was Dede Scozzafava - pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-union power, pro-tax hike. The Times found these positions to be proof of "refreshing tinges of centrism."
The Times lectured the conservative movement to embrace this candidacy, since "creative ideas and candidates, not right-wing zeal, are the obvious way to get back in the game of democracy."
Any New Yorker foolish enough to follow the political advice of The New York Times deserves what he gets.
[It's not 'zeal', it's conservative {as in the limited application of government - the word's (political) etymology} principle, period.
Again and again; the 'McCain' strategy: convince the right it must move left and so run liberal-lites that either lose to liberal-progressives or act like them once in office.
Reagan never bought it. Neither should we. Hoffman, a conservative independent - with no established 'machine' behind him, almost won in New York - think about that {I assure you many democrats are}]
ABC:Hoffman Race = GOP ‘Civil War’
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias = 1st -
Former top Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Monday spun the upcoming November 3 congressional election in New York as a Republican "civil war."Recounting the battle between the Conservative Party nominee, a Democrat and a liberal Republican, he claimed, "But, what's most interesting here is civil war inside the Republican Party." Stephanopoulos added, "You saw this conservative candidate just come in and swamp the Republican who was pro-choice, pro-gay rights.
NKorea threatens to expand nuclear arsenal
Subject: txt intl nsec -Seoul, South Korea -- North Korea issued a veiled threat Monday to increase its nuclear arsenal if U.S. officials do not quickly agree to the one-on-one talks that the communist regime is demanding. The regime's impatience came days after No. 2 nuclear negotiator Ri Gun came away from meetings with Washington envoy Sung Kim without an agreement to hold bilateral talks.
China to take softer line with N Korea
Subject: txt intl nsec -
Beijing - China will no longer risk damaging ties with its traditional ally North Korea by pushing it to scrap its nuclear weapons program, says the International Crisis Group. A report by the group implies that six-party efforts for a negotiated end to North Korea's nuclear program will not be fruitful in the near future, given North Korea's insistence on direct talks with the United States and China's role as North Korea's most important source for economic support...
Navy Ship Built With World Trade Center Steel Visits New York
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
The new Navy assault ship USS New York, built with World Trade Center steel, arrived in its namesake city Monday with a 21-gun salute near the site of the 2001 terrorist attack.
The ship is technically known as a San Antonio-class amphibious dock vessel. Four vessels in that class are in service, the USS San Antonio, USS New Orleans, USS Mesa Verde and USS Green Bay. Four others are being built. Of those, two also have been named in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks.
The USS Arlington was named to honor the attack on the Pentagon. The USS Somerset was named after the county in Pennsylvania where United Airlines flight 93 crashed.
image toon - gwot nsec bbro sclm crpt bdd = Ground Zero years later = still a hole
Gaza rights group criticizes Hamas over tunnel death toll
Subject: txt israel fnn -
If they're digging illegal tunnels anyway, the government has a responsibility to protect them…
This is the latest word from a Gazan rights group, which is demanding that the Hamas government take steps to protect workers digging smuggling tunnels under the border between Egypt and the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave.
The call comes after another two men died while working in the tunnels, one from an electric shock and another from suffocation...
Blame-Israel-first mindset
Subject: txt israel -
"They hate us. They want to kill us. So what are we going to do about it?"
These are not the words one would expect to hear about Palestinians at the Oct. 25-28 first annual conference of the left-tilting J-Street, let alone from a left-wing rabbi who has worked extensively for Palestinian human rights.
Rabbis for Human Rights Executive Director Arik Ascherman, though, believes that delusion serves no one's interests, least of all those who genuinely want peace. His love for his adopted homeland of Israel was unmistakable, and he admits that his criticisms of Israel are because he's a "Jewish racist" who's "going to expect more of Jews."
While he was careful to clarify that he wasn't necessarily speaking of most Palestinians and adding that Israel's own failures have played a role in fostering this hatred, Rabbi Ascherman was adamant that excuses should not be made for Palestinian terrorism.
Unfortunately, he was mostly alone - both in his passion for Israel and his willingness to assign some blame to the Palestinians.
Excuses abounded at the J-Street conference for Palestinian terrorism and the popular support it enjoys...
Iran gave Hamas missile that can hit Tel Aviv
Subject: txt gwot israel -
Iran has supplied Hamas operatives in the Gaza Strip a missile capable of striking Tel Aviv, defense sources said on Tuesday. Military Intelligence Chief General Amos Yadlin told the Knesset foreign affairs and defense committee earlier Tuesday that Hamas has recently tested a missile capable of reaching targets at a distance of 60 kilometers. Hamas has refused to confirm or deny reports of the test. The missile was fired into the Mediterranean Sea...
READ MOREimage toon - gwot nsec iran = Imanidiot's nose growing
Qom facility has no possible civilian use
Subject: txt gwot nsec owg iran - The recently-revealed Iranian nuclear facility in the Shi'a holy city of Qom has 'no possible civilian use,'' Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin said Tuesday morning, directly contradicting statements made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in September. Yadlin said that the Israeli intelligence assessment was that Iran was interested in a horizontal expansion of its nuclear production capacity, so that when Teheran decides to advance to nuclear weapons capability, it will be able to do so...
Putin warns Europe of possible gas delivery 'problems'
Subject: txt intl engry -Natural gas deliveries to Europe could be disrupted by a payment row between Moscow and Kiev, Russia's Vladimir Putin told the EU on Sunday. Ukraine is the most important land route for Russian gas into the West.
It would not be the first time Russia has cut gas supplies to western Europe via Ukraine...
Climate delegates call on US for expensive policy
Subject: txt owg grn -Barcelona, Spain -- The United States came under increased pressure Monday to come up with a plan for fighting climate change and to offer an internationally acceptable policy for curbing pollution hastening global warming.
As U.N. climate talks reconvened, countries stepped up calls on Washington for specific commitments on reducing carbon emissions and contributing to a global climate fund to help poor countries deal with the "damage already being caused by climate change"...
Current Global Temperatures Impossible According to IPCC ‘Science’
Subject: txt grn owg - .
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says, “Unless we fight climate change, unless we stop this trend, we’ll have devastating consequences for humanity.”
Other leaders make similar silly statements. Obama claims the “threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing.”
But which way is it growing? Which trend are they going to stop? The one predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or the one Mother Nature is providing? They’ve chosen the IPCC even though all their predictions (scenarios) are wrong.
But it is worse. Global temperatures of the last few years are impossible according to the ‘science’ of the (IPCC).
What’s Actually Happening?
Temperatures were predicted to increase but are declining (Figure 1). Even their lowest scenario says the world should be at least 0.3¬∞C warmer. Doesn’t sound like much but it equals half the warming they claim occurred in the preceding 130 years.
As physicist David Douglass said, “If the facts are contrary to any predictions, then the hypothesis is wrong no matter how appealing.”
Since 2002 temperatures declined gradually, making a trend that began in the Southern Hemisphere 10 years earlier global.
AGW proponents are now trying to prove the trend doesn’t exist...
[Recommended > ]
Vatican protests ruling on crucifixes in Italy
Subject: txt owg -Rome - The Vatican on Tuesday denounced a ruling by THE 'European' court of human rights that said the display of crucifixes in Italian public schools violates religious and education freedoms.
The decision is expected to force a review of the use of religious symbols in schools across Europe..
[This is the kind of 'progress' progressivism pursues...]
The Pillars of Liberal Progressivism
Liberal Progressives have fashioned so strong a hold on the American political landscape that to escape their clutches may no longer be possible for most citizens
What I call the 'Pillars of Liberal Progressivism' have infected America with a virus so deadly that fighting it has become extremely difficult. What are these pillars that progressives have worked so hard to erect in order to infiltrate and control?
- 1) University Academia: ... Students schooled in the writings of radical revolutionaries such as Mao, Lenin, Trotsky -- and lesser-known malcontents like Alinsky, Zinn, and Chomsky -- spread their noxious fumes throughout the halls of academia... [snip]
- 2) Law Schools: ... Those infected with this radical new virus could now expand their activities to include law schools. What better way to attain a redress of grievances against a racist, sexist, homophobic nation than to change the Constitution... [snip]
- 3) Primary and Secondary Education: ... The lessons learned in academia could now be spread to the more basic levels of education ... the Hard Left would give no quarter in acceptance of gay lifestyles, wealth redistribution, equality of outcome - these became staples in the indoctrination of the very young... [snip]
- 4) Entertainment: ... The film industry offered itself in humble prostration to these noble ideas. Films depicting the evils of capitalism and the inadequacy of the free market spawned a whole new generation of useful idiots to spread the biblical word...[snip]
- 5) News Media: ... The infection of the newsroom continues unabated today with such lackluster cronies as Brian Williams, Charles Gibson, and Katie Couric reporting a brand of news so skewed to the Left that "embarrassing" would be its most flattering description...[snip]
These are the pillars Liberal Progressives have safely ensconced in their method of attack on America. The restoration of our country to a more reasonable state may lie beyond hope. Those of us who can must make our voices heard to all of the above institutions.
We have to come in from the wilderness of being afraid to confront Liberals on their ground. We must fight the bankrupt ideas of socialism in academia through the media. The internet has given us an outlet that must not be squandered; it may well provide the ground for a last stand...
[Again, it's the control of these institutions which explains how a 2:1 center-right nation seems {as media portrayal is perceptional reality for many} perpetually teetering on socialistic suicide. Recommended > ]
image toon - edu - Teacher indoctrinating children