Thursday, May 20, 2010
Another Very Bad Night for Obama, Democrats and the Media
Subject: txt gdd 2010 gcon -The U.S. dollar and good news for Democrats have a lot in common these days. No matter how much of either liberals print, the absolute value keeps declining. To be fair, the Jurassic media is actually half right in their group think analysis that yesterday's elections were more evidence that the prevailing mood in the country is simply anti-Washington. But the half they get wrong is very wrong indeed. As such, they are losers yesterday.
The biggest winners were Rand Paul's campaign and the Tea Party movement and its philosophy...
Paul Victory in Kentucky Major Show of Tea Party Clout
Subject: txt 2010 tea gdd -
Political novice Rand Paul rode support from tea party activists to victory in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary Tuesday night, delivering a jolt to the GOP establishment and providing fresh evidence of widespread voter discontent in a turbulent midterm election season.
Paul had 59 percent of the vote to 37 percent for Secretary of State Trey Grayson, who had been recruited to run by the state's dominant Republican, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell...
MSNBC Host Asks Black GOP Candidate About 'Racist' Tea Parties
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]
MSNBC anchor Peter Alexander asked black Republican congressional candidate Allen West of Florida about "aligning" with the tea party movement:
"the Tea Party has raised concerns that it may have, I guess, racism built within it. We have seen some racist signs at past events...are African-American candidates aligning themselves with the tea party?"
[Audio available here]
West responded:
"The principles and values that I espouse, limited government, lower taxes, individual responsibility, and accountability, liberty, and honoring the traditions of our constitutional republic, are connecting me with those grass roots Americans that attend tea party rallies. And I've spoken at four to five of those rallies and I've not seen any racist type of signs."
Voters Throwing Out Pols Who Work Across Party Lines, Stephanopoulos Frets
Subject: txt 2010 1st libs reps othr - gdd -[The standing ruse: 'compromise is a good thing', 'moderates are best', 'bipartisanship means good idea'.
All baloney, and all invariably lead to the tax payer being screwed in the mega deals which make everybody happy.
Our system isn't supposed to be about government against the people, but representative of the people duking it out, honorably, to win citizen opinion which then is implemented to reflect the majority's wishes.
We implement policy, grade its performance, and then do or don't try something new - but this mushy gray stuff in the middle only results in perpetual mediocrity - at best.]
The painful realities of the oldest Congress in history
Subject: txt 2010 - hstry -In terms of old geezers, this Congress is setting all kinds of records. In February 2009, 83-year-old Rep. John Dingell, Michigan Democrat, became the longest-serving House member in history. In November, 92-year-old Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia Democrat, became the longest-serving member of Congress, period. And it’s not just those two. This is the oldest Congress measured by its average age since records have been kept.
And Byrd won’t retire until his “old body just gives out and drops!”
What Bias? Re: Specter Loss Reminds AP Writer That Scott Brown Win Was 'Excruciating'
Subject: txt 2010 - msm -
Subject: image toon - 2010 tea - MSM experts warn tea party plum could last months
DeVore Polls Better Against Boxer Than Fiorina, But We’re Supposed to go With Carly?!?!
Somewhere along the way someone forgot one of the chief rules of politics: win the general election.
We have been so focused on primaries, we’re forgetting that the endgame is victory in November not [insert your primary date here]. I remember in one of the campaign books James Carville and Paul Begala wrote that was actually very good (complete with a great pancake recipe), they wrote that winning the general election was what matters, not the primary. They advised positioning yourself in such a way that you could win the primary without then having to bail on everything to win the general election.
Well, we need to consider that advice this morning because Chuck DeVore outperforms Carly Fiorina against Barbara Boxer.
The logic we are supposed to pursue in this matter is this: Carly is outperforming Chuck in the primary so go with Carly.
The logic we ought to pursue is this: Chuck outperforms Carly against Boxer, so maybe we should be supporting Chuck instead of Carly to beat Boxer.
After all, say what you will about the primary, but please tell me how running a woman who has laid off half of California, sending their jobs to China, is really going to be competitive against Barbara Boxer...
Should federal workers be asked to take pay cut, too?
Subject: txt mny crpt sclm -
During Public Service Recognition Week earlier this month, hundreds of job seekers converged on the National Mall to learn about career opportunities in the federal government. While economists don't expect the private-sector job market to reach its pre-recession hiring levels until 2015 or later, the federal government, America's largest employer, suffers no such recessionary hangover. The full-time federal civilian work force — excluding postal service employees — is expected to top 2.1 million in fiscal year 2010...
'Everybody Draw Mohammed' Day Unleashes Facebook Fracas
Subject: txt islm - gdd - vals -What started out as a cartoonist's call to action against censorship -- an open invitation to submit caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad -- has led to death threats, a court order to temporarily block parts of the website in Pakistan and a call for a boycott of Facebook to protest what Muslims believe is blasphemy. "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!" began last month as the brainchild of a Seattle-based cartoonist named Molly Norris, who was appalled by Comedy Central's decision to censor an episode of "South Park" that depicted Muhammad in a bear costume...
I.E., doing the job our PC-neutered MSM won't: opposing threats to our freedom of speech, no matter how distasteful.
Pakistan shuts down Facebook over 'Draw Mohammed' Day
Subject: txt gwot islm gdd lbrty -Pakistan is blocking access to Facebook in response to an online group calling on people to draw the Prophet Mohammed, officials said Wednesday. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority issued the order a day before "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day," scheduled by a Facebook group with the same name. "Obviously it (the blocking of Facebook) is related to the objectionable material that was placed on Facebook. That is why it is blocked," said Khoram Ali Mehran of the telecommunication authority...
[Government officials getting into the business of controlling a social networking site - what a backward country...]
Democrats move to regulate Facebook
Subject: txt lbrty othr fnn -A group of Democratic Senators want to increase regulation of Facebook and other social networking sites. Charles Schumer, of New York, Michael Bennet, of Colorado., Mark Begich, of Alaska and Al Franken, of Minnesota sent a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, asking him to change the site...
Public employee unions: Enemies of the state
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro cali - mny tax -Both are talking candidly and with enormous conviction about the peril in which public employee unions have put the finances of their respective states.
Federal spending power was used to oblige states to lower their speed limits to 55 miles per hour a few years back. The same authority could be employed to oblige states to curtail public employee pensions.
A new federal statute, stating simply that the Treasury will not be sending assistance to any state awarding any new six-figure pensions under any circumstances, would be approved by overwhelming margins.
As Chris Christie demonstrated this week, the public understands and will support the end of this out-of-control excess....
Canada campaigns against global bank tax
Subject: txt owg -Canada will "resist" a bank tax, Industry Minister Tony Clement said Tuesday as ministers fanned out across the world to raise opposition to the proposal for avoiding another financial crisis. "Canada is, and will remain, opposed to a tax that would penalize financial institutions that remained strong and prosperous while many of the world's banks failed," Clement told a press conference with Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon...
Liberals Gone Wild
Subject: txt grn lgl bdd -
Even though the Constitution does not include the words "separation of church and state," liberals have long treated that concept as a hallowed fundamental doctrine of constitutional law.
But no more.
With the recent introduction of new Senate cap and trade legislation, ultraliberal supporters Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and others have now completely abandoned that doctrine in their quest to establish global warming dogma as the official, established religion of the United States...
Beware the bin snooper next door: Residents asked to report neighbours for putting rubbish out too early
Subject: txt lbrty NANNY - bdd grn -Residents are being asked to report neighbours for 'environmental crimes' such as putting their bins out too early or late. A council is urging householders to snoop on fellow residents and fill in 'diary sheets' to log incidents - the same way it tackles violent anti-social behaviour. Such 'crimes' can be committed by putting bins out at the wrong times or leaving them in the wrong place. Householders could face a £100 fixed penalty notice or be fined up to £1,000 in court for leaving rubbish next to a bin or blocking a path with a bin.
Violating privacy one bank account at a time
Subject: txt lbrty econ mny - bbro -Sen. Christopher Dodd's "regulatory reform" bill, S. 3217, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010, has many contentious proposals that have members from both political parties on edge. The bill cauterizes "too big to fail" by establishing a Financial Stability Oversight Council that would indentify politically important institutions, sending the signal that some companies are indeed too big to fail...
How Dare You Teach Conservatism!
Subject: txt edu gcon child -
Texas's elected state board of education, back in March, had the audacity to instruct Texas book publishers as to the need for more philosophically conservative standards in the social studies curriculum.
The Texas market is so large that textbook publishers generally take what Texas dishes out and put it appreciatively to their lips. The content of a textbook tailored for Texas can influence the content of a textbook adopted in, good heavens, Vermont or New Jersey.
This makes the proceedings 'controversial' in the national MSM....
Students object to Christie speaking at Monmouth University graduation
Subject: txt edu child gcon -
Although some student critics of having Gov. Chris Christie as Monmouth University's commencement speaker say they won't 'ruin' an important moment in their lives by walking out of the ceremony, that hasn't stopped them from organizing virtual protests. Using Monmouth University's own Facebook page and two new but long-titled additions, students, alumni, faculty and parents have been sending the message that the governor — who's proposed cuts in virtually every level of state funding — shouldn't be invited...
[Reminder: conservatives will not be tolerated on the campuses of our institutions of 'higher' learning.]
Napolitano Admits She Hasn't Read Arizona Immigration Law Either
Subject: txt immig 1st -Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted Monday that she has not read the controversial Arizona immigration law even though she's gone on television to criticize it, and continued to assert that it was "bad law enforcement law." The admission comes after Attorney General Eric Holder, who earlier warned the law could create a "slippery slope" toward racial profiling, told a House committee last week that he had not read the bill either.
On Tuesday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said he too had not read the bill, even as he defended diplomatic official Michael Posner...
U.S. Department of Blame America First
Subject: txt bdd othr libs - immig china -
Back in 1984, when the late Jeane J. Kirkpatrick gave her famous "Blame America First" speech to the Republican National Convention, liberals at least waited for something bad to happen before blaming America.
Today, Obama Democrats have now mastered the treacherous art of the pre-emptive global apology. Foggy Bottom is crammed with so many "human rights" zealots embarrassed by the country they serve that the State Department mission statement should be replaced with a condolence card. Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Michael Posner...
Cap-and-Trade: A Scam Based on a Scam
Subject: txt grn engry intl -
It is almost beyond comprehension that Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) will introduce the Cap-and-Trade Act on Wednesday, May 12th, for consideration by the Senate. It is being passed off as a “climate bill” with provisions for more oil drilling, but it is an assault on reality, on science, on common sense, and on any future economic growth of the nation.
What Bias? Re: NYT Gives Cap and Trade Critics One Sentence
Subject: txt engry grn - msm -Could the New York Times not find an outspoken critic of the Senate's new Cap and Trade bill? Either one could not be found, or they opted not to include such a critic in the paper's report on the unveiling of the legislation.
Miniature Nuclear Plants Seek Approval to Work in U.S
Manufacturers of refrigerator-sized nuclear reactors will seek approval from U.S. authorities within a year to help supply the world’s growing electricity demand.John Deal, chief executive officer of Hyperion Power Generation Inc., intends to apply for a license ''within a year'' for plants that would power a small factory or town too remote for traditional utility grid connections. (Snip) Transportable by truck, the units would come in a sealed box and work around the clock, requiring less maintenance than a fossil fuel plant...