Thursday, April 8, 2010
PBS: : Are Your Tactics a 'Model' for Major Legislation?
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm bias hcar lbrty bbro sclm -
PBS NewsHour anchor Jim Lehrer interviewed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday night, and did not directly suggest to her that there was something suspicious in Cornhusker Kickbacks and deem-and-pass strategies. He began by simply asking:
"Do you see the way you did health care reform as a model for enacting major legislation?"
What kind of weird, passive question is that?
Pelosi replied in the affirmative:

"I see the way we did health care reform as a model of getting something done for the American people. It is -- we reached for bipartisanship. We tried to find common ground.
But, if we can't, that doesn't mean we don't go forward."
Lehrer's line of 'questioning' never addressed or even referred to how badly ObamaCare was faring in public-opinion polls...
Obama's Approval Rating Hits New Low
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm bias fnn -
Last week, President Obama signed historic health care reform legislation into law -- but his 'legislative success' doesn't seem to have helped his image with the American public.
The latest CBS News Poll, conducted between March 29 and April 1, found Americans unhappier than ever with Mr. Obama's handling of health care -
President Obama's overall job approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 44 percent, down five points from late March, just before the health bill's 'passage'...
Media Bias a 'Bigger Problem' Than Large Campaign Contributions, Rasmussen Re-Confirms
Subject: txt 1st msm bias fnn libs 2010 -“Fifty-five percent (55%) of U.S. voters continue to think that media bias is a bigger problem in politics today than big campaign contributions, identical to the finding in August 2008,” Rasmussen Reports found in a survey of 1,000 “likely voters” released on Tuesday.
IRS refutes White House assessment of Tea Party Movement.
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty -
“As for those allegedly growing threats of violence by Tea Partiers, no less an authority than Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Douglas Shulman said this week that “no, the threat has not increased.” He added that much of what has been written in the media about such threats “actually is not accurate.” Since the IRS has a unit that tracks such tracks, if anybody would know about growing anti-government violence, surely it would be the head tax man.”— The Washington Examiner
Well, there you go. Probably much to the Obama Administration’s dismay, the IRS is giving the Tea Party movement a clean bill of health.
I can tell you from my own experience that in the 12 days and 21 rallies we’ve done, there have been no incidents — NONE — that could be even remotely considered threatening, threat provoking, or violent.
What I have seen are people like you and me, everyday ordinary Americans who love their country...
Former ABC Reporter Connects Tea Parties to....Leftist South African Blacks?
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty bdd vals msm =
"The growing debate in the United States about the increasingly virulent hate speech by so-called Tea Party activists and their talk radio and Republican Party boosters has resonance these days in South Africa."
Nominee Over 117 Omissions From Record
[TH:LE]Subject: txt bbro libs -Senate Republicans on Tuesday slammed one of the Obama administration's most controversial judicial nominees for failing to initially disclose more than 100 of his speeches, publications and other background materials -- an omission the Republicans called unprecedented attempt to "hide his most controversial work"...
Goodwin Liu: Unqualified, and Hostile to the Constitution
Subject: txt bbro crpt libs sclm -
"In addition to weakening key environmental laws, Roberts's
theory of limited federal power
would potentially undermine bedrock civil rights laws, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964."
"Roberts's theory of limited federal power"? Has Liu ever read the Constitution? Did he actually attend law school? If so, was he not taught that ours is a government of limited powers?
Far-left professors like Goodwin Liu don't seem to understand that a judge's role is not to serve as a dictator, imposing left-wing policy preferences on an unwilling public and an "unenlightened" legislature.

[Actually, they've virtually all been extremists, one after another.]
Leahy to forge ahead with Liu hearing despite GOP objections
Subject: txt bbro libs bdd -
Democrats are forging ahead with plans to confirm Goodwin Liu to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit despite GOP protests over the nominee’s failure to fully disclose his speeches and writings.
In a sternly worded letter Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) denied a Republican request to postpone Liu’s hearing to review the undisclosed information.
“I had hoped that in this new year, we could put political rancor aside and come together to openly and fairly debate President Obama’s qualified judicial nominees,”
Leahy wrote in a letter to Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), the ranking Republican on Judiciary.
[Provided such 'debate' doesn't include the nominee's own writings for consideration - it's only a life-time appointment, after all.]
'I Want My Free M.D.'
Subject: txt hcare sclm bdd vals -
Dependency: The Democrats' reform bill had hardly become law before doctors and insurers began getting calls asking about free health care. The growing sense of entitlement is disheartening, to say the least.
'Where do we get the free ObamaCare, and how do I sign up for that?"
That's what Carrie McLean, an agent for, told McClatchy newspapers she's been hearing from callers...
Jesse Jackson and Huffpo’s Next Crusade: a Student Loan Bailout
"A plan to earn debt forgiveness retroactively must be instituted at once as an acknowledgment that an entire generation is mired in tens of thousands of dollars in student debt," Jackson wrote. "Not every one of them will be able to write a blockbuster memoir to pay off student loans."
Although the federal government's latest takeover in student loans by "cutting out the middleman" pleased Jackson, he called on the Obama administration to take more drastic steps in today's "Second Great Depression."
Democrats Target Sarah Palin-Michele Bachmann Rally
Subject: txt 2010 libs -
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, two of the conservative movement's stars, are expected to draw thousands of supporters today when they appear together to kick off Bachmann's re-election campaign. Democrats, meanwhile, are attempting to rally their own supporters by taking aim at the controversial figures.
''From these two we have heard nothing but fear and lies - from death panels to warning of a coming apocalypse - and today's rally shouldn't be any different''
Bachmann likely needed a large venue like the Minneapolis Convention Center to host the crowd expected to attend today. The Minnesota GOP gave away more than 10,000 tickets for the event, WCCO reports.
Obama's national security giveaway
Subject: txt intl nsec russia -
... So, in one fell swoop, Obama has handed over one of our few military advantages. Imagine OEF, OIF, Kosovo, etc. with limited numbers of cruise missiles, B-52s, B-2s able to deliver PGMs. Or worse, the treaty may be so restrictive that certain numbers systems must be retained for the nuclear mission so that no conventional capability can be deployed...
Russia Continues to Claim New Treaty Establishes ''Inextricable Connection” with Missile Defense
Subject: txt nsec russia - In a statement today, Sergei Prikhodko – Russia President Dmitri Medvedev’s senior foreign policy adviser – contradicted the White House’s repeated assertion that the treaty that will be signed tomorrow in Prague by Medvedev and President Obama has no substantive linkage between a reduction in offensive nuclear arms and the US plans for missile defense in Europe.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently stated that ''linkage to missile defense is clearly spelled out in the accord and is legally binding.''
Russia reserves opt-out of arms treaty with US
Subject: txt intl nsec russia -MOSCOW – The new U.S.-Russian arms control treaty is a much better deal for Russia than its predecessor, but Moscow reserves the right to withdraw from it if a planned U.S. missile defense system grows, Russia's foreign minister said Tuesday. Sergey Lavrov said Russia will issue a statement outlining the terms for such a withdrawal after President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sign the treaty...
Government Green Extremists Plot Our Demise
Subject: txt grn engry -On April 1, the Obama administration’s EPA issued final rules forcing automakers to increase their vehicles’ fuel economy by 40 percent in five years. The next day, the very same EPA favorably reviewed an ethanol fuel mandate that would force autos to get up to 5 percent worse fuel economy.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Follow us here. By the same date — 2015 — that the new 35.5 mpg EPA mandate is due to go into effect, oil companies are also mandated by Congress to double the amount of corn ethanol use (from 2007 levels) to 15 billion gallons. The current mandate of a 10 percent ethanol mix in fuel won’t get us there, so the powerful corn lobby is demanding EPA increase the mandate to a 15 percent ethanol mix.
Trouble is, a gallon of ethanol is 30 percent less efficient than a gallon of gas meaning that the more ethanol you mix in, the worse your gas mileage...
- Stop 'Big Corn'
Subject: txt engryThe Environmental Protection Agency wants to dump more corn into your fuel tank this summer, and it's going to cost more than you think. The agency is expected to approve a request from 52 ethanol producers known collectively as "Growth Energy" to boost existing requirements that gasoline contain 10 percent ethanol to 15 percent.
The change means billions more in government subsidies for companies in the business of growing corn and converting it into ethanol. For the rest of us, it means significantly higher gasoline prices...
EPA Chief Says New Pollution Rules for Cars Only the Beginning of Greenhouse Gas Regulations
Subject: txt grn engry lbrty bbro -Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson said her agency’s inaugural regulations on greenhouse gas emissions on cars were only “the first” of such regulations, promising that her agency would move “deliberately” to institute regulations in other areas of the economy as well...
California 'debates' cost of sending ILLEGAL aliens to college
Subject: txt immig cali edu mny -
Eight years after California's Legislature adopted a tuition break to help illegal aliens afford college, these students account for 1 percent or less of all students in the state's three higher education systems. The data come as both Republican candidates for governor are calling for the practice to end, while the state's controlling Democrat majority defends the practice...
Fruits and Veggies Prevent Cancer? Not So Much, It Turns Out
Subject: txt othr fnn -
[I knew it.]