Monday, June 14, 2010
California Is Stuck in 1st Gear
Wall Street Journal"In April, the last month for which state data are available, California nonfarm employment fell 2.5% from a year earlier, compared with a 1.1% national drop, as the state lost a higher percentage of jobs in the recession and has added a smaller percentage this year. The state's 12.6% jobless rate far exceeded the 9.9% U.S. rate in April, as reported by the Labor Department"
Jerry Brown Calls Meg Whitman a Nazi, Media Mostly Mum
Subject: txt hots 2010 cali msm -California's Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown on Tuesday called his Republican rival Meg Whitman a Nazi.
You probably didn't hear about this because America's media largely ignored it.
By contrast, the press had a field day when Republican senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina made a comment about Barbara Boxer's (D-Calif.) hair that was picked up by an open microphone Tuesday evening.
Why the double standard?
Consider your answer as you read what Brown told KCBS radio's Doug Sovern...
Intellectual Climate Change
Subject: txt gdd grn - hots -
First it came to Australia. Now it is taking over Britain. How long before the mainstream media containment wall collapses, and skepticism about global warming finally takes over here, too?
The American people are already highly skeptical, mind you, but the American media has so far maintained its monolithic dogma on global warming. But not if we follow the pattern of Britain, where the global warming dogma has collapsed since the Climategate scandal broke late last year.
How far have things gone? Well, revered environmentalist guru James Lovelock is now telling The Guardian, "Who knows? Everybody might be wrong. I may be wrong. Climate change may not happen as fast as we thought, and we may have 1,000 years to sort it out."
The Royal Society—Britain's prestigious scientific society—has been forced to back off its endorsement of the global warming hysteria.
The Royal Society has appointed a panel to rewrite the 350-year-old institution's official position on global warming. It will publish a new "guide to the science of climate change" this summer. The society has been accused by 43 of its Fellows of refusing to accept dissenting views on climate change and exaggerating the degree of certainty that man-made emissions are the main cause.
The society appears to have conceded that it needs to correct previous statements. It said: "Any public perception that science is somehow fully settled is wholly incorrect—there is always room for new observations, theories, measurements." This contradicts a comment by the society's previous president, Lord May, who was once quoted as saying: "The debate on climate change is over."And best of all is the story below, about a debate at the venerable old Oxford Union, in which prominent skeptics defeated alarmists in a vote by the students—and by a good margin. Intellectual climate change is possible, and it is only a matter of time before it comes, in full force, to the US.
"Oxford Union Debate on Climate Catastrophe,"
Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup?
Subject: txt 1st grn engry sclm bbro bdd - hots -
Foreign companies possessing some of the world’s most advanced oil skimming ships say they are being kept out of efforts to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf because of a 1920’s law known as the Jones Act -- a protectionist law that requires vessels working in US waters be built in the US and be crewed by US workers. Joseph Carafano of the Heritage Foundation has been studying the matter and wonders, “Are we accepting all the international assistance in the maritime domain that we can, and is the Jones Act an impediment to that?”
[This is government, and we're growing more of it.]
POLL: 74% Oppose Taxing Internet News Sites To Help Newspapers
Subject: txt hots lbrty bbro tax -
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is considering several ways to help the struggling newspaper industry, but Americans strongly reject several proposed taxes to keep privately-owned newspapers going.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 84% oppose a three percent (3%) tax on monthly cell phone bills to help newspapers and traditional journalism.
Similarly, 76% oppose a proposed five percent tax on the purchase of consumer electronic items such as computers, iPads and Kindles to help support newspapers and traditional journalism. Seventy-four percent (74%) oppose the proposal to tax web sites like the Drudge Report to help the newspapers they draw their headlines from.
Each of these ideas was suggested for consideration in a recent FTC report.
Only 10% favor the tax on monthly cell phone bills to help newspapers and traditional journalism. Sixteen percent (16%) support the tax on consumer electronic devices, and 18% of Adults favor placing an additional tax on Internet news sites.
Seventy-one percent (71%) oppose the creation of a taxpayer-funded program that would hire and pay young reporters to work for newspapers around the country. Fourteen percent (14%) support such a program, while 15% are undecided.
[Yeah, but what's another super-majority ignored - it'll likely happen.]READ MORE
World Cup? What's That?
Subject: txt hots intl fnn -Don't tell the rest of the world as they zero in on the World Cup matches beginning next week in South Africa, but one-out-of-three Americans don't even know what sport will be played in those games.
'Witness' to Flotilla 'Murder' Admits She Was on Another Boat
Subject: txt israel - hots -U.S. Army Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright, on a speaking tour of the United States on behalf of radical pacifist women's group Code Pink, bills herself as an eyewitness to the IDF raid on the Mavi Marmara and what she termed the “murder” of “nine innocent civilians.” However, in an interview with Aaron Lerner of IMRA, she admits she did not actually see the clash between the IDF soldiers and the armed passengers on board the Mavi Marmara.
Time Says Oil Spill is Everyone's Fault But Big Government
Subject: txt grn msm hots engry =
[Yup that's Time.
And they were drilling in such deep water because?]
NBC's Mitchell Scolds Big Labor for Daring to 'Embarrass' White House
Subject: txt msm mny econ libs - fnn -
NBC's Andrea Mitchell took up the cause of the White House in admonishing Big Labor for wasting their money on trying to defeat Arkansas Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln in the primary there, as she echoed their concern, on Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, that organized labor essentially aided Republican John Boozman's chances to win in the general election. Mitchell invited on AFSCME President Gerry McEntee to, in essence, reprimand Big Labor's decision to support Lincoln's opponent Bill Halter, when their money could have been better spent on electing Democrats elsewhere, as she scolded:
"Why invest so heavily and embarrass the White House here?"
[audio available here]
The following is a complete transcript of the exchange as it was aired on the June 10 edition of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports:
Assembly OKs ban on single-use plastic bags
Subject: txt cali grn nanny -
"AB 1998, which would take effect for some stores as soon as January 2012, bans single-use plastic bags in hopes that consumers bring or buy their own reusable bags. Stores could also provide paper bags made of at least 40 percent recycled materials at a charge of 5 to 8 cents per bag."
Onslaught of Terrible Bills in The State Senate
Subject: txt cali bdd 2010 nanny -
"In case you need some sort of poignant reminder of exactly how whacked out Capitol Democrats are -- and how they literally are continuing to over-regulate California, and expand the "Nanny State" -- we need only publish for you a list released by the State Senate Republican Caucus highlighting what are just some of the terrible pieces of legislation coming up for a vote in the Senate (it's just as bad in the Assembly!)... Republicans are opposed to all of these..."
[Until we change who we send to Sacramento...]
To save a buck, gajillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter, Now Easier to Shoot Down
Subject: txt nsec - Michael Gilmore, the Defense Department’s chief weapons tester, recommended in a letter to Congress last month “that these features be reinstated.” The amount saved by trimming these components, he noted, would be more than made up, if just two aircraft were lost.
“Live-fire ballistic testing has demonstrated that the JSF is vulnerable,” added Lt. Gen. George Trautman, the Marines’ deputy commandant for aviation.
Now, one of the JSF’s now selling points was that it wouldn’t have to worry to much about taking on anti-aircraft fire; the jet would be so stealthy that the ground-to-air guns would never find it. But according to a report published by Air Power Australia, the plane is easier to spot than originally advertised. In fact, it is “demonstrably not a true stealth aircraft.”
U.S. Embraces Model That's Failed Europe
Subject: txt sclm mny intl -The newspaper headlines say it all. On the one hand, "Crisis Imperils Liberal Benefits Long Expected by Europeans," while in this country: "Private Pay Plummets, Government Handouts Soar." The modern European welfare state has proven unsustainable. From Greece to Britain, from France to Portugal, European countries are slashing social welfare benefits, raising the retirement age and dismantling government bureaucracies. Yet, even as Europe is learning that you can't forever rob Peter in order to pay Paul, the U.S. is racing to transform itself into a copy of the failing European model.
[ahy-dee-uh-lawg, -log, id-ee-, ahy-dee-] –noun
a person who zealously advocates an ideology, despite all evidence to the contrary
Assembly Dems: Borrow cash to save welfare
Subject: txt cali mny sclm tax -
"Assembly Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a plan to fully fund education and save welfare and government jobs in California by borrowing billions of dollars, just one day after Senate Democrats proposed raising nearly $5 billion in taxes to stave off cuts to the same social programs."
Licking the Knife Blade
Subject: txt cali mny econ tax libs 2010 -
"Like the proverbial wolf that continues to lick the knife blade because it enjoys the taste of its own blood, the Democrats are back with another huge tax increase. At a time when the state's economy and taxpayers are still staggering under the burden of last year's $12.6 billion tax increase, Democrats are pushing a plan to raise taxes by yet another $5 billion and to borrow an additional $8.7 billion."
Liberals Gone WildEven though the Constitution does not include the words "separation of church and state," liberals have long treated that concept as a hallowed fundamental doctrine of constitutional law. But no more. With the recent introduction of new Senate cap and trade legislation, ultraliberal supporters Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and others have now completely abandoned that doctrine in their quest to establish global warming dogma as the official, established religion of the United States.
Another Very Bad Night for Obama, Democrats and the MediaThe U.S. dollar and good news for Democrats have a lot in common these days. No matter how much of either liberals print, the absolute value keeps declining. To be fair, the Jurassic media is actually half right in their group think analysis that yesterday's elections were more evidence that the prevailing mood in the country is simply anti-Washington. But the half they get wrong is very wrong indeed. As such, they are losers yesterday.
The biggest winners were Rand Paul's campaign and the Tea Party movement / philosophy...
Saturday Night Funnies: Boxer Says CO2 Leading Cause of Conflict Next 20 Years
On Thursday, Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) took to the floor of the Senate and claimed that carbon dioxide -- that naturally occurring gas integral to life on this planet! -- "will be over the next 20 years the leading cause of conflict, putting our troops in harm's way" (transcript and commentary follow):