Friday, June 4, 2010
Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias libs -
Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law...
As White House Memo on Sestak Raises More Questions, White House Refers to That Same Memo for Answers
Subject: txt hots -
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday would not say if there were multiple conversations with Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) about serving on a presidential advisory board in exchange for Sestak dropping out of the Democratic Senate primary race in Pennsylvania.
On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he did not know if all overtures to Sestak were made by Clinton. Gibbs answered questions raised by Bauer’s memo by referring to that same memo...
Did Sestak Get WH Job Offer? Media Seem Not to Care
Subject: txt 2010 libs msm -Since Sestak defeated Specter, a number of media outlets have profiled him The White House denies that it ever made such an offer, which means either the Obama administration or Sestak is lying. Either would be a huge story. Yet a number of major media players, including the Washington Post, National Public Radio, and the Associated Press, have ignored the potential controversy...
'Press Wouldn't Cover Sestak Story If Rahm Announced It On Pennsylvania Ave. - In A Speedo'
Subject: txt hots crpt msm bias libs -
Just how desperately does the MSM want to bury the Sestak job-bribe story? Yesterday Time editor Rick Stengel's risibly feigned ignorance of the matter.
On Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough broke off a colorful metaphor to describe the liberal media's see-no-evil approach to the subject, saying the MSM wouldn't cover the story
"if Rahm Emanuel announced it in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue wearing nothing but a Speedo."
Some not worrying about paying mortgage
For Alex Pemberton and Susan Reboyras, foreclosure is becoming a way of life — something they did not want but are in no hurry to get out of. Foreclosure has allowed them to stabilize the family business. Go to Outback occasionally for a steak. Take their gas-guzzling airboat out for the weekend. Visit the Hard Rock Casino. “Instead of the house dragging us down, it’s become a life raft,” said Pemberton, who stopped paying the mortgage on their house here last summer. “It’s really been a blessing.”
[America's burgeoning new 'work ethic'.]
Arizona immigration law gets high marks
Subject: txt immig poll -
The popular Arizona immigration law received high marks from registered voters in the latest Qunnipiac University poll, released Tuesday.
48 percent said they want their state to pass legislation similar to Arizona's, while 35 percent said they do not. Overall, 51 percent approve of the law, opposed to 31 percent who disapprove.
What Bias? Re: LA Times Downplays Overwhelming Result of Own Online Poll on Arizona Boycott
Subject: txt poll immig fnn msm -The cactus in the photo at right planted along the Arizona border with California gives a pretty good indication of the reaction of that state to the boycott directed at them by the Los Angeles city council over the new immigration law. However, what is the opinion of folks in California? If a Los Angeles Times poll showed overwhelming support for the boycott, do you not think this would be front page news? Well, the results were overwhelming...97.6% of the respondents to this L.A. Times poll were opposed to the boycott of Arizona. The poll question: "Was the L.A. City Council right to pass a boycott of Arizona?" Here are the results:
Yes. Arizona needs to feel the consequences of enacting a bad law. 2.1% (378 votes)
Yes, though the boycott should be more of a symbolic gesture than an official measure. 0.4% (64 votes)
No, but only because doing so is probably illegal and not in L.A.'s interest. 4.2% (771 votes)
No. The city should mind its own business. 93.4% (17,030 votes)
So an astonishing 97.6% percent of those who participated in this poll are opposed to the boycott. Is this not big news? Not for the L.A. Times since the only place you can find the results is at the page that pops up after you vote. For the time being the results of the poll are being kept under wraps at the Times which is probably embarrassed by the one-sided outcome.
[Is there a more severe example of liberal politicians and reporting misrepresenting the mood of the people? I.e., they're not reporting {literally} on public opinion but trying to portray it as something it's not.
Professional journalism in America.]
Video: Gaza flotilla activists attacking Israel Navy commandos
Subject: txt hots israel -
The Israel Defense Forces on Wednesday released another video depicting the activists attacking commandos who stormed the ship. The video depicts passengers on the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara hurling stun grenades and boxes and spraying water at the commandos as they lowered themselves onto the ship. The activists are seen armed with iron bars and batons which they readily use against the [downed] soldiers...
Israel Use of "Captured" Video Draws Criticism
Subject: txt 1st hots israel msm -
Israel's military is using video confiscated from people on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla to justify opening fire during its deadly raid on the ships, drawing sharp criticism Thursday from foreign correspondents who say some of the footage was shot by journalists.
"The Foreign Press Association strongly condemns the use of photos and video material shot by foreign journalists, now being put out by the (military) spokesman's office as 'captured material',"
the FPA said in a statement.
[Forget reporting on attempted murder, let's condemn the use of video they didn't shoot themselves. I guess 'professional' journalists aren't unique to the US.]
Ayers, Dorhn helped organize 'peace' flotilla
Subject: txt hots israel -
It's not like these people don't have enough blood on their hands already: Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel intending to violate the 4 year old blockade by Israel trying to stop the flow of weapons to Hamas...
North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
Subject: txt intl nsec -A North Korean envoy warned on Thursday that war could erupt at any time on the divided Korean peninsula because of tension with Seoul over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March.
"The present situation of the Korean peninsula is so grave that a war may break out any moment,"
Ri Jang Gon, North Korea's deputy ambassador in Geneva, told the United Nations-sponsored Conference on Disarmament.
POLL: Plurality Say U.S. Should Aid South Korea Militarily
Subject: txt intl nsec -As the saber-rattling increases on the Korean Peninsula, 47% of U.S. voters think the United States should provide military assistance to South Korea if it is attacked by its Communist neighbor to the north.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 25% oppose U.S. military assistance to South Korea if it is attacked by North Korea, but another 28% are undecided.
The Obama administration is pushing for United Nations action against North Korea. However, U.S. voters have little confidence that the UN will take effective action against North Korea.
The End of Democratic Socialism
[There...]The end of democratic socialism is at hand. The welfare states of the U.S. and Europe are financially out of control, spent and unsustainable. They have reached the point that Margaret Thatcher defined as the end of socialism: They have run out of other people's money.
These areas of the world are about to change dramatically. Victor Davis Hanson has a piece in National Review Online focused on Europe. His comments, while directed at Europe, are also applicable to the United States...
That Europe's socialist model had led to relatively modest growth over the last decade in comparison with other advanced economies, that unemployment in Europe was likewise chronically high, and that worker productivity was static were always downplayed or at least balanced by "quality of life" counterpoints. Who cared that, over the last decade, much of Europe saw economic growth at only 50 to 75 percent the U.S. rate per annum, or that it struggled with 10 percent unemployment, or that it discouraged start-up companies, when the quality of life there was so much better for so many more people than anywhere else?
The "there's-no-such-thing-as-a-free-lunch" axiom applies in both free markets and socialist economies. Quality of life is a function of many things. While it means different things to different people, the common denominator is wealth creation. Even if you have little interest in wealth per se, wealth provides the options that enable one to select his own version of quality of life. Economies that do not create wealth provide few options. Economies that do not create wealth cannot improve the quality of life on any sustainable basis, and are therefore doomed to implosion...
No amount of spin, politicking, or legislation can avoid what is coming. The world is changing forever, at least for those of us alive today. The political class has as much chance of altering what is happening as they do of repealing the law of gravity.
[But rather than learn from the painful proof being supplied us by Europe's failure, we're actually accelerating our adoption of the very same policies...]
The Bank of England recently warned that the United States is on the road to the same fiscal failure as Greece, and the Obama administration's insistence on massive public spending and increasing deficits is the reason. At this rate, the U.S. government will be the next economic bubble to burst, say Newt Gingrich, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Dan Varroney, the chief operating officer at American Solutions.
For instance:
- Federal spending alone this year accounts for 25 percent of our nation's gross domestic product.
- If you add state and local spending, the number is closer to 50 percent.
- Union membership over the past 30 years has declined significantly, from 23 percent of all workers in 1980 to about 12 percent today.
- However, the percentage of union members working for government has soared -- over 50 percent of all union workers in the United States are employed by the government compared with only 17 percent in 1980.
- Government workers make about $10 per hour more than the average private sector worker does.
- In addition, when they retire, taxpayers are on the hook to pay for lucrative pensions promised by a generation of politicians trying to win the next election.
If the size of government continues to grow, there will be less free enterprise and less creation of new wealth and new jobs. The American government will primarily function to spread the wealth. Like in Greece, the economy here will fail...
In a Welfare State, How Much Is ‘Enough’?
ubject: txt sclm - mny - The flames from Greece’s debt-crisis protests have cast new light on the perils of our own overspending and overborrowing. You know the litany. California is imploding. Public-sector unions there, and across the country, are swallowing budgets. In California alone, pension costs have gone up 2,000 percent in a decade. At the national level, Obamacare has done little to fix — and much to hurt — America’s long-term entitlement mess. Already, America’s structural deficit has tripled since 2007...
Kagan’s Thesis Endorsed Judicial Activism
Subject: txt lgl - Everyone had hoped that with a complete disclosure of Elena Kagan’s writings that we would have a greater understanding of her judicial philosophy and rest assured that her political activities would not be transferred to her role as a Supreme Court justice. Unfortunately, uncovering her positions on the role of the judiciary has only confirmed previous suspicions that she endorses the use of the judiciary as a mechanism to enact her social beliefs.
In her thesis, written during her tenure at Oxford University, she believes that the judiciary must be a mechanism of social change...
Subject: txt primny pubmny -
Reducing or eliminating the negative effects of the corporate tax on investment would increase real gross domestic product and future wages significantly, says Michael J. Boskin, a professor of economics at Stanford University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution... [snip]
President Obama has put tax reform on the agenda, but surprisingly little attention is being paid to fixing the most growth-inhibiting, anticompetitive tax of all: the corporate income tax. Reducing or eliminating the corporate tax would curtail numerous wasteful tax distortions, boost growth in both the short and long run, increase America's global competitiveness, and raise future wages.
The U.S. has the second-highest corporate income tax rate of any advanced economy (39% including state taxes, 50% higher than the OECD average). Many major competitors, Germany and Canada among them, have reduced their corporate tax rate, rendering American companies less competitive ...
German car sales crash by one third after subsidies end
Subject: txt mny auto othr trade othr -
Berlin - New car registrations in Germany crashed by one third in May in annual terms, data Thursday showed. The tally of 249,700 new cars was 35 per cent below new-car sales a year ago, the federal vehicle licensing office in the city of Flensburg said. Germany offered buyers government subsidies last year. This year the May tally was 3,000 less than an earlier estimate by Germany's motor manufacturers' association VDA.
[Perspective: Germany is Europe's largest economy. CA is currently buying approx. 2M new cars a year, and has gone as high as 17M in 2004 (nearly 10% of the global new car market).]
Congress Ponders How to Push Electric Vehicles
Subject: txt grn engry bbro sclm libs - bdd - Lawmakers have floated a proposal to fast-track electric cars, but some in the clean-car field are worried that the wheels may fall off. Last week, House and Senate legislators released bipartisan plans to speed up the deployment of electric vehicles. In each plan, the centerpiece was a "targeted deployment" approach: Rather than offer the same incentives nationwide, the government would award federal funds to the regions that come up with the best blueprints for rolling out tens of thousands of plug-in cars...
[They refuse to learn {or just don't care what damage they do}: this is a very bad idea that will end badly - will someone please send these idiots the above piece re: Germany's experience subsidizing cars?]
What is Behind Liberalism’s Obesity Obsession?
Subject: txt lbrty sclm - nanny - The government wants to know how much your kids weigh. It wants to know how much salt there is in your ketchup and whether you’re having a second soda with that burger. It wants to control what you eat and drink. For your own good of course. So much of the current Nanny Statism has been focused on the “threat” of obesity. A movement that will only get worse with its prime movers having consolidated control over national health care with ObamaCare.
Now that government can claim that everyone’s individual health is no longer just an issue for them...
Chesapeake principal won't let mom pick up daughter
Subject: txt edu child -
The mother scheduled a Wednesday morning doctor's appointment for her daughter. Come Wednesday morning, the fourth-grader was taking a Standards of Learning exam. The mother came to pick up her daughter. The principal said no. Rae Martin said she received the forms that asked her to not schedule doctor's appointments during SOL testing. But those were sent home shortly before testing was supposed to start, she said.
Meanwhile, her daughter Alexis' check-up had been scheduled for months...
[These public employees have forgotten who they work for. We need universal-unencumbered vouchers.]
Illegal student gets jury trial on traffic charges
[So now illegal aliens are afforded access to our legal system? Exactly what 'privileges' does US citizenship bestow anymore? ]
Obama: End depedence on fossil fuels
Subject: txt engry - bdd -
[Not, possible. So what is the President of the United States doing saying it? Giving such insane notions credibility through his bully pulpit is very nearly as damaging to this nation, give oil being it's functional life's blood, as his embarrassing assertion that he seriously believes for a second that the world could ever be free of nukes.
Again, Not, possible - shouldn't we be concerned at his demonstrated delusions?]
Five ways Obama may tax you to pay for the government's 'reinvention of journalism'
Bureaucrats at the Federal Trade Commission have just released a new "staff study" containing a host of recommendations on how the federal government can put itself at the center of the "reinvention of journalism" campaign now gathering momentum on the Left. Translated, "reinvention of journalism" is codespeak for "Repeal the First Amendment's prohibition on Congress doing anything to abridge the freedom of the independent press to find and report all of the facts about what politicians, bureaucrats and their allies in the private sector are doing, are planning on doing, did in the past, or are thinking about doing in the future...
US newspaper circulation drops another 8.74 percent
Circulation figures for US newspapers released Monday provided another dose of bad news for an industry that has seen a wave of bankruptcies, closures and cutbacks in newsrooms across the country.Average daily US newspaper circulation declined 8.74 percent during the six months ending on March 31 compared with the same period a year ago, the Audit Bureau of Circulations said. Average Sunday circulation fell 6.54 percent during the October-March period, the bureau said...
Historically Unaccountable Old Media Complains of Unaccountable New MediaIt seems that the vast majority of journalists who bemoan unaccountable, unabashedly opinionated digital reporting are the same ones who have, without challenge, pushed a liberal perspective through their own reporting.
The latest such journalist, Newsweek's Howard Fineman, is concerned that "nobody is cross-examining" the "position papers" that supposedly comprise a critical mass of new media journalism.
Of course without new media, Fineman's position papers would be virtually immune from meaningful cross examination.
His position is common among the media's old guard: accountability for thee, but not for me...