Friday, April 23, 2010
Tehran's Other Target: America 2015
Subject: txt gwot -National Security: An unclassified Defense Department report says an Iranian missile could strike the U.S. by 2015. If only we were working as hard to defend ourselves as they are to destroy us. In any discussion of the Iranian nuclear threat, the assumption is always that Tehran's target is Israel.
But Tehran has made no secret of the fact they've a bigger fish that it wants to fry, namely us...
Valerie Jarrett: Obama's New Nuclear Advisor?
Subject: txt intl libs - nsec -The last time that President Obama’s senior advisor and assistant Valerie Jarrett was in the news, her favored political recruit, Anthony “Van” Jones, was resigning his post as White House presidential advisor amid revelations of a radical background that included communist sympathies and his support for 9/11 Truther conspiracy.
Now Jarrett, widely viewed as Obama’s radical alter ego, has reemerged – this time as a foreign policy guru...
China to send Iran gasoline
Subject: txt 1st nsec intl owg china - iran -Singapore - A state-owned Chinese refiner plans to ship 30,000 metric tons of gasoline to Iran after European traders halted shipments. Beijing has growing commercial and political ties with Iran and used its veto position at the UN to thwart all pressure for sanctions to press Teheran to abandon its nuclear program.
The gasoline shipment suggests Chinese refiners are moving to fill the void left by European suppliers, who halted sales to Iran earlier this year...
Selective Outrage
Subject: txt owg russia israel -While the United Nations Human Rights Council continues to trump up charges against Israel for defending itself against Islamic extremist terrorists seeking its destruction, the Council continues to ignore real illegal occupation of territory within the democratic nation of Georgia by the Russian Federation.
The Obama administration is also guilty of sternly condemning Israel for planning to build additional housing in the Jewish section of East Jerusalem, while remaining largely silent in the face of continuing illegal evictions of Georgians from their homes in the Russian occupied territories...
[Why? A {quote}:
Iran boosts Qods shock troops - IN VENEZUELA
Subject: txt nsec intl -
Iran is increasing its paramilitary Qods force operatives in Venezuela while covertly continuing supplies of weapons and explosives to Taliban and other insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the Pentagon's first report to Congress on Tehran's military...The report on Iranian military power provides new details on the group known formally as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), the Islamist shock troops deployed around the world to advance Iranian interests...
[First report? Tell me that was a typo.]
White House policy of ignoring President Chávez’s insults is failing
Subject: txt intl -The Obama Administration has been at pains to extend an open hand to Hugo Chávez but officials admit that a policy of trying to work with him has failed. Officials also say that a central element of dealing with the Venezuelan President is to try, as much as possible, to ignore his insults and anti-US incitement because t*t-for-tat exchanges only bolster his status in the region. Yet there appears to be no consensus about how to deal with him.
One fundamental problem is the US’s waning influence in Latin America ...
The Wrong Message
Subject: txt islm - gwot -In his June 5 Cairo speech, President Obama stated that the United States has litigated cases “to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab and punish those who would deny it.” However, Mr. Obama did not tell the Muslim world what they needed to hear, and should have heard from the leader of the Free world.
He had a moral obligation to add that we need to protect the right of Muslim women not to wear the hijab and punish those who force them to do so...
Belgium lawmakers to follow France with ban on Islamic burqa
Subject: txt intl islm -Brussels - Belgian lawmakers are set to impose a ban on wearing the Islamic burqa in public. On March 31, the Federal Parliament's home affairs committee voted unanimously to endorse a nationwide ban on clothes or veils that do not allow the wearer to be fully identified, including the full-face niqab and burqa. Those who ignore it could face a fine of €15-25 ($22-$36) and/or a jail sentence of up to seven days, unless they have police permission to wear the garments [such as to vote].
Comedy Central Caves, Censors 'South Park' from Even Saying 'Mohammed'
[Meanwhile, in America...]
The elite gatekeepers of American pop culture huff and puff about freedom of speech. But when political correctness actually threatens that right, Hollywood's stalwart defenders of free expression are nowhere to be found.Last night, Comedy Central gave into threats of violence against the creators of the animated sitcom "South Park" and not only censored the image of the Muslim prophet Mohammed -- as it had last week and in one previous episode -- but even censored every verbal mention of the the prophet's name (see the video below the fold).
The decision came days after a radical New York-based Muslim fundamentalist group warned that Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the show's creators, would be killed for supposedly mocking Mohammed...
['Hate speech' charges brought against Boy Scouts for setting rules for its membership, but death threats emanating from an organization within our borders are ignored?
If public Islamic intolerance of everything not Islamic, combined with death threats, isn't hate speech, what is? {rhetorical: see above boy scout point} - I.e., where are the charges against suck Muslim 'organizations'?!?]
,Subject: txt mny trade -
Senator Chris Dodd's (D-Conn.) 1,400-page financial reform bill contains many economic land mines, says the Wall Street Journal. Here's one of the worst: Provisions that would make it harder for business start-ups to raise seed capital.
Currently, wealthy individuals who want to invest directly in a new business can do so with minimum interference from regulators. Entrepreneurs depend on these "angel" investors, since many new businesses lack the collateral for bank loans and are too small to interest venture capitalists. Amazon, Yahoo, Google and Facebook all benefited from angel investors, who typically target companies under five years old:
- According to a 2009 Kaufman Foundation study, such firms are less than 1 percent of all companies yet generate about 10 percent of new jobs.
- Between 1980 and 2005, companies less than five years old accounted for all net job growth in the United States.
- In 2008, angels invested some $19 billion in more than 55,000 companies.
Dodd's bill would change all this for the worse, says the Journal.

The legislation also removes a federal pre-emption that prevents start-ups and investors from being subject to 50 different state regulators.
The North American Securities Administrators Association, which represents state regulators, argues that federal pre-emption contributes to fraud. But angel investors don't use broker-dealers and other middlemen linked to recent investment scandals. Nascent companies often seek financing from multiple investors in different states, and a state-by-state regulatory regime would mean higher compliance costs and more legal risks - accomplishing only the opposite of what our country needs right now...
Camp OFA
Organizing for America, Barack Obama's political organization (, run by the Democratic National Committee, wants to recruit and train a cadre of activists, and is holding camps all over America. Find one near you here:
Training camp for Tea Party infiltrators? Polling place intimidators? Basic training for the Civilian Defense Corps that Obama once-upon-a-time talked about creating?
Are Homeland Security, the FBI and SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] keeping as close a watch on these guys and gals as they do Michigan militias?
Napolitano: The Issue Is “Turn To Violence”
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm libs - bdd -A day after she was in Oklahoma City to commemorate 15 years since the deadly bombing there, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Tuesday expressed concern that groups inside the United States, including 'anti-government' groups, could be seeking to launch violent attacks.
"The question is not ideology," ... "We've always had groups on all sides that have held beliefs that are very strong and express them very vociferously."
Instead, the issue is "the turn to violence," according to Napolitano...
The Violence Card
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm - libs bdd -
Liberal Democrats and their friends in the media have tried just about everything to dismiss and discredit the tea-party movement. They've accused Americans who are anxious and angry about a rapidly encroaching government of being racists, extremists, birthers, pawns of a corporate "AstroTurf" effort—and, now, potential Timothy McVeighs. No less a figure than Bill Clinton seized on the occasion of the Oklahoma City bombing's 15th anniversary to lecture tea-party activists, first in a speech last week to the Center for American Progress Action Fund, then in a Monday New York Times op-ed...
Shocking Report: Police Find TEA Parties More Peaceful Than Anti-war Protests
Subject: txt 2010 tea - fnn gdd -On Monday, the Christian Science Monitor bucked its mainstream peers by reporting something truthful about the TEA party movement:
police officials have begun to relax security requirements at conservative rallies because of the remarkable absence of violence.
Yes, you read that right: despite nonstop media warnings about hateful protests, violence from TEA party attendants is so nonexistent that police feel safe allowing them to bring large items and even guns.
The Monitor was compelled to check things out when a TEA party in Raleigh, North Carolina, persuaded officials to overturn a ban on flag poles. Such items are typically banned because a flag pole is really just a very big stick that could be used as a weapon. The Monitor's research led the paper to admit that conservative protests are far less threatening than many 'past' demonstrations.
Patrik Jonsson's article drew a stark contrast between violent tendencies of anti war, big business and environmental 'marches' versus the new model of peaceful civil uprising...
MSNBC: There Are No Violent Liberals
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]
MSNBC chose to give airtime to Joan Walsh to review her blog posting of “There is no liberal Rush Limbaugh,” which I guess is correct if she’s talking about ratings.
"The problem on the right includes extremists who've made death threats against Democrats like Patty Murray, Bart Stupak, Nancy Pelosi and, of course, President Obama.
There's no one on the left posing the same threat..."
In typical liberal form, Joan was unable to name a single 'extreme' left-wing media figure yesterday even when pressed to do so...
[Talk to Stupak (D) about his death threats from the Left when he was still holding up Obamacare over the funding of abortion {before he caved}.]
Earth Day: An Assault on Man
[HT: By Brian Sussman]
In 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WS) was Congress's leading environmentalist activist. Nelson was the mastermind behind those ridiculous teach-ins, which were in vogue in the late sixties and early seventies. During the teach-ins, mutinous school instructors would scrap the day's assigned curriculum, pressure their students to sit cross-legged on the floor, "rap" about how America is an imperialist nation, and discuss why communism really isn't such a bad form of government -- it just needs to be implemented properly.
In 1969, following a much-hyped oil spill off the Santa Barbara coast, an overblown patch of fire on Cleveland's Cuyahoga River, and the pharmaceutically induced vibes cast across the nation via the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, Senator Nelson met with Ehrlich and reportedly said, "My God -- why not a national teach-in on the environment?" [That would be in our children's schools. ... snip]
As I write in Climategate:
Earth Day has never been a celebration of God's wonderful creation; instead it's always been an assault on man. "Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources," championed the New York Times in an April 23, 1970 editorial, "not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction."
During that first Earth Day man was proclaimed the polluter and would remain as such for subsequent observances that decade. By the Eighties the event's organizers cast man as the tree killer, and, with the Nineties, man evolved into the animal species annihilator.Earth Day is not a celebration of this glorious planet, but instead an assault on man -- and the current energy bill is an assault on America. We must equip ourselves with a complete understanding of the facts so that we can prevent these elitist social engineers from passing this liberty-sapping piece of legislation...
The global warming scare never really became popular until the late Nineties, and when it did, it provided a hook that the compatriots at the Earth Day headquarters could hang their red berets on. Known as anthropogenic global warming, it was a sexy sell: humans-particularly Americans-were now screwing up the entire planet's weather.
By 2000 Earth Day organizers took ownership of this new angle and would never let go... [snip]
[Recommended > ]
'Mini Page' Propagandizes to Children, Touts Radical Environmentalist Rachel Carson
Subject: txt child = ADD CHILD TARGETS to list -- edu msm -In advance of Earth Day, the Mini Page, a children's supplement that appears in 500 newspapers across the country, touted radical environmentalist Rachel Carson, whose baseless crusade against DDT caused the death of millions. (To read about her deadly legacy, go here.)
Under the headline, "Happy Birthday, Earth Day," the April 18 edition provided no information on the negative impact of Carson's efforts:
"In 1962, a scientist, Rachel Carson, published a book called 'Silent Spring.' She caught everyone’s attention with her accounts of birds dying from pesticides. She warned that people were in danger too."
Debnam made no mention of the fact that Carson's "warning" was wrong.
The National Academy of Sciences has called DDT the "greatest chemical ever discovered, a lifesaver of 500 million whose deaths were otherwise inevitable."
Carson's claims that the pesticides could be linked to cancer have been thoroughly debunked. Yet, the Mini Page spun this activist as a hero to children across the country...
Unions Target Moderate Dems For Defeat In Ideological Purge
Subject: txt crpt 2010 libs -The 2010 election was already shaping up to be a bloody battle for Democratic incumbents but some now have to worry about friendly fire as well: Big Labor is trying to purge Democrats they don't like. Some unions are backing primary challenges in Colorado and Arkansas. In North Carolina, a union actually is trying to create its own third party to split the vote...
Union head threatens legislators
Subject: txt crpt -
Watch on YouTube as a leader of the AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) threatens Illinois lawmakers in order to get them to send more money to public employees...
When will the insanity stop? At least one Governor is taking the battle on, and he has a taxpayer army behind him. All hail Governor Christie of New Jersey...
NJ Governor Chris Christie winning the battle against teachers unions
Subject: txt edu gdd -
They may want him dead and compare him to Pol Pot, but New Jersey teachers unions are getting bested by their Governor who is rallying New Jersey residents to the cause of fiscal responsibility:
Like their fellow citizens in 54 percent of school districts across the state, the people of Sparta [New Jersey] rejected their local district’s proposed budget yesterday. That’s the highest rate of school budget rejections since 1976, according to the New Jersey Star Ledger.
Taxpayers are tired of the relentlessly increasing per-pupil cost of public schooling at a time when their own household budgets are under pressure. It helped that popular new governor Chris Christie recommended that voters reject their districts’ budgets unless the teachers unions agreed to a one year salary freeze...
It’s a victory for taxpayers and New Jersey’s children...
[They're bloated and too expensive and worst of all consistently fail our children -- but during this time of double-digit unemployment, just getting them to agree to a salary freeze, which will no doubt thaw at the earliest opportunity, is deemed a 'victory'?
We need universal, unencumbered school vouchers, or our schools will never improve.]
Advocates carry handguns, rifles at Va. rally
ALEXANDRIA, Va.- Dozens of Second Amendment rights activists holstered their handguns and slung rifles over their shoulders Monday at a gun rights rally in northern Virginia, while hundreds of like-minded but unarmed counterparts converged in the nation's capital.
Those in Washington, D.C., chose not to carry any firearms in compliance with the district's strict gun laws, even though many believe the rules are unconstitutional. The most prevalent sign:
"Which part of 'shall not be infringed' confuses you?"
Bisexual men sue gay group, claim bias
Three bisexual men are suing a national gay-athletic organization, saying they were discriminated against during the Gay Softball World Series held in the Seattle area two years ago. The three Bay Area men say the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance in essence deemed them not gay enough to participate in the series.
The lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Seattle accuses the alliance of violating Washington state laws barring discrimination...