Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Re-Establishment of America
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty -
... Most of the time, we Americans don't pay much attention to politics. We focus all of our energy on our jobs, our families, and our faith. We work hard, play by the rules, and wish only to be left alone. We love our country, consider ourselves blessed to be living here, and ask little from the men and women we elect except to keep from screwing things up.
But in just the last decade, Americans were shocked by two catastrophes we hadn't imagined our political establishment would allow to happen. The first was 9-11, when nineteen terrorists successfully attacked our homeland, and by doing so revealed that for years, al-Qaeda and its allies had been waging holy war against us. The second was the 2008 financial crash, which revealed that our economy is a house of cards built on a pile of debt so high we cannot possibly repay it.
Republicans blame Democrats, and Democrats blame Republicans. To ordinary, non-political Americans -- who grasp intuitively, and correctly, that both parties share responsibility for these two catastrophes -- these politicians seem like children who've turned a party into a food fight. And what do parents do when a children's party gets out of control? They turn off the music, turn out the lights, and send everyone home... [snip]
The re-establishment of America won't be easy, and we'll make mistakes along the way. Some of the new people will prove just as worthless as they ones they replaced. And some very good people who now hold key positions in politics, the media, education, and finance will be swept away by the avalanche. That's too bad, but collateral damage is unavoidable.
No other country in history has ever attempted to replace its establishments so smoothly and so peacefully -- and so cheerfully -- as we are doing right now. And it isn't likely that any other country ever will attempt something like this. How exhilarating to realize that 234 years after our revolution, the United States is still the most dynamic, forward-looking, optimistic place on Earth.Boy, what an exciting time to be an American.
[Are you participating?]
POLL: 73% Agree That Washington Is “Broken”
Subject: txt bbro sclm fnn bdd gss mny hcare 1st =
Yet while 87% of Mainstream voters say Washington is broken, 73% of the Political Class disagree.
However, 75% of all voters now say they are angry at the government’s current policies, up four points from late November and up nine points since September.
Sixty percent (60%) think neither Republican political leaders nor Democratic political leaders have a good understanding of what is needed today.READ MORE
Governor’s aide: National Security meeting “surreal”
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
“During both of their presentations… the best way that I can explain it, it was like listening to a teacher in health class giving a lecture about sex to a pre-teen, yet prohibited from or unwilling to use certain proper anatomical terms or even the necessary anatomical references,”
she stated, adding that both Napolitano and Brennan were very careful to avoid using words and phrases that in any way associated terror concerns with Islam or Islamic ideology.
For example, this source described Napolitano talking about Najibullah ZAZI, a 24-year-old, Afghan-born Muslim resident of Denver and a follower of al Qaeda. ZAZI, who pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction on Monday, was identified by federal authorities as a key player in what has been described as the most serious terror plot since 9/11. Investigators found evidence that ZAZI was motivated to kill and injure Americans based on of his beliefs in Islamic jihad.
Napolitano instead described him generically as a “domestic extremist” and “never once used the phrase Islamic terrorism” or made any reference to Islam, jihad, or the ideology and mechanism that motivated ZAZI and his co-conspirators to plot attacks in New York...
Rather, Napolitano spoke of the “need to study and analyze the motivation behind these extremists", something that I thought should have been quite obvious based on the amount and type of evidence uncovered in that case...
The “Peace Partners” Who Never Were
Subject: txt israel -On February 14th, all of the major Palestinian terrorist factions met at the offices of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) for peace talks. But this was not about peace with the Israelis. No, this was a meeting to reconcile differences, in order to direct all energies in a violent manner against Israel.
While the West has been obsessed with locating a “peace partner” for the Jewish state, none would be found here...
[Again and again...]
There's No Dilemma Like a Euro Dilemma
Subject: txt sclm intl owg -
Eventually, Greece is obviously going to get someone bigger to stand behind its crippling budgetary debts. The specter of sovereign default has stalked the euro zone long enough, dragging its proud currency into disrepute.
The trouble is that Germany's trump card, its thumping great trade surplus, is largely built up against, guess who, other countries within the euro zone. In a nutshell, the deficits of Greece and Spain and Portugal are the German surplus...
Head of 'Climategate' research unit admits he hid data - because it was 'standard practice'
Subject: txt grn owg -Scientists at the heart of the Climategate row were yesterday accused by a leading academic body of undermining science's credibility. The Institute of Physics said 'worrying implications' had been raised after it was revealed the University of East Anglia had manipulated data on global warming.
The rebuke is he strongest yet from the scientific community...
Drop Climate Change Initiatives, Save TRILLIONS
Subject: txt grn owg -
"There has been no statistically significant warming since 1995."
So finally admits Professor Phil Jones, former director of England's University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) and primary contributor to the IPCC 'reports' claiming to 'prove' a link between Global Warming and CO2 emissions only actually observed in climate models create for that purpose.
In a statement on its Web site, the CRU said:
“We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (i.e., manipulated) data.”
Many climatologists believe the raw data records were deliberately destroyed, leaving only "homogenized" and "synopsized" versions of what was contained in the original records — "doctored" data used in graphs to 'show' that carbon dioxide (CO2), a substance in the Earth's atmosphere on which all life on the planet depends, as the culprit in "man-made" global warming.
It did not take long for politicians to seize upon the opportunity to make global warming a tax issue. Politicians are talking about a human carbon "footprint" narrowing the CO2 issue down to individual citizens, making their carbon use a marketable commodity.
Europe has established such a market, and opportunists in America have seized upon the global warming issue and are turning it into private businesses for their own profit. Schemes that are being advanced to diminish t carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are terrifying when the costs of such solutions are calculated. Costs have been estimated to be in the trillions to sequester CO2... [snip]
Can man even cause global warming? This question has not been legitimately answered. And even if he could, a warmer planet by less than 1 degree centigrade in 140 years is not life-threatening - in fact it's beneficial to man.
The nation will eventually come to recognize the simple fact that man does not contribute to the warming of the planet in any appreciable amount, and that carbon dioxide, a trace in the atmosphere, has never been scientifically shown to cause global warming - in fact science shows what increases the planet experiences on a cyclical basis are the effect, and not the cause, of warming.
Anyone sincerely concerned with the welfare of man made aware of the facts surrounding this issue will quickly conclude that world needs to step back and recognize that the real threat to our welfare are the self-serving actions be proposed, and not the inaction being portrayed as culprit...
MSNBC Won't Release Video of Van Jones Calling Saddam's Human Shields 'Heroes'
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm libs bdd -Remember Van Jones? He's trying to make a comeback, and the mainstream media seems to be lending him a helping hand in getting back into the Washington power structure. Jones, in case you don't remember, was the administration's Green Jobs Czar. He resigned after it came to light that his name appeared on a 9/11 Truther petition.
That, it turned out, was not the extent of his wackiness. He led a vigil mourning "the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world." He was an admitted communist and black nationalist. Now, it turns out, he considered Americans who shipped off to Iraq to be human shields for Saddam Hussein "heroes."
He said just that on MSNBC's "The Abrams Report" in 2003, according to a transcript of the show (relevant portion below the fold). I would post video here, but MSNBC refuses to release it...
Is This An Interview? On PBS, Tavis Smiley Tells Van Jones He Loves Him, Would Take a Bullet for Him
Subject: txt msm bias crpt libs sclm bbro -
How often does a network interviewer declare to the interviewee that he loves him and "would take a bullet" for him? On his self-titled PBS show on Thursday night, Tavis Smiley declared his love for radical 9-11 truther/Obama adviser Van Jones:
"I believe in supporting friends and you know I love you, would do anything - would take a bullet for Van Jones."
Worse yet, Smiley attacked the Obama White House for not fighting the "absolute lies" that sunk Jones – without ever bringing specifics...
Smiley offered no skepticism whatsoever to the strange claims of Jones that he never signed the petition demanding an investigation into charges the Bush administration "deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur."
PBS is taking our tax dollars to provide a completely sympathetic platform for a radical-left scandal figure, a place where he can seek to rehabilitate his image with the kindest of collaborators.
Report shows government's liabilities surging
Subject: txt mny -The federal government fell further into the red in 2009, with its financial position hitting a deficit of $11.46 trillion. That figure is 12.3 percent higher than the previous year, according to a new report issued by the Treasury Department on Friday. The annual report shows that the government's big entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare are facing a deficit over the next 75 years of $45.88 trillion, an increase in that deficit of $2.9 trillion in just one year...
Dems: Raising taxes a realistic option for cutting $12 trillion debt
Subject: txt mny -
Tax increases may be necessary to rein in $12 trillion in federal debt, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Monday. Hoyer emphasized the need to reform Social Security and Medicare, but also made it clear that raising taxes will have to be on the table.
''No one likes raising revenue, and understandably so,'' ... ''But if you're going to buy, you need to pay.''
[Who 'bought' it all?]
Obama creates commission to study his gigantic deficit
[I.e., today's insult.]
During yet another contrived attempt to convince the country (or perhaps just himself) that he has a firm handle on the dire economic predicament he has fully exacerbated, Barack Obama announced the creation of a commission to 'study' the deficit.
Yeah - that'll help.
"Federal debt has exploded, the trajectory is clear and it is disturbing."
Is there anyone left, outside his shrinking circle of sycophants, who doesn't realize that he's the one who pushed the handle down on the plunger?
Really now, what better way to convey confidence in his ability to get this crisis under control than taking the bold step of studying it some more. Anybody else feel the tingle of positive assurance from having a President who is so clearly in command of the situation?
Didn't think so.
E-Verify misses half of illegal workers
Subject: txt immig - The system Congress and the Obama administration want employers to use to help curb illegal immigration is failing to catch more than half the number of unauthorized workers it checks, a research company has found. The online tool E-Verify, now used voluntarily by employers, wrongly clears illegal workers about 54 percent of the time, according to Westat, a research company that evaluated the system for the Homeland Security Department. E-Verify missed so many illegal workers mainly because it can't detect identity fraud, Westat said.
[HT:LDot: "Please, please, let these bureaucrats run our health care system."]