A sampling of news & views available from the New Media likely to be ignored by the Old.
Brief Charter
Counter the pervasive spin-by-omission practiced by the MSM by providing a sampling of the news and views available from the web unlikely to appear on TV newscasts.
Not offered as the 'truth' per se but rather broader contextor counter points for consideration.
Email recipients
Click HERE for full [poll results, newsfeed filters, video feeds] website functionality • .
Website viewers
Get pushed: our 1-page- a-day format is designed to be delivered to your in-box weekday mornings... Push a friend: enter their email address in the subject field and they'll receive an anonymous sample copy. .
Perfect Privacy
This modest effort has no aspirations of revenue - no email addresses will ever leave my Mac.
. .
Why We Do It
It's a push-pull thing:
1) Pull folks toward the net to better balance their news diet (i.e., modestly mitigate the MSM's 'spin by omission') - the Link List below makes a good start, and
2) Push folks to use the .internet to more actively .....MANAGE.THEIR ......GOVERNMENT ..,,.....starting with ....,........where
[and slip in a few posting ....'action button' .......... reminders that Netizens ."use the net to engage" ] ..............{wiki} .
Tolerating the occasional questions-and-quips of the .....PurpleLibercon ......... {he behind the keyboard who leans both red&blue, depending on the issue} That's it. ..(cheap, really)
Staff Profile
'Staff' is a euphemism for a handful of friends who concern themselves with the state of this blog: one who does most of the work and the rest who 'advise' (constantly). .
Submit a Brief*
* This is a time-limited endeavor. The likelihood of submissions being posted is proportional to the degree they've been 'snipped' by the submitter.
Accompanying submitter-commentary meant to appear with the Brief must be clearly identified through the use of [square brackets]. All submissions must include source-URL.
Submitter-supplied Briefs will be prefaced with a 'Hat Tip' of appreciation ex.: [HT:LH]. {What more meaning could there possibly be to life?}