Monday, December 28, 2009
America now associates London universities with terror plots and Islamic extremists
Subject: txt gwot 1st nsec edu -
The attempt to blow up an airliner as it approached Detroit airport is being reported in America with heavy emphasis on reports of the Nigerian suspect’s education at University College, London.
A Telegraph report three years ago established that London Metropolitan University had been extremely careless, to put it mildly, about providing facilities for jihadists...
[No worse than here;
Academic Cheerleaders for Terrorists
Professors with favorable regard for terrorists and a somnolent disconnect from their victims have shown themselves impervious to shame
Fort Hood and the Academic Apologists
The media has turned to Middle East studies "experts" for enlightenment on Major Hasan...if by "enlightenment," you mean moral relativism and obfuscation
Islamic Speakers Bureau Backed By Radical Profs
A California nonprofit dedicated to "teaching about Islam & Muslims" at U.S. high schools and college campuses features a board of advisors that is stacked with some of the most controversial activist professors in the field of Middle Eastern studies today...
Airline bomber was barred from Britain
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
The son of a prominent Nigerian banker, who allegedly attempted to blow up a transatlantic flight over America, was barred from returning to Britain earlier this year.
How did the bomber get a visa when he's on the terror watch list?
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
Government knew for two years he had terror ties...
Analysis: Detroit terror attack is a major intelligence and security failure
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -The fact that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to trigger his home-made incendiary device on board a US airliner represents an intelligence and security failure of staggering proportions.
Tough questions need to be asked of not just the US security agencies – such as the CIA and the FBI – but also of Britain's MI6, MI5 and the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorist unit.
How can a Muslim student, whose name appears on a US law enforcement database, be granted a visa to travel to America, allegedly acquire an explosive device from Yemen, a country awash with al-Qaeda terrorists, and avoid detection from the world's most sophisticated spy agencies?
[A: It's government. Health care anyone?]
Officials: Only A Failed Detonator Saved Northwest Flight
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
Officials now say tragedy was only averted on Northwest flight 253 because a makeshift detonator failed to work properly. Bomb experts say there was more than enough explosive to bring down the Northwest jet, which had nearly 300 people aboard, had the detonator not failed,
Napolitano: 'The system worked'
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec islm msm crpt libs -
No suggestion that the bomber was improperly screened...
Terrorism? What terrorism, asks media?
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec msm -
The puzzlement of the press is ludicrous.
Guess The Missing Word In NY Times Report On Attempted Plane Bombing
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec msm -
Imagine that there had been a series of three incidents in which members of a [invented for present purposes] fanatical Jewish sect had attempted to bring down airliners from Arab countries.
In reporting on the latest attempt and describing the previous ones, do you think the New York Times might have mentioned the religion of the perpetrators? So do I.
But with the legerdemain required to describe a spiral staircase without using one's hands, the Gray Lady has managed in its article today to report the attempt to bring down a NWA airliner, and the earlier attempts by Richard Reid [the "shoebomber'] and the those who plotted to bring down as many as ten jets leaving the UK for the United States, without using the word "Muslim."
Flight 253: AP Scrubs 'M-Word,' Potential Relevance of 'Nigerian Taliban,' Suspect's Reference to Afghanistan
Subject: txt gwot nsec 1st msm -
It has been interesting watching the Associated Press reports on the attempted takedown of Flight 253 devolve in the past 12-plus hours.
In its 8:56 a.m. report (likely dynamic and subject to change), it looks like the assemblage of AP writers who worked on the story have succeeded in:
- As Mark Finkelstein noted earlier this morning in the case of the New York Times, ridding the report of the M-word ("Muslim").
- Minimizing to nearly zero the possible relevance of the suspect's home country of residence and of the possibility that he might be affiliated with what one publication refers to as the "Nigerian Taliban."
The wire service's 11:04 p.m. report (not linked, as original was revised by AP), had this to say about the relevance of Nigeria in its 23rd paragraph of 26:

Flight 253 terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab led life of luxury in London before attempted attack
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab lived a life of extraordinary privilege before he turned to terror. The son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, Abdulmutallab was educated at top schools in Africa and Britain - and dwelled in homes worth millions, his relatives said. The baby-faced extremist's last known address was a $4 million flat in one of London's poshest neighborhoods.
"At school he quickly acquired a reputation as a devoted Muslim."
There, they said it, the unspeakable M word.
[Again and again: the extremists within our midsts {i.e., here or capable of getting here} aren't the 'disenfranchised poor' the left tries to convince us of. It's the product of western liberal education centers...]
- US students call Olmert war criminal
- What I Learned at Duke University's 'Gaza Teach-In'
- Columbia University MidEast Studies professor blames West for gays in Muslim lands
- University 'an agent of extreme Islam'
Lets Roll II...
. On December 25th 2009, the government's (post-9/11) security procedures all failed, and the only good news came once again from alert individuals:
"Suddenly, we hear a bang. It sounded like a firecracker went off," said Jasper Schuringa, a film director who was traveling to the US to visit friends.
Schuringa, sitting in seat 20J, in the right-most section of the Airbus 330, looked to his left. "I saw smoke rising from a seat ... I didn’t hesitate. I just jumped," he said.
Schuringa dove over four passengers to reach Abdul Mutallab’s seat. The suspect had a blanket on his lap. "It was smoking and there were flames coming from beneath his legs."
"I searched on his body parts and he had his pants open. He had something strapped to his legs."The unassuming hero ripped the flaming, molten object — which resembled a small, white shampoo bottle — off Abdul Mutallab’s left leg, near his crotch. He said he put out the fire with his bare hands.
Schuringa yelled for water, and members of the flight crew soon appeared with fire extinguishers. Then, he said, he hauled the suspect out of the seat....
Fierce Clashes Break Out in Tehran
Check this thread for a site that has up to date news. At least someone is paying attention.
Clashes between opposition protesters and Iranian authorities erupted Sunday in Tehran, with one unconfirmed report that three protesters have died from gunshot wounds. The clashes erupted despite a heavy deployment early in the day of police and other security forces around the capital, according to opposition Web sites. Authorities had braced for large-scale protests marking the culmination Sunday of an important Shiite Muslim commemoration.
[We are being handed the only scenario which doesn't result in hot warfare escalating throughout the middle east - and we're ignoring it.]
Iranian street protests escalate, media and Obama administration yawn
Subject: txt intl lbrty gwot nsec iran - The anti-mullah protests inside Iran are getting bolder, overwhelming guards and cutting down two students who were about to be publicly hanged
A Candle for Iran?
.... And just then, on December 13, 1981, the lights went out again. At midnight, as a soft snow fell lightly on Warsaw, a police raid commenced upon the headquarters of Lech Walesa's Solidarity labor union. The Polish communist government, consenting to orders from Moscow, declared martial law. Solidarity's freedom-fighters were shot or imprisoned. The flames of liberty were being snuffed out in this pivotal Eastern European nation.But as Poles prayed for light to pierce the shadows, some remarkable things began to transpire. A week and a half later, the Polish ambassador, along with his wife, defected to the United States. Right away, they wanted to see Ronald Reagan. Reagan welcomed them into the Oval Office. They were overwhelmed. The ambassador's wife wept as Vice President George H. W. Bush put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
The ambassador then made an extraordinary request: "May I ask you a favor, Mr. President? Would you light a candle and put it in the window tonight for the people of Poland?" Ronald Reagan rose and walked to the second floor, lighted a candle, and put it in the White House window.
But Reagan wanted to do more than that. He saw a window of opportunity.
So on December 23, with Christmas only two days away, speaking to all of America in a nationwide address, Ronald Reagan connected the spirit of the season with events in Poland: "For a thousand years," he told his fellow Americans (watch video here), "Christmas has been celebrated in Poland, a land of deep religious faith, but this Christmas brings little joy to the courageous Polish people. They have been betrayed by their own government." The president then took a remarkable liberty: He asked Americans that Christmas season to light a candle in support of freedom in Poland.
It was a significant gesture -- for Poland, for America, for a free world. Poles heard about it and took it to heart. They still talk about it today.
What does this have to do with President Obama and Iran? Everything. To wit: How about doing something similar for Iranians today? Why not light a candle as a sign of hope for Iran's freedom-fighters? If not a candle, then something -- some kind of overt public display.
[Recommended > ]
Is Stalinism Back?
Most conspiracies exist only in somebody's overactive imagination. Stalinism was one of those rare cases of a genuine, centralized, worldwide power conspiracy. It was extremely dangerous. Marxist histories boast about it. Stalinism came close to defeating the civilized world...perilously close.
Yet the same kinds of people who brought you Stalinism 1.0 are now trotting out Version 2.0 -- but it's being exposed only because the world is beginning to catch on.
Version 2.0 does not advertise itself except by slick fronts, like Copenhagen, the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Obama PR machine...
[Recommended > ]
Not News: Obama EO Removes Restrictions on INTERPOL
..Here are some examples of Executive Orders issued by President Obama that have received New York Times or Associated Press coverage:
- NYT, October 29 -- "Obama Order Strengthens Spy Oversight" (the browser window title is "Obama Moves to Roll Back Bush Changes to Intelligence Oversight Board").
- NYT, October 2 -- "Obama Prohibits Federal Employees From Texting While Driving for Work."
- NYT, March 10 -- "Obama Lifts Bush's Strict Limits on Stem Cell Research."
- AP, October 5 -- "Obama Puts Gov't on Greenhouse Gas Diet."
- AP, November 10 -- "US starts effort to boost hiring of veterans" (the window title at the Boston Globe is "Obama encourages federal hiring of veterans").
Here is an Executive Order (Number 13524) issued last week that, based on searches at the Times (on "Interpol" and "executive order" in quotes) and the AP ("interpol"; "executive order" in quotes), respectively, has not been covered:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words "except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act" and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.
Uh, this seems a little more significant than a ban on texting.
The point of this post is that if the establishment media were interested in performing their public watchdog function, someone in the press somewhere would have reported on the issuance of this EO. Instead, it was first noted by blogs and real watchdog groups. Andy McCarthy's cite at the Corner is how I learned of it...
Climate Change: The Religion of Copenhagen
Subject: txt grn intl owg -During the recent COP-15 Conference in Copenhagen, the United Nations claimed it wanted to maintain religious neutrality. It was a lie.
Global Warming is the established religion at these international events.
This was made especially clear when, days before the event’s commencement, the Denmark Foreign Ministry rejected a donated delivery of Christmas fir trees...
Pollster Opposites: Greens Try to Cope With ClimateGate
Subject: txt grn -Poll after poll have recently affirmed that the ClimateGate revelations (I actually say “affirmations“) dealt a mortal blow to the public’s belief in the environmentalist brass ring of “catastrophic Man-made global warming.”
The dishonesty exposed therein iced the cake for a public attentive to the increasingly shrill and absurd alarmist campaign, demonstrably cooler temperatures cool and the sky remaining precisely where we left it...
Student seeks balance in teaching of controversial topics
[Meanwhile, in our centers of Public Indoctrination...]
RHINEBECK — A Rhinebeck High School sophomore is urging the school district to require alternative views be presented by teachers on controversial topics like climate change.
Michelle Dewkett said the global warming documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” was being shown in science and English classes without equal weight being given to other positions on the topic...
Climate Alarmist Blames This Weekend's Blizzard On Global Warming
Subject: txt grn fnn msm -Climate Progress's Joe Romm says this weekend's blizzard that rocked the Eastern seaboard was caused by global warming.
That's right, folks: you can add winter storms to the neverending list of things Nobel Laureate Al Gore's bogeyman is now responsible for.
Of course this isn't at all surprising, for Romm blamed the 2007 Minnesota bridge collapse on global warming.
Potentially just as interesting was how Romm initially tried to downplay the severity of this storm in his article published Sunday:
POLL: Americans like Sheriff who enforces law
ubject: txt gdd 2010 reps libs immig - If Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio decides to seek the Republican nomination for governor of Arizona, he will enter the race as the clear favorite. Incumbent Governor Jan Brewer places third in an early look at the 2010 GOP gubernatorial race.
The first Rasmussen Reports telephone poll of next year's GOP Primary in Arizona shows Arpaio, known nationally for his tough efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, attracting 47% of the vote while four other candidates split another 44%.
In another example of his potential to dominate the race early, 58% of likely Republican Primary voters have a favorable opinion of Arpaio. Just 16% say the same about Martin, while only nine percent (9%) are that upbeat about Brewer. The comparable numbers for Munger and Parker are two percent (2%) and (1%) respectively.
Among all Arizona voters, Arpaio leads likely Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry Goddard by 12 points – 51% to 39%.READ MORE
ABC’s Martin Bashir Attacks ‘Brutal Regime’ of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Assails ‘Racial Profiling’
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]
On Monday’s Nightline, co-host Martin Bashir conducted a one-sided, hostile profile of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s "brutal regime" and attacked his crackdown on illegal immigration as "racial profiling." The 11 minute investigation of the Maricopa County law enforcement official was almost totally negative. [Audio available here.]
After the Arizona sheriff asserted that his critics don’t like him because they oppose immigration endorsement, Bashir opined, "They don't like it because stopping people on the streets because they look Hispanic is racial profiling." In an interview with Newsmax, Arpaio claimed, "We've arrested and detained over 33,000 illegal aliens, 25 percent of the whole country..."
But rather than focus on successes, Bashir complained about the sheriff’s methods: "You're basically using minor misdemeanors, minor mistakes, perhaps speeding, as an excuse to then pick these individuals up?" The Nightline co-host aggressively focused on allegations of abuse. After bringing up claims of brutality and a botched prostitution ring, Bashir derided,
"Doesn’t your brutal regime lead to brutality by your staff?"
[Stay classy ABC...]
Baca-backed bill would legalize millions of immigrants
Subject: txt immig -
Congressional Democrats on Tuesday launched a renewed effort to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Rep. Joe Baca, D-San Bernardino, is a co-sponsor of the bill that provides a path to citizenship for the estimated 12 million [ahem: '20'] illegal immigrants in the country.
The bill by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Illinois, would also repeal the 287(g) program that allows local law enforcement agencies to perform some immigration functions. ."
[Eternal vigilance, because the left never stops {as you'll see later this year}...]
Desperation Leading Left to Trash Normal Americans
Subject: txt 2010 msm vals fnn - ibs -Media Research Center Director of Media Analysis was on FNC's The O'Reilly Factor on Wednesday to talk about Katie Couric's concern that Americans were reacting to President Obama's left-wing agenda with "disrespect" and "anger."
"It reminds me a lot of 1994. I mean, when Democrats start to lose, then we have to worry about the angry American," Graham noted, later adding: "When Barack Obama wins, then the American people are very wise people, you know. They are creating history, and you like the American people. Then when the polls go south -- and the polls on this health care bill are not good at all right now and the Democrats are shoving it through anyway -- suddenly the people are angry and not very smart."
You can watch the video over at the Huffington Post (where they don't seem to like the idea of Tim or fill-in host Monica Crowley scrutinizing Ms. Couric's words). The full transcript is after the break:
MSNBC Derides Tea Party Activism in 'Angry White Voters' Segment as Failed 'Amateur Politics'
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm bias gdd vals -
In keeping with the tradition of the holidays - the minds at MSNBC, the place for politics if you're of the lefty persuasion, decided rate the top 10 political stories of the decade.
And leading this gang of masters of the political journalism universe was "Hardball" host Chris Matthews, who on the broadcast of his Dec. 24 program, announced that conservative activism, mainly the tea party movement was the eighth biggest story of the decade - but labeled "angry white voters" (emphasis added).
"Welcome back to ‘Hardball' - our number eight political story of the decade, angry whites at town hall meetings across the country,"
Sarah Palin Responds to Winning 'Lie of the Year'
Subject: txt hcare msm fnn 2010 palin gdd -
Sarah Palin has responded to claims that her "death panel" comment concerning healthcare reform legislation is the "Lie of the Year."
As previously reported, the Palin-hating press have been having a field day since she won this dubious honor from the website PolitiFact last week.
On Tuesday, the former Alaska Governor responded at her Facebook page, and did so with skill and aplomb (emphasis hers):
Midnight Votes, Backroom Deals, and a Death PanelThe clock is now ticking as we await the inevitably dishonest fact-checking of Palin's response...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 7:52pm
Last weekend while you were preparing for the holidays with your family, Harry Reid’s Senate was making shady backroom deals to ram through the Democrat health care take-over. The Senate ended debate on this bill without even reading it.
That and midnight weekend votes seem to be standard operating procedures in D.C. No one is certain of what’s in the bill, but Senator Jim DeMint spotted one shocking revelation regarding the section in the bill describing the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (now called the Independent Payment Advisory Board), which is a panel of bureaucrats charged with cutting health care costs on the backs of patients – also known as rationing. Apparently Reid and friends have changed the rules of the Senate so that the section of the bill dealing with this board can’t be repealed or amended without a 2/3 supermajority vote. Senator DeMint said:
“This is a rule change. It’s a pretty big deal. We will be passing a new law and at the same time creating a senate rule that makes it out of order to amend or even repeal the law. I’m not even sure that it’s constitutional, but if it is, it most certainly is a senate rule. I don’t see why the majority party wouldn’t put this in every bill. If you like your law, you most certainly would want it to have force for future senates. I mean, we want to bind future congresses. This goes to the fundamental purpose of senate rules: to prevent a tyrannical majority from trampling the rights of the minority or of future congresses.”
In other words, Democrats are protecting this rationing “death panel” from future change with a procedural hurdle. You have to ask why they’re so concerned about protecting this particular provision. Could it be because bureaucratic rationing is one important way Democrats want to “bend the cost curve” and keep health care spending down?
The Congressional Budget Office seems to think that such rationing has something to do with cost. In a letter to Harry Reid last week, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf noted (with a number of caveats) that the bill’s calculations call for a reduction in Medicare’s spending rate by about 2 percent in the next two decades, but then he writes the kicker:
“It is unclear whether such a reduction in the growth rate could be achieved, and if so, whether it would be accomplished through greater efficiencies in the delivery of health care or would reduce access to care or diminish the quality of care.”
Though Nancy Pelosi and friends have tried to call “death panels” the “lie of the year,” this type of rationing – what the CBO calls “reduc[ed] access to care” and “diminish[ed] quality of care” – is precisely what I meant when I used that metaphor.
This health care bill is one of the most far-reaching and expensive expansions of the role of government into our lives. We’re talking about putting one-seventh of our economy under the government’s thumb. We’re also talking about something as intimate to our personal well-being as medical care.
This bill is so unpopular that people on the right and the left hate it. So why go through with it? The Senate is planning to vote on this on Christmas Eve. Why the rush? Though we will begin paying for this bill immediately, we will see no benefits for years. (That’s the trick that allowed the CBO to state that the bill won’t grow the deficit for the next ten years.)
The administration’s promises of transparency and bipartisanship have been broken one by one. This entire process has been defined by midnight votes on weekends, closed-door meetings with industry lobbyists, and payoffs to politicians willing to sell their principles for sweetheart deals. Is it any wonder that Americans are so disillusioned with their leaders in Washington?
This is about politics, not health care. Americans don’t want this bill. Americans don’t like this bill. Washington has stopped listening to us. But we’re paying attention, and 2010 is coming.
- Sarah Palin
[Bring it: the woman is taking on the entire establishment media via Facebook... successfully.
Tell me again what she's unqualified or too simple to handle?]