Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Poll: Americans back Arizona's illegal immigrants law
[HT:LDot: "Strikingly, nearly half of Democrats like the law. So, who are these people in the streets?"]A strong majority of Americans support Arizona's controversial [doesn't a 'strong majority' make it uncontroversial? Oh forgot: controversial to reports, so controversial for the nation.] new immigration law and would back similar laws in their own states, a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll found. Sixty-one percent of Americans — and 64 percent of registered voters — said they favored the law in a survey of 1,016 adults conducted.
Strikingly [why?], nearly half of Democrats like the law, under which local law enforcement officers may ask a person's immigration status if they suspect them of being in the country illegally while investigation another infraction...
[ What has this country come to, granting our police the power to ask questions if they suspect a law has been broken. Yup that's certainly Nazi-like behavior. ]
Fans asked to remove pro-Arizona immigration law shirts during NBA game
Subject: txt lbrty immig bbro -Two fans at a Phoenix Suns basketball game were ejected from their first row seats and removed from the arena last week after refusing orders from security guards to take off their shirts in support of Arizona’s recently passed law against illegal immigration. The two men were wearing orange shirts that read “Viva Los 1070,” referring to the recently passed bill.
[Home of the Free?]
‘Los’ Suns: Stuck on Stupido
Subject: txt immig fnn lbrty -"What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into Suns' games without paying? What if the owners had a good idea as to who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink?
NYT Poll Finds Majority Favor Arizona Law DESPITE Their Loaded Questions
Subject: txt immig msm - CBS/N.Y. Times
Despite their expectation that it will burden police departments and disproportionately affect certain ethnic groups, a slim majority of Americans believe the controversial illegal immigration measure recently signed into law in Arizona is “about right” in its approach, according to a newly-released CBS News/New York Times poll.
Randal Archibold and Megan Thee-Brenan of the Times reported the story this way:
[D]espite protests against Arizona’s stringent new immigration enforcement law, a majority of Americans support it, even though they say it may lead to racial profiling.
Mexican President Calderone in Washington to whine about immigration law
Subject: txt immig intl -
... He has been frank in his condemnation of the Arizona law, saying it "opens the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement" and noting that the U.S. economy was built with a lot of Mexican sweat, legal and not. In remarks to Spain's El Pais newspaper Friday, he asserted that the law is creating tensions between the two countries.I daresay that if Mexicans - illegal or otherwise - disappeared from America tomorrow, life would most assuredly go on and Americans who are unemployed would take the those jobs if competitive wages would be offered. This can't happen when illegals are willing to work for less than minimum wage.
Note: The American worker is the most productive worker in the history of human civilization. Our productivity rate is far beyond any other industrialized country and continues to rise...
Apologizing for Arizona ... to China
Subject: txt hots immig libs -Assistant Secretary of State Michael] Posner said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights, which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.
He said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record and in fact raised on its [sic] own a new immigration law in Arizona that allows police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally...
Princeton agrees to community identification cards for illegal immigrants
Subject: txt immig bdd libs -... have agreed to be a May 22 start for advocates for immigrants to issue community identification cards, according to a report in The New York Times. The report said at least six city governments across the the U.S. endorse or issue photo identification cards to residents who are illegal immigrants...
Enemies to Our Country in the Classroom
Subject: txt edu child bdd immig -
These “frail racist white people” better beware of La Raza “forefront of the revolution,” at least so says Mexican racist and hatemonger Ron Gochez. Ordinarily we would all just roll our eyes at yet another half-wit, violence pusher that wants to destroy the USA and everything it stands for.
But Mr. Gochez is not just any prosaic left-wing hatemonger. He is a left-wing hatemonger that teaches history to American high schoolers in Los Angeles, California. Three years ago, the racist Gochez celebrated the “revolutionary” group La Raza (which means “The Race,”) in class...
As Polls Show Overwhelming Support for Arizona's Law, Nets Focus on 'Uproar' and 'Spreading' Boycotts
Subject: txt hots immig msm -The night after two major national polls confirmed overwhelming majorities support Arizona's impending immigration enforcement statute (59 percent per Pew and 64 percent per WSJ), CBS and ABC promoted the cause of activists in the minority. Both devoted full stories to the “uproar” and “emotional civil war” over the law and moves by a few liberal local government bodies to enact boycotts...
“The boycott of Arizona is spreading,” Katie Couric trumpeted before Whitaker touted: “The city of Los Angeles, the latest to react strongly to Arizona's tough new anti-illegal immigration law.” He pushed how “a growing number of states and municipalities are boycotting or considering boycotting Arizona,” citing how “Highland Park High School in Chicago's suburbs is pulling its champion girls' basketball team from a tournament in Arizona because of the law.”
The Thursday night stories were pegged to a boycott vote by the Democratic city council of Los Angeles, but CBS's Bill Whitaker and ABC's Barbara Pinto both also played a three-day old clip of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger mocking Arizona and pointed to the cancellation of a trip to Arizona by a suburban Chicago high school's girls basketball team – not to deride adults for using teens to grind a political axe, but to illustrate the [fabricate a] supposed depth of opposition to Arizona's law.
Apologies for the single-issue focus I know is less popular than the general browsing format - but this is (yet another) truly egregious example of the MSM working to shape, not report on, the attitudes of our countrymen, despite all unambiguous evidence to the contrary.
It's increasing clear that the lesson learned by the 2008 election by both the Democrats and MSM is that they can sell the American people on anything - just portray it that way on TV long and loud enough.
Thank goodness for smart people like you who diversify their news diet with more professional reporting sources {even if amateur}.
We now resume our regularly scheduled programming...
An Obvious but Muzzled Truth: Islamist Terrorism
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm -
If you want to watch someone squirm, take a look at the two-minute videotape of Attorney General Eric Holder dodging Republican Rep. Lamar Smith's question of whether "radical Islam" motivated the Times Square bomber.
Holder, who last year called America "a nation of cowards" for refusing to talk frankly about race, plainly didn't want to say what is plain to everyone else, that Faisal Shahzad, back from five months in Waziristan, launched his terror attack because of his Islamist beliefs.
When you see a smart man like Eric Holder saying stupid things, you know something else is going on. You're seeing a high official who regards most of us as cowards, who believes the truth could make us a Howling Mob. Does Barack Obama feel the same way?
[Recommended > ]
If 'truth' has no meaning, then who will stop genocide?
Subject: txt edu child islm bdd -Conservative journalist and author David Horowitz spoke at the University of California, San Diego, last week. During the Q-and-A session, student Jumanah Imad Albahri, communications director of UCSD's Muslim Students Association, was incensed by Horowitz's assertion that campus Muslim groups may be connected to terrorist organizations. Horowitz responded by asking if Albahri would condemn Palestinian terror organization Hamas, "here and now."
She refused.
So it's not surprising at least one of Albahri's teachers claims she's been victimized.
"I'm saddened that this speaker -- her elder -- manipulated the conversation in this fashion to make her look like someone she isn't, out of an egotistical desire to prove his own point, rather than engaging in a constructive dialogue. A perfect example of why the peace process is limping forward so painfully,"
wrote Anita Casavantes Bradford, who has taught Albahri.
In other words, the people who don't agree with Hitler are the ones holding up the Mideast peace process.
Got it. Today's college students are getting the lesson loud and clear -- even genocide is a post-modern construct.
Professors will no doubt continue to teach that ideas are relative. But no academic is clever enough to wish away the terrible consequences that will befall us when we're unable to recognize pure evil when we see it...
The Increasing Nothingness of Europe
Subject: txt intl sclm - hstry - owg -
Europe once was a traditional continent filled with traditional countries. There were real nations to which real people gave allegiance. Perhaps too much allegiance, given the wars which afflicted modern Europe. Nevertheless, politicians were nominally accountable to voters. Governments had responsibility for economic policy. International cooperation started with countries and moved upward and outward.
This world has virtually disappeared. Today when speaking of Europe most people think of the European Union, a collective bureaucracy run by life-term bureaucrats beholden to no one.
Since European integration began in 1951 with creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the question has been: Will there be a Europe of states or a state of Europe? The euro is part of the attempt to create the latter, a Leviathan constructed from the surrendered sovereignties of Europe's nations.
Unfortunately, the Leviathan seems likely to continue growing. That means the ultimate destruction of traditional Europe.
There's only one important question for Americans: Can we avoid the same fate?
9/11 families blast Kagan
Subject: txt lgl gwot -
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has gotten an angry thumbs-down from 9/11 family members who say she played a key role in quashing a lawsuit that accused the Saudi kingdom of helping finance the terror attacks. "Kagan is the main reason why the Supreme Court ruled against the 9/11 families," said William Doyle, who lost his son in the Twin Towers.
Doyle and thousands of other 9/11 relatives had joined in a suit that traced funding for the 19 hijackers to certain Saudi royals, along with banks, corporations and Islamic charities...
FCC Information Police
Subject: txt lbrty bbro - Barack Obama's
The President warns us that Americans must beware of "the craziest claims" and "arguments" in which "information becomes a distraction" that puts "pressures" on "our democracy."

Another factor motivating Obama administration focus on information flow is the demise of the massively liberal "dinosaur" media -- mainly newspapers and broadcast TV. Stir in the downward spiral of liberal cable news outlets like MSNBC as well as the embarrassing face-plant of progressive talk radio's Air America, and it becomes clear why Obama and the FCC are nervous.
Nerves are frying over how "the layoff of thousands of journalists" might result in "fewer ‘informed communities.'" As liberal-dominated media continue to atrophy, progressive propaganda will less reliably reach communities that get progressive "helping" programs that convince voters to elect progressives to keep the help flowing.
Losing the iron grip that progressives have on "oppressed" and "disadvantaged" American voters is not something that Barack Obama can bear. Media filters must be tightened. According to the President, only certain "information" should reach the people. Perhaps soon, the noble FCC will save Americans from bad information, the information that "has become a distraction."
AP Won't Dare Compare: April Deficit Report Ignores Huge April '07 and '08 Surpluses, Covers Up Chilling Receipt Drops
Subject: txt mny econ msm -The comparison of the results contained in the April 2010 Monthly Treasury Statement released this afternoon to April of last year is bad enough. But if the American people knew that April 2010 came in about a quarter-trillion dollars worse than both 2007 and 2008 with almost 40% less in tax collections, most of them would be appalled. Many more than are already doing so would be questioning what in the heck this administration and Congress are up to.
That's why you probably won't see establishment media outlets like the Associated Press go back more than one year in their 'detailed' comparisons, even though during the presidency of George W. Bush, writers like the AP's Martin Crutsinger and others frequently went back to fiscal 2000 and 2001 to remind readers of the surpluses that occurred during those fiscal years. The intent, of course, was to imply that things were just peachy keen under Bill Clinton until the eeeeevil Bush ruined everything. As noted later, that ain't so.Here is the AP's Crutsinger on today's Treasury Statement, blissfully pretending, with the exception of one cryptic reference, that the two high-collection Bush years neeeeeeeever happened...
Obamacare's Avalanche of IRS Paperwork
Subject: txt bbro lbrty hcare sclm libs bdd - tax -
Pres. Barack Obama promised Americans “health-care reform.” So far, “health-care form” is more like it. Obamacare is devolving into the Paper Industry Salvation Act of 2010. This new law spans 2,562 tree-killing pages. Far worse, it will force Americans to spend countless irritating hours completing, transmitting, and filing endless reams of federal paperwork.
The scariest news for America’s forests may be a brand-new mandate that will compel each business — from General Electric to the neighborhood handyman — to file an IRS Form 1099 for every business on which it spends as little as $600...
[Today's example of business death by regulation, one cut at a time {with some deeper than others}. When economists talk about double digit unemployment becoming the norm, it's because of nonsense like this streaming out of Washington.]
FLOTUS to Food Manufacturers: Cut 1 Trillion Calories Annually by 2012
Subject: txt NANNY bbro lbrty bdd -With the goal to reduce 1 trillion calories in food sold annually by 2012, First Lady Michelle Obama announced a private-sector partnership for her Let’s Move! Childhood obesity campaign. Mrs. Obama touted that the Partnership for a Healthier America has signed an agreement with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF) -- a partnership between 16 corporations that account for roughly 20-25% of the American food supply. “I am thrilled to say that they have pledged to cut a total of 1 trillion calories from the food they sell annually by the year 2012...
Americans Under 30 Most Likely to Take Uncompromising Stand for Right to Life, Says Gallup Poll
Subject: txt gdd vals child - The pro-abortion left appears to be losing the battle for the heart and soul of the rising generation of Americans, according to new data released by the Gallup poll. Americans in the 18 to 29 age bracket are now more likely than their elders to believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, according to the data released last week, and generally oppose abortion in greater numbers than Baby Boomers....
Just Don't Call It a Climate Bill
Subject: txt grn engry action -Despite the most creative rhetoric this side of ObamaCare, voters have figured out that "cap and trade" involves artificial carbon rationing and vast new energy taxes. So the main goal of John Kerry and Joe Lieberman has been attempting to disguise these truths in the climate bill they released to much fanfare last week.
... Oh, and since America is not a planet, Kerry-Lieberman will have little to no effect on global CO2 concentrations as the Chinese, Indian and Brazilian economies expand. But the bill would impose carbon tariffs on countries that don't adopt similar restrictions, likely leading to a trade war.
The Beltway wisdom says this combination of corporate welfare and economic destruction has little chance to pass this year, but don't be so sure. The left and Mr. Obama know their supermajorities are about to vanish, and they are ideologically willful enough to make one more effort to jam this through the Senate. They just won't call it a gas tax, or cap and trade, or anything close to what it really is.
The Self-discrediting Democrats
Subject: txt tea 2010
They're at it again. Democrats are caught red-handed playing dirty pool, in this case, spending substantial sums to gin up a decoy Tea Party in Michigan, in order to siphon votes from GOP candidates. Chetly Zarko, of the site Outside Lansing, uncovered the dirty trick op, with reports in two posts: Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator...
Mosque madness at Ground Zero
The World Trade Center Towers have not yet been re-built, but there is one building right across from ground zero that's on schedule to open soon: it's a mosque.
If some want to build a mosque there, whatever - but what has many Americans upset is that the dedication date is set for (you guessed it) 9/11/11.
We have American kids getting tossed out of school for wearing American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo under the charge of being 'insensitive' - but there's no insensitivity to opening a mosque right across the street from ground zero and performing its dedication on 9/11.
Quinn Abolishes Wasteful Office of Education
Well, finally our Illinois governor did something I agree with. Pat Quinn abolished a state funded office. If only this wasn’t the first and likely the last time he’ll do such a thing. On Sunday, Quinn signed an order to abolish the state office of education, a complete waste of money, an office from which former Superintendent Charles Flowers embezzled over $400,00 to fill his pockets.
Saudi woman beats up virtue copIt was a scene Saudi women’s rights activists have dreamt of for years. When a Saudi religious policeman sauntered about an amusement park in the eastern Saudi Arabian city of Al-Mubarraz looking for unmarried couples illegally socializing, he probably wasn’t expecting much opposition. But when he approached a young, 20-something couple meandering through the park together, he received an unprecedented whooping.
According to the Saudi daily Okaz, the woman then allegedly laid into the religious policeman, punching him repeatedly, and leaving him to be taken to the hospital with bruises across his body and face...