Thursday, March 25, 2010
Subject: txt hcare - While the health care bill is not as sweeping as many had once hoped (or others had feared), make no mistake: The new legislation will dramatically change the nation's health care system.
So who wins and who loses? "The people who gain the most are low-income people who do not get health insurance from an employer," says John Goodman, president, CEO and the Kellye Wright Fellow of the National Center for Policy Analysis.
"Just about everybody else loses."
Groups that will especially bear the burden include...
What Bias? Re: Sawyer Claims Everyone Will Be Covered & Shows Kennedy's Grave, CBS Displays Obama's Signature: 'What History Looks Like'
Subject: txt hcare msm bias hstry -Getting carried away with her enthusiasm, Diane Sawyer opened ABC's World News on Tuesday night by proclaiming: “As of today, it is the law of the land that every man, woman and child in America will have health care coverage.” CBS's Harry Smith, however, filling in for Katie Couric, led by reporting the bill President Obama signed “will ensure that 94 percent of Americans have health insurance, the closest the nation has ever come to universal coverage.”
Later, Smith displayed Obama's signature as he trumpeted: “This is what history looks like, as it came from the hand of President Obama today with 22 different pen strokes comprising his signature.” (See screen shot after the jump)
[Again: the 'victory' being promoted by the MSM is one over the will of the American people - they're going to work overtime trying to make us forget that.]
How Does Obamacare Poll?
Subject: txty 1st hcare msm bias -The Huffington Post reports that the White House is “downright jubilent” over a USA Today/Gallup poll released yesterday, showing that 49 percent of Americans now miraculously like the health-care overhaul, while only 40 percent dislike it. The White House’s willingness to believe this result further demonstrates its disconnect from the American people. But, lest some of the more easily frightened Republicans start to believe it too, let’s take a closer look.
First, this was not a poll of likely voters, but of random adults. Second, the last time that the USA Today/Gallup poll was taken, a week and a half before the passage of the Senate bill, Rasmussen released a poll at the same time. The USA Today/Gallup poll of random adults then said that Americans opposed Obamacare by only 2 percent; the Rasmussen poll of likely voters said that they opposed it by 16 percent. Third, even this USA Today/Gallup poll demonstrates the two major problems that the Democrats face, as I’ve previously highlighted: opposition to the health-care overhaul among independent voters, and the intensity of opposition among voters as a whole. The poll once again confirms that independents like Obamacare even less than Americans writ large, and it shows that twice as many independents feel “angry” about the legislation as “enthusiastic” — not a good sign for Democrats come November.
Another recent poll is even more revealing (and believable). CNN conducted a poll in the fateful days leading up to, and including, the day of the House vote. It showed that Americans oppose the bill by a whopping 20 percentage points, 59 percent to 39 percent. It also showed why they oppose it: By a margin of 62 percent to 16 percent, Americans think it would raise (rather than lower) their health costs. By a margin of 70 percent to 12 percent, they think it would raise (rather than lower) the deficit. And by a margin of 56 to 16, they think it would result in too much (rather than too little) “government involvement” in health care. These are colossal margins that won’t disappear, or likely even seriously diminish, simply because the text of the bill has now been graced by President Obama’s pen.
Tellingly, the CNN poll also shows that Americans think they’d be worse off (rather than better off) under Obamacare — by a margin of 28 points (47 percent to 19 percent). When the same question was asked by the same poll in August of 1994, in the final days of consideration of Hillarycare, the margin between those who thought they’d be worse off versus better off under that proposed legislation was only 11 points (31 percent to 20 percent). The 1994 election didn’t work out very well for the Democrats. However, if the comparative CNN polls from 1994 and 2008 are any indication, President Obama may well be right that this year will be remembered by the history books — but maybe not for what happened in March.
NBC and ABC Morning Shows Only Report Rosiest Poll on ObamaCare
Subject: txt hcare msm -
On Wednesday, both NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America exclusively cited the latest Gallup/USA Today poll, which shows significantly more public support for ObamaCare than other recent polls.
Both programs failed to mention the majority of polls that continued to show overwhelming public opposition to the massive legislation...
Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill
Subject: txt hcar msm -
A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge the health care reform bill.
The poll finds that 62 percent want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so.
Nearly nine in ten Republicans and two in three independents want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41 percent of Democrats support continued challenges.,,
What Overt-Propoganda? Re: NBC: Which party was really "out of touch with the public?"
Subject: txt hcare msm bias = Vieira saved her most slanted questions for DeMint as she mocked his earlier prediction of an Obamacare defeat being his Waterloo, "Is it now your party's Waterloo?" and after selectively citing the single poll that showed a favorable view of the bill questioned
"which party was really out of touch with the public?"
[Yes it's tempting to laugh, but this kind of disinformation worked in '08 - they've got until November to sell it again.]
California Republicans take aim at health care bill
Subject: txt hcare cali bbroaction -
Senate Republicans in Sacramento today announced that they have asked California Attorney General Jerry Brown (who also happens to be running for governor, as a Democrat) to join a lawsuit by other attorneys general challenging the massive health care overhaul signed today by President Obama
Judging by comments Brown made today, we're thinking that it's pretty unlikely his office will join the suit...
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Stalking the CIA
Subject: txt nsec -Last week, Bill Gertz of the Washington Times broke news of a fight between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Justice. The CIA wants Justice to investigate aggressively whether any laws were broken by attorneys working for the John Adams Project, a joint initiative of the ACLU and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
The lawyers reportedly provided photographs of CIA interrogators to defense attorneys, who then showed them to al Qaeda terrorists held at Guantánamo Bay.
Why would lawyers do that?
Gertz says it was done “in an attempt to have the terrorism suspects identify the interrogators in order to call them as witnesses in future trials.” The John Adams Project’s lawyers wanted to use court proceedings intended to try mass-murdering terrorists for another purpose: to put the Bush administration and the CIA on trial...
Love those California legislators!
Nothing else needs to be said the picture speaks for itself. Paid by our tax money to represent us?????
These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!! So, we’ve got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news ‘reporters’ as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yo’s will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!