Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Gun Ruling Should Have Been 9-0
Subject: txt lbrty guns lgl bdd 1st hots -
You know, everybody is jumping up and down for joy over the Supreme Court Second Amendment ruling today, and perhaps rightly so. But what Americans must remember is that is was the tightest of splits on the bench: 5:4.
Four of the judges on our highest court evidently can't bring themselves to recognize the indisputable right intended by our founding fathers, meaning they don't subscribe to 'original intent' interpretation of the constitution.
This situation is dire in itself, but doubly so given that any appointee of Obama's is sure to swing the balance on the court to the revisionist camp...
[I.e., we're one seat away from abandoning the the constitution as our current working rule book - and that seat is on-deck today...]
Kagan's Judicial Inexperience, 'Liberal' Views as Nomination Hearing Opens
Subject: txt lgl - GOP HitsThe top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee voiced GOP concerns Monday over Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, telling the panel during opening testimony that her career has been "more consumed by politics" than by law.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the panel, said Kagan's record warrants close questioning as the Senate considers her appointment to the nation's highest court. (Snip)
Sessions noted that Kagan has "never tried a case before a jury" and "has associated herself with well known activist judges"...
Serious Questions, Concerns … Ignored by the Major Media
Subject: txt hots lgl msm -
The Elena Kagan hearings began today, and few Americans are aware of her radical views on the Second Amendment, abortion, crime control, marriage rights, international law and many other critical issues.
Since predicting the Senate confirmation process of Kagan would be a “meat grinder” and a “battle,” the networks have been eerily quiet –the complete opposite of their reporting of the run-up to the confirmation hearings for Bush appointees John Roberts and Samuel Alito hearings.
The Media Research Center has just concluded an important study of the Media Blackout of the Supreme Court “Battle”, where our analysts poured over the broadcast network evening newcasts of ABC, CBS and NBC since Kagan’s May 10 nomination ..
What we discovered is a frighteningly blatant attempt by the Obama-friendly media to remain silent – offering as little information as possible on Kagan’s highly questionable qualifications and disturbing ideology...
Click here to access this exclusive MRC report.
WaPo Applauds Obama's 'Skilled Operatives' for Not Choosing 'Outspoken Liberals' for Supreme Court
Subject: txt lgl - msm -On the day confirmation hearings begin for Obama Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, The Washington Post stresses on the front page that Kagan has been an "elusive GOP target." The Post website summarized: "Republicans have struggled to find a compelling line of attack to take against the Supreme Court nominee. But their efforts have largely failed."
When Republicans nominate a Supreme Court justice, it's the liberal media that aids their favorite activists in creating "compelling lines of attack." But when Democrats do it, the journalists not only skip over the attacks, they also praise the Democrats for their political skills.
Post reporters Anne Kornblut and Paul Kane lauded the "skilled operatives" of Team Obama...
[I.e., another 'stealth' nominee that they know is way outside the American mainstream, so they simply provide cover.]
Study: Media Blackout of Supreme Court 'Battle'
Subject: txt lgl msm -A Media Research Center analysis of the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in the six weeks since Kagan was nominated shows the broadcast networks have failed to cover the “fight,” and have ignored most of the controversies that could lead to suspenseful hearings this week.
MRC analysts found that the broadcast network evening newscasts aired just eleven stories about Kagan since her May 10 nomination (six on CBS, three on ABC and two on NBC), plus another three brief items read by the anchor.
All but one of those stories appeared during the first week after Kagan’s selection; only the CBS Evening News, in a June 3 report, has bothered to cover any of the thousands of pages of Kagan documents released in recent weeks...
Kagan Unqualified To Be on Court
Subject: txt lgl -Aside from never being a judge, she has never even been a trial lawyer. She has never questioned a witness, argued a case to a jury or tried any case to any jury anywhere in the United States. Real-world experience makes a difference. Reading books about something and actually doing it are two completely different things.
People's lives and livelihoods are at stake in these courtroom decisions, particularly when they reach our highest court. Courtroom experience is fundamental to being a judge on the Supreme Court. As anyone who has been through the court system can testify, a courtroom is a whole different world.
Putting Elena Kagan on the United States Supreme Court is like putting someone in charge of a brain surgery unit who has never done an operation. She may be qualified for the classroom, but she is certainly not qualified for the courtroom. She should stay in the schoolhouse since she has never been in trial at the courthouse.
The Supreme Court is no place for on-the-job training...
What Is He Thinking
Subject: txt hots lgl -
"Eventually, down the road, someone--or some group--is going to 'take the hit' for the crazy decisions that Kagan is bound to make."
Military Families Caution Senators on Kagan Nomination
Subject: txt lgl -
As Supreme Court-nominee Elena Kagan undergoes her first day of hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday a military families group is raising concerns about her fitness to serve on the high court.
The group, Military Families United, sent a letter on Friday to Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) citing Kagan’s actions to block military recruiters from Harvard Law School – when she was the dean there (2003-09)
“We find Ms. Kagan’s failure to offer support to our military in a time of war, and her willingness to defy federal law as troubling and appalling,”
said the letter signed by Robert Jackson, director of government relations for Military Families United.
Military Families United, a non-partisan non-profit group, is not opposing the Kagan nomination outright.
'Serious deficiencies' may spark Kagan filibuster
Subject: txt lgl - Sessions:
It's possible that Republicans could end up filibustering the nomination of Elena Kagan, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee said today. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said Kagan had "serious deficiencies," ...
"If things come out to indicate she's so far outside the mainstream, it's conceivable a filibuster might occur,"
Sessions told CBS's "Face the Nation."
42% Oppose Kagan's Confirmation, 35% Favor
Subject: txt lgl poll -
Forty-two percent (42%) of U.S. voters now believe Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan should not be confirmed following the Senate hearings scheduled to begin this week.
That's up nine points from the week President Obama announced her nomination and the highest level of opposition to date in Rasmussen Reports tracking of the Kagan nomination.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 35% think Kagan should be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to the Supreme Court. Another 23% are undecided at this point...
YOUR Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Barbara Boxer web mail http://boxer.senate.gov/en/contact/policycomments.cfm
Dianne Feinstein webmail
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
There is nothing more important to do today than inform your senators that you want Kagan's confirmation opposed.
If the feckless Republicans are to find the spine to seriously oppose this life time appointment, they need hear from you (and everyone you know).
The time is now, today.
Re-read the first story re: how 4 of our sitting supremes can't even recognize the clarity of the 2nd amendment and consider how vitally important proper supreme court appointments are, and then please, do your duty...
YOUR Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Barbara Boxer web mail http://boxer.senate.gov/en/contact/policycomments.cfm
Dianne Feinstein webmail
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...