Thursday, June 24, 2010
The War & Troops Must Come First
House Appropriations Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., called for McChrystal to resign, saying, "If he actually said half of what is being reported, he shouldn't be in the position he is in."
Actually, McChrystal did not say half of what was reported.
An unnamed aide called National Security Adviser James Jones a "clown." A top adviser jokingly called Vice President Joe Biden "Bite Me." An unnamed aide likened Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke to "a wounded animal." Unnamed sources told freelance writer Michael Hastings that McChrystal described Obama as "uncomfortable and intimidated" at their first meeting.
McChrystal did joke about Biden -- "Who's that?" -- although the joke was not about Biden so much as McChrystal's unhappy experience after he criticized the veep's support for a "counterterrorism-plus" strategy. That earned McChrystal a private meeting -- also known as a trip to the woodshed -- with Obama in Air Force One last year.
In short, this brouhaha is not on the level of Gen. Douglas MacArthur threatening China with war and otherwise deliberately working to undermine the orders of President Truman. This dispute was not born in a calculated attempt to challenge civilian authority over military command.
Instead, it was a full-color gaffe born in the cocky badinage of men behaving like boys and trying to out-quip one another in the front of "the boss."
Of course, excessive verbal preening is not a smart idea in front of a reporter... [snip]
A year into the Obama surge and a year before the reputed July 2011 withdrawal deadline, there are some 94,000 U.S. personnel serving in Afghanistan. Their interests must come first.
They deserve the best military commander available. Really, who cares if one of McChrystal's aides called Jones a "clown"? What happens in Afghanistan is crucial. Sticks and stones are not.
An increasingly politicized military
Subject: txt hots gwot nsec -Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's criticism of Obama administration officials symbolizes an accelerated partisanship of the officer corps. It is tempting to compare Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's criticism of Obama administration officials to Gen. Douglas MacArthur's defiance of President Truman during the Korean War.
But something important has changed over the last 60 years. Although MacArthur challenged Truman, the larger officer corps was then thoroughly committed to principles of civilian control. But today, McChrystal's actions are symptomatic of a broader politicization of the military command...
[What's changed since Truman's time is that back then our military was respected and revered. Ever since Viet Nam the Left has increasingly voiced its disdain to the point where they're currently feeling abused by their own government ('go to school or you'll be stuck in the Iraq', remember that? (Kerry) - our soldier do).
Yes the military must answer to civilian authority - but likewise these know-nothing academics must possess at least the minimum intelligence to realize they must listen to their Generals on matter military. In their world, empty ideology quickly and literally costs lives, and THAT was McChrystal's 'problem' (and should be ours).
Consider: Truman's firing of MacArthur was the last time an American President did so. Obama has now fired two within his first year...]
Will the White House Ever Consider the Fight Against Terror a War?
The U.S. Supreme Court and Faisal Shahzad, the naturalized Pakistani-American who tried to blow up his SUV in Times Square earlier this year, may not agree on much. But in separate statements Monday, both seemed to come to a similar conclusion about the wave of terrorist attacks that have failed or been foiled since 9/11: the United States is locked in combat with militant foes determined to continue killing Americans until their objectives are achieved.
Therefore, the Supreme Court ruled, the U.S. government has a right to bar Americans from supporting some 45 groups that sponsor or encourage men like Faisal Shahzad.
This makes John Brennan, President Obama’s leading counter-terrorism adviser, odd man out.
In recent statements, Brennan has downplayed the struggle against terrorism by refusing to call it a war. He resists identifying America’s enemy in this struggle – militant Islamists – and has publically urged outreach to, and support for the more “moderate” of elements of such terrorist groups as Hezbollah...
Is Illegal Immigration Raising Arizona's Crime Rate? NY Times Says No; Relevant Figures Say Yes
Subject: txt immig msm -On Sunday, New York Times reporter Randal Archibold offered up more of his slanted reporting on Arizona's pending new immigration enforcement law, suggesting that supporters of tough immigration enforcement are fostering fear by exaggerating the problem of violent crime on the border with Mexico:
"On Border Violence, Truth Pales Compared to Ideas."
But does his evidence stand up? Two conservative writers say no, pointing to FBI statistics that show crime has increased substantially in towns outside major metropolitan areas and rural counties...
Mexican drug cartel threatens to harm U.S. police officers who bust drug shipments while off-duty
Subject: txt immig -Mexican cartels added a new twist to the drug war this week by threatening to kill U.S. cops who seize their goods. Nogales, Ariz., Police Chief Jeffrey Kirkham said his officers received threats a couple weeks ago after off-duty police busted a pot smuggling ring. "America is based on freedom. We're not going to be intimidated by the threats, but we are taking them seriously," Kirkham told CNN...
Plug the Darn Hole --- In Our Border
Subject: txt immig -At a recent town hall meeting, Sen. John Kyl of Arizona claimed that president Barack Obama said he wouldn't secure America's borders before securing Republican support for 'comprehensive' immigration reform, meaning amnesty for those here illegally .
The administration denied the charge, but Kyl's standing by his statement.
Ergo, someone is lying.
My gut reaction? The most facile liar ever to occupy the Oval Office no longer gets the benefit of the doubt...
Obama's Open Border Plan
Subject: txt hots immig -
Yesterday, seven Republican Senators issued a letter to Barack Obama questioning a proposed executive order that could potentially not only grant mass amnesty to the nation's illegal alien population, but also allow new immigrants into the country.
Dear President Obama:
We understand that there's a push for your Administration to develop a plan to unilaterally extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the United States. We understand that the Administration may include aliens who have willfully overstayed their visas or filed for benefits knowing that they will not be eligible for a status for years to come. We understand that deferred action and parole are discretionary actions reserved for individual cases that present unusual, emergent or humanitarian circumstances. Deferred action and parole were not intended to be used to confer a status or offer protection to large groups of illegal aliens, even if the agency claims that they look at each case on a "case-by-case" basis.
While we agree our immigration laws need to be fixed, we are deeply concerned about the potential expansion of deferred action or parole for a large illegal alien population. While deferred action and parole are Executive Branch authorities, they should not be used to circumvent Congress' constitutional authority to legislate immigration policy, particularly as it relates to the illegal population in the United States.
The Administration would be wise to abandon any plans for deferred action or parole for the illegal population. Such a move would further erode the American public's confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books.
We would appreciate receiving a commitment that the Administration has no plans to use either authority to change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States, and ask that you respond to us about this matter as soon as possible.
Up until now there has been a set process for deferred action and applicants had to meet certain requirements to be granted that status. If granted, the applicant(s) would be allowed to remain in the country for an additional two year time-period.
The other status the senators discussed in the letter is parole, which has nothing to do with illegal immigrants. Parole status is actually granted to those who are applying for admission into the country, and is usually done so for humanitarian reasons.
The reason the senators are concerned is two-fold. Not only could Obama grant blanket deferred action to the illegal aliens already in the country, he could also parole any applicants who want to enter the country. Surely, illegals will advise their relatives and friends in their home country to apply for admission into the U.S., and of course liberals will argue that being with one's family is enough of a humanitarian reason to allow these people to enter the country.
Let us remember, according to Obama, our nation is not defined by our borders, but by our bonds, and it has become apparent, that what is in essence an open border policy is forthcoming, and he could make it so with the stroke of his pen...
Why Isn't the Obama Administration Suing 'Sanctuary Cities'?
.The Justice Department is preparing a lawsuit against Arizona’s new immigration law, likely to be filed next week. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a South American interviewer last week that the Obama administration opposes the law because “the federal government should be determining immigration policy.” The idea that the administration seeks to uphold federal sovereignty in matters pertaining to immigration is hard to swallow.
U.S. law prohibits public universities from providing in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrant students, yet ten states currently allow undocumented students to pay in-state tuition. Numerous “sanctuary cities” deliberately subvert federal immigration policy by preventing local law enforcement and other officials from inquiring as to the immigration status of residents. Some have gone even further by providing undocumented immigrants with local forms of identification.President Obama immediately voiced opposition to the Arizona law, which enforces federal law at the state level, but has made no rhetorical or legal challenge to state laws that work against federal immigration policy. Such pro-illegal immigrant practices existed well before January 2009, but Obama did not campaign on the need to abolish them for the sake of restoring immigration policy to the federal domain. In fact, when asked in a presidential debate whether he would “allow [sanctuary] cities to ignore the federal law regarding the reporting of illegal immigrants,” he refused to condemn sanctuary cities, commenting only briefly on the need for “comprehensive immigration reform.”
The notion that immigration policy should be handled at the federal level is a legitimate one, but it is difficult for the Obama administration to oppose Arizona’s law on these grounds since it has not lifted a finger in opposition to state-level policies that favor illegal immigrants.
A different agenda is at work here...
Europe spurns Obama's plea for more spending
Subject: txt intl mny econ bdd - sclm -Obama has sought to use the upcoming meeting of the Group of 20 global finance ministers in Canada this weekend as a rallying cry for more fiscal stimulus. He argues that cutting government spending now risks undermining a fragile recovery in debt-soaked Western economies.
Since Obama issued his call to focus on growth, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called budget cuts "urgently necessary," and European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said stronger public finances are part of a "policy which we would call confidence-building."
In the most striking contrast, the United Kingdom on Tuesday unveiled a budget that will slash real spending in many government departments by 25% over four years...
Data turns Keynes upside down
Subject: txt intl mny econ gcon gdd sclm -
U.K. takes a page out of Ronald Reagan's economic recovery book
Lord Keynes must be rolling in his grave as the U.K. takes a page out of Ronald Reagan's economic recovery book. An emergency budget has been introduced that leans mostly on spending cuts to reduce the deficit.
Bloomberg reports that economists see the spending cuts as spurring growth... [snip]
Memo to Obama...please read Mr. Reagan's speeches.
He said the same thing 20 years ago In fact, it worked so well that the media had to drop the term "Reaganomics." Although, it must be noted that President Reagan was an unabashed patriot who fervently believed in individual liberty and freedom as opposed to soft tyranny, dependency and the welfare state...
Business leaders say Obama's economic policies stifle growth
Subject: txt econ mny -
The chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of top corporate executives that has been President Obama's closest ally in the business community, accused the president and Democratic lawmakers Tuesday of creating an "increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation."
Ivan G. Seidenberg, chief executive of Verizon Communications, said that Democrats in Washington are pursuing tax increases, policy changes and regulatory actions that together threaten to dampen economic growth and "harm our ability . . . to grow private-sector jobs in the U.S."...
White House Unveils Plan to Fight Homelessness
Subject: txt sclm bbro mny tax -The Obama administration released a strategy Tuesday to abolish homelessness among the most vulnerable citizens within a decade.
The White House unveiled "Opening Doors," a "Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness," which combines the leadership resources of Congress, state and local officials...
[Right. And he's also said that he intends to replace oil for energy create a world without nukes.
Again and again the President of the United States says the most ludicrous , inane - impossible - things, and the professional media says nothing.
BTW: where're we getting the money for this gracious plan?]
CBS Touts Grayson’s Push for Legally Mandated Paid Vacation, Looks to Europe for Guidance
Subject: txt hstry sclm msm bias bdd mny intl -
[Looks to imploding Europe for guidance. These folks ability to continue their delusions in the face of objective evidence to the contrary (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy - they're defaulting like domino's) is unbelievable. Worse, we've a political party in control continuing to accelerate us to the very same cliff... ]
Spain's government increasingly isolated over labour reforms
Subject: txt crpt intl mny econ -
Spain's Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero, looked increasingly isolated after crucial labour reforms only just won enough votes to pass through parliament. The measures, which will ease hiring and firing regulations seen as essential to lift Spain out of the recession, won preliminary approval only after Spain's opposition parties agreed to abstain in Tuesday's vote... [snip]
The labour market reforms, which will make it easier to dismiss workers and will simplify contracts, have angered Spain's main unions, who have called a general strike in September in protest...
[We need not even know history {as consistent as it is}, but only admit what current events are proving yet again. We've been warned....]
The Latest Thievery: Best Friends
Subject: txt edu child -There's a great moment in the 1993 movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer." (Snip) Kingsley complains that her decision "just makes my job harder." "Then your job's harder," she responds. As the father of a 7-year-old myself, that scene comes to my mind all the time. Most recently, when I read a profoundly depressing story in the New York Times about how "some educators and other professionals who work with children" don't think kids should have best friends...
Liberal Group Threatens Lawsuit Against McDonald's If It Doesn't Stop Giving Toys to Children
Subject: txt child bdd vals - lgl -
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a liberal consumer advocacy organization, has announced it will sue McDonald’s unless the fast-food franchise stops using toys to market its “Happy Meals” to children.
“This morning, CSPI notified McDonald’s that we will file a lawsuit against the company unless it stops using toys to beguile young children,”
said Executive Director Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D...
[Last I checked, parents decided when/where their children ate {and all other decisions on their behalf}.
There was a time, not too long ago, when such was considered Yankee marketing innovation. In our increasingly fascistic society it's now evidently criminal.]
POLL: 72% of GOP Voters Say Republicans In Congress Out of Touch With Their Base
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of Republican voters continue to believe that GOP members of Congress have lost touch with the party base throughout the nation over the past several years. Twenty-one percent (21%) disagree and say they've done a good job representing Republican values.
This high level of skepticism among GOP voters is basically unchanged since just after Election Day 2008 and in surveys since then.
By contrast, 61% of Democratic voters think their representatives in Congress have done a good job of representing Democratic values over the past several years. Only 29% believe Democrats in Congress have lost touch with Democratic voters throughout the nation.
A Good Night for Conservatives
So argues the Examiner's David Freddoso, who posted this recap:
- In Utah, Mike Lee narrowly won the GOP nomination for Senate after a campaign marked by acrimony and dirty tricks. Lee had the backing of conservative Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.
- Rep. Bob Inglis, R-S.C., who had sought compromise legislation on global warming and voted to censure fellow South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., was defeated by prosecutor Trey Gowdy.
- Tim Scott, R, who was backed by the Cl
ub for Growth, crushed the son of the late Sen. Strom Thurmond in last night’s runoff to get the GOP nomination in the state’s coastal first district. He stands to become the first black Republican in Congress since 2002.
- Jeff Duncan, R, another Club for Growth candidate, won the runoff and the nomination in the third district that had been vacated by Rep. Gresham Barrett, R.
- Barrett, meanwhile, lost his primary for governor against state Rep. Nikki Haley, R, who, like all the other winners mentioned above, is now a prohibitive favorite for the fall.