Thursday, December 10, 2009
US scepticism grows over manmade global warming theory
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Washington - Americans who think global warming is caused by human activity, including vehicle and industrial emissions, are now a minority according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll...
Copenhagen climate summit: global warming 'caused by sun's radiation'
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Global warming is caused by radiation from the sun, according to a leading scientist speaking out at an alternative ''sceptics' conference'' in Copenhagen.As the world gathered in the Danish capital for the UN Climate Change Conference, more than 50 scientists, businessmen and lobby groups met to discuss the arguments against man made global warming.
Professor Henrik Svensmark, a physicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen, said the recent warming period was caused by solar activity.
He said the last time the world experienced such high temperatures, during the medieval warming period, the Sun and the Earth were in a similar cycle.
Professor Nils-Axel Morner, a geologist from Stockholm University, said sea level rise has also been exaggerated by the “climate alarmists” using computer models.
He said observational data from lake sediments, coast lines and trees show sea levels have remained stable... [snip]
He said a recent poll by the Telegraph, that shows only one in two people accept man made climate change, show people are questioning the consensus being pushed by the UN summit.
“As anybody knows who follows the opinion polls in Britain and Australia and the US, in the last few weeks and months there has been a rapid collapse in the global warming chimera so while we still have our freedom, let us speak out.”
More Real Data Showing No Man-Made Global Warming
Subject: txt grn owg -
As we enter a week of theatre from Copenhagen, it is good for everyone to become familiar with the hypothesis of man-made global warming as it compares to natural global warming.
A reader introduced me to a four part You Tube series by a Dr. Carter which covers a mountain of peer-reviewed data which debunks the hypothesis of man-made global.
A must see by everyone...
Saudis: Investigate Climategate
[HT:CS]Subject: txt grn owg - What happens when scientific data has been tampered with? You recalibrate. You recalculate. And you invcestigate. Why is it that only some 14th century throwback dictatorship — the House of Saud — is calling for an investigation into Climategate? Are the American media and the world’s democracies so vested in theis religion of Man’s Sin bringing fire and brimstone onto the Earth that they cannot see that they are being played for suckers by Al Gore and his ilk?
This scandal is an embarrassment to the United Nations, the Obama administration and the administration of most of the rest of G-20 - but not nearly so much as their reaction to it...
The Democrat's idea of 'free and open debate' on climate change
No skeptics need testify. No discussion of Climategate necessary
John Fund of the Wall Street Journal reports on a hearing in the House Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming that featured Obama's science advisor John Holdren.
One of Holdren's emails was featured in the Climategate hack where the scientist ridiculed AGW skeptics.
Moore reports:
In the House, the Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing on what Chairman Ed Markey said was "the urgent consensus view . . . that global warming is real, and the science indicates it is getting worse." But the only witnesses were officials from the Obama administration, who support dramatic action on climate change. Republicans asked to have a global-warming skeptic appear but were denied.Holdren is right on one point: the emails discuss only a small part of the total AGW science.

Yet Democrats simply ignore Climategate or treat it as a joke...
Abbott warns of $400bn Tax Bill Under Draft Copenhagen Agreement
Subject: txt 1st grn owg = AUSTRALIANS could be hit with a tax bill of up to $400 billion under a draft deal leaked at the Copenhagen summit, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said today. “Just to get a five per cent reduction in emissions, Mr Rudd wants to whack a $120 billion tax on us,” “So I think that the Australian people ought to be very concerned about anything that Mr Rudd might sign us up to in Copenhagen.”
[And if that's what it would cost Australia...]
Great Dane: Denmark's Parliament's Speaker Expresses 'Serious Doubts' About 'Climate Change'
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Normally, it's news when a leading politician in a country hosting a summit expresses harsh dissent against that summit's agenda -- or at least it is when a leftist is the dissenter.As reported in, self-described here as "one of Denmark’s largest newspapers and has been published since 1884," Pedersen pushes back against the global warming pap:
But I doubt that what Thor Pedersen, Speaker of the Danish Parliament, has to say about the upcoming COP15 Climate Summit will get much if any play in U.S. network newscasts or in the nation's establishment media publications of record.
CNN's 'coverage' of ClimateGate: 3:1 bias
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On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN correspondent Mary Snow highlighted the latest developments on ClimateGate, but only played one sound bite from a skeptic of manmade climate change, as opposed to the four clips from proponents of the theory. Snow also omitted the left-wing affiliation of, a website she mentioned during her report.
Terrorist Criminal Trials and the Coming Jihad
Look what happened the last time al-Qaeda terrorists and their attorneys got a hold of the discovery process
After the bombing of the American embassy in Nairobi, the police found amid the belongings of one of the perpetrators a list of the unindicted co-conspirators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York. The list was submitted to the lawyers for the defendant, Sheik Abdel Rahman, and signed by Mary Jo White, the United States Attorney. Under the rules of discovery in a criminal trial, the defendant had every right to the list. If you read through the names of the unindicted co-conspirators, one will jump off the page and grab your attention. It is Number 95: Osama bin Laden.
If ever you needed a reason why terrorists must be dealt with as foreign combatants and not as criminals, it would have stared you in the face throughout the discovery process of Sheik Rahman's trial. But there's more. Rahman's activist attorney, Lynne Stewart, used her position to pass information from the cleric to his terrorist followers in Egypt. She was later disbarred and sentenced to twenty-eight months in prison.
Stewart is not an anomaly. Radical lawyers bent on using the legal system to further a political agenda will be falling all over themselves to represent the five alleged terrorists who will now stand trial in New York City. These lawyers will put American foreign policy on trial for the events of September 11, 2001. In putting September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators into the criminal justice system, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama have given the jihadists a once-in-a-lifetime stage for their propaganda...
[It's about trying Bush, not jihadists.]
Nicolas Sarkozy defends Swiss minaret ban
Subject: txt islm intl -Paris - Nicolas Sarkozy has defended Switzerland's ban on building minarets with a warning that religious groups should refrain from ''ostentation and any provocation''. The French president made the remarks as he sought to justify his own, controversial, ''great debate'' on France's national identity, which critics say is alienating mainly Muslim immigrants. (Snip) ''Instead of irrevocably condemning the Swiss people, let's also try to understand what it sought to express ''
Chavez Says Venezuela Buys Thousands of Missiles
Chavez Says Venezuela Buys Thousands of MissilesCARACAS, Venezuela -- President Hugo Chavez said Monday that Venezuela has received thousands of Russian-made missiles and rocket launchers as part of his government's military preparations for a possible armed conflict with neighboring Colombia.
"They are preparing a war against us," Chavez said during a televised address, repeating a charge he has been making for months. "Preparing is one of the best ways to neutralize it."

image toon - intl sclm - Venezuela poising S America
United Nations Wants $7.1 Billion for Humanitarian Work in 2010
Subject: txt owg - mny - Geneva - The United Nations asked Monday for $7.1 billion to pay for its humanitarian work around the world next year, with Sudan and its troubled Darfur region most in need and Afghanistan rising to second.
The money will go toward providing 48 million people in 25 countries with urgent aid such as tents, water and medicine, said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who urged countries not to cut back on humanitarian donations...
Nation must 'spend our way out of this recession'
Subject: txt mny - Washington - President Barack Obama outlined new multibillion-dollar stimulus and jobs proposals Tuesday, saying the nation must continue to ''spend our way out of this recession''' until more Americans are back at work.Without giving a price tag, Obama proposed a package of new spending for highway, bridge and other infrastructure projects, deeper tax breaks for small businesses and tax incentives to encourage people to make their homes more energy efficient...
[Repeating all the mistakes that lead to the depression.]
Reid compares health care resistence to slavery, segregation
[HT:PG]Subject: txt hcare bdd vals -
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) upped the rhetorical ante this morning by comparing opponents of health care reform to conservatives who tried to block emancipation and equal rights -- prompting the Republican national chairman to question his sanity.
''Harry Reid is under immense pressure to pass this 2,000 page experiment on our nation’s health – an experiment that creates a new $1 trillion dollar federal entitlement program by cutting $500 billion from Medicare,
image toon - hcare sclm = Ried slave owner over hcare
Oil sector braces for punch from U.S.
Subject: txt engry -Washington - Canada may be bracing for a diplomatic black eye in Copenhagen, where a long-awaited climate summit aimed at dialling down the world's thermostat opens Monday. But a much harder punch from Washington is what worries Canada's petroleum sector – and by extension, Ottawa – as the U.S. government weighs landmark legislation that will ultimately give shape to the continent's energy future.
At issue is the possibility the U.S. will impose a national Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), a rule that would penalize dirty fuels like carbon-intensive Alberta crude in a bid to lighten the overall footprint of American transportation.
CNN: Immigration Status Verification Would Drive Businesses Under
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Many industries rely on migrant labor, but that is no excuse for news networks to advocate a path to legalization for illegal aliens, or - worse - to excuse employers who simply look the other way.
Yet, CNN's Jason Carroll did both in a segment for "American Morning" Nov. 5.
"You hear it, not just in the farming industry, but in the restaurant industry as well and so many of these industries - the garment industry - you know, this is what these people are looking for,"
Carroll said after delivering his pro-immigrant report.
"They're looking for immigration reform. They feel like their businesses will go under if someone does not find a way to make some of these people who are here working, who are undocumented, and get them into some sort of legal status."
Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO
Subject: txt crpt bdd libs vals lbrty reps -
Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue is a wanted man -- at least according to the liberal activist group that's put a de facto bounty on his head. A network of liberal groups known as Velvet Revolution started an ad campaign offering $200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the man whose trade organization has become a thorn in the side of the Obama administration and congressional Democrats.
Redistricting Committee Accepting Applications
CALIFORNIAIn 2008, California voters approved Proposition 11, which establishes the Citizens Redistricting Commission, a new independent commission for redrawing Assembly, Senate and Board of Equalization districts. On December 15, the Commission’s web site will begin accepting applications from citizens to join this 14-member commission.
It is crucial honest, fair citizens are selected to participate in drawing impartial legislative districts. Please consider applying for the Commission by visiting their web site.
Dems Vote to Allow Federal Funding for Corrupt ACORN
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Last night, defying the will of a bipartisan majority of the House and Senate, Democrats voted to allow the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to receive federal taxpayer dollars.
In September, large Congressional majorities in both houses voted to sever all ties between the federal government and ACORN. The Senate vote was 85-11; the House vote was 345-75.

You’d be wrong...