Monday, May 24, 2010
Constitution is this year’s big best-seller
Subject: txt hots 1st tea 2010 gdd -
Demand for copies of the U.S. Constitution is skyrocketing. The increased interest comes amid the rise of the Tea Party movement and as both parties cite the Constitution to advance their agendas. The pocket edition of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence ranked 10th on the Government Printing Office’s (GPO) best-seller list in March. Since September 2009, the GPO has sold more than 8,700 copies of the pocket Constitution to the public, according to GPO spokesman Gary Somerset...
Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash
Subject: txt hots islm -
Plans to build a 13-storey mosque and Islamic centre two city blocks from Ground Zero in New York are provoking an anti-Muslim backlash in America. Muslim organisations picked the site of a former Burlington Coat Factory shop damaged in the September 11, 2001, attacks. The building at 45 Park Place has been vacant since it was hit by the fuselage of one of the jets flown into the World Trade Centre by Islamic terrorists...
Sarah Palin: Media Looking to 'Get' Rand Paul Just Like They Did Her in 2008
Subject: txt hots - msm bias 2010 -
Sarah Palin on Sunday said that she sees similarities between how the media are treating Kentucky senatorial candidate Rand Paul and the way the press tried to "get" her before the elections in 2008.
Appearing on "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, the former Alaska governor said, "I think there is certainly a double standard at play here.""One thing that we can learn in this lesson that I have learned and Rand Paul is learning now is don't assume that you can engage in a hypothetical discussion about constitutional impacts with a reporter or a media personality who has an agenda."
She continued, "They are looking for the gotcha moment, and that's what evidently appears to be that they did with Rand Paul" (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):
What Bias? Re: Networks Hype Rand Paul on 1964 laws, But Couldn't Press Sestak on His 2009 Claim of a White House Bribe
Subject: txt hots msm bias -Liberal media outlets were quick to pounce on the new Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky about his views on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and how they arguable overstepped the constitutions boundaries by dictating how private business must conduct themselves.
But none of them find newsworthy that his opponent has claimed that the White House attempted to bribe him not to run against Specter in the primary, despite the calls on the hill for an ethics investigation to get to the truth of it...
Rand Paul Rips Bias of George Stephanopoulos: Your Talking Points Come MSNBC, Democratic Party
Subject: txt 2010 hots msm -
Senatorial candidate Rand Paul appeared on Friday's Good Morning America and was forced to constantly correct former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos. The ABC host repeatedly parroted Democrat talking points heard elsewhere, prompting the Republican to mock,
"Where do your talking points come from? The Democrat National Committee. They also come from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC."
[Audio available here.]
Fringe Tea Partiers toss American ideals overboard: Movement must disavow kooks like Rand Paul
Subject: txt hot 2010 tea - msm bias -
New York Daily 'News'
Mexico City, Washington Gang up on Phoenix
Subject: txt hots immig -
Now you just know that if these folks thought they would have found something damning in the bill’s language to throw against the Arizona Legislature and Gov. Jan Brewer, they would have read the measure ASAP.
Thursday, Obama declared, "The United States is proud to walk with Mexico." As Posner told reporters, the administration is anxious for any opportunity to engage in a respectful and informed dialogue with Beijing.
But don’t expect Obamaland to try to show the same eagerness to understand the Arizona law.
If Obama were a unifying figure, he would try to end the boycott wars that threaten to pull this country further apart. If Phoenix were Beijing or Mexico City, then the White House would be working overtime on a policy to accommodate both the Arizona bill and the administration’s important goal of preventing racial profiling.
But as far as this administration is concerned, Arizona might as well be an enemy nation...
Democrats Cheer Calderon’s Anti- Rule of Law Lunacy
Subject: txt 2010 immig lgl lbrty -
In a repugnant display of political treason at its most treacherous, liberals cheered wildly in support of Calderon’s retarded rhetoric against Arizona and its courageous leaders who are struggling to deal with the financial and social devastation brought to Arizona and America by third-world invaders from Calderon’s Mexico.
Mind you, as far as can be determined, all of those Democrats in Congress are citizens of the United States. Presumably, each swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States as part of the obligatory swearing in...
toon AZ rule of law = racist
This will knock your socks off! Look at the DATE and who signed it
Subject: txt immig hots - !
Here is an excerpt from a 2008 letter then Gov of Arizona Janet Napolitano (now Secretary of Homeland Security) to then Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff:
Date: March 11, 2008
"[r]eal solutions to fix our broken borders cannot wait that long. Human and drug smuggling rings continue to thrive in Arizona, crossing our border and using our cities as major hubs to transport crosser throughout the country. While we wait for real progress on the "virtual fence," border communities in Arizona will continue to be strained by the millions of dollars in costs they must absorb due to the state of border security."
Yours very truly,
Janet Napolitano
In reading the above letter, would you not think DHS Napolitano would be Arizona's biggest champion in Washington? Would you not think she, of all people, would understand the frustration in Arizona? Don't you think she would be pushing her boss, President Obama, to help Arizona? and get President Obama to push Congress to help this state?
Instead DHS Napolitano had to recently embarrassingly admit that she has not even read the Arizona illegal immigration law...
And before you get all whooped up about whether the Arizona statute is constitutional or not, that is not the issue. The statute is a cry for help and the current fight over it a distraction. The issue is the FAILURE of the federal government to help the STATE of ARIZONA....
Subject: image toon 1st fnn 2010 - Dems party of No read
Saturday Sing-a-Long With Arizona: Read the Immigration Bill
Subject: txt immig - hots -
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Friday posted a highly-humorous video on YouTube mocking members of the Obama administration that have voiced negative opinions about her state's new anti-illegal immigration law without even bothering to read it.
See if you can name them as you sing a long:
[This is exactly the kind of non-defensive push-back to government & PC prosecution America needs more of - not name calling, but thinking... RECOMMENDED ^v]
Rape suspect deported 4 times
Subject: txt immig -
EDMONDS, Wash. – An officer responding to a woman's cry for help Sunday night found 46-year-old Jose Madrigal on top of the woman and arrested him.
The man accused of raping a woman behind an Edmonds grocery store has been deported at least four times in the past 15 years, reports KIRO Radio...
President Lays Out Security Strategy Based in Diplomacy
Subject: txt - nsec gwot -WEST POINT, N.Y. — President Obama outlined a new national security strategy rooted in diplomatic engagement and international alliances on Saturday as he repudiated his predecessor’s emphasis on unilateral [42 signing nations re: Iraq is 'unilateral'?] American power and the right to wage pre-emptive war. [I.e., Americans must die first.]
Eight years after President George W. Bush came to the United States Military Academy here to set a new course for American security in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Obama used the same setting to offer a 'revised' doctrine...
Iran sanctions won't stop missiles - Russian senator
Subject: txt owg intl nsec - Moscow - The head of a parliamentary foreign affairs committee was quoted on Friday as saying that sanctions on Iran being discussed in the UN would not stop Russia from delivering S-300 surface to air missiles to Tehran. Israel and the United States have asked Russia not to fulfill its contract to deliver the S-300s, which could undermine any air attack on Iranian facilities...
[Such a sale shall result in war, started by Israel's immediate attack before they can be installed and remove Israel's ability to forestall Iran's getting nukes, as the 'the world community' has proven unwilling to do.]
READ MOREy's busted plans for Iran v California
With Obama's military being emasculated and his hand-picked pacifist advisors singing on cue, Israel better take lead against evil
Subject: txt israel -
Thursday we learned that as a payoff for China's support for its toothless sanctions resolution, the Obama administration has made a deal that enables nuclear proliferation. According to the Washington Post, in exchange for China's support for the resolution, the Obama administration has turned a blind eye to Beijing's continued nuclear proliferation activities to Pakistan... [snip]
Sadly, the US's ridiculous sanctions resolution and its general diplomatic incompetence make clear is that it is time for Israel to risk escalating its crisis with Obama still further. It is time for Israel to take the lead in the international campaign to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons...
U.S. Rep. Sander Levin pushes bill to extend unemployment benefits - again
Subject: txt mny econ sclm libs -
U.S. Rep. Sander Levin of Royal Oak has helped author legislation being introduced in Congress today which will keep extended unemployment benefits available through the end of the year. [I.e., through the election.]
As it stands now, out-of-work people in the hardest hit states like Michigan are eligible for up to 73 weeks of additional unemployment benefits – on top of the typical 26 weeks of regular benefits – it also will extend the federal program that pays 65% of health insurance...
Subject: txt sclm bbro mny tax -
When the Greek economy melted down recently its citizens rioted in the streets. Some have called it "the death-spiral of a welfare state" -- too much borrowing for too many social programs for too long.
Eventually, the bottom falls out.
But if you don't think the economic chaos in Greece can come to America, economists say think again. America is on a fiscal course economists warn is unsustainable - racking up debts we will not be able to repay. This nation, they warn, is already on the path to economic ruin.
Vorce pointed to California as a likely preview of our future -- a government that can no longer afford some basic services.
"Look at education. Look at bridges. Police, public safety workers," she said. "The things you expect government to do and you won't be able to afford them anymore, because you're paying debt service."
Greece may be the first of many welfare states to fail in the coming months and years, as populations age and entitlement costs soar.
And while you shouldn't expect riots in American streets, financial experts say if the country continues to pile up debt, the economic meltdown in Greece is a road show that will come to America...
[I disagree with that last: expect riots in our streets just like Greece, as we've public employee unions just like Greece which will turn to violent intimidation to try and keep what's been extorted for them {and bankrupted us - again: look at California...}]
Subject: image toon sclm bbro intl mny crpt = USam's future looks like Greece
Courts quash cuts, add to state's budget woes
CALIFORNIASacramento - Courts in recent years have crushed attempts by California to cut spending by billions of dollars and have forced the state to spend hundreds of millions more than planned. Designated cuts to health and human services that were rejected by federal courts alone have resulted in $4.5 billion in lost savings over the past three years, according to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration.
Prison health care costs have doubled to more than $1.9 billion since 2006, when a federal judge ordered a federal receiver to take control of prison...
['Crisis'? Try our legal system, from top to bottom.]
What Nannyism? Re: Kids Drinking Soda Pop: Like Smoking Camels or Riding Without Seat Belts?
Subject: txt nanny child -
Wednesday's Business Day column by the Times' liberal economic conscience David Leonhardt is another one for the food police files: “The Battle Over Taxing Soda.”
Personal responsibility [and choice] on such personal matters isn't a large concern in Leonhardt's worldview, as he readily compared lobbyists for the soda industry to lobbyists against tobacco companies and pollution laws...
Graduation Lunacy
Subject: txt edu child sclm - Education: Universities are sending young achievers out into the world with the words of rabid leftists ringing in their heads. It's a dismal picture, given the future the liberals running Washington have created. Some day, a Voltaire will emerge to satirize the Panglossian roster of speakers peppering U.S. university graduations in the era of the Tea Parties and multitrillion-dollar government debt, which ironically will end up dumped on the young people graduating from our schools of 'higher learning'...
Brian Williams at Notre Dame Graduation: Katrina Response Was 'Benign Neglect That Turned Fatal'
Subject: txt edu child msm bdd - hstry -
[Exhibit 'A' {of a never-ending alphabet}...
... demonstrably false on all points {read more} - yet there he is, offered to our children as some kind of authority {when anchors are supposed to be mere conduits}
We ask ourselves how in the world 30% of our college grads can think socialism preferable to capitalism? This is how - ceaseless indoctrination by the Left's control of education and major media.]
The Golden Age of Centrism Wasn't So Golden
... when you look back to that time in mid-century America, the decades on either side of 1950, high-minded thinkers didn't like that partisan muddle at all.
Mid-century political scientists disliked the ideological incoherence of the two political parties. It would be better, they argued, to have one party clearly liberal and the other clearly conservative. Then voters would have a real choice and could be confident about the consequences of their votes.
The polarization of our politics is increased somewhat by partisan district lines. But overall, it's a reflection of our society and a result of the increasing intrusiveness and involvement of government in areas of life that used to be left alone...
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Subject: txt tea -
From ''astro-turfers'' to ''tea-baggers'' ... from ''racists'' to ''domestic terrorists''... the men and women of the American Tea Party movement have been consistently vilified by the powers-that-be in this country.
The political elite in Washington D.C. are determined to malign and destroy the Tea Party movement, and the media elite are fully complicit in that assault. The education elite are busy writing books and articles trying to justify the wholesale condemnation of millions of Americans who disagree with the policies of the political elite, and the religious elite are working overtime to help them do just that...
ACTION ALERT: USA Today Poll on Gun ownership
Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court's accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.Here's what you need to do:
First - vote on this one.
Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published.
The Question is:
Click on the link below to vote:
New Jersey Teachers Union Forced to Take Back Seat to Kids
When New Jersey teachers union members refused to make room for students in a legislative committee hearing, the chairman took the meeting to the students. Approximately 1,500 New Jersey schoolchildren and school choice supporters witnessed democracy in action on Thursday, May 13, when they attended a rally at the state capitol to support a private school choice bill under debate in the state Senate.
The rally was set to support S1872, legislation that would establish a five-year scholarship tax credit pilot program for students in failing schools, which was heard by the Senate Economic Growth Committee that day...