Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Communists Behind Obama’s Health Care Goals
Subject: txt 1st hcare sclm bbro lbrty -
The polls have been clear for quite some time: By a substantial margin, Americans oppose the efforts of Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats to enact a massive overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, one that would greatly expand the federal government’s role.Significantly, the President’s deeply held positions on healthcare were derived largely from the influence of a politically aggressive group of longtime Marxists whose worldviews were consistent with those Obama had already developed from other radical influences in his life.
But before we examine who those particular Marxists were, let us establish, with certainty, what Obama’s long-term objectives for healthcare actually are...
[Recommended > ]
There Is Something You Can Do to Stop Obamacare
Subject: txt 1st action hcare -
Politics has often been called the “Art of the Possible.” We have seen many a strange thing happen in the history of American elections. But nothing would be more unexpected, or more immediately helpful to the American people, than if Republican State Senator Scott Brown could pull of the mother of all upsets and capture the special election for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat on January 19th.
State Attorney General Martha Coakley won the Democratic Primary and has taken a cavalier attitude towards what she expected would be her coronation in the general.
Meanwhile, Senator Brown, and Army Reservist and an energetic campaigner, has been waging an insurgent battle that has pulled him to statistical dead heat in the polls... [snip]
In Massachusetts, the state held up by Democrats as the example of how their idea of reform can work, the voters know differently. This race is their chance to have their say on the Bay State’s experience and whether or not the idea should be taken much, much further in geographic, economic and regulatory terms.
A Brown victory would deny the Democrats the 60 votes necessary to shove through the takeover of the nation’s health care system against the will of the American people.
It is also evidently the only opportunity for Americans to have any say what so ever on the pending bill...
[As often as not, influencing modern politics means putting your dollars where your mouth is - our opponents do - so please consider joining me in donating to Mr. Brown's campaign today...

Bright Red CONTRIBUTE button at top right - one time for any amount - it worked well for me...
...and please do pass on to like minded friends.]
US court to hear Guantanamo detainee's complaint
Subject: txt gwot nsec bbro legal -
The first detainee to be transferred from Guantanamo to New York for trial was to argue Monday in New York that his rights have been violated during five years of detention.Lawyers for Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a Tanzanian accused of helping to plot bloody 1998 attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, argue that his constitutional rights have been violated because he was denied a speedy trial...
Not guilty plea for Nigerian bomb suspect
Subject: txt gwot nsec -Terror suspect appears in court DETROIT - A not guilty plea was entered on behalf of a 23-year-old Nigerian man Friday to charges that he tried to blow up a packed U.S. Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day.
[The travesty begins...]
If it's war, act like it
[HT:MT]Subject: txt gwot nsec -So now President Obama finds himself facing a new headache -- Yemen. Indeed, by (finally) acknowledging, "We are at war against al Qaeda," he's guaranteed that even Yemen won't be the last stop. But let's start with Yemen, since Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi is said to have advised both the Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, and the underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab... [snip]
But we can't send the Marines everywhere. First, for Brennan's "watching," we need increased budgets for intelligence gathering. As the above sketchy description indicates, quality reading by humans is essential if we want to understand the nuances of the alliances between terror groups and their supporters and how terrorism migrates from one region to another.
That means limited terror-combating budgets shouldn't be poured into things like shiny new inspection tools at airports or more bureaucracy. Instead, intelligence gathering in terror-infested hot spots must widen -- and be followed up as needed with strikes and longer campaigns by US troops.
If we're at war, we have to act like it. Forget the kid gloves.
Obama Aids the Enemy He Will Not Name
Subject: txt gwot nsec -White House National Security Adviser James Jones warned that Americans would feel "a certain shock" after reading the report on the Islamic jihadist who hid bombs in his crotch and tried to blow up Northwest Flight 253 in Detroit on Christmas Day. Well, I was shocked.
The loudest (deafening, actually) part of Obama's remarks Thursday on the war on the West is what he didn't say.
Not once in Obama's self-aggrandizing speech on the Muslim Christmas bomber did he ever mention jihad or Islam.
And that is whom we are at war with...
'Anti-Israel is the new anti-Semitism'
Subject: txt israel edu -Anti-Semitism is being used to delegitimize the State of Israel, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday. Lieberman said ''classic anti-Semitism, along with Iranian funding and Islamic anti-Semitism, is being used to incite hatred against Jews, and to delegitimize the State of Israel.''
He said that global anti-Semitism had ''crossed the line,'' and that those behind the effort were ''seeking to destroy the Jewish state piece by piece... using academic boycotts and economic sanctions.''
Teacher's holocaust denial causes uproar
Las Vegas Review-Journal
A Northwest Career and Technical Academy teacher is accused of denying the Holocaust happened and telling students that the Nazis lacked the technology to kill so many Jews, one senior said. Jewish students said the teacher's comments have circulated widely and have created a poisonous atmosphere at the public school, which has led other students to make anti-Semitic jokes and threats against them.
Key U.S. senators slam threat to withhold Israel loan guarantees
Subject: txt israel - action? -
Two key U.S. senators on Sunday dismissed Mideast envoy George Mitchell's suggestion that Washington withhold loan guarantees to pressure Israel. ''I don't think it's helpful and I don't agree with it'' Republican John McCain said during a visit to Jerusalem. Independent Joe Lieberman, meanwhile, pledged a fight in Congress against any such move.
Israeli officials were up in arms Sunday after Mitchell posed the suggestion, meant to press Jerusalem to make [yet more] concessions in negotiations with the Palestinians.
On Friday, the Obama administration laid out a major shift in its Mideast peace strategy, suggesting both sides move past this impasse by tackling defining borders for a Palestinian state and the status of Jerusalem.
The Palestinians say such positions offer little common ground for talks to succeed.
[Victim-hood is their business - they {the tyrants supposedly representing their people} don't really want peace.]
House Democrats should support Condemning Hugo Chavezfor anti-semitism
Subject: txt israel -
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez’s anti-Semitism and his verbal attacks on Israel should be of concern to America’s Jewish community.
But the Chavez-Ahmadinejad partnership has created a broader crisis. Combining Ahmadinejad’s anti-Semitism of denying the Holocaust and calling for Israel’s destruction with Chavez’s views has increased the hostility and threats faced by Venezuela’s Jewish community...
Venezuela No. 1 ... In Default Risk
Subject: txt intl sclm lbrty - mny -For all the press coverage about fiscal woes in Dubai and Greece, the country most likely to default on its debt is Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela.
The country leapfrogged to the top spot in Q4 2009, with a greater than 50% chance of going deadbeat on its $90 billion in sovereign bonds, according to CMA Datavision, a U.K.-based company that compiles comparative data about credit default swaps.
Dubai ranks sixth, and Greece a lowly eighth.
Nervous Venezuelans buy TVs after devaluation
Subject: txt sclm - intl - mny - CARACAS - Shouting "buy, buy, the world is going to die," Venezuelans went on a frantic shopping spree on Saturday following a sharp currency devaluation that is expected to drive up prices.
President Hugo Chavez announced a dual system for the fixed rate bolivar Friday night while much of the country was watching a baseball game. But Saturday, word spread quickly as people read the morning papers and listened to the radio in Caracas cafes...
[The 'fruits' of socialism on display yet again.]
Hugo Chavez Calls Obama The Devil, Will Media Notice?
Subject: txt 1st grn owg msm -
In September 2006 when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called George W. Bush the Devil at the United Nations, the Bush-hating press couldn't get enough of the comment.
When Chavez spoke to the U.N. climate change conference in Copenhagen after President Obama made his keynote address, the Venezuelan despot said, "It still smells of sulfur here," referring to the lectern.
Given the attention Chavez's claim got three years ago when he made it about Bush, how will the 'neutral' media report such a statement being made about our current President? (video embedded below the fold):
Now drivers face hefty surcharge to compensate victims of domestic violence
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro -Motorists guilty of minor 'crimes' such as parking misdemeanours are to be hit with a £15 surcharge to help victims of domestic violence or sex attacks. The amount will be added to fixed penalty tickets given out by police for breaking parking regulations, contravening a stop sign, speeding and even having dirty windows. Motorists will be forced by law to pay the charge – even though their offence has no 'victim'.
[Socialism; it never stops unless rolled back]
MSNBC: Republican Critics of Obama Policies 'Un-American' and 'Traitorous'
Subject: txt bdd vals lbrty msm - sclm bbro -
Remember when dissent was supposed to be patriotic? Well, it seems that only applies when a Republican is president.
Now that Barack Obama is in the White House, criticism of him is "un-American" and "traitorous." This new "tolerant" view of dissent comes from Joan Walsh of Salon.Com as you can see in this Hardball video from Wednesday.
Below is the Walsh money quote but please be sure to also watch the video since it is important to watch as she drops any facade of liberal tolerance and lets her true dogmatic soul reveal itself in both her face and voice which seems to border on dementia:
Useless public works projects aren't jump-starting economy
Subject: txt crpt mny sclm -Early in his administration, Barack Obama asked Congress for a $787 billion "stimulus package." This was to be money for projects, which the administration referred to as "shovel ready." The idea was that these public works projects would "jump-start" the economy.
Public works projects did not jump-start the American economy during the Great Depression. More recently, public works projects did not jump-start the Japanese economy. I cannot explain why Congress and the administration believed that something that did not work in the past would, somehow, suddenly become effective.
However, I can explain why public works projects are not a very effective means to stimulate economies...
[I can: it has nothing to do with improving the private sector economy - it's about expanding the influence and power of government in any & all areas. He who controls the purse...]
High U.S. debt means slower growth, history shows
Subject: txt mny -
WASHINGTON — A new report that reviewed 200 years of economic data from 44 nations has reached an ominous conclusion for the world's largest economy: Almost without exception, countries that are as highly indebted as the United States is today grow at sub-par rates.
The report, "Growth in a Time of Debt," was written by two respected academic researchers who recently published a thick book on eight centuries of economic crises.
Current Policies Will Push U.S. to be a Third-World Country in 25 Years
Subject: txt mny edu -
While countries like China, Brazil and India are on the path to ascendency, the United States appears to be heading in the opposite direction, according to the former CEO of a major U.S. bank.
In a segment on the Jan. 7 broadcast of the Fox Business Channel's "Stossel," John Allison, the former CEO of North Carolina-based BB&T Corporation (NYSE:BBT), the 10th largest bank in the United States, warned of dark times ahead if the country continues on its current course.
"Now, it's a long-term trend," Allison said. "We will have some kind of economic recovery and we'll have some economic growth. I think the most likely intermediate scenario is stagflation like the 1970s."
"But if you run the numbers on the deficits we have in Medicare, the deficits we have in Social Security, the operating deficits which are over a trillion dollars a year now, and how you undo those is unclear," Allison continued. "We have a dysfunctional foreign policy. We have a real big demographic problem because of the retirement of the baby boomers and that's going to reduce productivity, the big demographic problem. And we have a failed K-12 education system."
"In 25 years, the United States will be a third-world country if we don't change direction," Allison said. "And ironically, we need to go exactly opposite of the way we're going. We need to return to the ideas that made America great - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, each individual's right to their own life."
Allison said education is a key to success, but our behemoth bureaucracy fails to educate because it lacks the discipline of the markets...
image toon gwot nsec mny - Oby shutting down gitmo and economy
What Bias? re: The Abracadabra Press
Subject: txt mny msm -
As a result of [Jan 7]'s unemployment insurance claims report , the Associated Press has assured us that the economy is reaching the light at the end of the tunnel, and a growing economy is patiently awaiting
The four-week moving average of unemployment claims is down to 450,250, a 2.2% decrease from the previous week's revised average. According to the AP, this calls for a celebration because apparently economists have stated that an average of 425,000 is a sign of the Holy Grail the nation has been yearning for; a healthy labor market.
However, I don't recall economists increasing the sought after figure by approximately 30.8%. The threshold for a healthy labor market, in terms of jobless claims, has widely been reported for months as 325,000, in fact even the AP itself reported this number back in September.
Now, for at least the past month, it has claimed that number has magically grown by 100,000?What's going on here?
[A: the usual.]
Surprise: Leading Obamacare economic advocate was being paid by Obama administration
Subject: txt hcare -Jon Gruber, a prominent MIT economist who's been been one of the country's leading advocates of Democratic health care reform legislation. Except it now appears that Gruber didn't do a very good job of disclosing an enormous conflict of interest, according to Firedoglake:
He has consistently failed to disclose that he has had a sole-source contract with the Department of Health and Human Services since June 19, 2009 to consult on the “President’s health reform proposal.”
He is one source for the claim that the excise tax will result in raises for workers (though his underlying study is in-apt to the excise tax question). He is the basis for the argument that the Senate bill reduces families’ risk–even if it remains totally unaffordable. Even Politico stenographer Mike Allen points to Gruber’s 'research'.
But none of the references to Gruber I’ve seen have revealed that Gruber has a $297,600 contract with HHS [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] to produce,
It gets worse -- Gruber actually failed to disclose $392,600 worth of contracts with HHS. Gruber mounts a very weak defense of himself over at Politico, noting that he did disclose his work with HHS on a few occasions, and that he would disclose it if he was asked. But it should have been disclosed every time his name was mentioned in conjunction with health care.
It's hard not to see this as dishonesty.
Schwarzenegger calls ObamaCare a “ripoff”
Subject: txt cali hcar - fnn -
When exactly did California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger discover that ObamaCare was nothing more than a “ripoff”?
Despite that the fact that the states would get stuck with huge increases in Medicaid had been apparent since the first drafts of the bill in Congress in the summer, Schwarzenegger only had his Road to Damascus moment when Ben Nelson cut a better deal with Harry Reid in the Senate bill than either of his two useless Senate Democrats, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.
Now the Governator has belatedly come out full force against ObamaCare, probably too late to undo the damage he did by providing Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Reid with a fig leaf of bipartisanship over the last few months...
['Thanks' Arnie. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.]
Secrets and Lies
Subject: txt hcare -
In yet another display of arrogance mixed with utter contempt for the public, the Democrats have decided that the only sensible way to craft a health care bill is to do it beyond the "prying eyes" of ordinary Americans... [snip]
We know at least one thing, you arrogant, elitist hacks: we'll be paying the multi-trillion dollar tab for this steaming pile of socialist sludge... [snip]
Are you listening, MSM?
You mindlessly back Democrats for two election cycles and now you ask how dare they break their promises? C-Span and CBS News are upset? Keith Olbermann is angry? Where were all of you when the least investigated presidential candidate in history kept the entire period of his college, graduate and law school years off limits? How did you manage to miss YouTube video after YouTube video of Obama clearly outlining his radical leftist intentions? Why did you purposefully minimize his relationships with a racist, black liberation preacher and an American terrorist?
Welcome to the underside of the bus, newsies. Welcome to the exact same place your irresponsibility put the American public, the majority of whom have begun to figure out that they elected a pig in a poke—and got one.
image toon hcare - Dems cover CSPAN lens for hcare
No one punished under congressional ethics rules
Washington — Nearly three years after Congress approved sweeping ethics rules to "drain the swamp," as incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it, no member of Congress has been punished for wrongdoing. In that time, allegations of sexual misconduct and financial impropriety have been lodged against lawmakers. The most serious rebuke in the past year: a "letter of qualified admonition" to Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill....
Confirmed: Palin to keynote first national tea-party conventionI thought we already knew this, but CSM’s story about it yesterday got a lot of play, so maybe we only thought we knew it. Or maybe we knew she was speaking but not necessarily keynoting.
Now it can be told: She is.
National stage for Tea Party
Nashville will be ground zero for the Tea Party movement next month. Its first convention will be in Music City, with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin presenting the keynote address.
The event's potential to shake up both major political parties should not be underestimated.