Monday, April 19, 2010
Media Confusion: Why the Tea Party Protest? Not High Taxes, but Government Expansion
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty msm -
The media is still having trouble understanding the Tea Party movement and what it is protesting, even though its roots are clear.
On Feb. 19, 2009 during CNBC's "Squawk Box," Rick Santelli made his famous rant heard around the world, calling for a so-called tea party-style revolt. And that helped fuel the growth of a Tea Party movement that has resulted in more than 600 protests this April 15, 2010.
Santelli's call for protest wasn't about high taxes. Instead, it was a cry against the Obama administration's plan for a taxpayer-funded mortgage bailout. The very beginning of the tea parties was about bailouts and the growth of government.
But the Associated Press still seemed to miss the point about worries over an overspending government in an April 15 article by Calvin Woodward about the Tea Party rallies. In that report, Woodward defended Obama's tax policies...
[I.e., more misdirection.]
Americans' distrust of federal government deepening, poll finds
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty -
WASHINGTON -- Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday.
The in-depth poll found Americans not only rejecting the idea of an activist government, but a growing number urging its power be curtailed.
"By almost every conceivable measure, Americans are less positive and more critical of government these days,"
said the report from the nonpartisan Pew Research Center...
AP Admits Rep. Heath Shuler Did Not Hear Tea Party Racial Slurs...AFTER WSJ Writer Investigates
Subject: txt 1st bdd vals 2010 lbrty - msm -
Oops!On the heels of a story a couple of days ago which used Congressman Heath Shuler as a source about how racial slurs were probably hurled at the Washington, D.C. Tea Party on March 20, the Associated Press has been forced to backtrack. Here is how AP writer Jesse Washington used what Heath Shuler supposedly heard to promote the idea of a Tea Party chock full of racists:
A fourth Democrat, Rep. Heath Shuler of North Carolina, who is white, backed up his colleagues, telling the Henderson (N.C.) Times-News that he heard the slurs.
Unfortunately for Mr. Washington's premise, this fiction has now been undone by Shuler himself. Here is the AP correction...
NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty msm bdd vals -
“There aren't a lot of African-American men at these events,”
NBC News reporter Kelly O'Donnell, a white woman, told Darryl Postell, a black man at a Tea Party rally held Thursday in Washington, DC, pressing him, in an exchange she chose to include in her NBC Nightly News story, to address her prejudiced assumptions:
“Have you ever felt uncomfortable?”
Postell rejected her loaded premise that race must divide Americans:
“No, no, these are my people, Americans.”
Over on ABC, Jonathan Karl highlighted how “many of them blamed us, the news media.” A woman demanded:
“We want honesty from you. We want fair time from you. We want you, the media, to represent all the people, not just a certain portion of the people.”
Audio: MP3 clip.
NYT's Timothy Egan: Not a Single Liberal on the 'Extreme' Supreme Court? Really?
Subject: txt bbro legal msm -
Timothy Egan, a New York Times reporter for 18 years before turning into a liberal blogger at, demanded in a Wednesday night posting that the next Supreme Court justice hail from a law school other than Harvard or Yale: "Supreme Club."
At last count, there were about 200 law schools in the United States accredited by the American Bar Association, but apparently only two of them -- Harvard and Yale -- can be a path to serving on the highest court in the land.
It was surprising enough to see that with the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court will not have a single Protestant among its black-robed elite. But equally jaw-dropping was the fact that without Stevens, every member of the court has attended Harvard or Yale law school.
[And that's a large part of the worsening crisis within our judicial branch.]
Has Europe's Secular Culture Led Directly to its Economic Decline?
[HT:RF]Subject: txt gdd vals mny othr - sclm intl -
It is virtually impossible to separate economics from politics, and politics from a society's culture - but is economics inherently intertwined with religion as well?
Fox Business Network (FBN) anchor Stuart Varney thinks so. On FBN's April 14 broadcast of "Varney & Co." Father Jonathan Morris joined the show's panel and explored the question.
"Do you think that Europe's paganism - it's turn away from Christianity - has anything to do with Europe's economic decline?"
"Certainly Europe is much more secular than the United States, and all of a sudden you lose hope," Morrison said. "If you lose hope in what life is all about, you're not going to work very hard. On the other hand, if you have hope that what I'm doing today matters tomorrow - and I'm building a life and I'm building my family and we're going places - and there's something beyond this life? You're going to be hopeful - you're going to build the culture of life and goodness."
[And why this non-believer has come to believe that good religions are good for societies, with America serving as the best example.]]
When It Comes to Earmarks in DC, It's 'E Pluribus Oink'
Subject: txt 2010 libs crpt mny -When he ran for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama argued that earmarks account for a mere "0.5 percent of the total federal budget," so eliminating earmarks would not solve the problem.
With that attitude, they ought to put up a new Welcome to Washington sign that reads: Prodigo ergo prodigo. I spend, therefore I keep spending.
Enter the fiscal watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste's latest annual "pig book" -- which found $16.5 billion in congressional earmarks, or line-item local pet spending projects pushed by individual lawmakers -- approved in the 2010 fiscal year...
POLL: Plurality Say It’s Good To Be Party of No
Subject: txt 2010 -Democrats have tried to establish the Republican Party as being the 'party of no' for their consistent opposition to President Obama’s agenda, but may have misjudge that being a negative in the eyes of voters.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of U.S. voters say it’s a good thing in today’s political climate to be the Party of No, with only 34% disagreeing.
Twenty-six percent (26%) aren’t sure, and among voters not affiliated with either party 42% see the position as a positive, 34% as a negative.
“In other words,” Scott Rasmussen explains, “being labeled the Party of No is a winner not only in Republican and conservative-leaning districts but among unaffiliated voters as well."
Seventy-four percent (74%) of voters correctly identify Republicans as the political party some have labeled the Party of No. Despite, or perhaps because of, this high level of awareness, Republicans have built a solid lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot...
Inviting War Against America
Subject: txt nsec mny -
To get the money to win World War II, America ran unprecedented deficits and drove up the national debt to unprecedented levels. In 1943 alone, the federal government borrowed $54.5 billion, which was more than it had borrowed in all of its previous history before the war, combined. By 1946, Gross Federal Debt peaked at 122% of GDP, and net national debt held by the public peaked at 109% of GDP. But according to the CBO, under President Obama's budget, Gross Federal Debt will already be at 122% of GDP by 2020, without any world war.
So if we find ourselves in another major war, would the bond markets allow us to do what we did during World War II, on top of what President Obama and Congressional Democrats are already doing with budget deficits and the national debt? In particular, would the Communist Chinese really lend us the money to fight the war by buying the bonds necessary to fund it? Would whoever we are fighting sit by with equanimity and just watch them provide us with the money? Or would they more likely ally with the Communist Chinese to cut us off? And what if we are at war with the Communist Chinese themselves, and their allies, which could include Iran and North Korea, if not Russia?
But President Obama is not really so hopelessly naïve as to believe that this will work either. He is actually using the Iranian threat to pursue what he really wants, which is the nuclear disarmament of America.
That is the only way to make sense of his policies...
CBS's Smith: Obama's 'Historic' Nuke Summit 'Already Yielded Some Quick Results'
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]At the top of Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed: "At an historic summit, President Obama joins world leaders to try to stop terrorists from obtaining nuclear weapons." He later declared: "It's the largest gathering of world leaders hosted by a U.S. President since the 1945 conference that founded the United Nations. And it's already yielded some quick results."
White House still unsure where 9/11 trials will be held
Subject: txt gwot -The Obama administration doesn't know yet where it's going to try Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators, Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday, adding that New York is ''not off the table.'' ''No final decision has been made about the forum which Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants will be tried. As I said at the outset, this is a very close call,'' Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee...
A Blind Eye to Jihad: What the Media Doesn’t Want You to Know about Anwar al-Awlaki
[More from the professionals...]The progression of Anwar al-Awlaki – if not the most influential force in terror operations, certainly one of the more popular faces – from simple cleric to proud member of the ‘kill or capture’ list, has sparked little interest in the MSM from a threat aspect.
Instead, it has prompted yet another interview from CNN with his father, begging the United States to call off the military.
Imagine Osama bin Laden being treated with kid gloves shortly after serving as the influential and inspirational leader of the 9/11 attacks...
Obama caves to Islamic group’s dictates
[HT:JW]Subject: txt islm -
After over a year of prodding by terrorism apologists and radicals, President Barack Obama and his national security team are bending to their wishes. For example, yesterday the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, released a statement that they “welcomed an announcement that the Obama administration will remove ‘loaded’ terms linking Islam to extremism” from a newly revised national security document.
The Obama White House claims the change would remove terms like “Islamic radicalism” from the National Security Strategy, a document that was created by the previous administration to outline the Bush doctrine...
Reality Check Re: Eternal Islamic Enmity
Subject: txt islm -
Islam is the only major religion in the world that does not adhere to the Golden Rule to "love they neighbor as thyself" or "do unto others what you would have others do unto you."Instead, the Koran exhorts Muslim to "slay the unbelievers wherever they find them," "not take non-Muslims for friends" and "when ye meet unbelievers, smite at their necks." Islamic doctrine explicitly supports the killing, insulting, torturing, robbing, beheading, enslaving, pillorying, and raping of non-Muslims.
Mohammed, whose very actions define morality for Muslims, encouraged his followers to deceive kuffars, or non-believers, condoning lying when to the benefit of global Islamic dominance...
Businesses scared off by California go global
Subject: txt mny cali intl - trade -
"Globalization makes it easier and more tempting for California companies to outsource operations to low-cost countries. China has already snagged jobs in solar energy and other sectors of green technology - considered by many to be the next big hope for California."
Subject: txt cali grn engry -
California has a new global warming law with no real name, just this: AB32. Last month, the California Air Resource Board (CARB) proclaimed in a report that AB32 would grow 10,000 jobs. That is true only if you also repeal basic market economics and the state's current business indicators, says the Wall Street Journal.
- AB32 creates a statewide cap and trade program and imposes numerous command-and-control mandates that CARB calls "complementary measures" on businesses, such as low-carbon fuel standards and a goal of achieving 33 percent energy from renewable sources by 2020.
- Companies say compliance costs will force them to cut jobs and raise prices.
The Economic Impacts Subcommittee of the Economic and Allocation Advisory Committee concludes,
"...the technologies that would be adopted under AB32 are either yet to be developed or prohibitively expensive."
So how does CARB manage to make cost predictions about technologies that do not even exist? With a lot of assumptions, says the Journal...[snip]
While almost all of AB32's benefits are speculative and uncertain, its costs are hitting businesses and residents now. This is one more blow to jobs and growth that California does not need...
California's Cap-Trade Law Faces Fall Ballot Challenge
Subject: txt grn cali -
"The energy industry and an antitax group are challenging California's plan to cap greenhouse-gas emissions, saying the effort would lead to job losses and raise energy prices if it goes into effect in 2012."
[Signed the AB32 revocation petition at the Tea Party - et tu?]
Daily Kos Slams 'Ultraconservative Testosterone Clubs' Called the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church
Over at the Daily Kos, the gay activist that writes under the byline "Bill in Portland, Maine" (I'd prefer Boogers of Change) slammed both the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts in his regular "Cheers and Jeers" column on Thursday:
CHEERS to justice served. Let us not forget that the Catholic Church isn't the only institution owned and operated by ultra-conservatives that's getting battered with pervert accusations. There's also the Boy Scouts of America, which a jury just tied up in knots":