Friday, December 3, 2010
A Lame-Duck Congress Stuck on Stupid
The Democratic Congress is now embarked on a lame-duck session that ought to be history's last.
Russian Democracy Has Disappeared
"Russian democracy has disappeared and the government was an oligarchy run by the security services,"
Putin: Nuclear Response to Missile Defense Plans
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told CNN television that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons and "strike forces" if it were shut out of a Western missile shield, adding punch to a warning from President Dmitry Medvedev...
Turns Out Russia Is Still Russia
“The Kremlin displays scant ability or inclination to reform what one cable characterized as a ‘modern brand of authoritarianism’ accepted with resignation by the ruled,”
New START, Old Stratagem
Here we go again. President Obama is trying once again to ram a legislative initiative through Congress knowing full well that, by so doing, he is maximizing the chances that his project's defects will not become widely understood until it is too late to do much about them. Call it the pig-in-a-poke stratagem.
This time around, however, Mr. Obama is not simply trying to socialize the economy, destroy the world's finest health care system or assault the Constitution. No, at the moment he has the national security in his crosshairs - and the negative implications could make those associated with his other, domestic policy campaigns pale by comparison...
Romney Had It Right At The START
.Mitt Romney caused a furor when he wrote a Washington Post op-ed opposing the New START treaty. Democrats and liberal commentators rushed to accuse Romney of bad-faith politics, of ignorance, and of a dangerous extremism. He'll never get into the Council on Foreign Relations now.
The squealing is a sign that Romney hit his target: New START is a bad deal for the United States, and the Senate should send the administration back to the negotiating table...
What the Don't Ask Don't Tell report really says
Press coverage of the new Pentagon Don't Ask Don't Tell report suggests that large majorities of U.S. servicemen and women wouldn't mind the repeal of the military's current policy on gays. Don't believe it.
What the report actually shows is that the military is deeply divided over the policy, both between the service branches and especially between those who have served in combat and those who haven't.
Did you know that 59 percent of Marines who have served in combat say repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell would have a negative effect?
UN Proposal to Prosecute the U.S. for "Ecocide"
.Bolivia has renewed its call for the establishment of an International Tribunal for Climate Justice that would be able to sanction governments that engage in "ecocide," defined as crimes against biodiversity, nature and Mother Earth...
The Difference between ‘World Opinion’ and Left-Wing Opinion
. Here’s a challenge: Can you name one difference between what the media refer to as “world opinion” and left-wing opinion? Take all the time you need.
No matter how much time you take, you probably won’t come up with any examples. Here are examples of major world issues and what is deemed “world opinion” on them.They happen to all be leftist views as well. Hatred of Pres. George W. Bush and admiration of Pres. Barack Obama. Man-made carbon emissions lead to global warming and devastation of the environment; therefore, the world’s nations must tax carbon-based energy...
Rep. Ryan says deficit reduction plan would ‘entrench ObamaCare’
.“The plan accelerates and entrenches ObamaCare,” Ryan said. By taxing employer health plans but leaving the rest of the healthcare reform law in place, the plan presented by the chairmen of the deficit commission would push too many people into healthcare exchanges, which would balloon subsidies paid by the government...
The Littlest Victims of Obamacare
It's time for America's youth to buckle up and take a rough ride on Reality Highway. For the past two years, President Obama has promised our children the moon, stars, rainbows, unicorns and universal health care for all. But the White House Santa's cradle-to-grave entitlement mandates are a spectacularly predictable bust. (Snip) In a related development, over the past several months several insurers across California, Colorado, Ohio and Missouri have dropped child-only plans because of Obamacare-induced premium increases. Untold tens of thousands of families who purchase their plans in the private individual health market will be affected...
There Needs To Be an Insurrection’ Against GOP Leaders If They Don’t Hold Straight Vote to Repeal Obamacare
Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder and chairman of the House Tea Party Caucus, told that there will need to be an “insurrection” against the House Republican leadership if it does not hold an independent, straight up-or-down vote on repealing the entire Obamacare law that does not tie this repeal to other policy initiatives including any effort to “replace” elements of Obamacare with new federal health-care reforms...
Spain and Ireland turn to privatization
... news of the privatization plans came as it emerged that the eurozone bail-out fund will next month begin issuing debt on behalf of embattled member states...
FCC Commissioner Bashes American Media, Laments Lack of Gov’t Oversight Government
"We are not producing the body of news and information that democracy needs to conduct its civic dialogue."
[Incorrect, we're producing more of it than can be consumed - he just doesn't like all of it. He's proposing tyranny.]
Wave goodbye to Internet freedom
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to add the Internet to its portfolio of regulated industries. The agency's chairman, Julius Genachowski, announced Wednesday that he circulated draft rules he says will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet."
No statement could better reflect the gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama administration policies.
With a straight face, Mr. Genachowski suggested that government red tape will increase the "freedom" of online services that have flourished BECAUSE bureaucratic busybodies have been blocked from tinkering with the Web....
Obama administration reimposes offshore oil drilling ban
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Wednesday afternoon that the Obama administration will not allow offshore oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts as part of the next five-year drilling ban, reversing two key policy changes President Obama announced in late March...
Gas prices surge past $3.00 per gallon
Gas prices are on the rise and many stations are hitting the dreaded 3 dollar mark. One month ago the average price of unleaded in Springfield was 15 cents lower...
[Can't imagine why.]
It's ALL Cuba's oil now - who leases it to...
The United States appears to have shot itself in the foot yet again, as drilling for offshore oil near the island nation approaches next year. There is no question that the United States needs more oil. Its imports will approach 4 trillion barrels in 2010.
It is also true that, in spite of the catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill, U.S. companies have considerable expertise in offshore drilling and the U.S. government has experience in seeing that drilling is done safely and with respect for the environment.
Cuba and the countries it's sub-leasing to don't, and wouldn't care about American coastlines if the did...
[WE ARE the richest oil and gas nation in the world - yet...]
Oil Drilling Moratorium is an Act of Treason
In October, a study by the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University concluded that the reduction of shallow water oil drilling permits that followed the BP oil spill would cost 40,000 jobs in the region...
Palestinians Say They Are No Longer Bound By The Oslo Accords
... Not only does the 'Palestinian Authority' get its powers from Oslo, but Oslo is the sole basis of the 'Palestinian' claim to the Arab occupied land in Judea and Samaria.
It's why the Israelis did something no other country in the Middle East was willing to do... give the Palestinians some land to call their own.
The 'moderate' Fayyad's statements simply formalize what Yasser Arafat's former political commissar in Jerusalem, Feisal Husseini openly admitted years ago - that Oslo was simply a Trojan horse designed to deceive Israel.
Since the 'Palestinians' are no longer bound by Oslo, neither is Israel and Netanyahu should make that crystal clear immediately.
Since there's no longer a legal or practical basis for them, Israel should immediately break off the futile negotiations with the 'Palestinians and annex the Israeli controlled areas of Judea and Samaria, while moving the 'Palestinian' non-Israeli citizens to the 'Palestinian' occupied areas...
[But 'world opinion' will demand that Israel continue to abide by the accords even if their 'partner in piece' doesn't...]
Muslims warn of anarchy if Christian mother pardoned
Pakistani Muslims have threatened anarchy if the Government pardons a Christian mother sentenced to death for blasphemy, calling hundreds of protesters onto the streets. Hundreds of Muslims marched in the eastern city of Lahore after the most influential Sunni Muslim alliance in Pakistan urged the Government not to grant mother-of-five Aasia Bibi clemency...
Facebook girl held for burning Koran
A schoolgril said to have been filmed burning the Koran has been arrested on suspicion of inciting religious hatred. The 15-year-old was nicked after a video of her alleged act - watched by other pupils on school premises - was posted on Facebook...
CNN Senior Editor of Mideast Affairs Mourns Loss of 'Hezbollah Giant'
They're a militant Shiite Muslim organization defined by the U.S. government as a terrorist group, but don't tell that to CNN senior editor of Middle Eastern affairs, Octavia Nasr...
Illegals Are Breaking the Bank
A Mexican-based financial company is forecasting $22 billion in remittances for 2010 making it Mexico’s second highest revenue maker behind crude oil....
Not only are we not recirculating billions of U.S. dollars earned in our country back into our own economy, we are also dolling out tens of billions taxpayer-funded social services to millions who don’t contribute to the system.
Oakland immigrant ID cards to work as debit cards
[So naturally, in California...]
Oakland is poised to join a handful of cities in creating a municipal identification card that is touted primarily as a way for illegal aliens to prove their identity. But unlike programs in other locales, Oakland's plan will be the first in the nation to create an alternative banking system for them...