Thursday, February 11, 2010
POLL: 63% Say Better for Country If Most of Congress Not Reelected
Subject: txt 2010 -
Just 19% disagree and say it would be better if most congressional incumbents were reelected. Another 18% aren’t sure.
Only 38% of all voters say their local representative in Congress deserves to be reelected, regardless of how Congress is doing overall. Thirty nine percent (39%) say their representative does not deserve reelection. Twenty-three percent (23%) are undecided.
Eighty-two percent (82%) of Republicans and 74% of voters not affiliated with either major party believe an electoral loss by most congressional incumbents would be better for the country.
Perhaps it’s no surprise with Democrats in control of both houses of Congress that Democratic voters are narrowly divided on the question.READ MORE
The Right of Recall
Subject: txt 2010 -
Congress is out of control. The public overwhelming opposes a government takedover of our health care. But Congressional leaders are telling us they don’t care – that they know best, and they’re going to pass it anyway.And we are getting the same attitude on other issues, from global warming regulation, to taxes, government spending, deficits, federal debt, energy policy, welfare, corporate bailouts, and beyond...
Information War:
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias -
The tea parties are over? That's what Obama's labor union allies want us to believe. Apparently they are so alarmed that citizens have taken to the streets to voice their outrage at the corruption of Obama's leftist political allies in DC they are funding a web site dedicated to countering the popular tea party movement.
Can't have citizens taking back the political power that rightfully belongs in the hands of "progressive" elites can we?
Their site clearly outlines their strategy:
"Our Strategy is simple. This movement is a fad.Some of their ideas include the belief that programs like Social Security and Medicare are socialistic and should never have been created in the first place and that President Obama is a Socialist."
The site is "Paid for and approved by American Public Policy Committee," an organization funded by the very same unions that have Obama and his Chicago cabal in their hip pockets.
Open Secrets.Org reveals that the American Public Policy Committee is a Union political front group funded by other Union groups, the Patriot Majority and the Patriot Majority West. Just look at who funded the Patriot Majority in 2008:
- American Federation of St/Cnty/Munic Employees (AFSCME) $5,800,000
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU) $770,000
- Change to Win $500,000
- Patriot Majority West $300,000
- Communications Workers of America $300,000
- Teamsters Union $250,000
- Patriot Majority Midwest $161,000
- United Food & Commercial Workers Union $125,000
- Bauman Foundation $25,000
- American Affordable Health Care $11,874
- Oklahoma Freedom Fund $10,469
- Pennsylvania AFL-CIO $6,500
- Bluegrass Freedom Fund $5,000
- Public Security Now $920
- American Public Policy Cmte $861
The Patriot Majority is a "527" that receives its funding from political organizations, unions, foundations, individuals, think-tanks and advocacy groups in a convoluted and incestuous network that funnels many millions of dollars into leftist causes, some of it taxpayers dollars appropriated by democrats in congress and laundered through a rats-warren of organizations, all while presenting the façade of community and citizen's action.
Needless to say they groups are overwhelmingly invested in Obama's socialist agenda. In this funding shell game front groups and union conglomerates funnel money into each other and allied groups.
For example, Change-to-Win is an umbrella organization for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the United Farm Workers of America (UFW), and United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW).
Effectively the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) can contribute to the American Public Policy Committee through the Patriot Majority and groups like the "The Tea Party Is Over" site multiple times.
"The Tea Party Is Over" site is one of many sites funded in this fashion.
Like everything else the Democratic Party does, it is a deception designed to influence and shape the public psyche in an information war most Americans do not realize is even going on...
[Recommended > ]
Anti-Tea Party Web Site Part of Scheme to Funnel Funds.
A seemingly grassroots organization that's mounted an online campaign to counter the tea party movement is actually the front end of an elaborate scheme that funnels funds -- including sizable labor union contributions -- through the offices of a prominent Democratic party lawyer.
It’s the Constitution, Stupid: What the Tea-Partiers Really Want
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty -
While the media tries to marginalize the movement and make it seem insignificant, racist, divisive, angry, trivial, and mean—-the Tea Party movement rolls on. Democrats will twist and turn on a roller-coaster ride of definitions before they ever find the answer. If they really want the answer, I’ll give it to them again in case I wasn’t clear:
Don’t we all want that? Shouldn’t we all want that? Occasionally you will hear Democrats talk about their love for the Constitution, but were that the case, they would join hands with the patriots of the Tea Party movement and demand that we begin the long road back to our founding documents. For the last 100 years we have made a strong left turn from those documents, and it’s time to correct it.
Those at the Tea Party rallies may not all be Ivy League grads, or brilliant enough to be on those dazzling, luminous, Sunday talk shows, but they are smart enough to know which political party represents a return to the Constitution right now. It’s that party they will support in 2010. It’s that party they supported in elections in Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey.
If Democrats and their complicit old-media cronies are not smart enough to figure out which party that is, then they’ll sit there at the round table on the Sunday shows this November and wonder what hit them and again, not get it right.
You’ve got to think that if they had Sunday shows in 1773, the British would’ve done the same thing.
Tea Parties: Not Just For Scaring Democrats
Subject: txt 2010 -
If one needs further evidence that the tea party movement is not just opposed to Democrats but to establishment politicians in general, look no further than the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary, set for March 2.
Tea party activist Debra Medina is surging, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey.
Medina has the support of 24% of Texas Republicans polled, only slightly behind Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson...
John McCain, Ron Paul Face Unexpected Conservative Fire in Primaries
Subject: txt 2010 gdd -
As the Tea Party movement tries to organize itself ahead of the upcoming 2010 elections, no incumbent appears to be safe -- even Republican party stalwarts like former GOP presidential candidates Sen. John McCain and Rep. Ron Paul. Conservative J.D. Hayworth, a former GOP congressman and until recently a conservative talk radio host, will formally announce next week that he will challenge McCain in the Republican primary...
['Unexpected' by whom??? Are they tone deaf? {rhetorical I guess}]
Good Morning America Reports 'Poll Stunner: GOP Favored'
[Ah, it's our professional media that's being blind-sided by all this -- how surprising.]
"Good Morning America" Wednesday broke the news about a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finding Republicans now favored over Democrats in the upcoming Congressional elections in November.
"Republicans are in a dramatically improved position for the midterm elections," said Jake Tapper. "They are much more competitive with Democrats and the President as to who the public trusts to handle key issues."
Tapper, with some help from co-host George Stephanopoulos, then walked viewers through some of the numbers (video embedded below the fold with poll highlights, h/t Glenn Reynolds):
Obama's Miranda Madness
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
A Senate Intelligence Committee staffer says that in recent updates to the committee, and in briefing individual Senators, national security and national intelligence officials have indicated that they have gained ''no actionable intelligence'' from interviews with the so-called ''Christmas Day'' or ''underwear bomber,'' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
This, after White House officials had told reporters that Abdulmutallab was cooperating with law enforcement and national intelligence officials, and that the information was helpful...
Christian in Egypt: ‘They Try to Kill Us’
Subject: txt islm -
Egyptian Maher El-Gowhary and his 15 year old daughter Dina never pray twice at the same church, never stay longer than a month in any one apartment. They are constantly under threat, always on the run because they converted to Christianity in a largely Muslim country.
They tell their story out of fear and desperation. Born Muslims they chose to convert to the Christian Church after both claim they had religious visions.
"Muslims try to kill us, and will kill us if they find us."
Menace in mad march of the thought police
Subject: txt lbrty libs islm -
The dark spectre of illiberalism is slowly poisoning Western liberal democracies. You won't hear about it from much of the left-liberal press. It is part of the problem and its silence only confirms that basic liberties integral to Western liberal democracies are under threat. That is why you may not have heard about the trial of Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is being prosecuted under hate laws in The Netherlands for his opinions.
And don't for a moment imagine that America is immune from this menace to democracy.
In a trial that began last month, Wilders is being prosecuted for offending a "group of people"; Muslims. The summons describes scenes from his film Fitna as reason enough to put the leader of the Freedom Party in prison for up to two years.
In a sign of how twisted our Western antennae have become, the violence incited by Fitna is not against Muslims. Instead the film shows footage of Muslims preaching violence against the West.
Yet it's Wilders on trial for his opinions...
The Railroading of Geert Wilders
Subject: txt intl lbrty islm owg - libs - The Stalinist-show-trial aspect of the Geert Wilders “hate speech” trial in the Netherlands was thrown into sharp relief last week when the Amsterdam District Court refused to allow Wilders to call fifteen of the eighteen witnesses he had hoped to bring forward in his defense.
Wilders in response was characteristically direct:
“This Court is not interested in the truth. This Court doesn’t want me to have a fair trial. I can’t have any respect for this. This Court would not be out of place in a dictatorship.”
This decision indicates the hollowness of Dutch justice and the court’s bias against Wilders. For some who would have been Wilders’s most effective witnesses were disallowed. He had wanted to call Mohammed Bouyeri, the murderer of Theo Van Gogh.
Why Bouyeri? Wilders, in the bizarre inquisition that has replaced justice in the Dutch courts, is accused of 'offending' Muslims by pointing out that [some] Muslims invoke the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example to justify violence.
However, Bouyeri quoted the Qur’an in the note threatening Wilders and others that he stabbed into Van Gogh’s body, and invoked the Qur’an repeatedly during his trial as well.
“Kill them, and Allah will help you and guide your hand,”
Bouyeri would have proven Wilders’ point immediately: he is simply telling the truth about how Islamic teachings incite all too many Muslims to violence.
But evidently telling the truth is now illegal in the Netherlands...
see for yourself what NOW qualifies as 'hate speech' ... >
Increasing Government Power Threatens Freedom
Subject: txt lbrty bbro sclm -
Government is taking us a long way down the Road to Serfdom.
That doesn't just mean that more of us must work for the government. It means that we are changing from independent, self-responsible people into a submissive flock.
The welfare state kills the creative spirit. F.A. Hayek, an Austrian economist living in Britain, wrote "The Road to Serfdom" in 1944 as a warning that central economic planning would extinguish freedom.
Hayek meant that governments can't plan economies without planning people's lives. After all, an economy is just individuals engaging in exchanges.
The scientific-sounding language of President Obama's economic planning hides the fact that people must shelve their own plans in favor of government's single plan....
Poll: Majority of Americans Support Cutting Size of Government Workforce
Subject: txt sclm mny bbro -
A Rasmussen Reports poll shows that 58 percent of Americans support cutting the size of the government workforce to reduce the deficit, while 22 percent oppose the idea and 19 percent are “not sure.”
The Feb. 5 poll also found that 51 percent support cutting pay for non-military government employees, while 32 percent opposed the idea and 17 percent are not sure.
Our King of Big Government Suggests We Need Another New Agency
Subject: txt grn bbro sclm lbrty -
HE's at it again.
He's has found another new scheme to fondle and nurture into a budget busting, economy depressing, deficit and national debt obesity to strangle our children and our children’s children for decades to come.
It’s his own personal Global Warming Agency; right here in RiverCity (Potomac?). Move over Al Gore you will be outguessed on the rise or fall of temperatures by none other than the Messiah of the new millennium, Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Obama.
Just what we really DID NOT need; our very own collection of liars, cheats and mis-directed pseudo-scientists conjuring up specters of horror of rising seas and shrinking icebergs, not to mention wild and crazy computers that send out false messages and then make the data disappear...
AccuWeather's Bastarhttp: Warns New Federal Climate Service Effort to 'Shut Down' Debate
Subject: txt grn lbrty bbro -
Time after time, the Obama White House has demonstrated a desire to control the message and flow of information, whether it's issues on health care, the economy, bailouts and the latest - climate science.
With cap-and-trade legislation waiting in the wings that would come at an estimated cost of up to $200 billion, or $1,761 per household, according to the Treasury Department, the federal government recently announced a new service to "help businesses adapt to the impact of climate change."
But's chief long-range and hurricane forecaster Joe Bastardi, who appeared on the Fox Business Network's Feb. 9 "Cavuto," warned there are other implications with the government having an expanded role in climate forecasting.
According to Bastardi, it could lead to an effort to shut out other opinions...
[YA THINK? That's its purpose: our own national IPCC to push the scam through despite its being completely exposed as fraudulent...]
Utah Legislature: House formally questions global warming
SALT LAKE CITY — With most Democrats voting no, the Utah House approved a resolution Tuesday that questions global warming while asking the federal government not to proceed with "cap-and-trade" legislation or CO2 regulation.
Sponsor Rep. Kerry Gibson, R-Ogden, a dairy farmer, agreed to have his HJR12 amended to take out some inflammatory wording, like calling global warming and those who advocate it guilty of "tricks," and a "conspiracy" and "flawed" research.
"through inaccurate data and a general type of hysteria, the public has been pushed to make improper judgments, he said. And adopting CO2 cap and trade would be a diabolical mistake. Such action is really "an energy tax" that will harm all Americans, harm jobs in this country and likely have no effect on global warming..."
HJR12 passed 56-17 and now goes to the Senate for consideration....