Thursday, March 18, 2010
The GOP health care count: 209 no, 204 yes,18 undecided
There are two ways to count votes for the Democrats' national health care plan. The first is to tally the lawmakers who are definitely yes or leaning yes. The second is to count the ones who are definitely no and leaning no. From the Republican side, it's the second group that matters. Just like Democrats need 216 votes to pass the bill, Republicans and their Democratic allies need 216 to stop it....
GOP lawmakers, candidates pledge to repeal health-care legislation
Even as House Democrats search for the votes to send a health-care reform bill to President Obama, dozens of Republican lawmakers and candidates have signed a pledge to back an effort to repeal the measure, should the GOP take control of either chamber of Congress after this fall's elections.
[I guess it's the Republicans turn to deceive us: if this passes the Republicans won't have, after the best election imaginable, the votes to undo it - this monsters got to be aborted before it ever sees the light of day.]
Huge Student Loan Overhaul Set To Be Tacked Onto Health Care Reform
Subject: txt hcare edu -
Before the House Budget Committee began its mark-up of the health care legislation, Chairman John Spratt (D-S.C.) explained that the 2010 Budget Resolution that passed the House last April instructed the House to pass a reconciliation bill with health care reform and education reforms in one package this year.
"It will result in landmark investments in higher education"
The other reconciliation outrage
...They want to nationalize another sector of the economy, taking over student loans. Review and Outlook of the Wall Street Journal reports:
The Democratic plan is to make this public option the only option mere days before colleges send out their financial aid packages to incoming students. The House and Senate budget committees issued instructions last year to look for savings in the student-lending program, so the Democrats have prepared in advance their excuse to jam these changes through the reconciliation process.So in the future, the government will become the sole source of education loans...
READ MOREBeware of Democrats' OTHER Public Option
If you thought the health care public option was bad, get a load of this: the student loan legislation does not just set up a government-run option for student lending, the bill makes the government the only option.
It promises to bring complete federalization of the student loan process to a private marketplace.
Tea Partiers Rally on Capitol Hill in Opposition to Health Care Bill
Subject: txt 1st hcare 2010 lbrty -
Tea Party activists from across the country rallied outside Democratic congressional offices in Washington to protest the $875 billion health care bill and demand meetings with their respective members of Congress.
"Tens of thousands of conservative and Tea Party activists were on the Hill as part of what they are dubbing a 'Surge Against Obamacare,"
And by all appearances, their arrival is not being taken lightly...
New Jersey Court OKs Tea Party Group's Petition to Oust Senator
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty -
A New Jersey appeals court ruled Tuesday that a conservative tea party group should have the right to try to throw a U.S. senator out of office.The three-judge panel initially ordered New Jersey's Secretary of State to accept a petition from the group seeking to recall Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez. But the court also issued a stay because the case was certain to be appealed...
The Coffee Party Con
Subject: txt msm bias crpt 2010 lbrty -
The new and much-publicized Coffee Party movement sports a fairy tale narrative about being a spontaneous uprising of concerned Americans appalled at the Tea Parties, and determined to restore civility.The truth, easily researchable on the internet, is that plenty of left wing establishment fingerprints are all over the birth of this supposedly spur-of-the-moment operation.
Unlike the early Tea Party movement, the Coffee Party already has gotten an awful lot of favorable attention from the liberal media, especially given it has no real message or track record...
What Bias? re NYT: Sees Hope in Coffee Party
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm =After ignoring the Tea Party movement for two months, it took the New York Times just one week to jump on the leftish "Coffee Party" in a report by Kate Zernike criticized by Times Watch and others for its gushing tone and for failing to identify the new group as a left-wing opponent of the Tea Party protesters...
Media Attempt to Brand Tea Parties Racist
Subject: txt lbrty 2010 msm bias bdd vals -
As a black proud Tea Party patriot, I am extremely offended by MSNBC TV show host Dylan Ratigan's baseless accusation that the Tea Party Movement (my white brother and sister fellow patriots) embraces Nazis and racists. Ratigan's attack epitomizes the liberal media's commitment to protect Obama and his radical agenda at all costs. They have a genuine disdain for freedom, capitalism and We The People. No tactic is too low...
What Bias? Re: NBC's Idea of Balance: Dem Voices Outnumber GOP 4 to 1
Subject: txt hcare msm =NBC's Savannah Guthrie gave little time to the GOP view on health care, on Monday's Today, as the reporter offered only one soundbite to a Republican compared to four Democrats in favor of the health care bill in a 'report' headlined: "One More Last Chance, Will Democrats Pass Health Care Reform This Week?"
Gates' Bad Bet on F-35
Subject: txt nsec -
When Defense Secretary Robert Gates rankled the Air Force's fighter fraternity by terminating the top-line F-22 Raptor, he tried to sooth the hurt by promoting the slower, less-capable F-35 as a good fill-in.
The risk in Gates' decision is hammered home by this stark fact: the Air Force estimates it could be short 800 fighter-bombers by 2024...
We Need Bothbject: txt nsec =
The F-22 can outrun, outclimb, and outmaneuver any fighter, but the F-35 is the first ever designed to replace four existing aircraft...
READ MORETrillions for pork but nothing for the Raptors?
“Every plan, every contingency, assumes we'll control the skies”
Congress needs to step in and step up production of the F-22 and of the components of missile defense. We already have too many reminders of the ‘30s. A unilateral disarmament in air power is an unnecessary and dangerous addition to them.
Obama Heads the Most Anti-Israel Administration in U.S. History
Subject: txt israel -
Remember, last June, when President Obama told reporters that it was “not productive” for the U.S. to be “meddling” in the affairs of a certain Middle Eastern country? Obama’s diplomatic deference inaugurated six months of silence after Iran’s sham elections. By the time the White House got around to “strongly condemn[ing]” the bloody crackdown against protestors, the nascent “green revolution” was in retreat, and Iran’s maniacal president – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- was bragging about how close he was to wiping Israel off the map...
Democrats begin to criticize Obama on Israel
Subject: txt israel -
Democrats have begun to criticize the Obama administration's stern stance toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Out of patients with the White House's outrage, Democratic critics have begun to question the White House's public pressure on Netanyahu to reverse plans for controversial new housing and make other, unspecified concessions...
Palin to Obama: Hit the "Reset" Button with Israel
Subject: txt israel -Now this is what you call bipartisanship. Hopefully all of those Democrats criticizing the Obama administration's hostility toward Israel don't instinctually flip once they see Palin echoing their words: The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons.
And who is Obama publicly critical of?
Subject: txt grn owg -A new study, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) refutes a claim in the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report that up to 40 percent of the Amazon rainforest might disappear imminently.
According to the IPCC's assessment, this disaster would be triggered by a relatively slight drop in rainfall of the sort to be expected in a warming world. It now appears that just such conditions have already occurred, and in fact, the Amazonian jungles were unaffected.
That assertion has already been exposed as derived from a single report by the environmentalist lobby group WWF. According to Dr. Jose Marengo, a climate scientist with the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research and also a member of the IPCC:
- The way the WWF report calculated this 40 percent was totally wrong, while the new calculations are by far more reliable and correct.
- These calculations were done by researchers at Boston University and were published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.
- They used satellite data to study the drought of 2005, when rainfall fell to the lowest in living memory, and found that the rainforest suffered no significant effects.
According to NASA-funded scientists analyzing the past decades of satellite imagery of the Amazon basin:
- The rainforests are remarkably resilient to droughts.
- Even during the 100-year-peak dry season of 2005 the jungles were basically unaffected.
"We found no big differences in the greenness level of these forests between drought and nondrought years,"
says Arindam Samanta of Boston University, lead author of the new study.
U.N. Climate Envoy: Shift Climate Talks From U.N.
Subject: txt grn owg - The United Nations may not be the best forum for global climate treaty talks after the Copenhagen collapse, said a top U.N. climate envoy. After failing for years to reach a deal among 200 countries, negotiations will shift to more informal talks among a smaller number of key nations in a “double-track system,” said special U.N. envoy Gro Harlem Brundtland on Tuesday.
[I.e., more behind-closed-doors deal making than open/transparent discourse...]
Oil Execs Chortle as Obama Admin Promotes 'Renewables'
Subject: txt engry -
Renewable energy is being praised in Washington, but it is generating snickers here in the nation's traditional energy capital, where oil, gas and utility leaders are gathered for a major industry conference.
"After all, there are only so many places where massive development is economical and publicly acceptable, and only so much government funding to subsidize the renewable sources."
Al-Falih said too much focus on renewables could diminish the investment needed to continue producing traditional fuels and create a "green bubble" with catastrophic monetary results...
Class Conflict in Obama's America
Subject: txt crpt sclm -
Marxists have long stated that class conflict exists between workers and the owners of capital.
But today's biggest class conflict is between privileged government workers and the citizens they purportedly serve...
The Truth About Progressives
Subject: txt sclm lbrty -
To fully understand the progressive movement and their current rush to grab one-sixth of the US economy via unconstitutional federal health care mandates, one must follow the trail that leads from the Maoist Movement of the 60s that started in Berkley California, and the Marxist Movement that has culminated in the joint venture between the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA, today’s Democratic Socialists of America.
You do not have to believe what I tell you in this column. But if you study the sources linked in this column, no reasonable mind can come to any other conclusion.
These are NOT your grandparents’ Democrats.
Information is power. If most Americans were aware of all that is presented in this column, they would know exactly what to do to save their Constitutional Republic, while they still can...
Dodds Mainstreet Punishment Bill
Subject: txt bbro mnyWith the focus this week on health care’s “home stretch” and concerns about government limiting the ability of ordinary Americans to make choices about medical treatment, another threat to freedom is accelerating that could harm Americans’ abilities to start a business, invest for retirement, and get affordable home and auto insurance policies. On Monday, after abruptly shutting down earnest negotiations between Senate Republicans, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd wannounced a partisan so-called financial regulatory reform bill that he will try to ram through his committee within a week.
And this 1336-page bill will do nothing to put restrictions on two entities that were proximate causes of the housing bubble, the government-sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and instead hit Main Street businesses and entrepreneurial firms that had nothing to do with the crisis. The bill’s specific provisions would penalize the corporate structure of public companies from Google to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, tax prudent banks stable home and auto insurers and their policy holders to pay for the bailout of the next Lehman or AIG, depress revenues from incorporation fees in Sen. Harry Reid’s Nevada and Vice President Biden’s Delaware by federalizing corporate governance laws, and put thousands of retailers who issue gift cards or even offer layaway plans under a new Federal Reserve bureaucracy to regulate credit.
Here are the highlights of some of most destructive provisions for the freedom of entrepreneurs, investors and consumers...
What Bias? Re: '60 Minutes' Silent on Government Role in Financial Crisis
Subject: txt mny msm =
"He dug into the idiocy and negligence that produced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression," Steve Kroft opened a segment of the March 14 CBS "60 Minutes,"
If Lewis "dug into the idiocy and negligence," he did so selectively - or that's what viewers could conclude from the long "60 Minutes" report, which concerned itself with how "some of Wall Street's smartest minds managed to destroy $1.75 trillion of wealth in the sub-prime mortgage markets."
But somehow, in a 24-minute report about the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, nobody ever said where all the bad loans originated...
[Now that's professional journalism.]
El Paso DEA chief calls for tough response on border
Subject: txt immig - Former
As the rest of the nation reels from the shock of having American consulate employees and family members cut down in the Mexican drug war in Juarez, for former Dallas DEA chief Phil Jordan, it's almost déjà vu.
“My brother innocently was murdered in El Paso in a carjacking engineered by the Juarez cartel,”
Jordan said. That was in the 90s, when, he said, the cartels were trying to send a message.
Now, he feels, they are doing it again...
Chicago the hub for Mexico cartel?
Subject: txt immig -
A man described by authorities as a high-ranking leader of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel pleaded not guilty Tuesday to wide-ranging drug conspiracy charges that accuse him of helping bring in tons of cocaine and heroin to Chicago, New York, New Jersey and California.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Chicago, say that the conspiracy brought drugs from South America and Central America to the interior of Mexico and that the drugs were then transported to Chicago, which was used as a distribution point for the rest of the country...
Immigration Reform: Terrorists Have Applied for Green Cards
Subject: txt immig gwot - nsec -Last Thursday President Obama, whose commitment to comprehensive immigration reform is “unwavering,” met with Sen. Chuck Schumer D-N.Y. and Sen. Lindsey Graham R- S.C. to discuss a proposed bill to 'fix' the broken immigration system.
While the details remain 'elusive', according to the Los Angles Times:
“The basis of a bill would include a path toward citizenship for the 10 [to 20] million people living in the U.S. illegally"...
Audit finds US census preparations wasted millions
Subject: txt bbro sclm fnn -
[Having just received my letter informing me to expect a letter next week I'm shocked to learn of this government inefficiency.
Health 'care' anyone?]
Witches and Jedis put hex on UK censusThe 2011 census is likely to be Britain’s last following concerns that the 209-year-old survey is unable to cope with the nation’s rapidly changing population — and respondents’ lies.
In 2001 — the first time a voluntary question was asked about faith — almost 400,000 people took inspiration from the Star Wars films to claim that their religion was “Jedi”...