Subject: txt intl china iran - What Would Make China Budge on Iran
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
POLL: voters abandoning prez in droves
Subject: txt 2010 1st libs oby =WASHINGTON -- President Obama's overall approval rating has sunk to a new low -- and independent voters who propelled him to the White House have gotten downright sick of the job he's doing, according to a devastating poll released yesterday.
Obama's job-approval rating has tanked to a dismal 29 percent among independents, the Marist College survey found. His disapproval rating is nearly twice as high -- 57 percent.
Senate Rejects Obama's Labor Board Nominee
Subject: txt trade crpt -The Senate blocked President Obama's nominee for the National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday, as Democrats fell short of the 60 votes needed to break a Republican-led filibuster.
Two Democrats, Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Ben Nelson of Nebraska, broke with their party to vote against Craig Becker in the key procedural vote, which failed 52-33...
Brown opposes Obama nominee in first big vote
Subject: txt crpt bbro sclm libs -
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) cast his first major vote today, helping Republicans maintain a filibuster against President Obama's nominee to the National Labor Relations Board. Brown opposed ending debate on the nomination of Craig Becker, a former lawyer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) who has received stiff opposition from business groups...
[Nice, but don't get your hopes too high: Mr. Brown still thinks it's perfectly OK to insert government into 'social' (engineered) matters.]
White House website attacks the filibuster
Subject: txt 1st 2010 crpt libs fnn -
Someone call a doctor. There are serious problems with our president's memory
It was perfectly OK when Obama was a senator. Nobody minded much when the filibuster was used to block Bush nominees or GOP sponsored bills.
The difference is that Democrats only used the filibuster to block bad policy and people. How can anyone say that about health care reform? ...
Actually, if Mr. Pfeiffer had turned and asked Senator Robert Byrd what the filibuster was for, I'm sure the former Kleagle for the Klu Klux Klan would have been happy to tell him about the time back in 1964 when he and his fellow southern Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act.
The idea that the reason Byrd utilized the gambit to "try and reach bi-partisan consensus" would no doubt come as news to the West Virginia senator. They thought they were trying to kill bad legislation and keep Jim Crow alive.
So much for "focusing on things" that matter to the American people.
Anti-Tea Party Web Site Part of Scheme to Funnel Funds
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm libs lbrty -
A seemingly grassroots organization that's mounted an online campaign to counter the tea party movement is actually the front end of an elaborate scheme that funnels funds -- including sizable labor union contributions -- through the offices of a prominent Democratic party lawyer.A Web site popped up in January dedicated to preventing the tea party's "radical" and "dangerous" ideas from "gaining legislative traction," targeting GOP candidates in Illinois for the firing squad...
Italian Embassy in Iran attacked by of protesters
Subject: txt nsec gwot iran -
About 100 Iranians protested Tuesday in front of the Italian embassy in Teheran, shouting ''Death to Italy, Death to Berlusconi, '' Italy's foreign minister said. Protests were also held outside the French and Dutch embassies. The protests came a week after Premier Silvio Berlusconi announced — in Israel — that Italy was scaling back its economic dealings with Iran and wanted tighter sanctions against the Teheran leadership...
Obama says US developing new sanctions for Iran
Subject: txt china iran owg nsec -
WASHINGTON- President Barack Obama said Tuesday that Iran remains on an "unacceptable" path to nuclear weapons, despite its denials, and that the U.S. and like-minded countries will soon produce a set of punishing sanctions against the Islamic republic..
China Won't Budge on Iran
Subject: txt intl china iran -
Tuesday, after Iran ratcheted up its uranium-enrichment program—elevating the purity of its enriched product to 20 percent— but Beijing continued its calls to continue negotiations.
"To talk about sanctions at the moment will complicate the situation and might stand in the way of finding a diplomatic solution,"
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said at a conference in Europe...
[And this communist dictatorship has veto power within the UN's 'security' council.
Worse than worthless.]
READ MOREimage toon gwot iran - Oby warning Iran of consequences come 2010
You Don’t Have to Be a Harvard Think Tank
Subject: txt gwot nsec - intl -
In a significant paper at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Jeffrey White and Loring White discuss the results of war games on the Iranian nuclear program conducted by three think tanks — at Harvard, Tel Aviv University, and the Brookings Institute — all of which ended in defeats for the U.S. and Israel. The common results were:
- The United States did not obtain meaningful cooperation from other countries.
- Sanctions did not seem to work.
- The United States was unwilling to use military force or support Israeli military action even after other measures failed.
- U.S.-Israeli relations deteriorated dramatically.
- Iran continued toward a nuclear weapons capability.
The paper concludes that the U.S. needs to “play” much differently in the coming months if it wants to avoid those results, and time “is running out.”
The signals sent by the State Department since the expiration of Obama’s “deadline” have only reinforced the sense that the administration has no Plan B. On January 12, the department spokesman emphasized that recourse to the “pressure track” would be “a very long process,” starting with discussions of “ideas that any of the [P-5+1] partners have on how we can get Iran to live up its international obligations.”
The “discussions” have largely been phone calls, since the administration cannot get the Chinese to send their political director to a meeting...
China officers urge economic punch against ... U.S.
Subject: txt intl trade nsec china -
Beijing - Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country boost defense spending, adjust PLA deployments, and possibly sell some U.S. bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan, said Major Generals Zhu Chenghu and Luo Yuan and Senior Colonel Ke Chunqiao in interviews published Monday...
George Stephanopoulos Coos: Murtha Made Congress ‘Work,’ Skips Smear on Marines
Subject: txt crpt msm bias bdd heroes nsec gwot -
George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday became emotional over the passing of John Murtha, named by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington as one of Congress’ most corrupt politicians.
George positively cooed,
"And he did it with such a sense of joy and fun and he taught me an awful lot."
Stephanopoulos skipped the following quote from Murtha in May of 2006 about a supposed massacre in Haditha, Iraq:
"Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood."
NBC’s Today also ignored this part of the Congressman’s history and the fact that the Marines involved have been acquitted...
Another bogus prosecution of our soldiers nixed
Subject: txt gwot nsec heroes -
Once again, it appears the military has brought a meritless case against our troops, accusing them of wrongdoing on very flimsy evidence
The military has canceled the deposition of an alleged terrorist mastermind who claimed that he was assaulted by the military following his capture last year.
The law firm Puckett and Faraj, representing Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe, made the announcement on Sunday.
Big Government's Big Shortfall
Subject: txt mny bbro sclm bdd vals -
In all the recent reports, speeches and news conferences concerning the federal budget outlook -- including the administration's proposed budget for 2011 -- hardly anyone has posed these crucial questions: what should the federal government do and why; and who should pay? We ought to go back to first principles of defining a desirable role for government and abandon the expedient of assuming that anyone receiving a federal benefit is morally entitled to it merely because its been received before...
Evidence is now flooding in from both America and England that obesity is the epidemic that never was...
Two studies produced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association -- one about obesity in children and adolescents, and the other about adult obesity -- completely refute the claims of an obesity epidemic.
The study of children and adolescents looked at the body mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents over five time periods between 1999 and 2008, the decade during which child obesity was widely described as America's preeminent public health problem.
The results are striking:
- During none of the five periods was there a statistically significant trend, except for boys at the highest BMI levels.
- In other words, if there was a spike in obesity, it was confined to a very small number of very obese boys.
What about the adult "couch potato" generation? Here, again, the results put the lie to claims of an obesity tsunami. In the study of adults, the researchers also looked at obesity trends over the past decade:
- For women, there were no statistically significant changes in obesity prevalence over the entire decade, while for men there were no prevalence differences during the last five years of the decade.
Clearly, governments' current course of draconian regulatory treatment seeks to cure an illusory disease. The nanny state's infatuation with an obesity epidemic that does not exist is a searing indictment of the perverting effect of government involvement in what should be scientific - not social/political - issues...
[Remember: once we buy in to the misguided notion that government exists to fix our problems, every 'problem' identified represents a money-making proposition...]
Obama Signs Memorandum on Childhood Obesity
Subject: txt bdd vals sclm bbro lbrty - 'It’s Done, Honey':
In the Oval Office this morning, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum in conjunction with his wife’s launch of a nationwide campaign to tackle childhood obesity...
[Cost? One Billion dollars added to the Education department's budget to 'fund' the 'initiative'. Another problem handled by government, another billion dollars of our money squandered.]
Recession chugs on, except in government
Subject: txt mny - bbro sclm - lbrty - White House apologists were quick to point to the unemployment rate decline from 10 percent to 9.7 percent as evidence that the recovery is gathering momentum and that President Obama's policies -- especially his $787 billion economic stimulus bill Congress approved last February -- are "working."
But the back story behind the figures provides cold comfort.
First, the drop to 9.7 percent unemployment does not reflect the creation of new jobs that normally accompanies an economic recovery. The number of new jobs is actually declining...
When he signed the economic stimulus, Obama promised the bill would bolster the economy sufficiently to keep unemployment below 8.0 percent. But the unemployment rate has exceeded 8.0 percent since last fall, and total employment stands at only 129.5 million.
The stimulus has been a bust...
[So by all means let's do it again...]
Obama 'jobs plan' [Stimulus-2] is as fatally flawed as was his Stimulus plan
Subject: txt mny -
President Obama, in his weekly radio address Saturday (2-6-10) called for Congress to immediately pass his "jobs bill." He did so as 20,000 more jobs were lost in January and the government revised the 2009 jobs data showing that 8.4 million jobs have been lost since 2008, and even more since Democrats took control of both houses of Congress in 2006...
Every dollar of taxes the Federal government collects is a dollar that businesses no longer have to grow their business. Then when the government spends that dollar for something that will not produce as much economic productivity as the business would have produced, had it not had to pay that dollar in taxes, you have a net loss. And that is exactly what has been happening and will happen even more as the "Bush tax cuts" expire...
So what's a better idea?
The better idea, first and foremost, is for the President and Congress to cut government spending. That would be both symbolic and substantive...
Wind energy job growth isn't blowing anyone away
“But even though a record 10,000 megawatts of new generating capacity came on line, few jobs were created overall and wind power manufacturing employment, in particular, fell -- a setback for President Obama's pledge to create millions of green jobs"...