Monday, November 23, 2009
Flashback: Year Ago MSNBC Riveted by Palin's Turkey 'Carnage'
Subject: txt msm bias bdd fnn - 1st -
One year ago one week before Thanksgiving -- MSNBC ridiculously plastered “BREAKING NEWS” on-screen for video of Sarah Palin at a turkey farm just after pardoning one, running more than three minutes of video of some turkeys being slaughtered by a man in the background behind her. Palin, then just weeks off the presidential campaign trail, was simply answering questions from reporters in her role as Governor of Alaska.
Filling in as host of Countdown, David Shuster scolded Palin:
“She neglected to notice what was happening directly behind her -- in clear view of the television cameras. We've blurred out the goriest parts, but here's her interview, from start to finish.”
As the video ran, MSNBC displayed rotating chyrons with hyperbolic declarations, such as:
[Ever tried to eat a live turkey? Very messy.]
[They thought that was carnage?]
image toon - 1st fnn gdd 2010 = Palin line spells 2012
Foreign Policy Magazine: Ft. Hood Happened Because Muslims Aren’t 'Comfortable'
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm msm bias bdd vals =
On Nov. 18, Foreign Policy's Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson wrote an article titled "The Real Shock of Fort Hood."
If you thought that the shock of Fort Hood was that an Army Major fired over 100 rounds into a crowded processing center on a military base - killing 13 and wounding 29 - you're wrong.
"It's not that the massacre occurred," said the article. "It's that it hadn't occurred before."
According to Simon and Stevenson, Major Nidal Malik Hasan was simply another American Muslim that was the victim of "innumerable stresses, including discrimination and the strain of divided loyalties in their country's eight-year-long war against Muslims in the Middle East and Central Asia."
The authors argued that such circumstances would be
"enough to inspire conflict in the minds of even the most patriotic of American Muslims in the U.S." So much so that it should be "no surprise" that "one unstable member of this community finally erupted in violence."
It's our fault.
Americans aren't making Muslims "comfortable." And the article specifically cited "Christian right-wing rhetoric" as a catalyst in the "Muslim alienation" which led to Hasan's shooting spree...
READ MOREimage toon - gwot nsec = Ft Hood soldier didn't see terrorist sign
Silence on Islam Kills, from Hassan to Honor Killings
Subject: txt islm -
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”
Edmund Burke As the story of Nidal Hassan unfolds, it becomes painfully clear that the Jihadi Shrink who opened fire on US troops at Fort Hood did everything but spray paint, “I Am Going To Kill You All” on the wall, before he actually carried out his attack...
Holder Didn't Want To Admit KSM Trial Precedent Setting
Subject: txt gwot nsecCNN's John King on Thursday claimed Attorney General Eric Holder intentionally avoided Sen. Lindsey Graham's "stumping" question during the previous day's Senate Judiciary Committtee hearing because he didn't want to admit that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 suspects in a criminal courtroom is indeed precedent setting.
"Can you give me a case in United States history where a enemy combatant caught on a battlefield was tried in civilian court?"
Speaking with WOR radio's Steve Malzberg Thursday, King said,
"He knew the answer to the question. He just wasn't going to say it because...he did not want to be the one saying this is the first time we've ever done this"
(15-minute audio available here, relevant section at 6:50, partial transcript follows along with embedded video of Graham-Holder exchange):
image toon 1st fnn gwot nsec - KSM upset case dismissed for lack of Mirandas
Tax Increase Campaign Item 3: Wars Cost Money And Rich Must Pay
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm libs mny -At this point, there should be little doubt that there is a concerted attempt underway to use the war in Afghanistan as a justification for punitively taxing high earners.
Last weekend the New York Times discovered that wars cost money. It cited Wisconsin Democratic Congressman David Obey's concern that funding the Afghanistan effort at the level requested months ago by General Stanley A. McChrystal would
"devour virtually any other priorities that the president or anyone in Congress had."
Thursday, as reported by AFP, House Democratic heavy-hitters Barney Frank, John Murtha, and (no surprise) Obey announced the "Share The Sacrifice Act of 2010," an income-tax surcharge that overwhelmingly targets high-income earners...
Reality Check...
Subject: txt gwot nsec mny -
"The United States will be paying the price of Iraq for decades to come. The price tag will be all the greater because we tried to ignore the laws of economics -- and the cost will grow the longer we remain."Linda J. Bilmes (teaches at Harvard University) and Joseph E. Stiglitz (professor at Columbia University), writing in the Washington Post.
National Defense Spending as a Percentage of GDP
Source: The Heritage Foundation, based on data from the White House Office of Management and Budget.
- National defense spending as a percentage of total federal outlays in 1990: 23.9%.
- National defense spending as a percentage of total federal outlays in 2007: 20.2%.
Source: Calculated from data in Table 455 of the US Statistical Abstract.
Police Chief Apologizes to Muslims over Fugitive Arrests
Subject: txt islm -
Fallout from a raid on fundamentalist Islamic separatists confirms that police officials take no back seat to politicians and the media when it comes to appeasement.
The Ummah, a violent fundamentalist Sunni Islamic group in Detroit, advocates a separate Islamic state that would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, also known as H. Rap Brown, a veteran of the black power movement now in prison for gunning down two police officers. According to the U.S. Department of justice the Ummah group
“is alleged to have engaged in violent activity over a period of many years, and known to be armed.”
Last month, as the result of a two-year investigation, the FBI raided the Michigan headquarters of the group, now headed by Luqman Ameen Abdullah, sought by the FBI for providing firearms and ammunition to a person known to be a convicted felon, sale or receipt of stolen goods, and other violations. Luqman Ameen Abdullah fired at federal officers, who returned fire and killed him.
In the course of the arrest, Windsor police patted down one of the suspect’s wives. This sparked complaints about police insensitivity. Gary Smith, Windsor’s chief of police, promptly issued a public apology...
Political Islam is bent on world domination
[HT:DG]Subject: txt islm -You might have missed it, but the Islamic Apology Police were on the case of the Republican governor-elect of Virginia, Robert F. McDonnell this week. It seems that following the jihadist attack on Fort Hood, the Rev. Pat Robertson, a longtime ally of McDonnell's, criticized Islam on his television show. And no one in these not- just- politically- but- also- Islamically- correct times is permitted to do that -- not even, as we have learned to our horror, senior Army personnel when presented with incontrovertible evidence that a jihadist is in their ranks... [snip]
To the Post, the Council on American Islamic Relations, calling for McDonnell to disavow Robertson, was "a Washington-based civil rights group for Muslims," and not a Hamas-linked, known Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in the same landmark terrorism trial.
This is crucial information to deny readers.
Behind this latest attempt to stifle criticism of Islam and to make it a liability to associate with such critics are groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which, according to its own manifesto, is engaged in a jihad against the USA. Such information never enters mainstream outlets or debate.
This is because of precisely the sort of hectoring enforcement of Shariah-style prohibitions on criticism, and even examination, of Islam that the Post, in full dhimmi mode, is all too willing to enable...
American Valor: Unit Holds Off Insurgents
Two months after Sept. 11, 2001, in the early days of the war on terror, Amerine’s tiny band of Green Berets had been dropped into Afghanistan to organize and train friendly locals. A guerrilla leader, Hamid Karzai, was trying to mobilize local fighters to oust Taliban radicals from the entire region around Tarin Kowt.
The Taliban assault force rolled out of a mountain pass on Nov. 16, 2001, about 1,000 fighters headed toward a strategic town in south-central Afghanistan that had booted out local Taliban leaders. From a ridge outside Tarin Kowt, capital of Oruzgan province, a 10-man U.S. Special Forces team...
From a ridge outside Tarin Kowt, capital of Oruzgan province, the U.S. Special Forces team, accompanied by a few dozen guerrillas and commanded by Capt. Jason Amerine, directed Navy F-18 airstrikes against the approaching enemy convoy.
Suddenly, with American bombs blasting the enemy as it advanced, the guerrillas decided they’d had enough. They packed into their pickups, threatening to leave the Americans stranded atop the ridge.
“All of us were yelling, trying to get them to stop, but we couldn’t,” Amerine recalled. With no choice but to jump aboard the pickups, “It was just an awful ride for 35 minutes as we retreated all the way back into town.”
When they got back to town, Amerine told Karzai that the Americans needed to get back to the battle or the town would fall.
“So, we basically forced all the drivers out of their trucks, took the trucks, and we drove back out of town,”
Amerine said...
Tibet, Dalai Lama thrown under the bus by Obama
Subject: txt intl china -
The bully boys of the world are finding that negotiating with Barack Obama is like taking candy from a baby...
Flashback: Obama Asked Bush to Do More for the Dalai Lama
Subject: txt intl china -
Way back in March 2008, widespread protests erupted across the Tibetan plateau and were brutally crushed by a massive Chinese security response. On March 28, then-Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama, who had previously shown little interest in Tibet, sent a letter to President Bush chiding him for not doing enough about the situation there and helpfully suggesting some specific steps he should be taking.
A few choice selections: ...
Colombia Says Venezuelan Soldiers Blew Up 2 Border Bridges
BOGOTA — Venezuelan soldiers blew up two pedestrian bridges across the Colombia-Venezuelan border, Colombia's government said Thursday, according to Reuters. It is the latest incident in what is an already-strained relationship.
Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva said explosives were used to blow up the bridges in what he called a violation of international law, Reuters reported...
[And the UN in this instance? Silent.]
Next Critical Global Threat -- Chinese-Style Authoritarian Capitalism
Subject: txt sclm bbro intl -
Throughout the history of this country playing the role of a global power, the United States has faced down threats of fascism and communism. The country is now in the throes of a war against terrorism.
However, on ABC's Nov. 22 "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," a panel consisting of Washington Post columnist George Will, Liz Cheney of Keep America Safe, University of California, Berkeley professor Robert Reich and Walter Isaacson is the President and CEO of The Aspen Institute, warned the next ideological battle facing the country is that which China practices - an authoritarian market society or authoritarian capitalism.
"For 37 years, every administration has bet, since Nixon went to China, on a theory, and the theory was that capitalism, market economy, which requires a judicial system to enforce promises, which are called contracts, needs a vast dissemination of information and decision-making that capitalism by its mores and working would subvert the regime, that you could not have an authoritarian market society," Will said. "It's the Starbucks fallacy. It turns out to be a fallacy, that if the Chinese have a choice of coffees, they'll want a -- they'll demand a choice of political candidates. We may be wrong. It could be you can have an authoritarian system."
Coming off of President Barack Obama's recent trip to Asia, Cheney insisted that Obama would have to project a stronger, more vocal presence if he wanted to reinforce the idea of "freedom and democracy"...
[That assumes he prefers the American system to that of China's - but his actions to date say otherwise.]
"I am betting on Democratic capitalism," Reich added. "But I think that the -- authoritarian capitalism, we cannot understate the threat to the way we go about our -- our business, the way we think about the world."

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Which America Do Americans Want?
Philosophically speaking, there are two Americas, each with a founding father
... The only truth the reigning Democrats concern themselves with can be found in fluctuating polls. To them, good and evil are obsolete notions that only intellectual Neanderthals bother about. They may refer to such concepts, to pacify the masses, as after the 9/11 attacks, or to slander opponents, as when Pelosi compared Tea Party protesters to Nazis, but they do so without genuine conviction. Their only rudder in directing our nation is an insatiable appetite for control. The multitude of lies they have to commit in order to accomplish this end is of no concern, as that end justifies - or will be made to after the fact [via revisionist history, a stalwart of the left]... [snip]
Due to left-enforced 'diversity' (provided it's 'progressive') of thought and the foggy halls of public education that most citizens have trudged through, the picture is less than clear as to which current of thought the American public stands in. This is evident from the fact that, while most Americans consider themselves Christian, a majority also say that truth is relative. Yet, according to a 2004 CBS poll, most Americans don't believe Darwin's theory. And it seems clear that an even greater majority have come to regard the social Darwinism employed by Obama and his congressional cronies as a bust.
Ironically, the very utilitarianism that progressives hold up as their standard inevitably works against them. They may not be intellectually consistent, but Americans in general are correspondingly pragmatic. As such, they can see that, rather than bringing about positive change, the progressive politicians are dismantling our present quality of life and destroying our country's chances for future prosperity.What remains to be seen is if they're capable of resisting the pervasiveof media spin away for the causal relationship and will vote accordingly in 2010...
Reclaiming America's soul
Subject: txt lbrty bbro sclm bdd gdd -
Liberty. Equality. Natural rights. Consent of the governed. Religious freedom. Private property. The rule of law. Constitutionalism. Self-governance. Independence.
Despite a decades-long onslaught, these are the truths that an upbeat Matthew Spalding fervently believes we as a society continue to hold dear... [snip]
"The debate that's going on now is one between progressive liberals and the principles of the Founders. Once we step back and realize that and revive that debate -- as opposed to a debate about a particular policy -- I think that's the way to go and people actually get that."
It's Character, Stupid
Subject: txt bbro sclm crpt bdd othr hstry -
Character matters -- above all else -- for the preservation of liberty and prosperity.
In America we take for granted that our form of government is superior to all others. History teaches us that the direction set by the founders was uncommonly prescient and has established us as the world leader forever. But has it really?
There is a notion that all forms of government inevitably evolve to circumvent their limitations and therefore will degrade into tyranny. While the pessimism of that notion is disheartening, an honest comparison of the current federal monstrosity to the limited republic described in the constitution reveals that we're headed down that highway... [snip]
Solid character is required to stand up against the flow and consider self-restraint and limitation. Solid character is therefore essential to maintain this republic. As Thomas Jefferson stated:
Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society. Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.
Leaders of high moral character are indispensable in the preservation of liberty. But in a democracy, is not the character of its leaders essentially a reflection of the character of its people? Leaders are elected by the people - the path to long-term success is built upon their moral character.
Let us hope that America's great character can be heartily renewed and reflected in our future leaders. Ultimately, the preservation of liberty depends upon it.
[Which is why I support Palin: if the character is there to do real good for the many, the 'how' can be provided by like-minded subject experts whatever the field. If it's not, nothing good can happen regardless of how educated/polished the politician. I.e., First: remember you're a public servant...
Recommended > ]
Gunning for Sarah Palin
Subject: txt palin -
Most of the media hate Sarah Palin. Given the hyperfocused offensive targeted at her, the simple conclusion is that the left-wing establishment views the former Alaska governor as the greatest threat to the current Democratic monopoly on power in Washington. Certainly Mrs. Palin's book tour is generating a lot of enthusiasm across the country, with thousands of admirers flocking to each stop.
Given the critical media assault, Americans wouldn't have a clue that her new book discusses weighty policy issues such as the benefits of the free market and lower taxes, the limits of government regulation, "cap and trade," foreign policy and states' rights or that Mrs. Palin has a Facebook blog providing excellent critiques of the government takeover of the health care industry.
CBS squawked that the book was the work of a ghostwriter, as if that would be a novelty for a politician. Associated Press devoted an unprecedented 11 reporters to "fact check" Mrs. Palin's book.
The wire service did not conduct similar reviews for accuracy of recent books by liberals, such as the late Edward M. Kennedy, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (when he was a senator), Barack Obama (before he was president) or autobiographies by Bill or Hillary Clinton. Nor was such a thorough examination conducted on recent political books by Republicans Rudolph W. Giuliani or Newt Gingrich.
We are still waiting for the same media outlets to dismiss President Obama's speeches on the grounds that they are ghostwritten.
Mrs. Palin has a tough job ahead to try to overcome this media onslaught. But all the attention should inspire the former governor, too. Her political appeal scares the left, which is quite an endorsement...
Fact-Check This, Associated Press
Patience needed to see Sarah Palin in NoblesvillePeople who met former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin tonight at a Noblesville Borders, to get her autograph on her new book, came from the bookstore beaming about her kindness and generosity.
Starstruck, they said the former vice-presidential candidate shook their hands and made small talk with them.
A line of hundreds still waiting to see Palin snaked into the parking lot outside the store's main entrance. They wore wristbands with codes on them to put people into groups for the book signing, which was expected to continue through 9 p.m....
Bloviating Dick Cavett Bashes ‘Know-Nothing’ Sarah Palin, Obsesses Over His Brilliance
Subject: txt msm bias palin bdd fnn -
Don't bother
Subject: txt gdd palin - Palin fans flock to Indiana book signings
Fort Wayne and Noblesville - Former Alaska Governor and Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin visited Indiana Thursday to promote her memoir, Going Rogue.Thousands of people waited for hours outside of a Hamilton County bookstore for the chance to meet her. She first stopped in Fort Wayne to sign her new autobiography before coming to Noblesville for another book signing. It started in the early morning hours...
If a wonderful moderate like Obama can’t work with the obstinate Republicans, as the MSM tries to tell us, Palin would really have trouble. After all, with the Palin types,
“Everything is reduced to us and them.”
That’s an interesting way to define Palin while one of the most partisan, ideologically driven men in U.S. history occupies the White House.
How ever far Palin is to the right of center -- the truth is that Obama is even farther to the left.
Palin believes in a traditional, strong, energy independent America. Meanwhile, Obama is on a quest to fundamentally remake the country. Palin might be a polarizing figure, but Obama is more so. And that is understandable considering that only 20 percent of the country identifies with the liberal sect, of which Obama represents.
What those on the left fail to recognize is that Obama is causing a conservative revival, the likes of which we have not seen “in modern memory.”
I believe the 2010 elections are going to hit out-of-touch elitists like a ton of bricks.