Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What's behind the anti-Tea Party hate narrative?
Subject: txt 1st msm 2010 lbrty -
"Watch your words," warned ABC News, reporting that Clinton "weighed in on the angry anti-government rhetoric, ringing out from talk radio to Tea Party rallies."Former President Clinton is the leading voice of this new narrative. In newspaper interviews, television appearances and a widely discussed speech Friday, Clinton said it's "legitimate" to draw "parallels to the time running up to Oklahoma City and a lot of the political discord that exists in our country today." [ah, no: McVeigh said his acts were in retaliation to the Clinton Administration's 'assault on Americans' in the forms of Wako and Ruby ridge]
The reports dovetailed with earlier media stories depicting Tea Party gatherings as angry mobs, accusing protesters of throwing racial epithets at black lawmakers and of making threats of violence. The implication was that all this could be part of a nationwide trend.
Hate groups do exist across the political spectrum, and have for a long time.
But they have nothing to do with the expressions of frustration over deficits, taxes and Obamacare that we have heard at so many Tea Party gatherings. That frustration, felt by Republicans, independents and Democrats alike, is an entirely mainstream reaction to the sharply activist course the president and congressional leadership have taken. While the level of frustration is indeed a threat, it is a political threat. Ask Democrats running in this November's elections.
It's important to distinguish between a political threat and a physical one.
As Clinton might say, the hate accusers should watch their words...
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm libs -
Grayson: Tea Partiers need mental help
Conyers: “Rational Abilities” of Tea Partiers are “Compromised”
Crashing the Tea Party: A Step-by-Step Media Guide on How to Discredit the Movement
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty msm -
Over the past year since its inception, the media have worked hard to discredit and denigrate the tea party movement. News organizations employed various strategies, from dismissing the protests as astroturf, to using derogatory nicknames for participants, and finally labeling it as a violent extremist fringe. In their futile attempt to get something to stick, the media have become increasingly desperate and irresponsible in their coverage..
Americans' distrust of federal government deepening, poll finds
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty -
WASHINGTON -- Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found Americans not only rejecting the idea of an activist government, but a growing number urging its power be curtailed.
"By almost every conceivable measure, Americans are less positive and more critical of government these days,"
said the report from the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
'Most Transparent White House Ever' Prevents Reporters From Covering Protest
Last week it was liberal Post columnist Dana Milbank snarking about how the nuclear summit was closed off to press scrutiny. Today it's Politico's Ben Smith, who shared with readers in a snarkily-headlined post "Most transparent White House ever," how:
Police chased reporters away from the White House and closed Lafayette Park today in response to a gay rights protest in which several service members in full uniform handcuffed themselves to the White House gate to protest "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
People who have covered the White House for years tell me that's an extremely unusual thing to do in an area that regularly features protests.
A reporter can be seen in the YouTube video above calling the move "outrageous" and "ridiculous."
What Bias? Re: Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews and the 'regime' question
Subject: txt 1t msm 2010 libs fnn -
Rush Limbaugh:
"Never in my life have I seen a regime like this, governing against the will of the people, purposely."
By using the word "regime," Limbaugh was doing something he does all the time: throwing the language of the Left back in their faces.
Apparently some people didn't get it.
On MSNBC, Chris Matthews appeared deeply troubled by the word.

It appears that Matthews has suffered a major memory loss... [snip]
I don't have the facilities to search for every utterance of Joe McCarthy, but a look at more recent times reveals many, many, many examples of the phrase "Bush regime." In fact, a search of the Nexis database for "Bush regime" yields 6,769 examples from January 20, 2001 to the present.
It was used 16 times in the New York Times, beginning with an April 4, 2001 column by Maureen Dowd -- who wrote, "Seventy-five days into the "Bush regime" and I'm a wreck" -- and ending with a March 6, 2009 editorial denouncing the "frightening legal claim advanced by the "Bush regime" to justify holding [accused terrorist Ali al-Marri]."
"Bush regime" was used 24 times in the Washington Post, beginning with a January 22, 2001 profile of Marshall Wittmann by Howard Kurtz -- who noted that Wittmann served as "a Health and Human Services deputy assistant secretary in the first "Bush regime"" -- and ending with an October 6, 2009 column by Dana Milbank which quoted far-left antiwar protester Medea Benjamin questioning whether the Obama administration "looks very different from the "Bush regime"."
Perhaps Matthews missed all of those references. If he did, he still might have heard the phrase the many times it was uttered on his own network, MSNBC.
For example, on January 8 of this year, Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak said that, "In George Bush's regime, only one million jobs had been created…" On August 21, 2009, MSNBC's Ed Schultz referred to something that happened in 2006, when "the Bush regime was still in power." On October 8, 2007, Democratic strategist Steve McMahon said that "the middle class has not fared quite as well under Bush regime as…" On August 10, 2007, MSNBC played a clip of anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan referring to "the people of Iraq and Afghanistan that have been tragically harmed by the Bush regime." On September 21, 2006, a guest referred to liberals "expressing their dissatisfaction with the Bush regime." On July 7, 2004, Ralph Nader -- appearing with Matthews on "Hardball" -- discussed how he would "take apart the Bush regime." On May 26, 2003, Joe Scarborough noted a left-wing website that "has published a deck of Bush regime playing cards." A September 26, 2002 program featured a viewer email that said, "The Bush regime rhetoric gets goofier and more desperate every day."

Oops. Perhaps Joe McCarthy never called the U.S. government a regime, but Chris Matthews did. And a lot of other people did, too. So now we are supposed to believe him when he expresses disgust at Rush Limbaugh doing the same?
POLL: Most American Say Proper To Oppose Supreme Court Nominees Over Ideology Or Judicial Philosophy
Subject: txt bbro legal -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 29% do not think it is fair for a senator to oppose a legally and professionally qualified nominee on the grounds of ideology or judicial philosophy. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.Additionally, 52% of voters believe that in picking someone to serve on the Supreme Court, a nominee’s legal background is more important than ensuring a court that is as diverse as American society. But 36% think ensuring a diverse court is more important. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of voters nationwide already believe the Supreme Court is too liberal. Twenty-five percent (25%) think the high court is too conservative, and 27% feel the court’s ideological balance is about right.READ MORE
USA Today's Biskupic Sees SCOTUS of 'Ideological...Conservatives' and 'Pragmatic Liberals'
Subject: txt bbro msm - What Bias? Re:In a Monday article, USA Today's Joan Biskupic (her “Court Beat” blog) identified retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens as “liberal,” but in an accompanying sidebar on “second court picks by recent presidents,” she saw Republicans naming “ideological” conservatives to advance their agendas while Democrat Bill Clinton picked “pragmatic liberals.”
Yes, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a “pragmatic liberal.”
Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse
Subject: txt crpt msm bbro sclm - libs -Campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on
President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton... [snip]
It would be fair to say that the total amount the Obama administration has received from those affiliated with Goldman Sachs is ten times that of what Bush received from Enron. And it's not even just campaign contributions. There's quite the revolving door at Obama's White House for ex-Goldman employees...
After Obsessing Over Enron's Political Friends, Media Mostly Ignore Much Deeper Obama-Goldman Sachs connections
Subject: txt mny crpt sclm bbro - msm -
President Obama has extensive ties to Goldman Sachs.Obama's inflation-adjusted $1,007,370.85 in contributions from Goldman employees is almost seven times as much as the $151,722.42 (also inflation-adjusted) that Bush received from Enron. Goldman was one of the chief beneficiaries of the TARP bailout package supported by then-Senator Obama... [snip]
Yet even with record-breaking financial contributions and sketchy relationships between Goldman executives and Obama officials at the highest level, the mainstream media will not afford Obama the same scrutiny it gave to George W. Bush during the collapse of Enron...
Seven Reasons Government Has Become Completely Dysfunctional in America
Subject: txt othr hstry 2010 -
The government of our country has become increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and dysfunctional. Although Barack Obama has certainly hastened our government's slide toward mediocrity, the problems didn't begin with him, nor are they likely to end on the very happy day when he leaves office. Moreover, many of the issues that prevent our government from operating at even the sub-optimal quasi-effectiveness of the Feds at their best are very difficult to solve. Still, until you identify the problems, it's difficult to come up with the solutions....
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Report on Iran Undermines President's Missile Defense Policy
Subject: txt nsec -
Remember the two missiles defense sites—one in Poland, the other in the Czech Republic—that the Obama administration cancelled last fall as a goodwill gesture to Russia? The stated rationale at the time was: Since the sites were intended to defend America and our allies from Iranian missiles, and our intelligence estimated that the Iranians were a long way from fielding such missiles, the sites were unnecessary. [?!?]Now, this was a transparently flimsy excuse even at the time. If we believed (which we did then and do now) that Iran is determined to develop ICBMs, then why wait? It takes time to build interceptor and radar sites and make sure they work properly. Is the right time to begin only after the threatening country has in hand the capability which the installations are intended to counter?
But the story gets even fishier. A new estimate sent from the Defense Department to Capitol Hill puts the date at which Iran could threaten the U.S. homeland with a ballistic missile at 2015...
Media Yawns-Ignores Worldwide Plight of Religious Persecution by Muslims
Subject: txt gwot islm msm intl -
Judging by the happy grin on a young Barack Obama growing up in Indonesia, it’s not surprising that he would be sympathetic to Muslim culture but as president of the United States which is still over 80% Christian, he should be demonstrating some balance in that sympathy.
This, however, is not much in evidence because the increasing persecution of Christians around the world by Muslim jihadists is being given short shrift by this administration and their lackeys in the press...
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Iraq: Children beheaded by Qaeda
Subject: txt gwot islm -
Tarmiyah – Five family members of the local chief of an anti-Qaeda militia were gunned down in their homes in Tarmiyah, north of the Iraqi capital on Tuesday, with the children also beheaded, police said. ''The wife, a daughter of 22 and three boys of between 12 and 16 were shot dead, with the assassins also beheading the last three,'' said Tawfiq al-Janaabi, police chief of Tarmiyah, 45km from Baghdad.
The Sahwa, made up of Sunni Arab tribes, switched allegiances to join American and Iraqi forces in fighting insurgents in 2006 and 2007...
[Grim reminder of why we cannot convey the message that America is 'leaving' Iraq.]
Free Speech Denied In Miami
Subject: txt islm -
In an outrageous denial of free speech rights, Miami-Dade Transit last week forced the removal of a “Leaving Islam” ad campaign on Miami buses because the ads might be “offensive to Islam.”
The Freedom Defense Initiative, the new organization I have begun with bestselling author and Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer, and the group Stop Islamization of America started the ad campaign as a defense of religious freedom.
Our ad asked, “Fatwa on your head? Is your family or community threatening you? Leaving Islam? Got questions? Get answers!”
It was the first time anyone offered public help to people threatened under Islam’s death penalty for apostasy.
Miami-Dade Transit allowed the CAIR bus ads despite being offensive to Jews and Christians. The CAIR bus ad campaign ran in Miami-Dade and Broward counties for eight weeks, according to the Miami Herald. Despite the Islamic supremacist nature of the ads no one breathed a word of protest.
I am proud to announce that we are filing suit against Miami-Dade Transit for killing our “Leaving Islam” campaign. We are suing for breach of contract and violation of the first amendment.
This is a key test case. Will free speech stand in the United States, or will public institutions like Miami-Dade Transit give way to Islamic rules governing speech?
The stakes couldn’t be higher...
White House economic advisor refuses to rule out VAT — six different times in one TV appearence
Subject: txt mny sclm hcare -
On Sunday, the New York Times reported that the Obama administration’s economic team was kicking the policy tires on a national value added tax (VAT) as a means of dealing with the deficit, among other things. But earlier today, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration was not considering a VAT.
If Gibbs is telling the truth, then why did White House economic advisor Austan Goolsbee, appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, refuse six different to rule out a VAT?
[Anyone think you get to be presidential 'advisor' without toeing the boss's line?]
Volcanoes? All Your Fault According To NPR
Subject: txt grn libs fnn -
The slogan attached to NPR gabber Diane Rehm’s show is “one of her guests is always you.” Based on Rehm’s interview of Elise Labott, senior State Department producer for CNN, reality isn’t quite as welcome as you are.Consider this exchange between Rehm and Labott: ”Rehm: “We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms –“ Labbot: “And how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen a lot of wacky weather but that’s just a microcosm for what’s happening around the world...
Dem to Obama: Push immigration or I’ll tell Latino voters to stay home
Subject: txt immig -
A congressman from the president’s home state is threatening that he will urge Latino voters to stay home this November if the Democratic Party does not make a concerted effort to pass comprehensive amnesty legislation. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Ill.) is arguably President Barack Obama’s biggest Democratic critic in Congress. And he’s not fond of Obama’s top advisers at the White House, either. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) member has strongly criticized the administration’s policy on deportation of illegal aliens...
Title Nine rules changes announced
Subject: txt lbrty edu sclm bbro bdd vals -
Vice President Joe Biden announced some changes today to the federal Title Nine provision, which requires that colleges and high schools receiving federal funds provide equal funding to sports for males and females.
"Making Title Nine as strong as possible is a no-brainer," Biden said in a news release. "What we're doing here today will better ensure equal opportunity in athletics, and allow women to realize their potential, so this nation can realize its potential."
Namely, Biden said, officials are getting rid of a Bush Administration policy that allowed schools to show they were providing equal access by surveying female students...
[It's not about providing more - most schools can't double their sports spending - it's about further emasculating our boys at every opportunity.]
Freedom of the Mind and the Emasculated Society
Lessons for America today from the ancients
Our contemporary culture has sunk into a morass of lies, hypocrisy, effeminacy, treason, and abandonment that would be worthy of a passage in the Bible. Perhaps, like me, you remember reading about those societies of the Fertile Crescent that passed, almost in the blink of an eye, from a virtuous, honorable, and vigorous lifestyle to idolatry, decadence, and treachery. Could it really occur so fast?

I remember in my own lifetime (I am but fifty years on this earth) going to the movies as a boy and seeing, as role models, Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. And today we have...well, need I utter their despicable names?...
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