Friday, January 8, 2010
All 'major' Taliban leaders are former Gitmo prisoners
[HT:GG]Subject: txt gwot nsec - Kirk:
"All the major leaders” of the Taliban opposition in Southern Afghanistan are former Guantanamo prisoners who have been released, U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) said Thursday.
That is among the things the U.S. Naval Reserve Intelligence officer learned on his holiday deployment to Afghanistan, he told an audience at Chicago’s Union League Club Thursday.
"The remaining Guantanamo prisoners are the toughest ones to crack, the most committed to jihad..."
Holder’s Haste Makes Waste of Intel
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Eric Holder’s Justice Department rushed to file an indictment Wednesday against Flight 253 terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The telling document is a monument to lost opportunity.Come hell or high water, the Obama administration will press ahead with its commitment to treat al-Qaeda’s war against the United States as a crime wave best managed by the federal courts.
“Al-Qaeda,” in fact, is a term you will not find in the seven-page charging instrument...
Obama's Guantanamo obsession
Charles Krauthammer
On Wednesday, Nigerian would-be bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was indicted by a Michigan grand jury for attempted murder and sundry other criminal charges. The previous day, the State Department announced that his visa had been revoked. The system worked.
Well, it did for Abdulmutallab. What he lost in flying privileges he gained in Miranda rights...
Republicans put new hold on TSA nominee Erroll Southers
Subject: txt gwot nsec - 2010 - The nomination of a former FBI agent to lead the Transportation Security Administration hit a new obstacle Wednesday as several Republican senators expressed "serious reservations" about the nominee and pressed the White House for details of incidents in which he improperly accessed a confidential federal database years ago.
[And lying to congress about it whle under oath - you know, the usual.]
'Nonsense, Ridiculous': MSNBC Blasts DeMint For Opposing TSA Unionization
[Meanwhile in our professional, watch-dog media...]
Imagine it being as hard to fire an incompetent airport screener as it is to fire an incompetent teacher.
Think that might have any implications for our safety and security? Evan Kohlmann apparently doesn't. In fact, the NBC terrorism consultant thinks opposition to unionizing the employees of the Transportation Safety Administration is "nonsense" and "ridiculous."
Kohlmann made his comments on MSNBC this afternoon in the course of condemning Sen. Jim DeMint for opposing TSA unionization. The Republican senator from South Carolina has put a hold on the nomination of Erroll Southers to head the TSA because of the nominee's apparent intent to unionize the TSA...
David Shuster teed up Kohlmann's tirade [the video bears watching to see just how contemptuous Kohlmann appeared] . . .
Giving and taking away 'care'
Subject: txt hcare -
Recently, during a bit of banter on Fox News, my colleague Jonah Goldberg reminded me of something I had all but forgotten. In September, during his address to Congress on health care, President Obama declared:
"I am not the first president to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last."
Dream on.
The monstrous mountain of toxic pustules sprouting from greasy boils metastasizing from malign carbuncles that passed the Senate on Christmas Eve is not the last word in "health care" but the first. It ensures that this is all we'll be talking about -- now and forever... [snip]
In Canada, once the wait times for MRIs exceeded two years, the government distracted the citizenry with a royal commission appointed to study possible "reforms," which reports back a couple of years later, usually with recommendations to strengthen the government's commitment to every Canadian's right to health care by renaming the Department of Health the Department of Health Services and abolishing the Agency of Health Administration and replacing it with a new Agency of Administrative Health Operations, which would report to a reformed Council of Health Policy Administrative Coordination to be supervised by a streamlined Public Health Operations Administration Assessment Bureau.
This package of "reforms" would cost a mere 12.3 gazillion dollars and usually keeps the lid on the pot until the wait times for MRIs start creeping up over three years.

- within 18 weeks...
image toon 1st fnn hcare = Homeland - Healthcare systems work
Getting Control of Congress, Permanently
Subject: txt crpt lbrty 2010 hcare mny reps libs bdd -
More than at any time in recent history, we are experiencing a disconnect between national political leaders and the citizenry whereby the former is literally ignoring the will of the latter.
Particularly galling is the revelation that Senate leaders bought critical votes on the health care bill by dumping hundreds of millions in special benefits into states whose senators had withheld support -- until they got their bribe.
In answer to the public outcry, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid shrugs and says that any senator who "does not seek as much as he can" for his own state isn't doing his job.
It's time to look to the states, where more tools are available to rein in profligate legislators. If similar constitutional restraints were imposed on Congress, many if not all of the recent abuses would be prevented.. [snip]
The three most basic controls that the people have placed in state constitutions do not exist at the federal level. These are balanced budget amendments, line item vetoes, and single-subject requirements...
The election route and the constitutional route are complementary, not alternative. Anyone who wants to reestablish control over the Congress should get active now for the midterm elections of 2010.But they should also see to it that these three changes to the U.S. Constitution be submitted for consideration in all state legislatures, just like the call for the 17th Amendment was. Enough activity at the state level could send a powerful message to Washington.
Dems intend to bypass GOP on health 'compromise'
Subject: txt hcare -
WASHINGTON — House and Senate Democrats intend to bypass traditional procedures when they negotiate a final compromise on health care legislation, officials said Monday, a move that will exclude Republican lawmakers and reduce their ability to delay or force politically troubling votes in both houses. The unofficial timetable calls for final passage of the measure to remake the nation's health care system ...
[I.e., a 'compromise' between Democrats only.
Evidently we've now a one party system in America.]
C-Span's Lamb: Obama used us as a political football
Subject: txt hcare crpt libs reps msm -
C-Span CEO Brian Lamb told Bill Press on his radio show this morning that C-Span would not be doing anything further to push for coverage of health care negotiations. However, he expressed clear disappointment in the White House's attitude toward transparency in negotiations.
Gibbs Refuses to Address Obama's Broken C-SPAN Promises
Subject: txt hcare msm fnn - Given the generally sycophantic attitude of the White House Press Corps, Robert Gibbs may have been caught off guard when he started facing some tough questions on President Obama's apparent flip-flop regarding his many promises to broadcast health care negotiations on C-SPAN.
Gibbs stubbornly refused to answer multiple questions about the broken promises...
Pelosi says Congress close to health deal
Subject: txt hcar -WASHINGTON – U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday congressional Democrats were close to agreement on merging their healthcare bills...